I didn't get a chance to post on Saturday I had a really busy day (I had my sons 7th birthday party)
Thanks for all your comments last week about the AF beer both for and against - I decided I would get some on Friday - my in laws came for the full night for a few drinks so I thought it might help. I found that it did help me (I only had one and a bit!) I think its something that I will use in the short term to help me out. I also found that it wasn't so bad not having a drink while others were drinking - they just talked a bit louder than me!
As I mentioned yesterday I drank on Saturday - I didn't plan to but we had some friends coming over after my sons party for the night> I was a bit stressed out after the party - it was hard work! and a few things went wrong - I think I was just tired and went along with it for the sake of habit.
I'm not too cross with myself because I think I am learning all the time - I jumped straight back on the wagon yesterday and this is the start of Day 2 again for me.
Does anybody else have people fighting them to carry on drinking - it's unbelievable! When I mention that I'm trying to stop drinking people are amazed - my friend said on Saturday that I wouldn't have any friends if I didn't drink and she was only half joking! This comment annoyed me but I bit my tongue and thought how sad she was for saying it - she obviously thinks its ok to drink yourself unconscious.
On the plus side though - my husband is the only one who really knows how I feel about drinking and he seems to be thinking about his own drinking habits - he would always drink on a Sunday but he didn't yesterday so I do have one ally!!
Wish you all a good week Janice, Cindi, Wantrealmeaning, aquamarine, lorelei, retteacher, vinophile and all the others who might follow today (I know I haven't said you all but I'm getting there) xxxxxx