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Thursday 1st May

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    Thursday 1st May

    Morning to everyone

    I want so say a big THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!! to all that replied to me yesterday all your comments were really really helpful (Want - no way did you overstep the mark!):thanks:

    Ultimately this is completely in my hands and I am learning all the time. When I first joined I thought - I can do this no problem - how wrong I was! Like you say it takes time and hard work and dedication.

    I'm not there yet mentally but am working hard on it - it's in my thoughts the most part of every day this is not just a whim and I m glad I've got you guys to talk to otherwise I would be back to square one. I'm not yet ready to commit to 30 days but there will be a time when I do (and have 100% conviction) and I know you will be there for me.

    I've got some serious work to do in changing my lifestyle at weekends - I have no weekends planned (apart from this coming weekend) for the next few weeks - so the choice of what I do is in my hands. Thanks once again.

    On a much lighter note - Has anybody got anything good planned for the weekend ( I like to know what people are up to!) We have a long weekend in the Uk for May Day- wht is everyone doing???

    Have a great great day xxxxxxxxxxx

    Thursday 1st May

    Good morning everyone.....and a much brighter one here in the south-east of England. Just dashing off to work but can't resist logging on and reading the end of yesterday's posts.

    With an attitude like that Seen, you will soon get to the place you want to be. Just keep at it.

    I'm off to Warwick Races on Monday, with my husband's work.......apparently they have got a box and there's pimms served at 12.30.....not for moi though!!!! My kids are home for the weekend too.

    Anyway, must dash, will definitely be back later...............have a great day!!

    love Janicexxx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Thursday 1st May

      You are spot on - I think the learning never stops!! Cant work out if thats good or bad news sometimes but when I"m serious, I know its good news!!

      I know when I started out I just knew that I had to change HEAPS in my life because things that I had been doing previously had got me to a very bleak place so to get out of that needed change. By nature, I resist change with almost every cell of my body so I had to work on that big time. Thing is.. when you start to change and stick with it it does get easier... and no matter how hard life is sometimes, even now, for me, I know going back would be much worse.

      Anyway, have a great day here everyone and stay focussed on the main game. Its our lives we are talking about here.


        Thursday 1st May

        Good Morning Abbers!!

        My Secy is off these next 3 days so I'm stuck doing her job and this will be my only moment to post today - darn it!

        Seen, if I may suggest that you look at 30 days not so much as racking up 30 days straight AF but more so as a 30 day journey where you consciously review the role of AL in your life. It really does take time to gather up all the reasons, triggers and emotions of drinking and using your 30 days to do a full accounting is a great first step and the best part is you get to share this with all you buddies here who most certainly will help you sort things out.

        Well cup of coffee time and off to work! Have a super great AF day everyone!
        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
        Watch this and find out....


          Thursday 1st May

          Hi everyone! I'm joining you guys for my first 30 days & hopefully more!! 32 of the last 40 days have been AF - so onwards & upwards. I'm looking forward to hitting some big numbers - but still ODAT!!

          Take care
          Ooops!! I posted on the wrong thread. Will pay more attention next time!!
          The mind is in its own place, and in itself
          Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

          John Milton


            Thursday 1st May

            Hi Everyone: I couldn't be happier that a new month is starting! I'm committed to a totally AF May. While I haven't been perfect lately, I know that some of the ingrained habits that go w/drinking have been broken.

            There was a time when I couldn't cook wo/a glass of wine nearby. I couldn't do chores wo/wine. Now, those things don't go together the way they used to. MWO is the biggest reason for any success I've had.

            Thank you everyone. I'll check back later. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Thursday 1st May

              Hi Everyone. Happy May and here is to another month of AF , or at least an attempt at it.
              What 4the Boyz said is so true that it really takes time and really devoted time to start to try to figure out the role of AL in your life along with all the reasons, triggers, and ways it is so entrenched in you. I was so ignorant to so much of that when I first started and it made it really impossible to make any headway. This has been a real journey of self discovery ( hope I don't sound too corny) that in some ways I wasn't expecting, but has been so so worth it.
              Seen- Knowing you are not ready to commit to AF 30 days is really realistic of you at his point probably. Although I would recommend it, you truly can't do it until you are ready.
              Just having the thoughts going is heading in the right direction and you will know if and when you want to make a change. This weekend for me is going to revolve around my kids baseball games and working in the yard. Not too exciting, I know but I do actually enjoy the games. Maybe go out to dinner somewhere in there.
              Jinja- Welcome. Congratulation on your 32 AF days. We all know what an accomplishment that is. Look forward to hearing from you.
              Hi Janice and About Time and everyone else to follow. Be Well and Stay Strong! Aquamarine
              AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                Thursday 1st May

                Morning all :hiya:

                Seen, so glad I didn't over step the mark, I was a bit worried I might have. They were some ?'s I've had to asked myself. I'm so pleased to see you here this morning.

                Hi Janice, I'm sure you'll do fine at the races AF, hope the weather is nice for you.

                Hi OTT, 4TB, Jinja, your welcome on this thread too,

                Mary, really pleased to hear your still so positive and strong.

                I haven't got anything planned this weekend, no spare cash, might see if I can gather the kid's (it gets harder as they get older, such busy social lives). and go for a nice walk on Monday weather permitting and if their social lives allow it. :H

                They do like coming for walks with me even though the girls are teenagers, they don't mind hanging out with mum, we have a good time together, especially recently. My kids are brilliant :l:h.

                Take care everyone, I'll try and get on again later
                AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                Snake....... come crawling,
                There's fire in your eyes,
                Bite me, excite me,
                I'll learn to realize.

                The poison transmuted,
                Brings eternal flame.
                Open me to heaven,
                To heal me again.


                  Thursday 1st May

                  Morning all
                  Seen...When I first arrived here, I waivered for months, so wanting to take that plunge..the body was willing (actually yelling...."please do"), but the mind was not. For me, I wanted to commit with everything I had and to do that I would have to face every obstacle head on that would normally turn me to the drink. A bad day at work, an argument, the famous HALT, heck even a hangnail!!!..I didn't need much to tell myself I deserve a drink. I still have days when I think a drink is the answer. For me remembering my bottom, snaps me back to reality. I never want to forget that feeling..I was creeping closer and closer to deaths door, physically and mentally.

                  Janice, how is that new job going? You are sounding much better!!

                  About time,4theboyz, Jinga, and Mary, you all sound well, new month, new resolve..everyone to follow, hope you have a good beginning of May.....
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    Thursday 1st May

                    Hi Aqua, crossed posts,

                    Hi Charlee,

                    All the thinking about going AF, trying, slipping, relapses, fears, realisation that it's gonna be harder than you thought, anger, tears, selfpity, excuses, the whole proccess of getting there, I see as the foundations for the rest of my life.
                    Does that make any sense? I'm not sure I've explained myself very well, it's just something thats starting to come to mind.
                    AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                    Snake....... come crawling,
                    There's fire in your eyes,
                    Bite me, excite me,
                    I'll learn to realize.

                    The poison transmuted,
                    Brings eternal flame.
                    Open me to heaven,
                    To heal me again.


                      Thursday 1st May

                      21 days AF and planning for another for another 31 in May. Went for Tapenyaki last night. Everyone was pounding back the Sake. I find that I am only frustrated for about the first 10 minutes and then I am fine. Funny though, I have less tolerance for spending any time in the bar and prefer just going back to my hotel room and watching some T.V. Looking forward to getting home and catching up on some yard work.

                      Fresh start for a new month. Good luck to all.


                        Thursday 1st May

                        Hi Want...I often wish I could explain myself better too, I don't feel I can write as eloquent as others, but yeppers you do make sense!!!I know it sounds overwhelming, and all those feelings you mentioned, I think we have all had, but as mentioned over and over it is a process, sometimes a bumpy one, but as long as the keep our eye on the prize...we can get there. Again, for me, taking it ODAT works..I still make no promises for tommorow and will never say many broken promises.....I find a do a lot of talking to myself and oh the conversations I have!!!.....We all have different ways of getting to where we want to be no matter the goal....slow, steady, commited, looking at each new day as the first day of this journey.....the journey just gets better...
                        sobriety date 11-04-07


                          Thursday 1st May

                          Mohun: Yes, it's all about waiting out the desire. After a while, I stop wanting it. M
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Thursday 1st May

                            Good Morning All,

                            Sounds like all is well in ABS land today. It's so good in fact that I have decided not to mod after the 90 day mark - and it is rapidly approaching.

                            My reasons are many - the most important being that I am dealing with marital issues and I really need to keep my head about me. Sometimes I think I spent my first 30 days holding on by my fingernails, the next 30 feeling so much better and the last 30 coming to the realization that now I have to deal with my big issues soberly. Frankly, I would really like to climb back in the bottle occasionally - a little oblivion sounds good some days. But I'm not going to go there - especially critical when I feel so vulnerable. The other thing that keeps me sober is FEAR. I'm afraid that if I mod I may end up worse than I started. I'm also afraid that it will be much harder to quit next time. (Much as I love Cindi, I don't want to actually go where she has been).

                            Want, you are going to do well here.
                            Char, I always understand what you are talking about

                            I have to run now. Have a great AF day All,

                            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                              Thursday 1st May

                              Grrrrr....very very angry.

                              Its a technical thing so I won't bore you with all the details but needless to say someone's ignorance cost my company $3000. They are now using that ignorance to say they are not responsible for our loss. Grrrrr....I want to hit something really hard.

                              Suddenly I see
                              This is what I want to be
                              suddenly I see
                              Why the hell it means so much to me.

                              -KT Tunstall

