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Thursday 1st May

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    Thursday 1st May


    A compromise may be in order - hit someTHING really hard Just make sure it's soft.

    Glad to see that you are handling this well - No AL last night, I presume.


    Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


      Thursday 1st May

      Happy May Day ABeroooonies!

      Beck, that make sense...there is a big different from SOD (special occasion drinks) and MODs which to me kind of implies we are ok to drink like 'regular' people but just don't over do it....whatever that means!

      Lorelei, breath, this too shall pass. sorry to hear your bummed out.

      Great thread again today happy to see. I have to run off to a trade show at a casino (in past days I'd be gleefully running to the bar for a wake up drink perhaps or one on the way out). So glad not to be in the grips of any addiction (except starbucks) LOL

      Jinja, big welcome to you!

      4thboyz, don't break a nail typing today
      be well everyone.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Thursday 1st May


        You are correct no Al, possibly too many smokes but hey one issue at a time.

        The thing that gets me is that this guy was in effect saying: Hey I lack the basic knowledge to do my job. I'm incompetent and there is nothing you can do about it. Not only can you not do anything about it but you should have realized how incompetent I am and since you didn't I'm not responsible.


        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Thursday 1st May


          Being a grown up kind of adult you know that there are some people who never accept responsibility for anything. (Think about the lawsuit where the guy spilled hot coffee on himself and blamed McD's b/c the coffee was too hot)

          Breathe in/ breath out. Time to let it go now.

          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


            Thursday 1st May

            I took a walk, grabbed a burrito or two and now I'm fine.

            In general it takes alot to make me mad, I get mad for a while and then it goes away. I still have a hankering for some chocolate but I go see the dentist this afternoon so maybe after that's done I might grab some dark chocolate and send myself to heaven.

            Until then I have a ton of things totake care of here at the office so time to get em done.

            Thanks all for letting me vent!!

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Thursday 1st May

              Deep breaths Lorelei! I have a tech who makes me want to scream sometimes - same sort of situation! Drives me mad!

              I am pumped for AF May, but worried. Not much going this weekend, except a run on sunday (the drinking club), but I think I will be able to handle that. My problem is late at night - my triple addition! Book, Wine, Ciggies. Keeping busy in the evenings I do, but that is not when I drink anyway! I have to retrain myself - read in bed instead, where I won't drink. I also have a beau who is a real enabler - always making sure I have a good stock of wine in the house. I told him no last night, when he went to turn into the liquor store parking lot to buy me a box of wine. He is actually sort of nervous - not sure why - nervous about me doing this. Like he is scared. Couples who drink together, play together. Couples who play together stay together. I have a feeling it may have something to do with that. I won't be that fun girl who has wild dance parties in the middle of the night anymore - takes alot of wine to stay up so late and dance so long!

              Anyway, rambling here. Temps are warming up again on the prairie - hope to catch some rays this weekend.
              Success to everybody!!!!


                Thursday 1st May

                Hi everyone

                Have had a very busy day. Hospital visit to cousin who is terminally ill which drains me but makes me so thankful for my health. How could I keep ruining it by pouring Al down my throat? Great to see everyone so positive, it was great to log on this evening and see you all in such a good place. I am going to a communion on Sunday but will be driving so thats me sorted. I'm being extra vigalent this week with the stress of the hospital visits etc. Stress is one of my biggest triggers.



                  Thursday 1st May

                  I'm going to sign out for tonight. Goodnight friends in abs-land. It was a sober first day of May...not that I didn't think about it. I'm just happy I stayed sober. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012

