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Thursday 8th May

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    Thursday 8th May

    Morning All,

    What a great day this is - 30 days for Want and Big Mac. I honestly believe that the ABS thread is a great place to be for racking up those AF days.

    Seen, thanks for starting us off.

    Jinja, post stuff as you see fit. It helps - sometimes you just need to talk something through. And that is truly scary stuff.

    Lor, best of luck on your minor surgery. Keep at the sobriety.

    D-Cat, sounds like you have made a good decision and are happy about it. Good for you

    Char, good to "see" you around here more often..

    Jessie, Lila, Flying, Mohun - (apologies to those not mentioned) everyone is doing so well and sounding so upbeat.

    Great day all,

    Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


      Thursday 8th May

      jinja;323234 wrote: Good morning,

      I just feel I need to process some thoughts/feelings. I am viewing this as a way of recovery as I have suppressed who I am & how I feel for so long that for me this is an important step.

      Daft that it suddenly struck me that I also get hit by that sudden adrenalin rush that lodges itself in my solar plexus - which then hurts after the initial cause has been solved. My solution to this used to be AL (comfortably numb as 4TBoyz once said).

      The everyday stuff is my new battle and has brought me much closer to truely understanding and empathising with my daughter. A positive step as this type of recognition for me is a new and mystifying exprience.

      Thanks for listening - I know to many that this was a very 'duh!' statement - maybe that's why the anonymity of this forum is so helpful.

      Take care
      Ah Jinja,

      An epiphany! Good show! I think that you are using the forum just fine.
      You might feel the shield of anonymity, but to me you have a face, and a mind,
      and a viewpoint, and most of all a heart.

      with love, and healing, Sam


        Thursday 8th May

        Good job, to those who have passed an intermediate goal.
        You deserve a hearty "Well Done". I hope I never pass your number,
        but please be ever mindful. Certainly we all must be vigilant,
        perhaps to the end of our lives.

        with love, health and healing, a sober Sam


          Thursday 8th May

          Wow ... we really are racking up the big numbers. Congrats to all of you. i really think that we are all making such good progress this month. Everyone really seems determined to stick with this. i am only on day 10 (wow that is double digits), but I hope to be celebrating 30 days real soon.


            Thursday 8th May

            Happy Thursday ABarooos!

            gotta be brief shower here at the hotel didn't work so I had to switch rooms this morning. arg!

            huge congrats to Wantrealmeaning and Big Mac!! and all whom have attained great goals.

            I'm doing well here on the road. got in late last night and pretty well just crapped out.
            Cindi, I hope you are joining us soon dear! extra hugs XXXXXX

            be well my friends
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Thursday 8th May

              Hi all

              Great day in May with sunshine at last! That nasty bottle has been lurking but I am so inspired by you guys reaching your milestones. As Sam said, we can't relax, but oh how much better is life!

              nj xx


                Thursday 8th May

                Just checking in quickly here before starting some lab work.
                Congrats to Want and Big Mac. Hurray!!!!!!!!!
                Jessie - feeling crappy?? I know what you mean. I am now on Day 8, feeling great that I did a full week AF, but still struggling.

                Last night, while battling with my urges for the cool Chilean in my fridge, I had to tell myself - outloud - no, your aim is not to drink wine on work nights, so if you are going to screw up, at least don't do it on a work night!!!! Maybe not the right mantra for someone who is supposed to be AF for 30 days, but I have become rather ODAT this last few days. Everyday is a battle, and so far - I have won them, although it has been hard. Truly, my goal in joining this group really is to stop the weekday drinking - I don't think I am trying to drown anything out or numb myself for any real reason - I am just such a creature of habit, and now have a hard time changing that habit and obviously have developed a physical dependency (otherwise, why would I be such a basketcase!!). I am attempting 30 days, but taking it bit by bit, hour by hour. That's all I can do.

                Have a thrilling thursday!


                  Thursday 8th May


                  WOW, what alot of days you all have racked up!! Congrats all around, :goodjob:

                  And here I am "back at day 4", but not looking at it that way or I will go nuts! I must just do this ODAT, but am really aiming for months, then years etc...............the ONLY way I can do it, here and AA are working again................feel REALLY good about it!

                  Lots of love to you all!!:l

                  PS, I'll take some cool spring weather here, it is like 90 degrees here already, our "spring" lasted about a week!!!:H:H


                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Thursday 8th May

                    Hi everyone.....sorry I'm right behind on reading posts, not had any time over the last few days and I've really felt it today. Just had to say a huge WELL DONE to Want!!!! 30 days!!! roud:

                    love Janicexxx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Thursday 8th May

                      Hi all. I really just want a beer. Right now. I didn't take my daughter to her climbing wall class last nite because we forgot. I paid for it. I try so hard to be a good mom, and she is disappointed that she missed her class. ANd I am the only parent that cares.
                      And I feel a little dizzy today, and the last few days.
                      Now they're fighting but I'm not going to have a beer.


                        Thursday 8th May

                        Everyone: I'm posting late but am feeling very strong. We just finished our 4 day tour of duty w/the g-sons (3 & 4)...including one overnight. It was fun but very tiring, & I'm glad to be joining MWO again. I read yesterday's daily thread, & there was a lot of positivity there. Thank you so much everyone for being here & having sobriety be a #1 priority. I realize that it has to be that way in my life regardless of what is happening. I'm sober today & very grateful for that sobriety. Love, Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Thursday 8th May

                          Congrats to all who have been hitting the 30 day milestone. I am on day 8 - just got to my hotel and am fighting the urge to have a drink with colleagues - heading to the gym instead - hopefully that will give me the strength I need and I can stay on that treadmill til they leave the bar!

