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Friday 9th May

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    Friday 9th May

    Morning all

    Hope everyone is still doing well and being cheerful.

    Happy birthday to all the other Taureans and thanks for the kind words on Monday.

    Also congratulations to everyone on their AF milestones.

    I am now starting day 8 now and really pleased to have got this far. I haven't been posting much because as well as the exhaustion I have had a real case of the blues. Nothing that my MWO friends can really help with just something I have to get through.

    Anyway just wanted to let you all now I have been thinking of you all even if I haven't been posting.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Friday 9th May

    Morning Loppylugs you beat me to it!!

    Good morning to all to follow. I too am very tired this week - not sleeping well at all its really frustrating!!

    Well the weekend is here again - I have a quiet chilled out weekend planned in the lovely weather - doing a bit of this and a bit of that! What's everyone else got planned?

    I'll keep it short and sweet this morning - wish you all a great day - see ya later xxxxx


      Friday 9th May

      Morning everyone

      Hope all have a good weekend planned and that everyone stays strong through any temptation thrown their way!!

      Flying ? kisses galore hey ? ohhhh, I fancy some of that!! What a nice way to motivate your AF goals.

      Lorilei ? Good luck for you today. Lots of positive wishes being sent your way. XX

      Disapproving - hope all went well last night!

      Lila ? as a parent we can always find something to beat ourselves up about. You?re human honey, we all make mistakes!! You?re doing a great job. Remember ? you don?t get an instruction manual, you?ve just got to fly by the seat of your pants!! Enjoy the ride when you can.

      4theboyz ? I?m definitely on for a showdown end of June.

      Thanks all for kind words ? introspection is alive and well in South Africa. Lol

      I was quite wired last night so I made myself go to bed really early. Feeling ODAT with all these new physical / emotional things. (coming off the anti-depressants, so I think some of these issues are starting to emerge).

      Lots of hugs to all.

      Take care
      The mind is in its own place, and in itself
      Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

      John Milton


        Friday 9th May

        it is very good.thanks


          Friday 9th May

          Day 8!!!

          Hi everybody,
          Day 8 and I am feeling so much better today. Yesterday's blues are over. I've got to look after the grand kiddies tomorrow morning and seeing that it is Mother's day on Sunday I'll take them all out for a lovely lunch. I'm looking forward to it.
          Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            Friday 9th May

            Oh God, I?ve just remembered I have a birthday party to attend this afternoon. I am so bad at these social affairs! I am quite shy, esp in large gatherings and a slug or 2 of AL definitely helps me relax. I will be strong ? even if I have to hide in the bathroom!!

            Take care
            The mind is in its own place, and in itself
            Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

            John Milton


              Friday 9th May

              Good Day to all!

              Day 13 here along with the friends are having a party this weekend and I am a bit nervous. I have a plan....

              1. bring my own af drink
              2. say no to all shots/invites to drink
              3. go outside when needed
              4. find the music room and dance
              5. leave when i can't take it anymore

              i think my plan is good, but i am nervous.
              this will be my first party, and these people party!! how have you all done in a party setting? i know many of you struggled with communions last weekend and it was good to see some advice then. but my time is now....
              please keep me in your thoughts...did i mention, the party is for's my bday on saturday....first bday af in who knows how long!!!????!!!

              ( I guess it is true, wisdom does come with age!!!LOL)
              Thank you for your support!


                Friday 9th May

                Hi Everyone,
                This weekend have fancy dress to attend. Mr East and I are going as pirates, no bottles of Rum!!!
                I will be driving home, so got out of drinking at this one. Tomorrow will be Day 50 AF for me,got to stick to my guns or Cutluses whatever!!!!

                Have a great Friday.

                In life we can live out our dreams its true
                the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                  Friday 9th May

                  Hi everyone,

                  Thanks for all my congrats yesterday, I'm still buzzing

                  Hi Loppy, congratulations on day 8, keep going. I hope the blues lift soon honey, I know it can be hard to post when your feeling low but it's not something you have to endure alone, I'm sure that there are lot's of people here who would want to help you turn your blues into :rays:.

                  Hi Seen, have you got any hypno or meditation CD's, they really help me sleep. I bought a couple of this guys CD's years ago and I've been using them recently, they're brill.
                  I just noticed he's got an addiction one so I'm gonna see about getting it.

                  Hypnosis Tapes - Hypnotherapy CDs - Self Help
                  Glenn Harrold official site - Home - 6k -

                  Jinga, your story about the armed robbery was awful, god bless you all. Check out the hyno links above because he does a 'child confidence tape', it might help your daughter.
                  Good luck at the b'day party, stay strong.

                  Jessie, glad your feeling better, well done on day 8.

                  Flyinhigh, good luck at your party, you have a good plan there. I haven't been in any situations like that yet so I have no advice, just want to wish you a very happy AF birthday for Saturday:bday7:.

                  Hi Eastender, hope you have a good weekend.

                  I have one of my best friends coming round on Saturday night. I've told her that I'm not drinking any AL but she can bring some wine for herself. She said she'll be ok without and that I'm about the only person she feels confident enough not to have to have a drink around. Nice complement for me, not so good for her. Yes, she does have a drinking problem and was on antabuse a few years ago but stopped taking it and has carried on drinking. I haven't seen her since last October because of my depression and more recently because of my being AF. Now that I have my 30days AF I feel strong enough to be around people who drink. I've got a feeling it's going to be one of those big heart to heart nights, which will be interesting minus the alcohol, we'll actually be able to remember what we were talking about :H.

                  Hello to everyone to come :waving:

                  Stay strong
                  AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                  Snake....... come crawling,
                  There's fire in your eyes,
                  Bite me, excite me,
                  I'll learn to realize.

                  The poison transmuted,
                  Brings eternal flame.
                  Open me to heaven,
                  To heal me again.


                    Friday 9th May

                    Morning all
                    7:00 a.m. here on the east coast and already so many posts.....
                    Those of you attending festivities this week sound like you have a plan in mind. When I had my first few parties, the thinking and planning exhausted me as I was anticipating the big questions...Why?, Oh, just have one, and of course you party pooper......Turned out nobody really cared that I was not drinking, I just made it a huge deal in my head...all that worry for naught...

                    Want, I can tell by your post your Saturday night visit is truly a big step for you....sounds like there might even be a few happy tears shed. I hope you enjoy and keep us posted how it all turns out.

                    Good luck to all the abbers this weekend in maintaing your goals.....

                    Flyin...Happy Birthday..Love your plan.....celebrate your new found freedom!!
                    sobriety date 11-04-07


                      Friday 9th May

                      Good morning everyone. It is Day 10 for me! I am so thankful you've all been here.
                      Oh, my little one just woke up!


                        Friday 9th May

                        Good Morning to all.

                        Everyone seems to be doing so well. I know its the weekend so we all need to be even more committed to being AF. It's so easy to let yourself think that one drink will not make a difference and since we are all here I know we all know that is not the case.

                        Flyin-Happy Birthday and nice chatting with tyou last night.

                        Everyone have a great AF day!!!!


                          Friday 9th May

                          29 days AF and counting. No modding for me. Hope everyone has a great AF free day.



                            Friday 9th May

                            Good morning - I had to mow the lawn this morning before we get a deluge. I got inside right at the first clap of thunder.

                            Since I did that big job I can sit around all day :H NOT

                            Thank you Jinja - my night went well. Call me "madame president" please! There was really good quality wine being poured too - ah well. I absolutely noticed a few ladies getting buzzes on, it's funny how sentimental and affectionate some people get when their gears are loosened, isn't it? But I was able to make my little speech without looking at my notes.

                            Flyinhigh - happy birthday! celebrate with chocolate cake, and eat the frosting first.

                            Congrats to all on their successes and stay mindful of your goals throughout the weekend - we're all strong people, getting stronger. We can't control a lot of things that happen to us, but we can say no to AL if we choose to.

                            Happy Mothers day to all the moms. And an extra :l to those of us whose moms aren't here.
                            The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                            Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                            W Whitman

                            90+ days yay!


                              Friday 9th May

                              Morning All,

                              I attended Muffins for Mom with my 7 year old daughter. Apparently she now gets to approve my attire - red sweater not the blue and "big hoopy earrings are always better than small boring earrings". Quite fun. I love these little moments that I now get to enjoy (rather than endure with a hangover). And my husband just called to ask me out to dinner tonight. For the last week or so we've gotten along better than we have in literally YEARS. All is very well in Beck-land.

                              Wonderful how well folks on this thread are doing. Having a plan for the weekend is key esp when you are just starting out. I think Char is right - normal people don't obsess over drinking. If you are not drinking they hardly notice and if they do don't think it is odd.

                              Have a great weekend all,

                              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter

