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Saturday 10th May

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    Saturday 10th May

    Morning all

    Very quick this morning _ I amworking this morning (why did I agree to work on a Saturday!)

    Hope my mood improves today - woke up feeling a bit miserable - still not sleeping must look up some ways to ovrcome this - Want thanks for ur tips and have a good night tonight - get sat out in your new garden!

    Start of Day 6 and must bear in mind (Sat is the killer day for me) that if I wake up tomorrow and have had a drink I will feel a million times worse than I do now !

    Happy Saturday to everyone xxxx

    Saturday 10th May

    Morning Seen and everyone to follow!!

    Good luck today Seen, you CAN get through today!!! Just keep telling yourself you "choose" not to drink today; that your reward is NOT to drink, not the other way round. This way of thinking has got me out of some tricky situations over the last 74 days!!

    Well I have to say with work, kids home and everything else this week I've felt a bit of a detachment from MWO and I haven't liked it!!! I've sort of felt "vulnerable" if thats the word??? One thing I know, I really do need this site to keep me right, to keep me focused on that path, how powerful is that? RJ you have set up something really special here.

    Today I've got loads of catching up to do in the house and garden as tomorrow we're out for the day so what I'm going to fit into today is nobody's business!!!! One things for sure I'll be back here late afternoon for "my" time and hopefully catch up with everyone.

    sending love, best wishes and so much gratitude to you all

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Saturday 10th May

      Morning All,

      Seen....I don't like working weekends either. I feel like I'm stealing time from my loved ones. I hope your mood improves.

      Janice... 74 days...Awesome!!!

      27 days for me. I feel the beast tugging and niggling in the back of my mind but I learned a little trick from the Bhuddists; to recognise the craving for what it is, be aware that it's only a thought and wait for it to pass. Other, less harmful thoughts will eventually evict the self destructful ones and I can carry on with my day.
      I hope you all have a Saturday you can smile about on Sunday morning.


        Saturday 10th May

        Janice;324164 wrote: Morning Seen and everyone to follow!!

        Good luck today Seen, you CAN get through today!!! Just keep telling yourself you "choose" not to drink today; that your reward is NOT to drink, not the other way round. This way of thinking has got me out of some tricky situations over the last 74 days!!

        wow good on you Janice! we're right on the same time frame.

        seen the light - Janice is right about the reward. And if today is the hardest, plan now how you will get past the witching hour.

        You have to get used to quieting the imp on your shoulder - it gets easier! This is probably the hardest time. For many of us who haven't been able to get past one week, it seems like a long time and that you deserve it. Your reward is proving that you are strong. :l I love how popeye phrased the thought process - awesome.

        Happy weekend and mother's day everyone!
        The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
        Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

        W Whitman

        90+ days yay!


          Saturday 10th May

          Morning all
          I am a Saturday worker too, and it does seem Monday rolls around very quickley.....Seen I totally agree with Janice. I am a huge believer in choice. When I finally surrendered to the beast I took his power away. I decided to approach being AF ODAT and choosing not to drink today, with no promises for tomorrow. Every day I woke up, looked in the mirror (a much better sight, I might add!!) and said out loud "I am choosing not to drink today"....For me, having that power helped......You will be smiling on Sunday morning!!!!
          Janice, Popeye, Cat.....good to hear from you as always....for those to follow a good weekend!!!
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            Saturday 10th May

            Morning all

            I'd just like to say how much I admire you all.

            This is my tenth day and all I have done is get up in the mornings, go to work, come home and go to bed. I have still found the staying AF incredibly hard.

            The rest of you have demanding and fulfilling lives to deal with as well. People who truly depend on you. So hats off to you all I don't know how you do it!

            I am a bit prone to shutting people out when I need them the most but.... Have nothing in my diary until lunch next Saturday. Am determined to have the bottle to rock up. See some of you there? It will be my first AF social event and I am determined to enjoy it.

            This all seems to be a bit of an upside down experince for me. Others seem to have terrible trouble sleeping and very disturbing dreams. I have never before been able to sleep through the night before but since going AF I can't seem to stay awake. I guess it must be doing me some good.

            Anyway congrats to all on your success.
            Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
            AF 8 June 2012


              Saturday 10th May

              Today is 21 days for me I am feeling better than I have in years and I must say look better too since I have lost 10 llbs. Must be all the bloat. It feels so wonderful to wake up clear headed with energy and no remorse. Anyway all the best to all of you. I get alot of insipration from here to continue my fight it isn't always easy. Many thanks Sid.


                Saturday 10th May

                HI all,
                It is Day 11 for me. And the 'habit' part of it IS weakening. Yes, not drinkiing is a reward. At the health food store, they recommended 5 htp for me, for depression/dysthemia. So I took 50 mg last nite. I'll see how today goes.
                It's probably a better antidepressant than alcohol, and cheaper.
                Thanks to all of you - I couldn't have done this without you all.
                We're not alone in this!!!


                  Saturday 10th May

                  Hi All,

                  It's a rainy ugly day here. Not bad enough to cancel soccer though. Husb has pitched in and taken the little one. Appreciate that as I have somehow lost the ability to sleep. Took melatonin last night as I had heard it works (still awoke at 3am) - now I feel like I have a melatonin hangover - can't seem to get moving...don't know which is worse.

                  Seen, really important for you to get through today. It truly is all about making good choices.

                  Char, I'm with you on the not drinking today thing. I have expanded that somewhat - I tell myself that I am not going to do anything that doesn't make me feel good about myself today. Helps me make good food, exercise and hell I even do the laundry more often (feel bad when kids start digging through the dirty clothes for something to wear).

                  Janice, I certainly like it when you are here more often

                  Sidney, welcome. you are doing very well. glad you are here.

                  Popeye, nearly 30 days...

                  Loppy and Lila, stay strong even when it feels stronger than you are.

                  D-Cat, that's a lot of days you are racking up. I'm approaching triple digits...and I know we have the same approach.

                  Enjoy your day - busy or quiet,

                  Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                    Saturday 10th May

                    30 days AF for me (toot toot). And many more to come. Congrats to all. :goodjob:



                      Saturday 10th May

                      Everyone: I read every word of this thread today. It was very helpful. I am choosing to stay sober today. I'll be concerned about the future as it arrives. I've figured out that the avoidance of dealing w/issues is one of my major culprits in spurring me on to drink. ("I'll deal w/that another time & just relax now.") Of course, issues don't just go away. They're always waiting in the wings. I've done this so many times that even small disagreements will get me thinking about AL. Yesterday, I had a somewhat uncomfortable discussion w/my husband (not quite an argument), & I was able to voice my thoughts (because I was sober). He listened, understood, & we even injected a little humor into the discussion. This would never have happened if I was drinking. I would have kept quiet & let my resentment fuel a binge.

                      Sleep. I am not a great sleeper & am beginning to just accept that I will have about 2 or 3 days during the week when it's hard for me to fall &/or stay asleep. I still feel infinitely better than when I got drunken sleep (sweaty & interrupted).

                      Take care everyone. I'm going to get through day 3 sober. I absolutely will not let anything lead me to a drink.

                      Love, Mary

                      PS: Janice, I too have felt disconnected from MWO at times. I think it is a very important part of my recovery. When I've had slips, I've asked myself if I really need MWO all that much. Of course I do! That's when I need it the most. Those little thoughts in the back of our minds are neutralized by our coming here & sharing & reading through the posts. I have to admit that I don't go to any other threads, but I am committed to this one 100%.
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Saturday 10th May

                        Hey, Y'all,
                        I must choose to not take the next drink, smoke, toke, or whatever it is because
                        addiction is that close to me! And it has been 33 years for some of the above mentioned
                        substances listed here, since my last bout. And that is was it is too, a fight. I fight for
                        my new found relationships with, God, life , wife, family and work.

                        Thank God for the fight in us all, Sam
                        [ AF since 4/10, one small step a man on a narrow path ]


                          Saturday 10th May

                          Wow yosemite seems like that means you are 30 Days. congratulations.

                          Day 12 for me and i am finding this site a godsend. I am making cyber freinds and know i can come here for companionship. Loneliness is s hugh trigger for me so I know i need to stay around for reading, posting, and chatting.

                          Thank you all for being here.
                          Good Luck all aber's. I think we are all doing great.


                            Saturday 10th May

                            Hi everyone, just a quick hello before I make dinner. :wavin:

                            My friend phoned up and has decided she wants to bring alcohol for herself tonight. She asked me if that was ok and it is. I honestly would not put myself in that sort of situation if I felt in anyway vunerable. I feel confident, I've bought myself some Ame, (an adult soft drink, very nice), ice, lemons and limes. As I type I'm assessing how I feel, there aren't any drinking thoughts in my head, I have no cravings, I feel safe from AL. I'm even preparing myself for any ninja moves he might try. :H bloody hell, it's like a military operation :H. But this is how much my sobriety means to me, I've fought too hard to throw it away.
                            Do you know what's really good? I don't feel the slightest bit deprived, in fact I feel very lucky that I'm not being dictated to by a destructive force.

                            Hope you all have a lovely evening and a super Mothers Day tomorrow for those of you in the US. Is it Mothers Day in Canada & Australia or anywhere else for that matter?
                            Happy Mothers Day to all mums and grandmums everywhere :l.

                            See you all tomorrow hangover free

                            Love Want
                            AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                            Snake....... come crawling,
                            There's fire in your eyes,
                            Bite me, excite me,
                            I'll learn to realize.

                            The poison transmuted,
                            Brings eternal flame.
                            Open me to heaven,
                            To heal me again.


                              Saturday 10th May

                              YSam: I really loved the quote. It says it all. Congratulations on the accumulation of days that you have. It's people like you that keep me coming back to MWO. Please come & share often. Mary
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

