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Saturday 10th May

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    Saturday 10th May

    Hello all - Am on day 10 now. I was very nervous Thurs nite b/c I was on business travel and my colleagues like to drink as much as I do/did. I went to the gym before hand and that kept me needing water all night - a great plan.

    Flyin High - I have found that when I am at a party and people wonder why I'm not drinking, telling them I have a race tomorrow morning , or I'm in training (for anything), works and gives me renewed confidence as well.

    Good luck to all through the weekend! And thanks to all on the chat room - this was my first week in there - and it really helped on Thursday night.


      Saturday 10th May

      Have a lovely night tonight know I'll be thinking about you!

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Saturday 10th May

        Hey Yosemite. Looks like we quit on the same day.


          Saturday 10th May

          Hi Wantrealmeaning, it is Mother's day here in South Africa as well tomorrow.DogLvr, I have also completed day 10 today - nice to hear from you. How are you feeling?
          Love Jessie
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            Saturday 10th May

            Other great excuses for not drinking:
            -I felt a headache coming on earlier in the day.
            -I get some really bad hot flashes.
            -I'm on medication.
            -I'm really thirsty for a soda.
            -I'll just start w/a soda for now.
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Saturday 10th May

              Good Saturday afternoon!!
              Staying away from here is almost always a mistake for me. I can manage a few days AF, then moderate for a few days, and then end up polishing off an entire bottle. Repeat same behavior and then start again the next afternoon with the promise that I will only have two glasses. Trying to moderate is so much futile work!!!!
              I feel like such a dud coming back time and time again after attempting moderation. Other issues take priority and then not-drinking doesn't seem that important anymore. Then reality hits me as I KNOW other issues can take priority but I still can not drink. Drinking makes me lose focus on me.

              Coming here, again, makes me feel like I just wrapped myself in a warm fuzzy blanket.It's good to see you all again as I'm at a humble day 2. Next few weeks won't be easy as there will be many events (don't we all have "events" at this time of year) where I'll be surrounded by wine. Wine does not make me happy anymore. It leaves me unrested,anxious,ill-tempered, and most-importantly, not the person that I want to be.
              See you tomorrow all. Enjoy a sober Sat evening.



                Saturday 10th May

                hie all,
                nice to have you all, am 238 AF and disappointed about myself just alittle bit lol, i was chatting with a new member and the discussion was more of the good feelings, the nice smell of wine, the happiness with friends while drinking blah blah blah, and even though to me it was all crap since i denie ever having any good moment when i was drinking, but honestly i started craving,
                my mouth become watery as in when you want something soo much and you feel siliver coming down your mouth, lol i felt so. but i really really felt i needed the drink.
                but good up to now have not yet taken alcohol and i dont know if anyone else does experience the same


                  Saturday 10th May

                  Well done Maasai for staying strong and riding out the "feeling". You should certainly not be disappointed with yourself but be very proud of your 238 AF days!!!

                  Janet, welcome back - its always good to hear from you - please don't stay away no matter how things are going, we are here for I miss you when you don't post!!

                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Saturday 10th May


                    Welcome back to the AF bandwagon!!!

                    Wishing you the best,

                    Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                      Saturday 10th May

                      Jessie - I am pretty tired, but have recommitted myself to my workouts - and remind myself during the day how good it is to wake up without any shaking hands or sour stomach. I haven't taken the medication route - but may consider it when I head for my physical. I had a dream last night that I did have a drink - and was so disappointed - felt so real. But I was really happy when I woke up - knowing I didn't have to reset the clock to day 1.

                      I saw a thread on another forum talking about bentonite and psyllium (for some kind of an internal cleanse) - so I think I am going to try that. Has anyone on this used that?


                        Saturday 10th May

                        No, I've looked at that thread too. I do positively know that cuttting out all sugar can really make you feel wonderful. I just had some ice cream...but I'm looking at that thread, and I might. Sugar and white flour is a real energy sucking foreign to the body poison. I really think this.
                        But I don't want to be too good just yet.
                        Let me know!!


                          Saturday 10th May

                          Janet (Vino): Welcome back! I KNOW that I cannot moderate. I've tried it countless times. That said: I've had a rough time w/wine lately & am only finishing up a very humble day 3. Would you want to work on an abs goal together? I'm staying sober today & tomorrow. If you have a loftier goal, let me know.

                          I know what you mean by this time of year. It's almost as party-filled as holiday season. I'm concentrating on soda & iced tea. Hope you can do the same. Good luck.

                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Saturday 10th May

                            Happy late check in from garlic breath

                            got stuck into some spring cleaning and the time just flew by.

                            DogLvr, nice to see you again!

                            Janet, glad you are coming back and not miring down into a binge spiral.

                            Maasai, I do know exactly what you mean. the brain can create powerful visualizations that in many cases produce a fantasy that is beyond the real thing. amazing but true.

                            Lila, I totally agree on the sugar/white flour thoughts...I will actually get a hangover now from sugar. and it messes up my sleep quite badly.

                            well, enjoying a beautiful AF weekend at home with my loverly Dx and have some tomatoes roasting to perfection. Really don't think I have a thing to complain about

                            be well friends
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

