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Tuesday May 13th

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    Tuesday May 13th

    100 days...whoo hoo!!!...
    How bout getting yourself an Avatar and sticking around????
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Tuesday May 13th

      Good morning all!

      Nicely done Beck

      Popeye 30 days, way to go!!

      Mohan...missed you a few days ago, 30 days. Great job!

      Hannah, nice to see you back.

      About the brain fog.... I have a theory. In the beginning abstinence is a period physical healing and adjustment. You require more sleep, crave better nutrition, tire out easily and you?re a bit slower in the thinking dept. After the physical healing, begins the mental healing. Most of us drink not merely out of pure addition, most of have other underlying issues that need to be addressed in time.
      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


        Tuesday May 13th

        Happy Tuesday ABerooos!

        brain fog is also a common symptom of an intestinal candida overgrowth. it's very common in folks that use or have used alcohol. I don't have time to get into the details but we should bring this up in the 'wholistic healing' section as it's important.

        Beck if you are 100 I'm right on yer tail!!!!! wooo hoooooo!!

        be well friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Tuesday May 13th


          Well done Popeye! That is really something I look forward too... 30 days would be astronomical for me...

          Hello to everyone else who posted. I enjoy reading about your days (and nights) and hope all is well! I am on day 4 AF and will get my script of Topamax filled today. Hope to get CD's soon.

          Hope everyone has a day filled with Light and Love,



            Tuesday May 13th

            Hi all,
            Welcome, Frogster.
            Determinator, yes, brain fog and candida, but also doesn't alcohol eat up all our nice brain seratonin? I also wonder if anyone would want a thread based on our hopes and dreams and manifesting them?
            I am steadily feeling better, as people have promised (thanks all), supplements and 5HTP!!!!!
            Happy Tuesday!


              Tuesday May 13th

              First & foremost: Congratulations, Beck, on 100 days. I hope to be there 94 days from now. You give me hope & courage to go on.

              Second: Congratulations, Popeye, on 30 days. It'll be clear sailing forward for you. Again, it's people like you & Beck that give me the incentive to keep going even after the slips & binges.

              As for me: I'm doing well 6. I'm grateful for that small but significant number. I'm really working hard at trying to understand myself in terms of the relapses I've had. I would have to say that the more I come through the stresses & upsets of life sober, the more confidence I will have in myself.

              My daughter & her family gave me a little silver bracelet for my birthday back in March. Engraved on it are the words: "Wisdom, Courage, Strength." I haven't taken it off since I received it. I look at those words & aim to deserve them.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Tuesday May 13th

                Cindi: How did everything go on Sunday? We'd love to hear from you.

                Hannah: Welcome to this great thread.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Tuesday May 13th

                  Hi all:hiya:

                  I've had a really good busy day today, gave the house a mega clean, I've eaten really healthy super foods and drank lots of iced water with slices of lemons and limes.

                  Yesterday I was meant to be going to the supermarket and found myself at my friends grave, its a lovely graveyard, yesterday was especially nice, sun shinning and birds in full song. Some might think it a bit weird but I find graveyards calming and peaceful. Today I bought a planter and I've made her a little garden in it with flowers and plants from my garden, I'm really pleased with it, she'll love it. She loved her garden when she was alive, used to make me laugh with her bright pink wellies on doing her gardening:kissyface:. I miss her. It will be 2yrs ago that she died on June 1st, her mum's b'day. God bless, her birthday will never be the same again.............

                  Oh bugger, I have to go, someones just come round unexpectedly, will try and get back on in a bit........

                  AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                  Snake....... come crawling,
                  There's fire in your eyes,
                  Bite me, excite me,
                  I'll learn to realize.

                  The poison transmuted,
                  Brings eternal flame.
                  Open me to heaven,
                  To heal me again.


                    Tuesday May 13th


                    I was so touched by your post.......what a lovely comforting thing to do for your friend especially as you have worked so hard in your garden over recent weeks.....its as if gardening as been part of your "therapy". I'm sure your friend is looking down on you, feeling very proud of you indeed.

                    I don't think its weird at all that you find graveyards calming and peaceful....I feel exactly the same and even though Dad is "up north" I get a lot of comfort from a lovely little church and graveyard near where I am. I also get a lot of comfort from my garden.....

                    This afternoon I potted up my tomato plants.......I've never grew them before but Dad was an avid gardener and the "master" tomato-grower. He grew them every year in his greenhouse. I've got the same "make" called Alicante and you should see them......they are just taking off!! Just the smell of them reminds me of Dad.....its as if he's on my shoulder saying " now thats too much water Janice!!!!" or "they need potting up!!"

                    Your post also made me smile......."Oh bugger...!!" Now Want THAT confirms your from the north!!!!!

                    love Janicexxx

                    Its amazing how much comfort and healing we can get from our gardens when we've lost someone close.....
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Tuesday May 13th

                      Evening folks,

                      Great achievements Becks and Popeye. Maybe one day that will be me.

                      Well you have all been saved a long post about the joys of commuting. I had been pondering my reasons for drinking and decided that it was a good way of winding down and blocking out the day. but then I lost it so this is the short version.

                      I wake up really cheerful (and as has been noticed very early) and that is the best the day gets. Come the evening, wine was a great way to wind down, knock myself out (well pass out anyway) and generally speed things along until I could wake up cheerful again. I think I'm programmed funny because I'm even cheerful with a hangover. Feel rubbish, but still cheerful. Except on those really bad "I didn't really do that did I?" mornings. You know the ones where as the day goes on, the memories all so slowly come back and you can't find a hole deep enough to crawl into. Thankfully they were rare as I did most of my drinking on my own.

                      Anyway I digress, I've decided that I am going to start really enjoying sunsets as well as the dawn. So... (imagine a long rant about the joys of commuting) as soon as I got home, I did as advised by believer and had a glass of veggie juice to keep my blood sugars up. Stuck myself in a soapy bath as advised by so many people and actually started to feel human.

                      I have now spent the last 40 mins or so watching the sun go down and listening to children playing in one of the gardens.

                      So the new challenge is to find ways to make myself as cheerful in the evenings as I naturally am in the morning because to be honest the only thing that has kept me sober this long is the antabuse.

                      Anyway hope everyone is still doing OK since I started writing this..

                      Want think the idea of a planter is really special.

                      Catch you all tomorrow
                      Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                      AF 8 June 2012


                        Tuesday May 13th

                        Hey Loppy,
                        You sound alot like me - always cheerful, evenwhen hungover - except when I am worried about some possible indiscretion I faintly recall. It is always embarrassing asking, "did I...?" I never want that to happen again!!!! I also did most of my drinking on my own, at home, late at night - so my embarassment was mostly with my kids!!! Them reminding me that we had already discussed this or that, or that I had answered them some query to do something, and I can't remember. How terrible!!! But no more!

                        Enjoy those sunsets and sunrises!!


                          Tuesday May 13th

                          Good Afternoon/Evening My Ab Friends,

                          I am in Columbus, OH this week, just arrived.

                          The wedding went fabulously and now I get to pay all the bills. :H

                          My daughter looked like a princess. The rites were beautiful and it was small and intimate enough that everyone got to spend time with each other. What a wonderful day.

                          Yesterday was spent running around taking all the rental equipment and tuxedos back.

                          Whew, I am one tired puppy.

                          I am still AF and really had a rough one when the plane landed today. Had to fight the beast. Was actually thinking about trying a glass of wine on the Antabuse.

                          Instead, I have found an AA meeting about a mile away. It is at 10:00 this evening but I think I really need to go, so I will.

                          I am so happy to hear all my friends here are doing well!! Good on Beck and Popeye for their milestones.

                          Hannah, I know what you mean. Goodness gracious, I cannot get into the ring with AL. He kicks my butt. :-)

                          Mary, you and I will do this. I love the bracelet. What a sweet gift.

                          I must run and get some food. I have had nothing to eat today and am starving.

                          Take care all and be well.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Tuesday May 13th


                            Good to see you here. I post infrequently but still read the threads almost every night. A few of the same folks are here. A great source of encouragement.

                            All abbers, new and not so new here, I hope you have a good night.


                            Day 292 AF

