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Day 2 AF for me! Yay!

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    Day 2 AF for me! Yay!

    I can't believe I've gone almost 48 hours with no liquor! A savings of almost 2000 calories. I got the program in with the CDs. They are helping immensley for me! I've subtituting Kava Kava Tea for my evening beverages instead of rum and cokes. I haven't had a coke in 2 days either. I went to my doctor and told her about the group here and that I had decided it was time to quit. I asked her for some Antabuse. She told me to hold off on the antabuse for about a week or so. She gave me some Ativan to help with anxiety. Its working! About 3 PM I start thinking about drinking and when it hits 5,I'm ready. So now at 5 I go take that Ativan and brew a pot of Kava Kava Tea and drink 2 or three pots. I talke my other supplements as well to help cravings. All of this taken together makes me very sleepy by 10PM I'm ready for bed! And I wake up and say YaY! I made another day without alcohol!

    Now my diet plan will work and hopefully my bloodpressure willcome down to normal. I'm weighing in right now at 244. This new step in my health plan is the more important part. Without alcohol, my weight loss efforts will increase dramatically.

    My diet plan is simple: 80% fresh vegetables every day, 10 lean meats/other proteins/10%comlex carbs. A gallon of fresh water. and Cups and cups of herbal teas.

    My exercise plan is simple: walk at least 1 mile a day and build up to 4. (will take time for me to do that). Slowly add weight training at the appropriate time.

    EVentually, I was to start running competitively locally. Gotta get my health back first.

    I'm so glad to have found you guys out here going through the same pain and hell I am. I'm of course not glad you are having the pain I am, I'm just glad you are here to help me and me you. Bless you all:l

    Wish me luck all!

    Day 2 AF for me! Yay!


    You can do it!



      Day 2 AF for me! Yay!

      Well done dmtodd :goodjob:

      You sound so committed and so well prepared, I just know you're going to do this!

      Here's to a healthier, happier, slimmer you :l

      Wooflet x


        Day 2 AF for me! Yay!

        Hi dmtodd, welcome - we are same same with no drinking days ! you sound very orgnised ( i am kind of winging it for the moment...) with all the goals and lifestyle changes you have planned you are going to do so well... see you around MWO !


          Day 2 AF for me! Yay!

          Good plan dmt
          You can do it. We will be here if you need some support and someone to talk to.


            Day 2 AF for me! Yay!

            dmt: I'm glad you're here! This site has helped me tremendously! I've been here 13 mos., & while I haven't been perfect, I've improved many times over. Right now I've been completely AF since May 8th (which might not sound like a lot), but I've had many, many long AF stretches. I think I'm on a real run, & you can do it too. Please look in on the daily thread here at 30 day abs. It's very encouraging. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012

