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Wednesday 14th May

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    Wednesday 14th May

    time2change;325919 wrote: Good morning to all. It is always so nice to log in here and see how supportive everyone is of one another.

    Mary- I have to agree that I think you don't give yourself enough credit for how far you have come. You have inspired so many to keep at this and that is a huge blessing.

    I am having a harder time the last few days. Today is day 16 and my last AF stretch ended after 20 days. For some reason I have been having doubts that I can really be a completely AF person. Seems like alot if us go through this stage and I will need to remind myself of that.

    Hope everyone has a lovely AF day.
    There once was a time where I thought I couldn't be AF, but its just not true. Think of it as a mind game that Al is playing on you because you are "this" close being able to let him go as a regular part of your life. The longer and more often you go AF (at least for me) the more insistant it gets until one day you really know in your heart of hearts that a drink is a bad idea. It took a long time for me to get here but it can be done.

    On a side note: My menstrual cycles have appear to have gotten alot worse since I stopped drinking. I say appear because maybe they were always this bad, I was just numb. I know nutrition can have alot to do with a woman's cycle but I don't have alot of info. My diet is pretty sad at the moment (one thing at a time) but I'd like to make some small improvements to keep me from being doubled over in pain.


    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


      Wednesday 14th May

      Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All,

      Well, I'm back to day one again as had wine last night and I truly thought I was in control. I guess pride commeth before a fall and I did not see this one coming. I guess I was feeling overwhelmed on so many fronts. I know i just have to get back on track. Not drinking has to become a priority in my life.

      Loppy Logs, I absolutely love shows from the UK. Unfortunately we don't get that many in the US. I think I'm going to join netflix, an online DVD rental site, as they seem to have quite a few of the tv series from the UK. I find them very relaxing to watch. Any favorites you can recommend?

      Jesse, we are on day one together. We can do it!

      Popeye, so good to see you. A belated congratulations on 30 days!!!!

      Want, I know I can't drink like normal either. When you really think about it.... is drinking alcohol at all normal?????

      Jinja, I hope you feel better.

      Lorelei,great job on 30 days

      Cindi, I'm glad the wedding was wonderful. I, too, feel better knowing that we are all in this together

      Lila, 15 days is great.

      4theboyz, I didn't want to get up this morning either but I don't know what my problem is as the weather is great here today. I have to " shed " this mood and get out and enjoy it.

      Mary, as always, so nice to read your posts. I always feel stronger after reading them.

      To all who come later have a great day. It is almost a perfect weather day here and I promise I will go out and enjoy it. It will be my therapy.

      Will check back later.



        Wednesday 14th May

        Hi everyone,

        I'm in a bit late today and it is daunting to address all individually - but that is a good thing as there are so many here making the good effort and getting good results...

        Lor, Congrats on 30 Days. It really does feel like an achievement. Feel better...

        Cindi, glad you are back with us and doing well. I used to travel for business other than giving me a break from the kids...and then I really only wanted one or two was no fun...bored and I drank - so good on those of you who can avoid AL while on travel.

        Time - I'm still having occasional doubts about whether I can/should be an AF person - struggle through- it will pass. Those first 30 days are so important

        Char - don't you think my avatar is now just "no avatar" your post made me laugh yesterday.

        Janet, glad you are back. stay close. you know what needs to be done.

        I'm avoiding the reality of woodwork that needs painting...time to get on with it.


        Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


          Wednesday 14th May

          Happy Wednesday ABlanders!!

          I'm within a week of my AF record of 104 days....getting excited!

          Lorelei, have you tried GLA (gamma linolenic acid) for menstrual pain? it's also been recommended for al cravings interestingly.

          my travel plans for tomorrow just got changed so I'm not sure where I'm going/not going just yet. arg.

          Mary, great to have you on chat last night

          be well friends!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Wednesday 14th May


            WooT gonna set a new AF record!!!

            No I haven't tried GLA, I will look into it. In the mean time I have coped with the only proven coping tool....heaps and heaps of dark chocolate. :crazymonkey: Yeah I know its going straight to my arse but I didn't really care at the time.

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Wednesday 14th May

              Good afternoon (evening?) everyone - thanks for the words of welcome and encouragement. I need to be more in touch, but am again running out the door late, so will just say a quick hello to all, and hope you have a good day. I should have more time for a longer visit later in the day. Have a good one!
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                Wednesday 14th May

                thought I'd try something new

                Hello all ...instead of popping on early this morning, I thought I would "save" all of you for my hurdle time read. Here it is ...the witching hour!!! And here I am, on mwo.
                It was great to read over all that was written and I agree it is daunting to think of responding to everyone indivdually. Though I do have some comments.....

                Time, Im right there with you....I'm on day 18 and am getting an itch. I know how important 30 days means to me and let's push through!!!! We CAN do it!!!

                Lor- Your insight to the "normal" drinker, had me laughing!! Isn't it amazing how people can control their drinking? You hit the hammer on the nail....I can't let a drink go, I can't stop eyeing the bottle...or thinking about the next drink....and WHAT, put away 1/2 bottle...never heard of! Thank you for that reality check of who I was 19 days ago. I NEEDED that.

                To those on day 1....chins up! You can do this!!!!

                Det....great job on beating your personal number....I hope it keeps getting bigger!

                TO ALL OF YOU.....THANK YOU:h You are making these days much better than doing this alone. It is so wonderful to have all of us here, leaning on each other when we need to. Thank you!!!!!

                till tom, ( I will def. leave you all again for a night time read....I need you guys then!!!!)


                  Wednesday 14th May

                  I just logged on and read the news about Bear. Can't believe it.

                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Wednesday 14th May

                    Hey, Y'all,

                    Here I am, bringing up the rear again, just like the horse's A$$.
                    I have noticed that when you are a drunk and you decide to quit,
                    it is like standing on the north pole. It does not really matter which
                    way to walk, you always walk to the south, and away from the
                    north pole.

                    So you just keep walking south for a while and the days add up.
                    After doing this a while, now you need to know from which way you
                    came, because having walked some distance from the pole,
                    you can walk, east, or west or even north again.

                    My point is that when you start, any direction is right, but after
                    a while you need your bearings, and having a long relationship with
                    the drink, you probably will not know or remember how to act with
                    out the drink, what to fill your time with, what will be the polestar
                    of your journey to sobriety. Falling down teaches us how to stand
                    up again, and gives us important tools to keep us on the right

                    There is nothing wrong with falling down, the error is in staying down,
                    or believing ourselves to be beaten, and giving up the fight. Every time
                    we fall, if we truly listen, we gain insight to the desire that
                    whispers to us, from our past.

                    Soon we gain confidence in out ability to walk a straight line, just like
                    a two year old, we will soon be able to run.

                    After some time, we will fill in the hole in our lives with wholesome relationships
                    with our lovers and friends and family. When we look back we will see just how
                    much we have changed, and how much farther we must go. I know myself that
                    I can never drink the next drink, and I am Okay with that thought.

                    with love and health, Sam, one drink away from the horses A$$.

