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My first day with MWO

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    My first day with MWO

    Well I downloaded the book months ago - love it. Bought all the suppliments and vitamins ages ago and thought they would do on their own, NOT. I have now made the next big step and spoken to my GP, wow she was awesome and is backing me 100%. She sent me off with a script for Topramax which I promptly cashed in at the Pharmacy. So the next step is to get the Hypnotherapy CD's... one small problem, they aren't available in South Africa and I can't afford to pay the R1000 to get them from the States. Now what? Should I try with out the CD's or hold out starting the programm until I can afford the CD's?
    I really NEED to and WANT to start this programm ASAP!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

    My first day with MWO

    Hi DeeBee, (fellow south africa) nice to see there are a few of us on the site... and yes we are all having the same problem with getting stuff, I have been searching for alternatives but have not come up with anything. will let you know if i find anything. I have also just downloaded the pdf book.
    Glad you are here
    love cedar


      My first day with MWO

      Go for it. Its only one of the tools that may help. Lots of people adapt the programee for what suits or what is available to them. I have not used the CD's so not sure how good they actually are but you have got everything else so you are ready for off. Good luck. I came here 43 days ago desperate etc like most people who end up here are and I have now had the best AF 43 days of my life. I am am so looking forward to the future now and have so many plans compared to when I was in the pits of despair only a very short while ago. Stay strong and focus on the goal and it will come.


        My first day with MWO

        Don't wait!! Start now! Good luck


          My first day with MWO

          DeeBee: Start Now - I agree with boozehag and catnip - the CDs are only one tool, and most of us are probably using some, but not all of the tools available.

          Just keep coming back ot this site - the support you find here can help alot.


            My first day with MWO

            DB: Start now. I've been at MWO for a year & haven't taken supps or Topa or used the tapes. I find the forum extremely helpful. I haven't been perfect during the year I've been here, but I'm so much better than before. The daily thread on this forum is very motivating. I really think that much of recovery is in our minds & hearts. Get'll be successful. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              My first day with MWO

              Go for it now DeeBee. As everyone has said the CDs are just one tool in your potential arsenal against Al, and many here adapt the programme to suit their needs/circumstances. I do have the CDs but have been pretty slack about using them. I'm not taking meds either. I agree with Mary - the most important thing is the determination in your mind and heart. Next to that I find it's this forum that helps me the most.

              Good luck and keep us posted.

              Wooflet x


                My first day with MWO

                Hi DeeBee,
                Good to have you with us.
                I agree with all that has been said above.
                The program isn't a fixed thing. It's highly adaptable to suit your needs.
                I for example, started off cold turkey, using just this site as help and inspiration. I then started using a few of the supps that I could get a hold of, which did help. I didn't have any meds as I couldn't get a hold of them, and I found that I didn't need them....much.
                Just go for it. Join in the posting and I'm certain you'll make giant strides to where you want to be.
                You have my best wishes.


                  My first day with MWO

                  Hi DeeBee,:welcome:

                  I agee with everyone. Start now, looks like you have all the important thinks you need.
                  just keep reading and posting.

                  Good luck.
                  family is everything to me


                    My first day with MWO

                    Hi DB, seems there are a few South Africans joined, I joined in Jan, only taking antabuse, which has helped and just my normal vitamins. I am thinking about going to an AA meeting, but find this forum is the best.
                    Good Luck, Fiona

                    Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

                    Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!


                      My first day with MWO

                      Well today is THE day!! I started off taking my suppliments this morning and I have just taken my first dose of Top. Today will be my first AF day... very nervous. i usually start when i'm cooking dinner in the evening and last night I just couldn't do without that one (or two) glasses while cooking.

                      So here goes....
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        My first day with MWO

                        Hi DeeBee - good luck on your first day AF. Your best tool is your own determination. It's a good idea to plan on some sort of AF drink to replace your usual sipper while you cook. There are some AF wines out there, but sparkling water with a twist of lemon or lime is also very good. The other key is to find activities to keep you busy. Most new AFers have very clean closets!:goodluck:
                        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                          My first day with MWO

                          Just want to say hi and welcome to MWO DeeBee!!! You sound motivated!!! Janicexxx
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            My first day with MWO

                            Hi Hannah,
                            I wish I had've seen your post on my first day - didn't realise there were two pages. I must be honest that was one of my biggest challenges... what to drink. I don't like sweet drinks which leaves my options quite limiting, you see I am a wine drinker.
                            So the first day didn't go according to plan but it was MOD, as in only two drinks, which is more than half of what I normally drink. The funny thing that I have noticed as the days have gone is that the drinks just don't taste as good - is that the way Topa works.
                            So normally after dinner I would quietly top up my wine while washing up the dishes before climbing into the bath with my ABF, but now I find I still have my same glass of wine that I started off drinking when I ate dinner - NEVER heard of before!!
                            I'm thinking baby steps....
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

