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Thurday May 15th

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    Thurday May 15th

    Good morning my dear friends,

    I guess I will start the thread this morning.

    I know many of us have heavy hearts because of our Bear. I am sending love out to all of you and know you are sending love back.

    Today I will reflect on the goodness of our friend and all he has done to help so many of us.

    I am exceptionally grateful for our MWO forum. I feel blessed to know each and everyone of you and our loss reminds me how special and important all of you are in my life in helping me to overcome and to have dear friends who are walking hand in hand with me everyday.

    I only can hope all of you know I am with you, too. :l

    Much love and gratitude to all,
    AF April 9, 2016

    Thurday May 15th

    Good Morning Abbers!!

    Thanks for the kick start Cindi as I was just about to press send to start this thread. I too can't help but feel down coming here today in wake of the passing of Bear, what a real tragedy.

    Anyway today is my official 2nd Day 4 and keeping busy is once again my saving grace to keeping my wits about me. I feel real great today, got my first night of full sleep as sleep is good! I hope you all have a great AF day today!
    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
    Watch this and find out....


      Thurday May 15th

      Good morning all. I did not know Bear, but I sure sympathize with eveyone. It is tragic.
      It is Day 16 for me.
      I so wanted a beer last nite but there wasn't any in the house, so I was on chat for a few minutes. That really helped.
      Thanks all,


        Thurday May 15th

        Thanks Cindi,ditto to all you said.
        Paula. xx


          Thurday May 15th

          Since I usually only go to this thread, I'm not sure what happened to Bear.

          I hope all is well w/everyone. I've got g-children duty today but will be here more fully tomorrow.

          Love, mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Thurday May 15th

            Thank you for starting the thread this morning......A very somber feeling around the boards, but so many wonderful tributes to Bear. I hope Mrs. Bear will find the time to read them, and maybe find some small comfort.......
            Cindi, I couldn't agree more, I too am so greatful for this forum....coming here every day has changed my life..this is the program that is working for me.... and especially today, I am feeling very fortunate to be part of this family......
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              Thurday May 15th

              I too, felt very sad today when I read the news.
              The shocking reality of what has happened to bear has pushed home how far reaching AL's destruction is ...........
              I have reached day 55 af today and these tragic circumstances have made me feel so much more determined to keep AL out of my life.

              In life we can live out our dreams its true
              the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                Thurday May 15th

                Just saying hi to all you special people............Janicexxx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Thurday May 15th

                  i can't begin to describe how much strength i have got from being here, it just continues to grow. i am really new to this site and only on day 4 AF, yesterday i walked into a bottle store and the thought of this site pulled me out. i woke up very emotional and then read about Bear who i can only wish i had met here.

                  i feel so grateful for finding you all, for the unconditional support and friendship found here. for giving me back my belief that i will be ok. i hope in time that I can give some of that back x


                    Thurday May 15th

                    Thank you Cindi, words don't describe this loss and I'm not my normal chipper self yet.

                    Mary, Bear was killed by a selfish young person that was driving drunk and did a 'hit and run'. they have been caught by the authorities.

                    life is short. tell your loved ones how you feel often.

                    I love all of you my AB family XXXXX

                    be well.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Thurday May 15th


                      A truly sad Thursday it is, we are at a loss, and I too want to thank each and every one of you for always being there, and being here for all of us, each of us through thick and thin..............:thanks:

                      I am having difficulty staying AF, don't know the reason, am analyizing it, but coming up w/ no reason besides the underlying fact that I AM AN is in my nature to drink, and I am pissed that I am determined all day to stay AF, but at night, last night AFTER an AA meeting of all things, I stopped off for 2 beers, only had 2, but wanted to enjoy being AF, this will come w/ time, but I am having a tough time right now and thought I'd put that out there for you all..................:upset::upset:

                      I LOVE
                      each and every one of you, you help me whether you know it or not!:thanks:


                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Thurday May 15th

                        Mary Anne,

                        In the past, I too have stopped after AA and drank.

                        I hate the part of me that wants to drink but I guess it is a part of me and I simply must learn to accept it and know I simply cannot have what I want.

                        We are here for you. :l

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Thurday May 15th

                          It is a terrifically sad thing that happened to Bear and so tragically ironic. I will miss his warmth and humor greatly. He was such a gentle and wise bear.

                          Mary, if you have a chance to read the thread in General, it is worth popping over there, although you most certainly will cry.

                          Although it is a sad day, I am happy to see that everyone here is doing pretty well with their sobriety. MaryAnne, your two beers will become just a blip on the screen one day. You will persevere. Just keep trying.

                          I'd like to share that I just passed 11 months on Tuesday. Actually, I didn't even remember until the evening. I think that's a good thing. Maybe it's just not such a big deal anymore. I don't feel tempted or anything. When I think of a drink, I know that my sobriety is much more important than a passing whim.

                          Anyway, love to all of you and keep working toward your goals!

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Thurday May 15th


                            11 months is incredible. I am glad you aren't counting the days, day by day. It shows you are truly on the path you want to be on.

                            Soon you will be a solar orbiter.

                            Hugs to you.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Thurday May 15th

                              Very sad news about Bear indeed. We must cherish the time we have.

                              I am starting to lose count on days AF (good thing I think). Good luck to all today.


