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Saturday 17th May

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    Saturday 17th May

    Morning all,

    Welcome to an overcast and slightly dreary Saturday. You can tell I am back to normal talking about the weather.

    I just read over yesterday's posts and loads of comments that really rang true for me. Loads of words which make me realise that I need to keep watch out even when things get easier. For me it is such early days that everything is strange and difficult, I need to beware when I become complacent. A long way off at the moment but a timely warning.

    Want.. Great news on your results, you must be proud of your success if a little worried about the family.

    Well I shall shorty be off to the MWO London meet up. It will be my first alcohol free event. I have been hiding away since I started all this. I am terribly nervous even though I know I will be among new friends.

    Hope everyone has a brillant weekend
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Saturday 17th May

    Have a great time with the meet-up, I am sure others will be nervous too....something tells me that it won't last long!!!!.....It will be great finally putting a face to a name....
    It is my feeling we should never forget our lowest point...Mine is so vivid in my mind and I want it to stay that way......Keeps me on track..
    Loppy will be waiting for an update on your visit...To everyone that follows, a good weekend....
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Saturday 17th May

      Good morning Abbers!!

      Lop I shall send a bucket of Sunshine your way as we have a glorious morning here in the Midwest. I can't wait to go plant some flowers this morning before the kid-fest of the day starts.

      Well Day 6 for me and I wasn't sure I'd ever get back here again. I wish I could say it feels great cause is doesn't, but the coffee hasn't finished brewing! I'll probably bore you all with the details over in my story later if I find time.

      Anyway, I really wish all you Londoners a great time at your meet up and the rest of the Abbers a truly great AF day today!
      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        Saturday 17th May

        Good Morning to all.
        Hope all of you in the UK have a gret meet-up. Sounds like its going to be a great day.

        Today is day 18 for me and since I only made it to day 20 last month I must really be on guard this weekend. Also, having some doubts about myself this week and how strong I really am. A very good freind on this site suggested that I write out what I am feeling and the issues I'm going through and post all of it. I might just need to get it all off my chest, but I'm off to a birthday party for my freinds 2 year old son for the afternoon. Will check in later.

        I hope those of you checking in after me are feeling stronger than I. Either way i will not be drinking and I hope you all can say the same. Have a good Saturday.


          Saturday 17th May

          Today is Day 6 for me. I felt really lonely last night, but resisted the urge to curl up with some (a lot) wine, which is what I normally do when I'm feeling blue. Even though I know logically, the AL intensifies the sadness, it is a pattern than is hard to break. This weekend will probably be hard for me, too, but I'm determined to see this through.


            Saturday 17th May

            Morning All,

            A beautiful sunny day in Virginia. I've had my morning run and am ready to face my day. More kids soccer followed by ferrying the oldest two to sleepovers. I'll make sure to put something fun for me in my day.

            4tb, glad you are still with us.

            Loppy, the meet up sounds fun. You'll be fine.

            I think once we get past the withdrawal/physical cravings of the first few days it is really all about breaking our bad habits. It's doable but requires conscious effort.

            Off to have my day. Enjoy everyone,

            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


              Saturday 17th May

              Morning all. Day 37 for me.

              I wish I could go to the London gathering. I hope to attend a meeting somewhere sometime.

              Beck, congrats on going for a run. I stopped running about two years ago (AL won). I hope to lose some more weight and get back into some recreational jogging.

              Good luck for those of you who have the long weekend off. And extra good luck to those who have to work (I was a shift worker for 14 years).



                Saturday 17th May

                Happy Saturday ABoriginies!

                Loppy the UK meet sounds fab...wish I could be there!

                gotta run and get to the shooting range before the sun gets too high and I bake like a tater tot. mmmmm. I miss those come to think of it.....

                I love being able to wake up and do what I want to do on a weekend whilst feeling great

                well done on the days you all!!!!

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Saturday 17th May

                  Loppy, enjoy the meet up in London today....would have fancied that myself but going out to friends for dinner this evening and it would have been a bit of a rush. Maybe next time.
                  Looking forward to hearing all about it!!

                  Hi to Charlee, 4theboyz, Time, Maisie, Beck & Mohun. Well I think the weather matches my mood today - dark & grey!!!

                  Don't know whats the matter really; have been trying to think about my feelings today - its that time of the month so maybe thats got something to do with it!! Loneliness; grief and thinking of dad; sadness, low self esteem; not feeling good enough......goodness I'm even resenting the relationship my husband has with his mam!!!!

                  All I know is that feelings like these have sent me back to that wine bottle in the past. Day 81 and know I can't afford that to happen. I need my exercise and I'm not getting it with working but then I know I should make time. I need to take more responsibility.

                  We're off to friends for dinner tonight and the three of them will be drinking.......first time since February I'm thinking "poor me, I can't have a drink"!!! Hubby's going away on business tomorrow till Thursday night, and both my kids are away at uni doing exams so will have house to myself. Hopefully a bit of time on my own will give me a bit of space to sort my head out.

                  Hey, sorry for going on and feeling sorry for myself......someone tell me to pull myself together!!! Come on guys, I need some tough love!!!!

                  Want, really pleased about your scores......would be interested in seeing that test if your IT skills are up to it!!

                  Hope everyone has a good Saturday....there's a pile of ironing waiting for me!!

                  love Janicexxx
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Saturday 17th May

                    Janice - are you taking the evening primrose? I started taking that for PMS about 15 years ago -and it really gets rid of any "time of the month" symptoms (both physical and emotional ones for me).

                    I hope all are having a great weekend - and enjoy the grey - walk outside with some rubber boots on and splash around in the puddles if there are any!

                    Day 17 for me and I've flown to be with my family for the weekend - I''m used to drinking a lot when I'm with them - always more than anyone else. Hopefully a quick run on the beach will snap me out of it.


                      Saturday 17th May

                      Morning all,
                      Hey, T2C, sure write your issues! For me I find it healing to share my stuff, and also to read other peoples stuff. Someone once made a comment to me, when I said so and so is all fine and together - not to compare my insides to their outsides.
                      You know?
                      Day 18 for me!!!! I keep thinking one civilized glass of wine won't hurt, but then I'd miss all this monthly ad fun!!!
                      Love you guys, all of you,


                        Saturday 17th May

                        Hi Everyone: W/each sober day, I feel better & better. It's only day 2, but I feel a real sense of resolve. I've planned today so that there is absolutely no chance to drink:
                        -Pasta dinner w/daughter & g-kids here...she couldn't be more grateful.
                        -A little outing w/the g-sons.
                        -A good video for tonight.
                        I hope you all have a good & sober weekend. I'll try to check back later.

                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Saturday 17th May

                          Hey Y'all,
                          Hope every one has a peaceful full moon, weekend,
                          with lots of AF vibes.

                          Maise, Think positive thoughts, and things will be easier.
                          Fill your time with the rest of life, in love and health, Sam

                          37 days and one drink away from the addiction.


                            Saturday 17th May

                            Hello All,
                            Feeling about down today, but sober.
                            A lot of good vibes here today.


                              Saturday 17th May

                              I'm going to shut down the computer for the night in a few minutes. I just wanted to check in & say that I did stay completely & gratefully sober today. I have a non-drinking day planned for tomorrow. That seems to work for me.
                              -Walk the dog w/my friend & her dog.
                              -Take the g-kids to a "big rig" show. Big trucks, ambulances, fire trucks, etc.
                              -A little light gardening.

                              No, I'm not going to drink, because I feel so great when I don't. Thank you MWO friends for being here & being so darn patient w/a slow learner like me.

                              Love, Mary

                              PS: Janice, of course you're going to be sad. You're missing one of the closest people in your life. No one loves you (especially as an adult) quite the way a parent loves you. Just because Dad isn't here in body, he sure is watching over you & is probably very, very proud.
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

