This might make you laugh, I nearly accidentaly had a drink last night.
The story is, that I don't have a sweet tooth and am really not into coke etc so i was trying to think of nice grown up soft drinks. I use to liked tonic and bitters but that is out now because bitters is alcohol even if not very much is used.
Anyway somewhere along the line I thought tonic and rosewater might be a refreshing and fragrant drink. I had some in the spice drawer so... It looked amazing with all the ice and condensation on the crystal. Thankfully as I started to take my first sip I thought "I wonder what base the rosewater is in to make it keep so long?" 50% alcohol by volume! More than enough to set off the antabuse. I'd have been throwing up and no idea why. Straight down the sink.
So anyway lession learnt. If anyone has any ideas for interesting drinks that I can have, please let me know. My list so far is water, grapefruit and soda and virgin marys.
Hope everyone made it through the weekend ok. I know some people find it a really difficult time. I suspect it will become more difficult for me when I stop hiding.
Sun is up (nearly), birds are singing. I can't help is dawns make me so cheerful.
Everyone to come hope you have a great day