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Monday 19th May

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    Monday 19th May

    Morning all,

    This might make you laugh, I nearly accidentaly had a drink last night.

    The story is, that I don't have a sweet tooth and am really not into coke etc so i was trying to think of nice grown up soft drinks. I use to liked tonic and bitters but that is out now because bitters is alcohol even if not very much is used.

    Anyway somewhere along the line I thought tonic and rosewater might be a refreshing and fragrant drink. I had some in the spice drawer so... It looked amazing with all the ice and condensation on the crystal. Thankfully as I started to take my first sip I thought "I wonder what base the rosewater is in to make it keep so long?" 50% alcohol by volume! More than enough to set off the antabuse. I'd have been throwing up and no idea why. Straight down the sink.

    So anyway lession learnt. If anyone has any ideas for interesting drinks that I can have, please let me know. My list so far is water, grapefruit and soda and virgin marys.

    Hope everyone made it through the weekend ok. I know some people find it a really difficult time. I suspect it will become more difficult for me when I stop hiding.

    Sun is up (nearly), birds are singing. I can't help is dawns make me so cheerful.

    Everyone to come hope you have a great day
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Monday 19th May

    Ok, it's still Sunday night here but since Dx and I run to the airport super early tomorrow I thought I'd sneak a check-in tonight.

    Loppy, I had no idea about the rosewater! and I have some for baking. will take heed of that for sure.

    I have been liking making AF drinks by mixing some good quality juices in a glass with about 40% carbonated water to cut it down and make it less sweet.
    My latest fancy AF drink had Brazillian key lime juice in it. bling!

    well, we are off to our Alaska cruise so this is going to be a super challenge for me as they really push booze on these vacations. Should get on the boat late Monday afternoon and I'm not sure how internet is going to be so if you don't hear from me don't panic. I'll be having fun and thinking of you all and yes...taking a ton of pictures too.

    Be well my friends!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Monday 19th May

      Have a great trip Det. I'm checking in early as well. The day is done here making 39 days AF. Had a great day today and looking forward to another one tomorrow (it's a holiday here).

      Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.



        Monday 19th May

        Hi everybody!

        I haven't posted for over a week hope you are all well - I haven't had time to catch up with what's been happening properly yet - although I see that Det is off on an Alaskan cruise today - hope you have a great time!

        Not been doing well lately which is why I have kept away from MWO. I need to keep coming here and eventually I will conquer the beast

        Morning Loppy Lugs - you seem to get up even earlier than me!

        Hope you all have a good day xx


          Monday 19th May

          Morning, all you early birds! I haven't actually gone to bed yet, it's about 1:20 in the a.m. here. One of those insomniac nights. Part of the reason why I used to have Al around - now I try to get enought exercise into my day to make me sleep at night - and obviously I didn't get enough today!:H

          Det - Have a super, fantastic trip. I am green with envy!

          Seen the Light - Good to see you! You should post even when you are having a hard time, we are here to help, we all lean on each other. Together, we WILL conquer the Beast!

          Hi Mohun! And Loopy! Have you tried tonic and lime? If you like a sweeter drink, try adding a little grenadine to some pink grapefruit juice. Also, try iced tea mixed with different kinds of juice (apricot, strawberry, whatever) and cut with a little ginger ale or club soda. Or try mixing crystal light with club soda instead of water.

          Hope everybody has a great day. I am going golfing tomorrow - went to the driving range today, and frankly, I sucked!!!! So wish me luck....
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            Monday 19th May

            Hi all,

            I thought I'd pop in and say hi.

            Mohun reckons this is a pretty cool place to hang out so that's enough for me.

            As for drinks, I love a virgin mary too .... I'm off all soft drinks as I'm trying to reduce the girth a little.

            I do love a good cup of tea or coffee though.

            I seem to be over the blahs that I had last week. Thank God.

            My wife and I were just saying how calm and well we were feeling being AF.

            I think my kids are enjoying their new dad.

            I actually felt so good yesterday, that I said that there was no way that any feeling that alcohol could give me would be as good as be sober is. I was pretty happy with that.

            I just can't imagine how good I'm going to feel in 6 months or a year.

            I'm only at day 28 today, so I've got a long way to go.

            I must admit, I still feel like a bit of an outcast at social events, but I'm sure that will improve with time...

            Thanks again to everyone who has helped me get this far.




              Monday 19th May

              Hi Brett - Nice to have you on board. 28 days is a great start, good for you!
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                Monday 19th May

                Goodmorning all,
                Being AF makes one calmer? I wonder if I am, too? It is Day 20 for me, which is important becasue I read on these posts somewhere that it takes 21 days to make a habit.
                Happy Monday everyone


                  Monday 19th May

                  Day 8

                  Good Morning Abbers!!

                  Thanks for the early start and the smiles Lops!

                  Det and Dex have a great trip in Alaska, very nice!!

                  Welcome to Abland Brett look forward to your successes and as far as social events you should be quite popular as everyone *loves* to have a designated driver on hand!

                  Have a great AF day everyone!!
                  Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                  Watch this and find out....


                    Monday 19th May

                    4theboyz: I just read your journal in the "My Story" forum. I really got a whole lot out of it. Thank you.

                    Seenthelight: Always come here! Don't stay away! We will not judge you if you have a hard time. As a matter of fact, I have been too. I've just completed 3 full days AF & am starting to feel a little more myself. I've had plenty of slips & relapses. I'm not proud of them, but I've come back here (a bit diminished I must admit). If I didn't come back here, I'd be in full-blown relapse binging. I know that we will eventually "get" that we cannot & should not drink. I feel strong today & will not (under any circumstances) drink.

                    I'll check back later to this thread. In the meantime, I'm going to other forums (which I've been neglecting to do lately) & read & share.


                    PS: Yes, I read somewhere that it takes 21 times doing something different for a habit to be erraticated & a new one to take its place.
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Monday 19th May

                      Good morning abbers!

                      It's looking good here in the mid-west. I agree about feeling calmer and more controlled. However on the total flip side, I have a question to toss out there. Has anyone experienced annoyance, frustration or just plain lack of tolerance with certain people?? I find that I am less patient some people (just grown ups and just a few at that). The clearer I am thinking the more I'd like to tell some people exactly what I think of them.... no, no , not pms-ing here:H. It's funny, cause I was never this way before. I think I must have been numbed by Al....numed into some level of tolerance of stupid people.

                      At any rate, Det, have a GREAT vacay! What a great cruise to go on. Brett, glad you're here, Mohan is right. Seen, I've had some rocky times lately too. I seem to forget about watching out for triggers, lets keep in touch with that together. 4TB , thanks for the comments yesterday, I appreciate all my friends here. Going to try harder and plan ahead. I really love being an effective and attentive mom, can't do that while I'm bombed.

                      Hope you all have a great and sober day!!

                      On my way
                      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                        Monday 19th May

                        Hello all

                        Loppylugs - will vanilla extract and the like do that as well? oh I guess not if it's cooked ... but I don't know how antabuse works

                        the trace alcohol in nyquil and the like wouldn't set me off, but I wonder if marsala (as in chicken marsala) would?

                        Today is 90 for me - and I'm very glad that I made this milestone. I asked my husband if he wanted a drink the other night and he said no...I had fully planned on joining him if he said yes. I'm guessing that he's at about 60 days, but I don't think he's counting.

                        Det and Dex - if you see this have a wonderful trip - I hope to do that cruise one day, hubby's not interested though :H

                        Sorry I haven't been about, no private time at the computer for a while and today I'm off to help at our local election.

                        :goodjob: to all our absters and keep up the good work!

                        The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                        Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                        W Whitman

                        90+ days yay!


                          Monday 19th May

                          on my way;328597 wrote: Good morning abbers!

                          It's looking good here in the mid-west. I agree about feeling calmer and more controlled. However on the total flip side, I have a question to toss out there. Has anyone experienced annoyance, frustration or just plain lack of tolerance with certain people?? I find that I am less patient some people (just grown ups and just a few at that). The clearer I am thinking the more I'd like to tell some people exactly what I think of them.... no, no , not pms-ing here:H. It's funny, cause I was never this way before. I think I must have been numbed by Al....numed into some level of tolerance of stupid people.

                          On my way
                          :H well, yah! of course. In fact I'm working on a long project for my club now and one person was supposed to provide me with a large file of data. She took FOREVER and now that I'm going through it, it really would have been so very much better to do it from the start myself! Now my challenge is to make the corrections (quickly dammit!) without making her feel bad. I need to practice making a poker face. Perhaps with AL around, the stuff would roll off.

                          Then again, not PMS here, but peri-menopause. I've been told that massive mood swings are par for the course. So the irritable feelings that seem to come around, I'm chalking up to that. At least I have no more hot flashes (without the AL)!
                          The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                          Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                          W Whitman

                          90+ days yay!


                            Monday 19th May

                            Good Morning Everyone!

                            Busy weekend - yesterday was my 18th wedding anniversary. Celebrated AF. I used to think I would want a special occasion drink - but I really don't think adding AL would make the occasion more special for me - I'd probably just kick myself for drinking.

                            Det and Dx, good holiday!!

                            Welcome Brett!!! This truly is a good place to be - 28 days is great. Mohun is committed and strong.

                            Loppy, thanks for starting us off. Good for catching your mistake.

                            Welcome back Hannah.

                            Lila - you are doing so well. Changing habits is essential.

                            Mary and Seen - There is this debate about whether you have to believe in something to change your behavior or you first change your behavior then belief will follow. I'm one of those that changes behavior and lets the belief follow. For me there is no "motivation fairy". Making positive choices everyday is reinforced by increased energy, confidence, self-esteem (I'm sure you have your own list)...
                            Good luck to both of you.

                            Off to have my day,

                            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                              Monday 19th May

                              Beck: I agree! There's a saying in AA: "Fake it 'til you make it." The more I stay sober, the easier it gets, & the more I will believe in it. Studies have been done. The longer a person stays sober, the less the brain reacts to alcoholic stimulii (i.e. advertisements, people drinking, open bottles, etc.).

                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

