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Tuesday 20th May

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    Tuesday 20th May

    Morning all

    What a busy board it was yesterday, have only just finished reading it.

    Thanks to everyone for the suggestions for soft drinks for when I am brave enough to go to the pub. I have a plan for what to say when people try to press drinks on me. I'll say that I can't because it clashes with my medication. I just won't say that the medication is antabuse.

    I am so envious of the DTs going to Alaska and can't wait to see the pics.

    The days keep chugging along and I can't keep track of how well everyone is doing. So many people long over their 30 days and many pushing 100. Well done everyone, I am slowly following in your path.

    Today is day 20 for me so was very interested in the topic of 21days to make or break a habit. Although the way my body and emotions have gone haywire since I stopped drinking I suspect this was slightly more than a bad habit but I am working on it.

    I certainly haven't felt calm! I think that must be the only emotion I haven't felt. Most of the time I can feel ever nerve in my body is stretched to its limit. But like a number of people here, when I feel bad I don't post. But I do read and I think that helps. I just feel that when I feel low or vulnerable I prefer to hide away.

    Beck, congrats on the anniversary and going AF plus all the days you have racked up. Wel done.

    Cowgirl good luck with day 2.

    What a long post! Time to get on with my day. Hope everyone else has a good one.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Tuesday 20th May

    Hi Loppy. Day 40 AF for me. Welcome to the board Brett. :welcome:

    Someone yesterday mentioned about less patience for banal chatter. I have found the same thing. I used to be able to spend endless amounts of time in a bar talking about nothing. Now, especially on business trips, I find I would rather go back to my room and watch t.v. Sitting there while people get drunk and prattle on about nothing holds little allure to me anymore.

    Anyway, I hope everyone had a good long weekend (for those who had the weekend off). Good luck to all today.



      Tuesday 20th May

      Good morning Loppy, Mohun & all to follow.

      Up early for work, next week is half-term here, really looking forward to just having a few days at home and in the garden, catching up on jobs. Everything's grown like mad here, including the weeds!!

      Hubby was away last night I was very naughty but instead of opening a bottle as I would normally have done, I treated myself to a "very berry" cheesecake from M & S, gorgeous!!!! I know, I still haven't tackled this sugar craving!!!

      Anyway, hope everyone is doing good, it was a great thread yesterday!!! Will be back on later........

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Tuesday 20th May

        Hi abbers
        Just swooping in... well, actually hiding from other stuff I 'should' be doing. Went on yesterday's thread.. sounds very supportive here... great hey.

        I am going to do the broken record thing here.. in all this sobriety stuff I have really found that hard physical cardiac and strength training exercise has helped me enormously. I resist, I fight it, I try to get out of it, but its just down right good for me. It has changed my head space... (and it took POWER to do that, believe me).

        And I'd go with the faking it till you make it.. it sure worked for me... and now I"m making it and not faking it!!! whoopie

        Good luck to all of you and keep going.


          Tuesday 20th May

          Good to see you popping in Brigid!!!

          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Tuesday 20th May

            thanks janice.. hope things are well with you.


              Tuesday 20th May

              Morning all!

              Thanks for the comments yesterday - you are all right! You shouldn't stay away just because you're having a hard time - it helps just to read if that's all you can face:thanks:

              The comments someone made yesterday about putting up with boring people and conversations are so true! - Some social situations are just unfaceable!

              I'll keep it short and sweet - have a great day everyone xxx


                Tuesday 20th May

                Hey Mo, I can't believe how much crap "those drinkers" talk.

                They are so loud and obnoxious aren't they???:H

                It is amazing isn't it, to think that many of us were like that.

                Hey Brigid,

                You have inspired me to get to the gym after dinner.

                It is so true isn't it, about how much better you feel after a workout or a bit of cardio. Love those endorphins!!!!

                Hope you are all doing well.

                Stay strong



                  Tuesday 20th May

                  Good morning Peeps,

                  Have been having a hard time lately, so have made the effort to come on here today. I just feel abit bad spreading bad cheer rather than being positive!?!

                  Anyway, I think I'm having abit of a mid-life crisis. I had all my hair chopped off last week and coloured bright orange! Love it!! But when I see my 'old' hair on someone I think 'ooohhhh, panic' -my safety, invisible blanket has gone. I have lost 7 lbs. Horray!!! Although, I think it's 3lbs from each boob, and I can't work out where the other one has gone! :H

                  My mental space is shifting - I think it's coming off the ADs as well. So I am trying to be less self-judgemental, although easier said than done.

                  I do keep slipping, but as my ultimate aim is very much related to this thread I would like to keep talking to you guys. I agree with another comment I read somewhere, that living sober is not living without something that you want - it's living free and being yourself, with no 'additives'.

                  Take care
                  The mind is in its own place, and in itself
                  Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

                  John Milton


                    Tuesday 20th May

                    Hey jinja.

                    Great work on the weight loss.

                    You sound really positive considering you are also coming off the AD's.

                    Keep up the great work.


                    jinja;329009 wrote: Good morning Peeps,

                    Have been having a hard time lately, so have made the effort to come on here today. I just feel abit bad spreading bad cheer rather than being positive!?!

                    Anyway, I think I'm having abit of a mid-life crisis. I had all my hair chopped off last week and coloured bright orange! Love it!! But when I see my 'old' hair on someone I think 'ooohhhh, panic' -my safety, invisible blanket has gone. I have lost 7 lbs. Horray!!! Although, I think it's 3lbs from each boob, and I can't work out where the other one has gone! :H

                    My mental space is shifting - I think it's coming off the ADs as well. So I am trying to be less self-judgemental, although easier said than done.

                    I do keep slipping, but as my ultimate aim is very much related to this thread I would like to keep talking to you guys. I agree with another comment I read somewhere, that living sober is not living without something that you want - it's living free and being yourself, with no 'additives'.

                    Take care


                      Tuesday 20th May

                      Good morning early birds :hallo: (we're the late ones, I know!)

                      6:13 am and I already put muffins in the oven.

                      Banana Crumb Muffins - Allrecipes

                      I've made these 3-4 times and they always come out great.

                      I might have been able to do this with my previous morning fog (or headache) but I probably wouldn't have. Anyway..!

                      Jinja - I'm a bottle redhead too, LOVE IT! The red has a tendency to fade so I wash it a lot less. Great job on all the mental changes that you are making - keep checking in, it helps!

                      Great job on 40 days Mohun!

                      Janice - don't worry about the cake. One thing at a time - and the extra calories aren't destroying your liver or brain cells.

                      Loppy - I know that feeling, and I usually don't post. But I do read, and it's helpful. Try not to be afraid of milestones - I have gotten nervous on those days, but it's just another ODAT day, remembering that is key.

                      Brett, Brigid, Seen - and those who follow - have a great AF day.
                      The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                      Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                      W Whitman

                      90+ days yay!


                        Tuesday 20th May

                        Hi all,
                        I am on day 21 today!!! The habit forming amount of days! I was a redhead once, and i really loved it, but it does fade!
                        I think I am losing weight too, and a piece of cake or something is nothing compared to multiple drinks!!


                          Tuesday 20th May

                          Day 9

                          Good Morning Abbers!

                          Last night was a colossal tug of war with AL. Oddly there were no obvious triggers to battle with it seems it is all routine. So my strategy is to shake things up a bit and to keep busy. It also really helped to log on in the late evening and shat out some thoughts.

                          Bridgid has highlighted an important goal of mine and that is to get a workout *routine* going. No more excuses!

                          I do plan on having a great AF day today and I hope you all do the same!!

                          Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                          Watch this and find out....


                            Tuesday 20th May

                            Hi everyone,

                            We all sound chipper this morning. I'm a bit bummed because it is raining again and I have to paint a ceiling. hate painting over my head!!! But I'm going to get it done today so I won't have to do it tomorrow. I need to exercise more consistently - that is the only thing about enjoying running - you don't want to do other stuff and you really know better than to start a run in a driving rain - and that is what it has been doing here too often. I hate lifting weights - maybe I'll have to fake it for a while

                            4tB, Things would be going along smoothly AF wise and then from seemingly nowhere I'd get the urge to drink on a Tuesday night....probably the one night of the week I didn't consistently drink before going AF. It was weird.

                            Janice, take care esp when hubby is away. I had to tell myself that drinks do count even if nobody sees me drinking them. Pretty childish, huh?

                            Have a great day everyone,

                            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                              Tuesday 20th May

                              Hi Everyone:

                              I, too, find that sometimes the battle w/AL comes out of nowhere. The thought pops into my head, & I act on it. I won't be doing that today. I'm staying sober today, & tomorrow will take care of itself when it comes. I am bound & determined to stay AF. I'm so much happier & more content sober.

                              I want to go through life totally myself. I want to let people to see the real me, even my insecurities. They are a part of me, & I don't want to avoid them. I'll never work through them if I keep avoiding them by drinking.

                              I'm on day 5 of my newfound sobriety. I won't let those fleeting thoughts drive me. I've got a busy day planned. That works for me in this very early stage.

                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

