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Wednesday, 21st of May

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    Wednesday, 21st of May

    Hi everyone. Hope you don't mind if I start this today. I can't sleep - AGAIN! Grrrr! I think I need a forum site entitled "Insomniacs Annomyous"!!!!! And I am going for blood work in the morning (well, it's already morning, but a little later in the morning) And it's annoying that I can't go out to the kitchen and get a snack or anything either, because of the fasting before bloodwork. :upset:

    Geez, I went golfing today and walked the whole course, was up early, and there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be tired. Anybody else with this problem? Sometimes I end up taking valerian, or calms forte, or nytol, or maletonian - or a combination - and sometimes even that doesn't work. Frustrating.

    But - still AF. Doing well in that department, at least. Had a fleeting wish for a glass of wine tonight, but that's just because I am hungrey, tired, and frustrated - and I don't REALLY want one.

    Hope everyone has a good AF day.
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    Wednesday, 21st of May

    Good morning all

    Sorry to hear about the lack of sleep some of you are enduring. I am walking around feeling completely sluggish....rainy days here and not enough exercise. I am having a hard time believing Memorial Day is this weekend.....I was wearing wool again yesterday!!!! WTF?????

    Well day 25 for me, and I am trying to keep the outlook of "What I do have in my life." I went to dinner last night with a bunch of friends and honestly I didn't crave the glass of AL. I was so happy, and it was a great time. We were all laughing and I found I am just as funny sober as I am with AL, if not funnier. It was great to be giggling like a school girl and be sober.

    I hope all of you have great AF days and when you find that daily giggle, smile a little bigger......

    with tickles......


      Wednesday, 21st of May

      Morning Hannah, Flyin' and all to follow...
      Ahhh the sleep thing.......I think that was a major issue that I conviced myself was a reason for my nightly drinking....A nightcap...not me!....enough hard liquor that I would passout, blackout , not to mention the morning after......My first couple of weeks were restless, but not as bad as the mind imagined. I took melatonin for the next few months (of course thinking I needed it),...slept like a baby, but again, I was developing a nightly habit......Just deceided (yet again) to take that scary plunge, just friggin go to bed and let the chips fall were they may.....Sleep is no longer an issue...

      Hannah, good for you...thinking through that "fleeting wish" and passing on the alcohol.

      Flyin, I am from your neck of the woods, packed away my winter woolies, but kept out one raggedy looking pair of sweats and sweatshirt for those occasional cool spring days. I am so tired of washing them over and over!!...looks like our upcoming weekend is going to be summerlike!...Yipee

      Everyone have a great Wednesday.....and yes, lets try to find that daily giggle, and smile a little bigger......
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Wednesday, 21st of May

        Good morning Abbers,

        I too had trouble falling asleep last night. Just laid there, thinking melatonin, get up watch tv, read book, wine???? Finally fell asleep with out help, then over slept by an hour. Had a crazy time getting kids out the door, now it?s coffee time, ahhhh!!

        I am impressed by the numbers I see everyone racking up, very coo!! It sure is an ODAT thing, a big daily struggle?but well worth it.

        I keep thinking about making a new booze buster?s thread, but don?t want to exclude DG. I hope she comes back when she?s ready. That brings me to something she used to quote: ?there is no situation so bad that it can?t be made worse by alcohol? or something close to that. Listening to all the personal and daily struggles we go through I think that quote should be memorized.

        Hope everyone has a great al free day!

        On my way
        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


          Wednesday, 21st of May

          I love the quote "there is no situation so bad that it can?t be made worse by alcohol". It's sure been true for me. Maybe I should print it and post it in the pantry where the alcohol is kept.

          And I totally get the frustration with the sleep thing--I find when I'm having a really bad bout of insomnia (often go to sleep quick then wake up two hours later and stay awake for 2 - 3 hours), no medication seems to help. Only time. And it is hard to be patient when you're exhausted.


            Wednesday, 21st of May

            I too have the sleep difficulties. That's one of the reasons I started abusing alcohol years ago. Then the abuse spread to the daytime hours. I still have 2 to 3 days during the week when I just can't fall asleep. I've read this is natural as a person ages. The natural melatonin the body makes decreases w/age. Babies have tons of it...old people very little. As I've begun to get sober, I've reconciled myself to those sleepless nights. Sometimes I get up & do what you did Hannah...start a thread at MWO. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I toss & turn.

            What I've found is that while I'm tired the next day after not sleeping well, it's nothing in comparison to the sweaty, interrupted sleep I got when I fell into bed drunk.

            Have a great day. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012

