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Abbercise may 19-25

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    Abbercise may 19-25

    OK I'm in too,

    This morning I am following the Maureen Lipman excercise programme.. Fully extend right arm, Clutch coffee mug, Flex and lift to mouth, Sip, return mug to table. Repeat until mug is empty.

    Seriously folks I just checked and I have put on 10 pounds since 1 May. Must be substituting food for alcohol.

    Starting small but today I will put in 15 mins before I go to work on the wobble boards and walk the 3 mile route home from work.

    My knees are shot so runing isn't an option, I might have a look at wii. I am extremely IT challenged. Are they difficult to set up?
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012


      Abbercise may 19-25

      Hey loppy - will post fuller reply tomorrow, but I have regained heaps of strength and flexibility in my left knee over the past year ... despite having having torn both medial and lateral ligaments quite badly 15 years ago, lots of surgery and now some arthritis. I ever thought I would be back to doing some of the things I am doing again - usually much slower and carefully though!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Abbercise may 19-25

        Good morning,

        I declare the Wii fit loads of fun. Funny, the other night, a gal pal of mine and I did the hula hoop portion. We laughed and laughed until we worried about bladder control issues. Funny, our teen age daughters could not get the numbers we could. Were both products of the 1960?s, so rack one up for the old ladies!! Loppy, it was very easy to hook up and simple to run. I have always been resistant to the video game fad?don?t want couch potato kids. Truth being, I love watching my kids play sports, they tend to dominate and it builds my already over inflated mom ego. (Competition issues here)
        I really like the system and think it well worth it. I?d go to a store and demo it.

        Taking an antibiotic for a killer sinus infection but will try and pull off a run today. As some of you know I live in the boonies (farm country). I absolutely love nature and the wild animals I see regularly. Once I?m finished with the coffee reps I?ll hit the road.

        I found an American Cancer Foundation web site that helps track exercise progress etc, may be worth a look. I have not looked into it very thoroughly but from what I did see, looks like it could be a good tool for some of us. Get Active Challenge

        Happy Memorial day weekend and bank holiday to all!!

        On my way
        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


          Abbercise may 19-25

          Good moring all - I am going to look into that Wii thing too.
          I took a boxing class last night and definitely felt wiped out this am.

          Yosemite - I am sooo jealous of your trip - have a great time.
          Loppy - I know I've been substituting the food for AL - but I've been giving myself some slack on that front - one thing at a time..


            Abbercise may 19-25

            Hi all. Hope it's OK if I jump in here towards the end of the week. Today is day 2 AF and also Day 2 at Curves. It's also day 2 of eating right for me - which is keeping the carbs low. It feels good.

            Sounds like a very interesting mix of exercise activities going on here! I was at Walmart yesterday - they just opened one of those massively huge super duper Walmarts here in January. Everything there is huge - including the poster right in the entrance advertising the Wii exercise thingy. I don't have kids so I tend not to be up on the latest in gaming. Sound like fun! They have some hula hoops at Curves so maybe I'll try some hula hoop fun the old fashioned way. Hopefully I won't hurt myself.

            Look forward to getting to know everyone, and re-connecting with old friends too.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Abbercise may 19-25

              Is that you Doggygirl????? GREAT to have you back!!!!

              love Janicexxx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Abbercise may 19-25

                Hi everyone.....first time in a while but I've had a swim this morning - 30 lengths of a 25m pool - and we're just off for a walk. Can't stop.......(puff pant puff pant!!)

                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Abbercise may 19-25

                  Yesterday I did a 3 km round trip walk to the dog park followed by 40 minutes on the elliptical machine. I'm down 16 pounds so far with plenty more to go.



                    Abbercise may 19-25

                    *waving* to Janice! Yep it's me. I gotta keep after it until I finally get it right. Good for you on the swim and walk!

                    Congrats Mo on 16 pounds down!! You are giving me hope!!

                    I went to Curves again this morning - 3 days in a row. (LOL I want to keep my excercise and AF days forever linked!) It feels SO good to get the day started that way. The Curves I go to has the relatively new "Smart" system. The machines are all connected to a computer, so your workouts are measured. You can look at a computer screen when you finish your workout to see how you did against your goals, etc. I can't believe how much strength I've lost since mid-January laziness (and booziness) kicked in. In good news, my estimated calorie burn for yesteray was 286 cals and today was 331 cals. Hopefully that will help me shed this fat! (I'm not shaped like an apple. I'm shaped like the whole frickin' orchard!)

                    Have a great day everyone!

                    Day 3 AF and EX(ercicse) and LC (low carb)
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Abbercise may 19-25

                      wot nxt?!

                      Is someone going to start another thread for next week?

                      As the week starts here in NZ earlier than it does in the rest of the world I am happy to - I have enjoyed this one though and would be great to keep it going!
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        Abbercise may 19-25

                        I'm shattered!!!! Had another swim this morning, did my 30 lengths and then a walk this afternoon. I might be tired but there's certainly no dark thoughts lurking today!!!

                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

