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Friday 23 May

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    Friday 23 May

    Morning all,

    Well another bank holiday approaches. Again I have chickened out and all social events are non drinking daytime ones.

    I really do admire all of you who are able to go through this and carry on leading normal lives. I am just hoping that after the last couple of days that the emotional rollercoaster leaves me alone for a bit.

    I realise that sober people go through this all the time but I do enjoy being a generally cheerful person. Obviously there was something else going on underneath otherwise I wouldn't have ended up in this mess. Oh well time will tell what my AF personality is like. Wonder if I'll be a real witch!!!

    Mixed bag of posts yesterday some of us were feeling pretty down but encouragement and truly inspirational posts from other to help. Just what this place is all about really. I hope everyone has a good start to the weekend.

    Oh and for those getting used to a morning weather check. Not bad but not worth getting up for.

    Take care everyone.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Friday 23 May

    Happy Friday ABfriends!!!!

    AF greetings from the Celebrity Millenium which is steaming towards Alaska as I type. These ships are really good at sneaking al into every place you look and everything you do. I went to a coffee tasting today on the ship thinking that would be fun...turns out all three coffees had booze in them. Gladly I could tell by smelling them.

    Internet is going to be even more sporadic that it already has been the further we head north so not sure if you'll hear from me for a few days....I just have no idea what reception will be like.

    Loppy, so glad for you and much strength to you and all others here that are starting out on this glorious path to health and freedom.

    be well friends
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Friday 23 May

      Good Morning Abbers!!

      Staring down the barrel of a big holiday weekend and I sit here safely at home determined to plow through the many obstacles that I know lay ahead.

      Sunny days are ahead, you are doing so well and you are a true inspiration with how strong you are.

      Ice burghs and spiked coffee lots to navigate through the day! I hope you have smooth sailing on your trip - enjoy yourself!!

      Enjoy this great AF day everyone!!
      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        Friday 23 May

        Good morning all,
        Loppy the emotional stuff was very interesting. I have been very 'interesting' this week, up and down, practically manic, and when I read your post yesterday I wondered if it was kind of normal and to be expected. I guess it's been on shut down for awhile.
        Or that it is spring.
        What a month!


          Friday 23 May

          Good morning abbers!

          Still feel pretty bad, just waiting for the antibiotics to kick in. One nice thing about feeling sick is I have zero want for Al.

          Lila, hope life is treating you a bit better today!!

          Janice, hope your Mom is doing well and you too.

          Have a great weekend all, were taking off for a 3 day kids soccer tournament later today. I never know what kind of social situations I'll find myself in at these things. Some of the parents will go out at night and drink. I have a good excuse ready " gotta take care of my kids". While i'm thinking they're more fun anyway.

          Happy weekend to all, if I don't get a chance to check in, I'll be back Monday night

          On my way
          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            Friday 23 May

            Morning all
            AF personality...I too thought I was going to be a bitch for life when I first gave up AL. Sleep patterns were eratic, my mind was in a hundred different places, that initial burst of energy was wearing me out (although it felt wonderful, I couldn't seem to slow down!), excited I was making an effort to say goodbye to Al, yet sad....just a gammet of emotions.....Yep, a bitch!!!
            As each day passes I am finding myself more on an even keel. Small changes I notice almost daily. I do think vitamins/herbs has helped me, body and mind are finally adjusting to a life without AL....takes time, but it does happen.
            I am content, but will always be on guard. I need to remember me at my bottom, and that was not a pretty sight!!..I was a nightly drinker for many years, and knew at the beginning of this comittment the mental changes were not going to happen overnight...Hang in there, they do happen!!

            Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              Friday 23 May


              The AF personality, well, I need to ponder that one for a while, it starts out feeling happy that I have succeeded at conquering the B*TCH of a problem that it is................when that wears off, that is when I get into trouble, hubby irritates the heck out of me, drinks more, so I end up joining in again, and fall and get up and start all over again....................

              Sorry, not good news from me as I have tried and failed so many times. SOMEDAY, I will try and succeed, I just know it.:fingers:

              You all sound so positive, Det, watch out for those coffees, and Iceburgs!! Have a BALL on your trip!

              Everyone have a healthy af 3 day weekend!!!

              lots of love!:h:l

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Friday 23 May

                Good morning all - I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend -
                Mohun - thanks for the post yesterday - it made me stop and think - but I know I'm not ready to tell my Husb. about this yet. I know he'll support me in anything - but he is Mr Even Steven - never gets out of control - is super-responsible. While I am more of the the spontaneous combustion/adrenaline junkie type. I also know that while I've admitted this problem to myself - I cannot quite come to admit it to my loved ones. Maybe it's pride, maybe it's just that I don't want to fail and have someone else hold me accountable. I've got some more pondering to do on that front.

                Sorry for the long rant - I've just been focused on this 30 days, and am craving sitting at an outdoor cafe with a glass of wine, but then I read a post recently by someone that said it perfectly for me: "My problem is that I won't have just one. I want the whole bottle".

                I'm heading down under for a week tomorrow - but will defnitely be trying to connect.


                  Friday 23 May

                  Hannah - haven't tried any AF wines yet - I'll check some out - any you'd recommend? I'm a big red (Cabernet Sauv) fan.


                    Friday 23 May

                    Morning all. 43 days AF. Heading into a fine weekend and looking forward to it.

                    Went golfing yesterday and had water at the Clubhouse after. Everyone else drinking draft. No one seems to care about the boozeless me anymore. :H Kind of nice when it comes time to pay the bill.

                    Doglvr, I understand how difficult this is and we all have different circumstances. I didn't have a choice as my drinking has lead to a minor heart condition (they tell me is correctable if I stay sober). I'm sure when you do tell your husband he will understand and support you. Health reasons, philosophical stand, just don't want to anymore, etc... any reason you want. Hey we should have a thread just for reasons. Members could visit and pick the one they want. :H

                    Anyway, good luck to all today and this weekend.

                    Mo. :goodjob:


                      Friday 23 May


                      Woke up this morning with a terrible headache - can't believe I used to volunteer for illness every morning!!! Long weekend weather is supposed to be wonderful - probably a bit stormy at my house though, preparing for our move which is less that 3 weeks out.

                      Char, I really think I've gone from being an alcoholic (i know it is not over) to a workaholic. Really can't seem to sit still - only when I'm on MWO. Becoming a problem as I am beginning to wear down - not much of a sleeper. Should serve me well for the move though - but doesn't seem normal somehow.

                      DogLvr, All my husband knew was that I had quit drinking for lent. I never told him how much/often I drank. I realized that to stay sober he would have to know that I hadn't started drinking again. One night while we were out, I told him I wasn't drinking yet. I expected him to want to know why, expected recrimination (were you drunk when you (insert any one of my many close calls here). But nothing - he just ordered an iced tea for himself rather than a beer. I am fortunate that he really only wants to see the best in me. I too have pondered if I haven't told him more just because it leaves me an "out". If I started drinking again tomorrow, he wouldn't react negatively. If I am going to stay sober, I think it is a door I am going to need to close someday - just not ready yet.

                      Det, have fun and happy birthday!!

                      Cowgal, Sorry you are having such a tough time. PM me if you need to "talk"

                      OMW, Did you see that Doggy Girl returned to the BB thread yesterday? Feel better. You can also say that you are too ill to drink.

                      Have a great weekend all, I will try to check in when I have a down moment - usually early am.

                      Stay Strong,

                      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                        Friday 23 May

                        What great posts here today! Much, much food for thought!

                        Doglver: I haven't shared the extent of my drinking prob w/my husband or anyone else. Like you, I'm not sure why, & my husband sounds much like yours in terms of temperment. He has seen me stop drinking over the past year (sometimes for very long periods of time). I told him (& other loved ones) that as I've gotten older, I cannot tolerate alcohol like I used to. This doesn't mean he hasn't seen me drunk &/or suspected that I have a drinking problem. He isn't one to talk about issues unless I bring them up. I doing well coming here & sharing & reading. I'm going to let the future unfold naturally.

                        AF personality: When I first stop, I can hardly contain my irritation. I feel that diminishing as I enter my second week of sobriety.

                        Tonight we're having dinner guests & will be serving wine for the first time in a long time. I'm not going to drink today & will be very careful.

                        I'll check back later.

                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Friday 23 May

                          Just walked in the door from taking my youngin the the Doc for stiches. Slipped on the way out of the tub. If anything good came of this it's I didn't have a hangover and did need to worry about breathing booze breath on the Dr. Now, how do you explain to a three year old he needs not dive superman style out of the tub??

                          on my way to something
                          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                            Friday 23 May

                            I think I went manic yesterday. Not clinically. But I am on Sudafed, and 5htp, and emotional, and stressed, and I was planning, or thinking about moving me and my 3 kids across country on a lark.
                            This month, well, it ain't for sissies!

