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Saturday 24 May

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    Saturday 24 May

    Morning all

    Well the start of a long weekend and I intend to chill completely. I still have the remnants of a killer headache from yesterday. I think it was just because of the stress of the last few days. But now that is over, time to relax and regroup for whatever the next challange is this wonderful journey throws at me.

    Seems that I am not alone in the altered personality bit. What I am still not sure of is whether this is a temporary thing, whether it keeps coming around and we have to deal with it or whether when alcohol plays no part in our lives it goes away completely.

    Anyway enough of pondering the meaning of life, we know the answer it is 42!

    OMW hope you are feeling better and that so is the little one. Have never been in exactly the same situation but was so with you on the not having to cover up the drinking even though it would have played no part in the accident.

    Hope everyone managed to stay AF last night, know Fridays are bad for some people. Also hope that nobodies friends tried to press alcohol upon them, It must make it so much harder.

    Am off to buy a wii later, enouraged by the excercise thread. I am told they are easy to set up even if you are as IT challenged as I am.

    Until later....
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Saturday 24 May

    44 days AF and still counting. Although these days I seem to be too busy to even think about drinking.

    Loppy, you'll love the Wii. It's a lot of fun, even the cheap bowling and tennis that come with the system.




      Saturday 24 May

      33 days af. woo hoo.

      It really is a different life being af.

      I am loving it. I'm never going back!!!

      Hope everyone is well.

      Warm Regards



        Saturday 24 May

        Hi everyone...just checking in. Hope you are all good and looking forward to the weekend - a long one in the UK!!

        We had a lovely evening having a meal at our neighbours' house last night. The evening started with champagne, followed by white wine with the meal and a glass of red with the cheese & biscuits......well, for them three anyway!!! I was on apple juice. Nice evening but I felt a bit like the "odd one out".

        Just been for my swim and we're off for a walk so I'm gonna go and tell everyone on "abbercise" I've been a good girl today!!!

        Love to all

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Saturday 24 May

          Hi Everyone: I have a very full weekend planned, but I just wanted to check in & say hi. Take care, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Saturday 24 May

            Good morning all.
            Beck and Retteacher - I think we must be married to the same man - from yest. post - a LOT of similarities!
            Mohun - I like the idea about coming up with a thread on "reasons I'm not drinking" for my friends - I've got a list already.

            Lila - I hope you are doing better today - although as one who has picked up and moved cross country way too many times - I didn't think that was a crazy lark

            Fresh Start - congratulations on 33 - It's great that you've plugged through the 30 day mark and haven't quit! I am heading to your town today (lovely 20 hours of flying). my challenge there will be to resist the wine that my colleagues drink at lunch (Jet lag will be my excuse on this trip)

            Crazy experience last night - went to listen to an outdoor jazz concert on the grass - everyone with pitchers of Sangria, bottles of wine, you name it - but I brought along my bottled water and didnt' cave. Then we went to dinner with a few friends - While I waited at the bar the lady sitting next to me asked me what kind of drink I ordered (cranberry & soda w/a lime) - I told her I was trying to behave tonight. THEN - this is the "There are no coincidences" moment - she tells me she's drinking an O'doul's and that she's been sober for 20 years! I told her congratulations and she seemed really appreciative that I thought it was a great accomplishment. I almost asked her if she had heard of MWO - but bit my tongue. Very freaky.

            Starting 24 AF today. :thumbs:


              Saturday 24 May

              Hello everyone. It's so good to be back. Congratulations to all on the AF days racked up. Loppy and Mo, you've all got me really intriqued about this Wii thing. It sounds like too much fun. (and anything that makes exercise fun is a winner in my book!)

              Mary and Janice, it's so good to *see* you both. Janice, I know what you mean about that "odd man out" feeling. When will that pass for us...where we don't even think about it at all? Where it would be NOT normal to order an AL beverage? Sheez. Oh well. I guess that too is part of the journey.

              Brett, nice to meet you and congrats on 33 days!

              Hi Doglvr! Today is dog training day at my house. It's really cool and I love the dogs and the training, but it's my Big Temptation day in terms of AL for the week. Schutzhund Training, Illinois to see some pics of the dogs in action. No tracking pictures in this show, but there are obedience and protection pictures.

              I WILL stay AF today. Day 3 and if I have to leave and go to the library or something, I will NOT drink today.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Saturday 24 May

                Good morning all......

                Loppy, I hear you...this week has been real hell for me. Emotionally, physically and mentally....I was really looking forward to this sunny weekend...then AL crept up his ugly head yesterday....BIG TIME!!!
                I was ready to throw the towel in at 27 days...just like that....with no real contemplation of what that means. I SO wanted a glass of wine with my meal last night, and thought I deserved it.

                THANK GOD FOR THIS really set me straight. I love my pals here and feel so lucky to be blessed with such strong loving support here. Thank you!

                I ended up drinking Ice Tea. The rest of the night I was extremely emotional and angry. I HATE AL...hate that he has f*cked up my life and many others too. Hate that I ever opened the door to him...hate that I actually hate him!

                I am doing better today, and am happy that I did not let down my guard.....I hope this too shall pass and that days ahead will not be consumed with thoughts about not drinking.


                Sorry, all.....needed to vent...thank you
                I hope all of you have a great long weekend and enjoy it sober.....We are almost to our end of May....we CAN do this!!!!!!



                  Saturday 24 May

                  Love you Flyin that was a inspiring post about all of us and our battle against the drink "WE CAN DO THIS"
                  love it thanks mate



                    Saturday 24 May

                    Happy Saturday ABeroonies!!!!

                    a loverly day on the cruise I'm happy to say. went fishing with Dx and family here in Katchikan and just now got back on the boat and I have internet again.
                    DoggyGirl, great to have you back dear!
                    My first vacation so obviously my first AF one as well...very relaxing and nice.
                    Janice, don't worry....the feeling of being left out will pass.

                    be well friends!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Saturday 24 May

                      Determinator;331835 wrote: Happy Saturday ABeroonies!!!!

                      a loverly day on the cruise I'm happy to say. went fishing with Dx and family here in Katchikan and just now got back on the boat and I have internet again.
                      DoggyGirl, great to have you back dear!
                      My first vacation so obviously my first AF one as well...very relaxing and nice.
                      Janice, don't worry....the feeling of being left out will pass.

                      be well friends!
                      Hi everyone! I would write more but I'm stiff and sore and heading to bed soon! For all who are having a tough day or stretch, hang in there! I realize I traded my sobriety an many occassions now for a VERY cheap, short lived, and unsatisfying thrill. I really don't want to do that again, no matter how ick the day/week/time is. Hang in there everyone.

                      Deter I want you and DX to know that I am PEA GREEN over your cruise!! An Alaska cruise is very high on my list of things I want to do while on this earth. WE WANT PICTURES!!!! Have fun! (and when you get home I have a list of cooking questions for you.....) It's great to be back.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Saturday 24 May

                        It's late at night, but I just wanted to check back in. DG: It's great to see you back here. Just keep on trying to stay sober & don't feel you have to leave MWO. You don't have to be perfect to be here. I'm certainly not perfect! I just feel very gratified to see you back here. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012

