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What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

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    What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

    Last night I was reading in the General section about Cindi's recent experience while flying. Here is the link to Cindi's full story.

    At any rate, the Angel asked Cindi this question: "So, since you have been sober, what has changed for the better in your life?"

    I know I tend to get hung up on the times I have cravings and thoughts of drinking, and my many falls off the wagon have been related to a "glamourized" memory of drinking, and a Booze Beast Lie about how I can control it this time.

    What I'm hoping to accomplish with this thread is to come here each day, or when the spirit moves me, to document one thing each time that has changed for the better in my life as a result of AF living. I thought a thread might be nice to try in case others want to do this too. goes for my first 1 thing post!

    My life is better AF because I can relate rationally to Mr. Doggy much more of the time. (HEY - I'm still a "girl" so I'm entitled to a few irrational moments just cuz! )

    Anyone else?

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

    Can't impart anything yet as I'm not yet AF (only found site 2 days ago!) but it is refreshing to read threads suchas yours and also Cindy's story, just can't see how I'll get there just yet but heres to staying hopeful!

    Really good to read your thread xx


      What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

      My AF life is different because:

      - I am beginning to really know who I am, and I am starting to like the new me.

      - My relationships with my children has blossomed 1000-fold.

      - I can think rationally and feel much more stable. Still working on it, but much, much better!

      - I am really learning to appreciate and enjoy the little things in life. Before I didn't enjoy much of anything.

      - I am building 'new' relationships with friends, and family. It has been a LONG time since I have ever done anything with a friend. I love the fact that I can now.

      - I am off of all medication except for one. I had a physical a couple of weeks ago and everything is great! (whew!)

      - I have tons more energy, looking years younger (according to friends and family. I can see it too nowadays), and just feel really great all around!


        What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

        I love kissing my little girl to bed not smelling of wine
        I love not having to leave myself notes to remember who I have spoken to and what I have said or done (and may I add in the most awful drunk scrawl)
        I love getting home knowing I have NOT been driving myself and often my little girl around drunk
        I love not living a lie
        I love waking up in the middle of the night without feeling desperate and full of self loathing
        I love not having to having to remember where I have hidden wine bottles
        I love myself a whole lot more


          What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

          cedar;332923 wrote: I love kissing my little girl to bed not smelling of wine
          I love not having to leave myself notes to remember who I have spoken to and what I have said or done (and may I add in the most awful drunk scrawl)
          I love getting home knowing I have NOT been driving myself and often my little girl around drunk
          I love not living a lie
          I love waking up in the middle of the night without feeling desperate and full of self loathing
          I love not having to having to remember where I have hidden wine bottles
          I love myself a whole lot more
          Oh my God, I totally forgot about a lot of these! How true, true, true! I can DITTO! :l


            What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

            I can?t say what?s different yet as it?s been 10-11 years of daily drinking, BUT these are the things I?m looking forward to.

            ? Not being controlled by something that now seems more powerful than me.
            ? Feeling more youthful and energetic
            ? Being able to be spontaneous; currently I?m homebound after the drinking starts. There have been times I?ve driven and wondered how I got the heck I got home?Thank GOD I didn?t kill anyone.
            ? Losing the weight caused by alcohol; I don?t eat much so I know that all of my little fat rolls are from my wine and alcohol.
            ? Better family relationships
            ? Getting my house back in order; I?ve neglected too many things in the last few years
            ? Not waking up and having to wonder what stupid things I did or said last night that might have offended someone or made me look like a total fool.
            ? Saving money spent on booze
            ? Not being depressed or anxious after a few hours of not having alcohol
            ? I?m single and date quite a bit?.I think I?ve missed out on a few wonderful possible long term relationships because of drinking too much.
            ? A better memory?not feeling groggy all day long.
            ? Just simply enjoying life

            I?m sure I could add sooo much more to this list, but this is what came to mind right now. I feel like I?ve been dead for the last several years?missed out on so much that life has to offer.


              What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

              thanks for this - am feeling just a little fragile at the moment, so it was good to come and read this with my rational brain, even if my irrational one has taken charge for now!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

                Unwaivering;333000 wrote: I can’t say what’s different yet as it’s been 10-11 years of daily drinking, BUT these are the things I’m looking forward to.
                • I’m single and date quite a bit….I think I’ve missed out on a few wonderful possible long term relationships because of drinking too much.
                I, for one, missed out on a few really great men a few years back, when I was dating because of drinking. Obviously it wasn't in my cards, but this one made me laugh. (sorry not at you - but myself!)

                I am single but wont be on the dating scene for a while. Thank God, that when I do, I won't be falling over pissed faceless on the first date! Man, those were good times... not! No wonder my date(s) ran as fast as they could after they dumped me off on my door step. :H


                  What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

                  Hang in there Aunty Mame! This feeling will pass. Pound back a big glass of cold water.


                    What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

                    Things that are better in my life,

                    1. I am now trusted to be alone with my grandsons and my son and daughter-in-law know I am taking good care of them.

                    2. My husband and I spend more time just talking and connecting. I am there for him and he is glad to spend time with me.

                    3. I am able to do my very demanding job much better.

                    4. I do not hide from friends anymore. I seek them out, often just to chat.

                    Wow, things are looking up!!

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

                      There are so many things that are better, that it's hard to pick just a few....

                      I definitely like myself better. I no longer look in the mirror and don't like what I see.
                      I like that I can make plans, and not end up cancelling out on things because I am hungover.
                      I am thinner! I enjoy working out more, cause it's no fun hungover!
                      I could go on and on......
                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                        What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

                        What I love about AF life to be honest with myself is not feeling like shit everyday!
                        I love the feeling to feel my own body and mind growing stronger and stronger bit by bit each day. I know the mind will take that bit longer but it is a GOOD Feeling.

                        family is everything to me


                          What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

                          Teardrop (and others!) Great minds think alike! I was coming here specifically to post this for the day...

                          I love waking up and feeling really good!

                          Even with the restless nights during this early part of AF, I am about 3856389567 times more refreshed than when I was always somewhere on the spectrum of hungover to tipsy to passed out - repeat each day.

                          The "feel good" that comes from AL is so fake. This is a REAL feel good.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

                            Yes...... To not be living a lie......therefore, to be living a life of truth. Wow! It's amazing and sooooo much more manageable!

                            I used to think, I have nothing to be really unhappy about, but I felt it all the time. That deep unhappiness inside. Now I think I just feel happy 90% of the time.... Of course, "To every season..." and all that, but essentially happy!

                            But to be able to look in the mirror and smile? Makes it all just dandy!
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              What do you love about your AF Life? (Inspired by Cindi)

                              1. I don't hide drinking anymore.
                              2. I remember what I said & did the night before.
                              3. I don't feel guilt-ridden.
                              4. I can speak my mind clearly.

                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

