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Friday 30 May

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    Friday 30 May

    Good morning all,

    Another soggy and overcast dawn in the uk but I'm on good form anyway!

    Day 30!!!!!

    Someone was saying in yesterday's posts about us all being at diferent stages on this journey. I can honestly say that so far it has not been at all as I expected.

    I didin't expect the early days to be as physically difficult as they were. Then later the range and intensity of the emotions that hit me were beyond anything I thought myself capable of. And I certainly never expected to end the month 12 pounds heavier than when I started.

    On the plus side I have been surprised at how resolute I have been at quitting for good. The desire to be drunk is there often but there is always a little voice telling me that it is never going to happen. I want to thank everyone who has posted about their lapses because I see that as warnings about how I may feel in the future, the pitfalls I have to be wary of. I know I will need to be careful no matter what day I am on.

    June is when I really start testing myself. I have hidden away for this 30 days avoiding most socialising. From next week it is back to a more normal life. So I will be back here posting about how difficult or straight forward it has been.

    My first big event is going to Avril Lavigne with my brother. We don't live close to each other so he doesn't know about any of this. One of the things about not seeing people regularly is that they don't appreciate how much you have been drinking. They know that when they see you they have a big night out but they don't realise for you that it is just a regular day. Don't know how I am going to broach this with him.

    Anyway time to get ready for work. Apologies if I haven't been very supportive of everyone lately. I have been in a very strange place if you know what I mean.

    Maybe if we start getting beautiful dawns again, considerate, cheerful Loppy will make a reappearance.

    Take care all, thinking of you all and hoping that today is an easy one for you all.

    One last thing... DT I am still jealous!!!!
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Friday 30 May

    Morning Loppy and all to follow. Congratulations Loppy on hitting the 30 day milestone.....I know it hasn't been an easy 30 days for you but you've "dug deep", you've stuck at it and you should be very proud of times when we feel low, it would be so easy to say "oh what the hell...." and reach for that bottle but you haven't, you've kept on battling and you've got there so well done to you.

    Got my decorator in this week doing my bedroom so in a right mess. Hoping the weather will improve so I can get out into the garden and lose myself for a bit. Its great therapy for me. Time's marching on and social services have been on to me about mam's discharge........a decision may have to be made soon about whether she goes home or into a residential care home.......and no-wants to do it.

    Wishing you all a positive Al-free day......

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Friday 30 May

      Good Morning Everyone,

      Yes, I am early today. Seem to have lost my ability to sleep though I took a benadryl. It's bothersome but I'll muddle through the day. I have a lot of stressful stuff going on right now. Concerned about my ability to get through June AF. I'll post more about it after I get my head around it if you know what I mean...

      Loppy, Congrats on your 30 hard won AF days!!! I too surprised myself with my resolve. I have learned from others lapses; which has been a new experience for me as I usually insist upon making my own mistakes Do get out and live a little - hiding out is good when your a novice at being AF but getting back out in the world feels wonderful. I have found that b/c no one really knew the extent of my drinking my not drinking is rarely commented on.

      Janice, Hope you get out into your garden today. You are so strong to deal with your Mom's situation AF. It's impressive.

      Janet, keep at it. Glad I was able to help yesterday. Feel free to PM me if you think it will help.

      Well I get to do loads of not very fun stuff today - but I have learned to all that stuff AF.

      Hope everyone else is well and happy today.

      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


        Friday 30 May

        Hi all, and everyone yet to come.

        Loppy, congratulations on hitting your 30 Days AF! :kudos: I look forward to getting to know you better. You have the kind of resolve that has obviously gotten you through the rough patches as well as the smoother ones, and that means you have lots of wisdom to offer. ITA about weather having an effect. I found myself wondering over the last week or so why I feel so good about my chances of success this time, while I false started badly in November and March. I'm wondering if the shorter, darker days of winter had something to do with it?? Obviously I will have to face the winter weather AF later this year, but hopefully by then I will be far enough along where weather can't derail me. I hope you are treating yourself to something special today!

        Janice, having your bedroom redecorated sounds awesome!! I hope you take some pictures and show us what you did. I need to update our bedroom but I've got no vision for that sort of thing. I'm sorry to hear about your continued struggles with Mom. I too admire you for working on through it AF.

        Hi Beck! Ack - the sleepless thing. I'm going through that too. LOL on the Benedryl. I'm not only fighting allergies right now, but have come down with a cold / sore throat. So last night I took and allergy pill and also 2 Nyquil pills and also 2 Valerian root pills. Normally that would knock me out for a week. (well, especially since it would have been combined with lingering AL). Last night it only bought me about 5 hours worth of sleep. Oh well...this too shall pass - we need to keep the faith! Sorry to hear your day will be filled with not fun stuff. I hope it's the kind of stuff that feels very satisfying when it's finally done.

        Day 9 AF here and doing good. I will be leaving soon for my 7AM Friday business referal meeting. I go to different ones 7AM Friday, 7:30AM Monday and 8AM Tuesday. I was spoiled over the holiday weekend as all of them were cancelled last week! So it feels a little strange getting back in the groove this morning.

        Happy AF Friday to all!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Friday 30 May

          Loppy, Janice and Beck and all to come, good morning,

          Looks like we have rain coming today too, ugh. And I too need to get out in the garden, the weeds are taking over. Janice, hope it goes smoothly with your mom and Beck with the house. AND Loppy 30 days, YOU ROCK!!

          Last night I was thinking about all the positive benifits my sobriety has made for my family. If there is one thing that keeps me at it, it's the fam. Being able to read a bed time story to baking a loaf of banana bread at 11:00pm... seeing well enough to read a story or recipe. It's nice

          I hope all you abbers have a great day and weekend

          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            Friday 30 May

            Doggy, we crossed. Wow, you're racking up the days, cool!! I have a question, your that a young Shepard on your shoulder?? Have fun with the storms today, we need rain in the midwest but this is ridiculous. When I have a bit more time, I'll tell you about getting the kids their wii, funny stuff.

            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


              Friday 30 May

              Good morning everyone. Loppy congrats! I know what you mean about feeling strange, but it was when I was suffering the hangovers that I felt strangest of all. Since I have been AF and taking all the supps, I have felt better than I have in a long time, but I am well aware that there may be a time coming when the bottom will drop out of that. I am on day 20 now and I have been waiting for it to happen, but for now I am going to enjoy feeling good while I can! Congrats once again on a great accomplishment!

              Love and light,


                Friday 30 May

                Good Morning Abbers!

                How very Nice Loppy!! Congratulations on your 30 days, I realize how hard you have worked to make this happen and stories such as your do serve as true inspiration for my own efforts.

                I myself have over 102 days here at MWO, though only 75 have been AF, those 75 days have been a God-send for me. Most of all having the opportunity to recognize the importance of being here with you all and walking the path to be AF together.

                Add one more AF day for me and I wish you all a very great AF day today!
                Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                Watch this and find out....


                  Friday 30 May

                  Morning all
                  Happy Friday!!
                  Sounds like everyone is holding their own. Loppy, 30 days..whoo hoo...congratulations!!
                  Working hard, sticking with the comittment is something that we have all done to get to a good place with our sobriety. We will have our ups our downs, our stressors, lack of sleep..pick one, pick any, pick all...Today I want to walk into work, scream at the top of my lungs....I hate this f----in' place!!! (I really don't and I won't), that is my mood today and tomorrow I am sure it will be something else....There is always going to be a something else. I still have the feeling some days that the bottom is going to fall out...I try and think it through and move on (again, my sucks for me rule!).....I have put to much work into getting to where I am to chuck it all and go back to square one....I won't let AL do that to me...Hey can ya all tell I am on the crabby side today????..This to shall pass!!
                  Have a great day everyone!!!!
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    Friday 30 May


                    Hey all, just wanted to check in quickly and say hi, and BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Loppy!!! YAY, good for you!!:thumbs::wd::yay:

                    Everyone else sounds so great and motivated, weekends are busy and tough for me, but I am aiming for success......................Going on a benefit horse ride tomorrow w/ hubby (that was a shocker when he volunteered to go w/ me, since a friend bailed!)

                    Have a great weekend everyone, see you again on Monday!!!

                    lots of love!!!:l:h
                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Friday 30 May

                      Congrats on 30 days Loppy. You are doing very well. :goodjob:

                      50 days down for me and counting. Looking forward to some gardening today.



                        Friday 30 May

                        Loppy: Congratulations! I was interested in what you & Janice said about learning from other people's lapses (mine included, probably). I never looked at it that way. I don't have to go to all the misery to remember not to drink.

                        I feel absolutely strong today & am going to an AA meeting later. I'll share about that tomorrow. I don't go often but do relate when I do go.

                        Before I log out, I'm going to read the "What I love about being AF" thread. I find that inspirational.

                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Friday 30 May

                          Deter: I just read your post (from yesterday) about all the booze served on cruises. Firstly, I give you heaps of credit for resisting the temptation. Secondly, what does this say about our ability to have fun? Do we need drinking to do that? Maybe, it isn't a problem for normal drinkers. They know when to stop. If there was an unlimited supply, I'd have to really prepare myself for that. Congrats for staying sober wo/Antabuse. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Friday 30 May

                            Happy Friday,

                            HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on 30 days Loppy!!!!! And I certainly understand those emotions you have to deal with after a few weeks sober. Good job on getting through them this time. I know they have brought me down a few times.
                            Det, I am in awe of you being surrounded as you were on the cruise by booze and still remaining sober. It's tough enough on one or two nights but for several days.....good work. Did you, at any point, feel slightly disgusted by those around you who were getting bombed every night?
                            Happily most everyone seems to be in a good place for a Friday night. I will make sure that I have a full stomache going into the evening so that I'm not tempted to drink on top of it. I got up early and made several vegetarian soups and stews so that I can fill up quickly before I drink up.
                            I have several graduation parties to attend this weekend but am not too concerned as they are afternoon events and the hosts are not huge drinkers.
                            Pride cometh before a fall, I know so I will be ever vigilant.

                            Enjoy a sober Friday all.



                              Friday 30 May

                              on my way;335483 wrote: Doggy, we crossed. Wow, you're racking up the days, cool!! I have a question, your that a young Shepard on your shoulder?? Have fun with the storms today, we need rain in the midwest but this is ridiculous. When I have a bit more time, I'll tell you about getting the kids their wii, funny stuff.

                              Yes, that is a working lines German Shepherd pup on our dog trainer's shoulder. He is about 13 or 14 weeks old now. He is out of our trainer's competition dog and another nice female they own. This litter is a really nice one, and he is trying to decide which male to keep - in hopes it will grow up to be his next competition dog!

                              Congrats Frogster on 20! I look forward to getting to know you better.

                              4tb, I find your posts very inspirational, and love your "Story" posts down in that section. Congrats on all the AF days you have racked up!

                              Char - better crabby than buzzed, I say. I admire your determination to stay AF no matter what. I'm with you - I hope I have seen the last Day 1 EVER.

                              Mo, congrats on 50!

                              Mary, you are sounding chipper today and that's awesome!! I too like the "love AF" thread and I'm sure I will be visiting it OFTEN as I reach out to touch the MWO life line during dog training tomorrow. I'm hoping for nice weather conditions (dry, mainly) for photography so I can keep busy that way.

                              Vino, you raise such a good point which is true for me too - an empty stomach = more urge to drink. I rarely drank once my tummy was full. Another reason to stay really aware of a steady stream of appropriate meals throughout the day. And planning ahead so there is appropriate food available with the right convenience level!! (good reminder as I've been a bit lax in that department the last couple of days!) Sounds like you have a nice plan for the weekend!

                              Renegade, welcome back to the AF wagon.

                              Det - As I already said (probably 10X) I am so envious of your Alaskan cruise. But I really do admire your stamina to be around so much booze. I've cruised a few times in the Carribean and you are not kidding - there is booze everywhere 24X7.

                              Well, I'm gonna hit the hay soon. Just wanted to thank one and all for being here, being you, being such an awesome support system, and also being fun.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

