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What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.
What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.
I hate bloody everything (except the feeling of pissed)
Larisa;337640 wrote: -running out of booze before I'm passed out - having to drive to go get more
-not having any on Sunday when the liquor store's closed and I thought it would be nice (!) to have a sober day
-not being able to commit to things with friends because I know I'd rather drink
-having to get chores/errands done fast so I can drink
-not doing chores/errands because I want to drink
-30 pounds on my ex-lean, athletic body - who is this???
-my teeth wearing sweaters in the morning
-throwing up
-being broke
-constant dieting that doesn't work anyway
-trying to act sober on the phone
-screwed-up sleep schedule
-constant dehydration
-fuzzy head
-forgetting entire conversations/trying not to let it show in subsequent ones
-bathroom issues - both extremes - nuff said
-trash cans full of more wine bottles than the liquor store and enough corks to get the cast of Lost off the island
-realizing I spent 3/4 of the weekend passed out, and it was beautiful outside
-being a slave
I could go on and on and on. I know we all could. But I have such high hopes for this program. I started the cds, supps, etc, and topa not too long ago - so far no side effects except for Diet Coke tasting nasty (175 mg). Woooohoooo! I love this place. Sorry for such long post. I have - ahem! - strong feelings about this subject.
I hate:
The way I get aggressive toward my wife because I'm so tired until 12am in the mornings
the paltry amount of time with spend with my wife and children because I am ashamed
the money I spend
the headaches
the shit feeling in my stomach every day
the liver ache
my short temper (I hate this the most)
my lazy attitude
the feeling of inadequacy
the anxiety
the palpitations I get
The guilty feelings
the times i've told my wife "I might as well just fucking leave"
the times i've told my wife "its all your fault that"
the poor example i'm setting to my kids
my aggressive attitude over the tiniest of things
that I can't just have one (I am jealous of people who can)
that I end up having 10
that I shout at my children (I hate this the most)
As I read this, I realise I am an alcoholic in every possible sense of the word. It is slowly destroying my life. My relationship with my wife, my ability to be a good parent, my business and my body. If I don't quit this year. I will be dead by time I am 50. This is something I have to face up to.
What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.
I hate the way it completely denies you access to the people you love- AL slams the door in my face so I can't get close to friends or family- the real people I love- not this nonsensicle, slurring mess.
You can see the curtain coming down when you are talking to them... And I feel so badly:upset:On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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