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What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

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    What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

    Caroll;545267 wrote: 1. I hate the constant need for another drink.
    2. I hate not remembering what I did or said the night before.
    3. I hate speaking bluntly to people just because I drank too much.

    4. I hate withdrawal symptoms, but see these as progress down a difficult path.

    Thanks DG for thinking this up, it's helping to put things straight in my head.


      What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

      Things I Hate

      I woke up one morning; the end of my side of the bed was soaking wet. My children said to me' Mummy why is the bed wet?' I didn't know. Then I realised. I'd got undressed and wet myself in the process but I didn't remember. Couldn't remember a darned thing. This to me was the lowest humiliation I have ever experienced. But I turned it into a joke and blamed it on the dog. I thought it was funny! How sad is that
      AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


        What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

        Things I have hated

        1. Chugging a bottle with my friend at 5pm then racing to the shop to get another so that by 6.30 I've drunk an entire bottle.

        2. Thinking this is normal and not unusual.
        3. Being able to drink so much but not feel like I've had too much.
        4. Staying up until 3.30 am playing repetitive games on the computer drinking
        5. My daughter's sadness and embarrassment and worry.
        6. My 6 year old buying me 6 bottles of wine for my birthday; me thinking this was funny and cute
        7. My husband saying 'I'm seriously worried about your drinking'. Me thinking it was funny.
        8. Me laughing at my friend falling over, stumbling, slurring. Enjoying talking about how much we had drunk the night before as if we are 18 again.
        9. Seeing last night's glass half full on the bedside table. Putting it in the fridge and drinking it once it was cold again.
        10. Celebrating my liver function test was normal despite drinking 100 units a week for several years.
        11. Downing pints of orange squash at 5am and popping strong painkillers just in case I get a migraine.
        12. Headaches that last 3 days
        13. Being admitted to hospital with suspected brain bleed when in fact was just badly hungover
        14. Ditto going to emergency doctor and having to get emergency injection to kill pain of bad hangover
        15. Deciding not to eat because I'm drinking. Stuffing crisps chocolate etc as an accompaniment
        AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


          What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

          Really ashamed

          Last summer when I was camping with my family and a bunch of friends, I got lots of attention from an 'admirer' (don't make me laugh) when drunk. My husband hit me and throttled me in front of my two children and their friend calling me a f.... drunkard. Everyone heard it. This is the lowest that alcohol has brought me and the pain to my family was horrible. For that reason alone I need to stop.
          AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


            What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

            This is a great thread! I can relate to lots I've read here. Here's my pitiful contribution.

            Some of the things I hate about drinking -

            I hate bargaining with myself over when I can have the first drink on weekend mornings.
            I hate being proud of myself for deciding to have a margarita at 10:30am on a Sunday since I really wanted the wine.
            I hate waking up at 4:30am drunk as a skunk and knowing that the alarm will be going off at 5:30 for work.
            I hate watching a popular TV show but can't discuss it the next day because I can't remember the ending (or even the middle).

            Mrs. S.
            Mrs. Swino
            AF since 2/9/2009!!
            Working toward 90 day goal!
            Then I don't know..
            and then I'll hate wine...Ya, that's the ticket...


              What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

              Mrs. Swino
              AF since 2/9/2009!!
              Working toward 90 day goal!
              Then I don't know..
              and then I'll hate wine...Ya, that's the ticket...


                What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                You are so right, this is wonderful......
                I hate People telling me VERY important things to them, and I don't remember them at all.....
                I hate,After a few wines, I did not care to work either, would have clients call after 8 and, I KNOW they could tell, I had one or many too many......(so embarrassing)
                I hate that, Anytime my husband would go into another room, I would run for the wine load my glass again, so maybe he would not notice........of course there were the empty bottles in the garbage...which I would promply take out the next morning, and hope no one noticed.....
                I hate the weight I have gained, and the constant dieting, and denial of why none of it is coming off!
                I hate the fuzzy brain feeling in the morning, and what it has done to my life.
                I hate the cravings that I have each evening at the same time, like clockwork....
                I hate the great feeling of opening that bottle and pouring that first drink....detest it, never want it to happen again.
                I hate the way my grown children look at what I have already downed and I know what they are thinking, Mom you are great, BUT YOUR DRINKING IS OUT OF CONTROL....
                I hate thinking about coming home from church on Christmas Eve, and having so many wines, I fell down and hit my chin, on the hardwood staircase, boy was that not fun.....embarrassing, but not enough.....
                I hate that last week, I was doing some art in the kitchen sitting at a bar stool, and I stood up to reach something, and fell over BACKWARDS, HIT MY HEAD SO HARD ON THE CERAMIC TILE FLOOR......I THOUGHT I WAS OUT COLD.....WHEN I CAME TO, MY SWEET HUSBAND WAS STANDING OVER ME TRYING TO HELP ME UP..............DID I SAY, I AM FED UP WITH THIS MONSTER.....I HATE THE WAY IT MAKES ME.........................MEAN, IRRITABLE, UGLY....

                Thank you so much, this is my first official post, as I have been looking around and reading for several days....I can do this, and I WILL, with your help and all seem so great, positive, and happy.....I am worried about what will happen when I totally quit.....I have been cutting way down...last night two glasses of wine..........for real.....cause I do hate it, and I am scared....I can pull off a sick for a few days.....what supplements would be good to have for withdrawls?


                  What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                  Calling my husband at work "just to check in" (which I know he hates) in order to gauge his voice/mood to see if he's pissed off at me from the night before.


                    What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                    southern belle, welcome!!!

                    try out the general discussion threads for more info...this thread isn't a really regular area for alot of folks...

                    you can do this and i'm glad you are feeling positive now!!!



                      What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                      Oh man, this is a great thread. I have to post a few.

                      I hate trying to find new hiding places for the vodka bottles in my closet so my son won't find them.
                      I hate missing a few of those bottle and finding one in a jacket pocket when I went to use the jacket.
                      I hate making decision to buy only the brand that comes in plastic so it will be easier to hide in the garbage and I don't have to put in the recycle bin (for fear of neighbors seeing them).
                      I hate all the weight I put on since this got out of control.
                      I hate shaking when I wake up with a hangover.
                      I hate those moments of reality when I think about what I am doing to my liver.
                      I hate it when my son tells me I am an alcoholic and I need help.

                      I hate alot more than this and will likely post more...(and I hate that I have more to post!)


                        What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                        i hate to say it, but al doesn't only hurt the liver...also the brain, heart, pancreas, bowels, esophagus, mouth, stomach, vascular system, lymphatic system, nervous system, belly button, little toes...


                          What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                          I hate counting AF Days (looking forward to saying my last AL day was xxxxxx)
                          I hate looking at my cell phone to see if I called anyone the night before
                          I hate being fussed at by my hubby for drinking AL


                            What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                            I hate the decisions I make - the emails I send, the text messages I send....
                            I hate how flirtatious I become to people I would not normally "flirt" with...
                            I hate the things I divulge...
                            I hate when I start a conversation the next day and my daughter says, "Mom, we talked about this last night!"... I have no recollection
                            I hate the fear that I cannot undo the damage - that my kids will always remember me as a "drinker"
                            God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                              What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                              Spirit I love those flowers in your avatar. Here in the UK it has been the first hint of spring and those blooms just lifted my spirits.

                              AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                                What I HATE, LOATH, and JUST CAN'T STAND about drinking.

                                I hate the evenings when it's usually my drinking time and I am struggling through with cups of tea until about 10 o clock then it gets a bit easier. Especially at the weekend. I know this isn't what I hate about drinking but I still really really hate it:upset:
                                AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic

