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Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

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    Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

    Late this week and I am no fit example at the moment having spent most of the weekend in bed sick ..... but I am swallowing my pride in the interests of hoping that this thread continues!

    The only sweating that I did today was in the sauna in an effort to relax, get rid of the last of my flu and generally try to aid the sleep process.

    Goals for June:
    • run 2km 3x per week (this is a biggie for me!)
    • lose 2kg (I'm trying to start small and realistic!)get back on my bike! (first step: pump up flat rear tyre!)

    and of course be AF !!!!!

    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

    Hi Mame! Hope you start feeling better SOON. (I think I forgot to mention that in one of the other daily type threads - please accept my apologies!)

    This thread is really appropriate since I also signed up for a June "Heat it up" challenge at Curves - so I already know my goals.

    1) Work out at least 3X per week.

    2) Eat low carb every day - no cheating!

    3) Lose 4 pounds (1 lb per week)

    I'm debating on going today. I really want to..but maybe I should give this cold another day of rest.....still debating.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

      This week the kids are out of school. I will really need to keep my bod moving.

      run 5k x4 days
      pump up bike tires and ride it to the market....with kids.
      do my freeeeking sit ups every day (said with clentched teeth)

      Mame, I hope you feel better, the sauna sounds great. Doggie, you too. Put some pepermint tea in your former voddy coffee cup pepermint tea always makes me feel better when I have a cold.
      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


        Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

        on my way;337551 wrote:
        Mame, I hope you feel better, the sauna sounds great. Doggie, you too. Put some pepermint tea in your former voddy coffee cup pepermint tea always makes me feel better when I have a cold.
        That peppermint tea sounds great - and I actually think I have some here!! Thanks for the good suggestion. LOL on my former Voddy cup. So sad. So true. So NO MORE!!!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

          I cannot believe I actually went to Curves, even though I had a legitimate excuse to skip. Is someone else living in my body or what??????

          The SMART computer is interesting. I pushed as hard as I could - went to exhaustion on my muscles (the protocol after a Sunday off, according to the 'puter). In looking at the results after my workout, it was really obvious the strength difference between a Monday (day after day off) workout when well, and when sick. My strength just wasn't there today - even though I pushed as hard as I could.

          I'm lovin' this computer. I feel really good that I went ahead and did it. My only guilt is hoping I didn't spread too many germs. I made liberal use of the anti-bacterial gel that they always keep on hand. (but I probably should feel some guilt anyway, which I do. At least it's not AL guilt)

          Have fun abbercisers! Happy Monday.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

            hi dg excellent push to get in your workout.I am finding I am now more concerned about my workouts then the AL . Plus they have helped get me over the sleeping problem. Nothing like a sound sleep because your body is tired from a workout as compared to the sleep induced coma of al .And the good feeling the next day.
            Way to go

            Stay Healthy
            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
            AF 5-16-08


              Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

              Does anyone have any views on whether exercising morning or night is better? I've been doing mornings, because then I just dont think about it - roll out of bed and am at the gym before I have a chance to argue with myself! But wondering whether an early evening gym might deal with my 5pm wine craving????
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                :sofa: I'm dragging myself kicking and screaming onto this thread, wearing a brown paper bag over my head because, honestly, I have become the worst couch and slouch potato. Pub crawling is a form of exercise, right, and lifting a pint flexes your arm muscles, surely! So now that I'm not doing that, my fitness regime is right out the window. Just reading about you all makes me feel dizzy - particularly those exercising even though you're under the weather. Lounge around in that sauna, I say. Inhale some nice eucalyptus vapours.

                However, I was encouraged by a group event the other day where we visited various sites but also ended up doing a lot of walking in and around parks for over 4 hours in total. There are parks near where I live, and taking regular walks should be doable, even for me... It's kind of a babygoal but one's got to start somewhere.

                I did have about 30lbs of beer belly to lose uch: of which 10lbs is already gone :yay:
                Walking them off should speed up the process.

                As for the morning/evening thing, I would definitely get it over with in the morning if I were a morning person. But in the prehistory of time when I did still go to the gym, I always found the late afternoon/evening workouts were much more effective, a de-stressor after work and a diversion from that wine bottle!


                  Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                  Caysea, I'm VERY sure that working out regularly helps with the sleep. I too am starting to worry (in a good way) over it - in a small way like I used to think of how AL would fit into my day - all day - pre AF. Being the "allergic to exercise" sort for most of my life, I couldn't believe I didn't JUMP at the reasonable excuse I had yesterday, being under the weather and all. YEAH for US!!

                  Mame, I don't know whether there is a truly optimal time physically for exercise or not. But IMO? Especially if you are inclined to skip it, and need lots of dicipline to do it, I'm sure any expert would say to exercise when you can fit it in, and are most likely to stick with it!!

                  For me, if I don't do it in the morning I am less likely to do it at all. And since my "witching hour" was often very early in the day, it helps me on that level too. But I can sure see how evening or after work would make sense especially if that's your "witching hour."

                  Pamina, you are so funny! I can relate to every word. Are you sure you're not copying this stuff right out of my diary???? :H Congrats on 10 pounds gone - that is awesome!! It must be nice to have lots of park space close to where you live. Walking sounds good. Do you have a dog already, or shall we work on getting you one??? EVERYONE needs a puppy. EVERYONE.

                  I will be off to Curves in another 1.5 hours!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                    Mornin all,

                    Doggie, glad you?re hitting curves; a couple of my friends make it a daily stop and enjoy.

                    Mame, as far as the best time to exercise, if you do it in the morning, it is supposed to rev up your metabolism; more weight loss. I would agree with that. I however like to do it later in the day; it helps me with the stressors that tempt me to drink..

                    Happy day to you all!!

                    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                      Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                      Monday - 1 hour kickboxing class
                      Tuesday - 1 hour kickboxing class


                        Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                        Mame, I'll start the bicycle thing tomorrow! I promise! Please keep posting. It's a great motivator. Guess I'm a little late starting. June 4 - 8 for me. Thanks for the motivation. Pamina, I love your sense of humor!! I need to have the bike ready to go and not even let myself go into the house were the pre-exercise glass of wine is a temptation.


                          Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                          my wife and I did our 16 mile route on the bikes in the AM. Then a 1 hour tennis clinic with my hitting partners and the pro in the afternoon. Looking forward to my match in the AM.
                          Stay Healthy
                          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                          AF 5-16-08


                            Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                            Hello people!

                            Well, DG - one day left before I go to my Curves appointment! Hope I like it as much as you do! I haven't been there at all since the week before last (sigh) - but I did go golfing almost every day, and lots of walking. Honestly, I am down to my "never could imagine I'd get this thin" weight, it's just a matter of keeping it there. But I sure do find that not pouring all those liquid calories down my throat makes a HUGE difference!

                            Me, I am not a morning person. NOT! NOT! More of a night owl. So the thought of exercising in the morning appeals to me not at all! Usually I head out to Curves about 2:00 in the afternoon. But in the morning I do walk the dog, and the course we take we have measured out to be 2 km - but somehow this seems easy because you are not really getting your heart rate up. Then Curves, then another walk with the dog in the evening, so most days I walk at least 4 km, plus Curves.

                            Today was our ladies golfing afternoon. We always walk the course. I was totally pumped because I shaved 10 points off my score of a few weeks ago, which frankly was horrific! But, was too pooped to do the full route and the dog got a slightly shorter walk tonight!

                            Keep on pumping, everyone!
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                              This is not a post. Because i have done nothing, zilch, nada all week. Excuses:
                              *sick (monday, tuesday)
                              *cold wet southerly - windy and rainy outside - and an early start to work (wednesday).

                              For Thursday (tomorrow) gym bag is packed, work clothes on a hanger and already in the car, and if I cant post tomorrow that I got there then i will expect some serious butt kicking (I'm sure DG wil be happy to oblige!!!)
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

