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Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

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    Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

    Greenie, I'm itching to :b&d: somebody. Since Mame did her exercise yesterday, can I :b&d: your non phone call returning, loser of a personal trainer??

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

      Hi everyone,

      Life is running all over me and I missed my run today. Damn. Think I must have used up all my motivation when I quit drinking. No that is bad thinking...motivation is a good thing which makes it infinite...guess with exercise I will have to do the "fake it till I make it" thing. Stressful time w/o exercise is ticket back to drunkland. Better get off my ass soon.

      DG - you can kick my ass tomorrow if I don't run...

      (cursed 3 times, don't have to put money in a jar or anything, do I?)


      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


        Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

        great to hear about everyone getting in their workout and the people planning to.This tread really gives such positive vibes about all of us who are struggling but are truly putting in an effort to have a positive lifestyle. It is this feeling of being in this fight together that is so motivating. Hit the tennis court with my workout partner for an hour and a half practice. it is hot here in Florida but still a great feeling to push myself physically and mentally. lot easier working out without the old hangover

        Stay Healthy
        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        AF 5-16-08


          Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

          Good evening Abbercisers,

          Busy day, kinda stressful. Booze Beast is knocking on my door....locked the door hope it works:H

          Sam, what a fabulous ride. I'm envious and impressed. I had a specialized fit for me a few years ago, when my kids are older hope to do some longer rides like yours. I can't imagine how great the scenery must have been.
          At present my posterior can take about 50 mi. Have you ever ridden the Hilly 100 in Brown Co. IN??? That?s on my list. Hear they serve great fried chicken on the road. But anything tastes good when you?ve covered that distance. Sanctioned ride or blazing your own trail, it all sounds nice.

          Beck, don't know if I will be able to run today either. I really need it though.

          DG good job with the Curves days.

          It is so great to see everyone getting active!!

          All the best to all you abbers. omw
          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

            I know its late in the week but anyway...went to the gym on Thurs arvo (1st time in a week - bad girl) and completely forgot I had pilates this morning(I have to run away from work to get there, was snowed it's a new thing etc etc) but exciting news is that I've lost 1KG - seeing as I've ben trying for a year or so it feels good. And, as I haven't exactly been working out this week I have to put it down to no booze...:yay:
            Anyway, abbers, I'm off to China tomorrow(work) will be stressful away from the hubby & kiddies but it's OK.
            Oh, and there are gyms in the hotels & I fully expect to be getting there most mornings.


              Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

              Hello abbercisers!

              Beck....I'm lurking in the shadows with my :b&d: ......are you running???????

              Caysea - where abouts in Florida are you? I lived in the Clearwater area for several years and once my body adjusted the summer humidity (to the degree that's possible LOL), I loved it. Do you play tennis outside at this time of year? My lungs feel heavy just thinking about it!! I too love that we're all doing this as a group effort and cheering each other on. Exercise feels SO good when it's done, but sometimes I get weak in the motivation department to start. This thread and group really help.

              OMW - I feel your pain with a little Booze Beast knockin' - I've got a bit of that going on today too. Hopefully you will get a chance to run today which I'm sure will help quiet the beast.

              Dolphin - congrats on 11 Days AF!! it exercise to stay off the game threads???? just jazzin' ya.

              Angelcakes congrats on 1kg lost!! Amazing how much more effective weight control efforts can be without Al. What kind of work will you be doing in China? Sounds exciting. Also, it's hard to imagine your snow - it was almost 80 here at 4:30AM and VERY humid. Wanna trade?

              I had a killer work out a Curves today. It was a "full on" day - not the 80% target of the in between days when you go on consecutive days. And with the humidity I absolutely worked every muscle as hard as it would go for me. The computer says I burned 437 calories WOO HOO!! I also weighed on their scale and I'm down 6 pounds since May 22 when I went AF and started working out again. And I'm also down 4 pounds since I weighed in for the June Heat It Up team challenge - I'm glad I signed up and weighed in early! That will be some good points if I can keep it up through June.

              Now I just hope that some of the weight loss will happen around my mid section - that place on my body that is apple oops I mean orchard shaped. I WANNA GET WAISTED! (note spelling if that sounded too freaky!)

              Hope everyone as a great, endorphin producing, mood enhancing, fat burning kind of workout today!!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!


                I did manage my run though I admit I cut it short today. So humid I felt like I was wearing a blanket. After my move, I'll check out the curves thing. I need to have some more fun.

                So you don't get to kick my ass today. Maybe tomorrow, though.


                Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                  Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                  Doggy Girl, you can kick mine but I ask that you put on your ballet slippers (not the toe shoes). Talked to gym guy. Going to pick it up in July and not at 5:30 AM. He had said when I wrote the last check that he would make arrangements to my liking. I had my BGP yanked up when I spoke to him . Told him you and Noelle would come for a visit. :H
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                    hi all -Played tennis yesterday for 2 hours no match just working on my game. great workout but getting hot in Florida 90 degrees .Doggy girl I live in Sarasota and yes it is out door tennis lots of fluids but no more of the al afterwords .What a difference !!! I find myself so much more motivated to give 100% in the workouts and the results aren't as important as getting in a daily workout.It is a great feeling having the craving for a workout compared to daily cravings for al .Have a good workout all and Stay Strong and Healthy
                    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                    AF 5-16-08


                      Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                      Good for you on the run Beck. Yesterday was one of the hottest humidest (is that a new word??) days of the year so far, and I felt like someone was sitting on my chest. I can relate!! Curves really is cool - especially if you find one near you with these SMART computers. And you don't have to play the silly games if you don't want to. I'm a kid at heart and I don't want that to change. I'm so annoying to those around me, and it's really fun.

                      Greenie, good for you keepin' up those BGP and having your way with trainer dude! He SHOULD be scared of me and Noelle! :b&d:

                      Caysea, Sarasota is such a beautiful area!! Have you always lived in FL? I really did enjoy my time there. I had a horse for a few years of my time, and I clearly remember how much harder it was to ride well in that heat and humidity when hung over v. not. So with tennis (especially 2 hours worth!) I'm sure you REALLY feel it!! Next time you are at the beach around sun set, send me a nice sunset vibe OK?

                      It's been a hectic morning but Curves was NOT to be denied!! It was my 80% day since I had a full out day yesterday. It felt easy. It's amazing though how this "easy" workout at 80% was more than my 100% workouts from just a couple weeks ago. It really makes me appreciate what the human body is capable of. Me and my endorphins are ready to take on :alf: today!!

                      Have a great abbercise all to come.

                      ETA: Can't believe I left out THIS part when I posted! Today Mr. Evil says I am SEVEN POUNDS DOWN since May 22. WHEE!!!! Only about 48 more to go. (well, I'll choose to focus on the good news of 7 lb lost - and not the work that remains LOL)

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                        Thanks for the CURVES idea.....Just to do that,maybe will again.I need something in doors,the summer heat is more than I can take....Evie
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                          way to go on the 7 lbs Doggygirl!!!!!

                          well, I'm packing my bag and going to jiu jitsu this morning. been about two months since I've gone due to elbow and shoulder problems...even taking it easy I'm just going to be soooooo sore tomorrow!

                          keep it up everyone!!!!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                            this is so great that everyone is doing so well!

                            Very quick post for me - gym yesterday, where I finally got around to doing my first run (treadmill only - too cold outside!!) for about 6 months. My knees are finally feeling like they can cope ..... 2km for a week or so while I wait and see how they adjust, but they were ok yesterday and didn't feel any after effects today.

                            Today I lugged bricks - from where we were picking them up, to the bottom of my driveway, and then down the path to where they eventually made a surround for the compost. I was too tired to make it look beautiful, but it is very functional!

                            Shall I start a new thread for the week in the morning?

                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe


                              Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                              Although I haven't posted, the exercise is going fairly well. Walked 2.5 miles with the dog Wednesday, was lazy Thursday, rode the bike 15 miles Friday, and 25 miles today. Planning another ride tomorrow with a dog walk thrown in. Glad you are all doing so well. A new thread would be great, Mame.


                                Abbercise 2 - 8 June - new goals anyone??!

                                Evie, I just ooze Lurve for Curves in a sickening way!! So I hope you join back up and you, me, Hannah and any other Curvites can dis our least favorite machines or something!

                                Mame, I would say you had quite the abbercise day with a combo of running and brick lugging! And yes...I too vote for a fresh thread for the new week starting Monday. Fresh start and also fresh thread so any new people who are interested in abbercising with us are not overwhelmed with a really long thread.

                                Maise, good for you on that bike riding! 25 miles sounds like a VERY long way to go. Dog walking sounds wonderful, of course!

                                Today is my rest day, which my body needs I think. I'm so pleased having worked out 6 days in a row. THAT is a FIRST. I can't wait to do it again next week, which is so unbelievable it makes me wonder who took over and is living inside my body.

                                Happy Sunday!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

