Good Day Booze Busters!! Where the Sam Hill Is Everyone?? I swear this L-Tryptophan stuff that MM recommended is the best supplement EVAH for mood and sleep and keeping the cravings down. I'm so happy to be here on Day 15!
Teardrop, sorry you had to play taxi driver yesterday. When you mentioned "oyster card" the picture in my mind was something shaped like a cracker with a raw oyster on top. And some hot sauce.
Louise, congrats on getting to day 6! A perspective on all the planning for supps, CD's, weight watchers etc...... If you were told you had some horrid disease that was going to KILL you unless you strictly followed some plan of pills and diet and exercise and sleep etc. etc., you would do it for your life, right? I think all the effort we put in here is just as critical to our future lives as if we WERE told we were dying. (Hopefully we caught ourselves before that point!!) Anyway, sorry if that sounded morbid because I'm not trying to be a downer.... Your outdoor water aerobics sound awesome. I wanna come with you!!
Woo Hoo Kaddy on 90 days!!!! That is AWESOME!!!! I hope you have fun on your trip to see the grand kids. I also hope you are planning a special reward for yourself in celebration of this fine achievement!!
Well, the dinner with the inlaws didn't happen last night. So funny that in the past I would be digging and yep - even LYING to get out of it so I could stay home and drink. Yesterday I was all showered and even tiffed up a bit (in a casual style) and ready to go. Mr. Doggy ended up having to spend the evening on a client emergency, so we weren't able to do. Ironic, huh?
But I DID make an appointment for a manicure / pedicure next week. In 50 years on the planet, I have never had a pedicure! And it's at 4:30 in the afternoon - in the old days I NEVER scheduled stuff that late in the day!
AF life is fresh and new. Well, I'm off to Curves! Happy Booze Bustin' Thursday to all.