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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

    Good Day Booze Busters!! Where the Sam Hill Is Everyone?? I swear this L-Tryptophan stuff that MM recommended is the best supplement EVAH for mood and sleep and keeping the cravings down. I'm so happy to be here on Day 15!

    Teardrop, sorry you had to play taxi driver yesterday. When you mentioned "oyster card" the picture in my mind was something shaped like a cracker with a raw oyster on top. And some hot sauce. Give the driver an oyster to get on the bus! (I know, my imagination is too vivid sometimes!) Hope you are having a good day today.

    Louise, congrats on getting to day 6! A perspective on all the planning for supps, CD's, weight watchers etc...... If you were told you had some horrid disease that was going to KILL you unless you strictly followed some plan of pills and diet and exercise and sleep etc. etc., you would do it for your life, right? I think all the effort we put in here is just as critical to our future lives as if we WERE told we were dying. (Hopefully we caught ourselves before that point!!) Anyway, sorry if that sounded morbid because I'm not trying to be a downer.... Your outdoor water aerobics sound awesome. I wanna come with you!!

    Woo Hoo Kaddy on 90 days!!!! That is AWESOME!!!! I hope you have fun on your trip to see the grand kids. I also hope you are planning a special reward for yourself in celebration of this fine achievement!!

    Well, the dinner with the inlaws didn't happen last night. So funny that in the past I would be digging and yep - even LYING to get out of it so I could stay home and drink. Yesterday I was all showered and even tiffed up a bit (in a casual style) and ready to go. Mr. Doggy ended up having to spend the evening on a client emergency, so we weren't able to do. Ironic, huh?

    But I DID make an appointment for a manicure / pedicure next week. In 50 years on the planet, I have never had a pedicure! And it's at 4:30 in the afternoon - in the old days I NEVER scheduled stuff that late in the day!

    AF life is fresh and new. Well, I'm off to Curves! Happy Booze Bustin' Thursday to all.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

      Well Done Kaddy!
      90 days AF is terrific - where to, from here?

      Hope the sun is shining for you today.



      Day 10 for me.
      Wish I felt less tired and less bored! But hey that's the way life is sometimes.

      Hope all the other BBs are more than okay today
      Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

        OH, MAN - I just hate when that happens..... I had a long, lovely post to all my BOOZE BUSTIN' friends and lost it... whaaaaaaaaaaa! I EVEN GOT UP EARLY TO DO IT....

        Well, know that I am thinking of you all. I am well, just super-duper busy. I have to run now, but will have lots of free time this weekend to catch up with my buddys here..

        Have a wonderful AF, Booze-Bustin' day!!


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

          Morning all. Congrats to all no matter how many days! Short here, just to say high. It is cloudy so my exercise for the day is weeding the garden!


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

            Hi Marshy (sorry I think I missed you earlier!) Anna, Louise and MM! Anna I'm sorry you are tired and bored!! But congrats on Day 10AF. Things will get better - you already know that!

            Louise - I give a big fat YUK-O to weeding the garden as a form of exercise. It's a form of TORTURE and I don't think it's legal, is it????? Congrats on your AF days!

            MM - will look forward to tales of waxing or dates or something this weekend!! I'll need you guys to help keep me out of trouble on dog training day!

            Marshy I'm still waiting for my share of leftover Chinese food!

            Well, my on-line time for Day 15 is coming to a close. A few more chores then dinner for the doggies then dinner for me and Mr. Then early to bed. Another busy one tomorrow.

            Thanks to all Booze Busters the world over for your support!! It sure means a lot to me.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

              hi all!

              Hope everyone is all good ....... lovely to see such great posts, although I confess to have only skimmed over many of them. I've had very little time on here this week due to a public holiday on Monday and 2 days conferencing. Feeling very jaded and Friday-ish .... looking forward to going home very soon and having a quiet and very early night.

              Will try to catch up with what everyone has been doing over the weekend .... but I feel in great company with all of those who have managed such good periods of AF time.

              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                Hello everybody! I looked back through this current week's thread, and I realized I hadn't logged in once! I've just been really busy, not intentionally MIA. Yesterday was a seriously busy day, full of yucky appointments, all just routine, but yucky nonetheless - blood tests, bone density tests, mamogram (Ouch!) the went and got a haircut, shopped, and came home and shampooed the bedroom rug. And it's kind of been like that all week! Tomorrow going out for coffee in am., and then supper and a show with my sister tomorrow night. In general, life is good right now, and Al is not being bothersome. Here's hoping the rest of you have a terrific Friday, and that slides right into a fantastic weekend!
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                  Hi ALL BOOZE BUSTER,


                  DG...Love your imaginations. funny the other day my dog ran up to the telly barking like mad because a person had drugs in there hands. you dont think she sniff out the drugs. lol. your sea bass recipe sounds really nice i might try this out over the weekend. time does seem to move quick when your not drinking i feel like im not on that pause button anymore.
                  louise... you just reminded me i need to plant two plants i brought last sunday from the flower market. That why i just love reading people post. :thumbs:
                  Londoner.... That tired feeling does go in time. Have you been taking your L-glut. someone once said it helps if you put one under the tongue.
                  Hannah ...just reading your post makes me tired, enjoy your coffee and show. what show are you seeing?
                  Kaddy...well done 91days af today. how was your day yesterday? they say swimming is the best exercise you can do because you use all the parts of the muscles. you sound like you swim like a fish.
                  mm...sorry you lost your post i just hate that when that happens..I will look forward to your next post.
                  Tonight helping at the youth club where my girl goes. The good thing is i wont be thinking about what time i get home to make up for loss drinking time. I will just be thinking about a nice hot cup of tea for me.
                  I to like to say THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT IT DOES HELP A LOT.:thanks: AGAIN

                  Everyone have a gr8 friday and af day.

                  Take Care

                  family is everything to me


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                    p.s Does anyone know how to download from you tube?
                    please! just need step by step instructions.....
                    Love.... Teardrop.x
                    family is everything to me


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                      Good Day Booze Busters! TGIF!!

                      Mame I LOVE your new avatar! Are they Muppets? Somehow I don't think they are (but what do I know!) but they remind me of Muppets. Miss Piggy is by far my favorite Muppet of all time. I bet you will be glad to get home even though it sounds like it was a good concert. HEY!! What ever happened with the babies?

                      Hannah that DOES sound like a Yuk day from doctors to carpet shampooing. Thank you for the overdue mamogram reminder. :yuk: Today sounds better! By "show" do you mean movie, or live production? Either way let us know what you and sis see and how you liked it. Hoo Rah that Al is leaving you alone!!

                      Teardrop - dogs really are funny when they decide to watch TV, aren't they. Maybe you need to take your dog tracking to see if you have some "real" paying dog potential there! (I always shake my head at the dogs here and mutter to them that they need to go get REAL jobs and pay for their food, dangit!)

                      I too am finding that time seems to move faster when not drinking. I guess because I'm getting so much more accomplished (despite spending way too much time here driving everyone nuts)???? It's all good! What types of activities to the kids do at the youth club? I don't have kids but have been thinking about doing some volunteer work locally - maybe just a few hours a week to start. There are so many wonderful organizations here in my town it's hard to decide what type of organization I would like to pursue. Anyway...Enjoy that sea bass if you make it!!! Defnitely a departure from my old boring standard which is pretty much broiled fish with paprika and lemon wedges squeezed on it.

                      Day is Day 16 and I've only been here one other time, so barely charted water. I feel good. The thread Cindi started in the General Discussion section about the "phases" yesterday really got me thinking. I'm definitely in the "honeymoon phase" of the first 30 days. I guess the timing was right because it doesn't feel like a daily battle as it did in November and March. It feels a lot like it did last July where it's exciting and the world I shut myself off from is opening up again. But I know the "newness" will wear off eventually and I better have a good plan. I think a big part of falling off the wagon for me last summer was truly "forgetting" how truly YUK life was when it was All About Al. So more posting for me in the "What I love" and "What I hate" threads so I've got good handy reference material at the ready!

                      Today I've got my regular Friday leads group meeting at 7, then to Curves, then some errands. I'm trying a new recipe tonight (well, new for me) - Garlic Roasted Chicken and Vegetables. That probably would go better in the parts of the world where it's winter right now!!

                      Have a great AF day you Booze Busters and get busy makin' your plan for the weekend to stay one step ahead of AL.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                        Teardrop, this is one very simple method I use: YouTube Video Download Tool

                        You just need to download a special 'VLC' video player, but it's free and the link is right there.

                        Hi all, today is 59 days AF for me. It's kind of hard to believe, but here I am. I hope you are all doing well and for those who are struggling hang in there, stay close by and ask for help when you need it. I would NEVER have made it through my first 30 days without the support here at MWO, never...

                        Thanks again DG for coming back and giving this thread a kick start! -BigMac
                        I went to my doctor and told him I had a serious drinking problem and that I was in desperate need of a solution. He said, 'Stop drinking.' I said, 'I don't get it..' He said, 'Go home and think about it.'


                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                          hi everyone hope you all have a good weekend
                          there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                            Thanks Bigmac.... i will try this tomorrow need to go shopping now, but im sure your 60today because i workout im 54af days for me now i will have to check my calender and start counting the days again.ull
                            DG... the kids play pool, table tennis xbox, music(sometimes loud) dance mat and some art things they can make now and again. I sell the sweets, so i get first choice i buy myself one pound worth of sweet to take home. just love there jelly beams.
                            Good Luck with your new recipe i jst love garlic.

                            Take care.x
                            family is everything to me


                              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                              WOO HOO Big Mac!!! Tomorrow we have to celebrate your 60 days. GREAT JOB!! I take it you are planning to Booze Bust it for another 30? It must feel good to be over half way to tripple digits. Al is knocking pretty hard on my door here this morning - started once I got a TON of stuff accomplished, and it's not even noon. You know the stinkin' drinkin' thinkin' about AL wanting a "reward for good behavior." NOT. But I'm gonna read the love / hate threads just to make sure the door is dead bolt locked.

                              Teardrop, that sounds like fun with the kids. Tell me more about dance mat????? 54 days?? AF rocks! :band2:

                              Hi Kaddy! Are you home or still on the road visiting g-kids? Good to see you!

                              Keep Bustin' it!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                                Hello everyone,
                                Day 1 for me, not sure how all this is going to pan out. I am glad you all are out there though. It has helped me already, I THINK! I am on the Booze Busters Wagon, where are the seat belts? LOL!
                                Take care

