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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

    I'm still here!!

    Hi all - sorry haven't been here much over the last couple of days .... after a really busy week, have had an incredibly busy weekend with getting the bricklaying done around the compost, doing a major cleanout of the kitchen cupboards (like: first time in 7 years!!), constructing an i-pod playlist for my best-friend-and-business-partner's 50th birthday party in a couple of weeks time (that was great fun!!!!) and (inspired by Anna and DG!!) making a fabulous meal last night! In the interests of spending less money and being a bit experimental, we decided to buy a whole fish (trevally - I think it is an Australian and NZ one), rather than fillets and i discovered that I still knew how to fillet a fish. And less than a third of the price!!! And served with tomato and cardamon sauce, plus lots of salads (no carbs .... still trying to lose weight and not having any luck so commiserations with all those others who are feeling similarly!!).

    And we are also in the middle of a house re-organisation (with people moving in and out) so I shifted my lap-top into another room. But it is upstairs (in the new office!) rather than down (which is where I spend most of my time), so more difficult to get to on a "just passing by" basis. It is a bit like Grand Central Station here at the moment (lots of visitors and waifs and strays) but my partner (dont know what to call him now that uncle Max has disappeared from my gravatar!!) and I have decided that it is just going to be him and I and puss (and his kids when they are around) until at least the end of this year once our current crop of temps have moved on. A messy bathroom and crumbs on the kitchen bench are all I need to find and excuse to open a bottle of wine, and I want to put myself at the front of my priority list for the rest of this year.

    V. quickly - DG yes, these are muppets (of the ma-na-ma-na variety!!) and when I have a chance to take in the you-tube instructions I'll post the link! Is my all time favourite!! (and I had decided that Aunty Mame was not quite my preferred identity for those that know the story!! However, cant find any way of changing my name on the site, so will stick with this for now!)

    Babies - two beautiful girls born! One Thursday night, one Friday morning. There is something about new life that makes me want to be a better person ....

    Anyway, hope everyone is doing really well and that you have had a good weekend - this coming week is a much quieter one that last week so I hope to be around a bit more. But the sun is about to go down so I'm heading out for a walk before it does!
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

      Well, pretty close anyhow. Hope everybody had a terrific AF Saturday. Doggy - you rock! Congrats on getting through a more-than-usually stressful training day!

      July - do you have anything planned in celebration of your one year AF - coming up soon? A real nice idea would be to plant a rose bush, or tree, or something to mark the occasion. You, Chief, and Satori are all racking up the days!

      Louise - There are several AF wines that we like, but of course, that doesn't mean that you will like them. Remember, if you drink a glass of real wine and then a glass of this stuff, well, there is no comparison. You have to have been without the real McCoy for awhile to enjoy AF wines, I think. Some to try: Inglenook makes both a chardonny and a red, which are pretty good. Carl Jung also makes both a red and white, they are cheaper, but maybe not quite as good. And we tried another one last weekend, the red was especially good, quite rich tasting - but don't remember the brand name. If I see it, I will be buying more so will let you know. Good luck on finding one you like. Strangely enough, I also like AF beers, and I've never been much of a beer drinker.

      Auntie Mame - Sounds like you have LOADS of stuff going on at your house! Good for you on deciding to give your own needs more top priority. Babies? I haven't been around a lot so may have missed something - are you a delivery room nurse, by any chance? Or are these new family members?

      Hiya Cindi! I hear you are feeling better - Yay!!!!!! Hi Teardrop!

      Well, tonight was sort of lonely and boring for me. I had a splitting headache, so did not go to the BBQ I was supposed to go to tonight. I knew I wouldn't enjoy it, and also that I could cave really easy, and have a drink. So instead I stayed home and felt lonely and bored! Can't win! Al was trying to tempt me, kind of skirting around the edges of my consciousness (sp?) and trying to entice me to get in my vehicle and go to the liquor store - first time I've had to fight that craving in a while - but did it. Took the dog for a walk and got some fresh air instead.

      Well, off to bed for this Boozebuster.....
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

        morning everyone
        hope you all have a good sunday
        dg well done
        there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

          Well, It's barely Sunday here, but I slept really well from about 9PM until 1AM, then laid in bed until 2AM but could just tell there was no sleep in sight. So.....GOOD DAY BOOZE BUSTERS!! I have a long list of administrative type things I want to get done today, so my plan is to use this quiet, dark time to just git 'er done. Then I will have plenty of time later today for dozing and watching Desparate Housewives Season 1 Disk 1. Because I AM going to laze around today!! It's Day 18 and I am looking forward to reaching 2-0. Then 3-0 which I'm REALLY excited about.

          July, I love your avatar - you are like the AF stork swooping in at opportune times to deliver a good message!! I'm like you with the counting. Each AF day is a victory - something I treasure and don't want to throw out the window ever again. I realize that an AF day is still an AF day, even if I choose to drink tomorrow "technically." But given what has happened in the past when I've chosen to drink....well.....effectively I DO throw all my hard work and personal progress right out the window.

          Hannah, I'm so sorry that Al was knockin' on your door while you had a headache and felt lonely and bored! I hope you are sleeping well now after a nice walk with doggy. I hope AL goes back to his hiding place so you can have a nice Sunday when you get up! Hope you have some nice relaxing plans for Sunday.

          Mame - boy your house sounds like it's chaotic right now. Who all is living there or moving out? I'm sure I missed a lot of that before I came back on May 22! Yes, once your life settles down I would love to see the Youtube muppet video you are talking about. You know how to filet a fish?? I'm impressed!! That's always been a "guy job" ever since I was a kid and watched my Gradad do it, my uncles do it, my dad do it, and now Mr. Doggy do it - although he doesn't fish much any more. But you wouldn't know that from looking at the number of rods, reels and other crap in the tackle box! Recipe please????? That's an interesting point about new life making us want to be better people. I hope you get to relax some this weekend! Your to do list makes me tired just reading it.

          Congrats Cindi and Louise to successful AF days! WE ROCK!!

          Happy Booze Bustin' Sunday to all Booze Busters yet to come.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

            I'm SO pleased everyone's clocked up another AF day despite the temptations lurking about.


            I had a bit of a wobble yesterday and started entertaining crazy thoughts that maybe I could moderate. Hahahahahahahaha. I have NEVER in my life been able to have one or two drinks and leave it at that.

            I've now broken my previous AF record and am feeling good about that but also know that this was where I fell flat on my face before so I've got to be on my guard.

            Gotta go and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. It's hot, hot, hot. Well, hot for here...

            BTW Teardrop: cilantro is what we call coriander
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

              July, Thanks for stopping in with encouragement. And especially for sharing that for you the support here was the most important thing. I was on here a lot last summer and doing well moderating. I have summer off so had lots of time; then work started again and MWO went by the wayside and slowly so did moderating. So this summer it is AF. And when I go back to work in Aug I will just have to make time for MWO.

              Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. I'm really glad you don't know how to change your name Mame as I get so confused when people do. Love the muppet avatar! Sorry you had a headache Hannah but glad both you and Marshy made it through your temptations. Congrats on your new AF record Marshy!! Like Fergusons new picture DG. Sorry you couldn't sleep last night but looks like you made good use of the wee hours of the morning.

              I feel like the hump of the weekend is over in terms of the strong pull with years of habit of drinking Fri and Sat night so I'm sure I will make it to Mon.

              Hi to all to come. Hope everyone has a good Sunday but don't forget to post if you are not!


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                Hi Marshy and Louise and all other Booze Busters who may be lurking or yet to check in!

                Marshy, congratulations on getting further than you have before. That's really a cool feeling isn't it? And of course the dreaded Beast seems to LOVE comin' round to F&^% with our minds when we reach new milestones.... Don't buy the lie! :cheering:

                louise, you sound GREAT and I'm happy for you making through the AF weekend. It sounds like we have similar thoughts for Sunday....if we can make it through Fri / Sat (Sat being my biggie) then Sunday feels so easy in comparison. You make a great point about staying close to MWO. Of my many past mistakes...drifting away from MWO when I fell was one of the worst.

                I really am feeling mellow / tired today! I curled up with Tivo and Desparate Housewives DVD. I managed to get through the Women's part of the US Gymnastics championships only falling asleep and having to rewind about 4 times in 2 hours! Then managed to stay awake for 1/2 of one episode of DH!! I hope I haven't messed up all hope of sleeping tonight now.

                Other than coloring my hair and prepping a presentation I have to give tomorrow, it's been a really laid back day. I'm happy to be here AF with all of you!!!

                On to Monday and a fresh week.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                  Hi everyone,

                  Congrats on all the AF days! I have managed to be AF so far in June and I'm trying to stay that way until the end of the month. Any extra motivation would help. So if there's room for me in the BB wagon, I'd like to climb aboard!


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                    Welcome Endgame. Congrats on an AF June. There is always room. Only rule I think is wearing the fugly green suit for 1 day if you drink, which DG describes in the intro.


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                      Endgame: welcome aboard and glad to have you. A better group for your AF goals you could not find.

                      Louise: An AF summer sounds like a great idea especially where mods wore off after a bit.

                      Hannah: I will plant something for the one year date, great idea. A tree of wisdom.

                      Hello DG:.

                      See all of you BBers tomorrow.


                      Day 318 AF


                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                        Hey BBers! Another weekend down!! What a great one it was here finally! To bad I work Saturdays --- but today was a perfect day!

                        Welcome endgame - you can do this! The fuggly suite is a BAD fashion statement - so stay far away from it! That's why I'm successfully AF - I don't want the suit!! :H

                        DG - that's my Dog on your avatar! I'm not kidding!!

                        All the BBers - here's to a fantastic start to the new week ahead!
                        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                        (from the Movie "Once")


                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                          :colorwelcome: endgame!! And hello to everyone else who checked later yesterday.

                          I started us a fresh thread for the week.

                          Please don't post any more here...go to the Booze Busters thread for the Week of June 9!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

