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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

    Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned Hannah, and hopefully a rest from how busy you have been. Hope your plants got planted Teardrop and didn’t suffer from being ignored all week (I hate when I buy plants with good intentions and then wait until they are ? dead to plant them. I’m not much of a gardener). Sorry, I’m no help in the computer dept. I can barely post on here without posts getting lost, I know how you feel MM. I have resorted to copying before I post just in case. For reasons I don’t understand I have to keep logging in again about every 3rd post; most annoying. (Probably my guardian angel telling me I have lots of other work to do) Congrats to making it to 16 DG. Think of another reward for your good behavior!!!!!! How about some nice ice tea with fresh mint and laying around for a bit since you have been working so hard? And to Big Mac for almost 60, Teardrop for at least 54 and Kaddy for over 90. Welcome Wobbly! I spent day one (or rather a recent day 1, I’ve had a few I’m afraid) on here and in a movie theater for almost 5 hours (2 shows) since you can’t drink there! Good luck.
    I’m on day 7 and feeling really good. But tonight is a huge challenge. On Fridays, Jews have a nice meal and say blessings over candles, wine and bread. Well the literal translation is “fruit of the vine” so kids drink grape juice. I don’t like grape juice so I’m busy trying to think of a good substitute. I’m thinking raspberries – technically a bramble bush but lots of people call it a vine! I also keep telling myself that choosing life almost always comes first. I think part of the problem for me is that sometimes I still have a hard time accepting that it is more than a problem of will power for me. I accept it for everyone else, but sometimes get on a negative “if you just really tried and used your willpower” jag for myself. So anyway, it is good to have threats of ugly green suits today.
    Well I’ve used up more than my 15 minute reward break from weeding (did not get it done yesterday as it was way too windy) and need to get back to it. Thanks everyone for support – have a good weekend.


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

      Welcome Wobbly Pop!! Congratulations on your decision, and being here at MWO to tackle Day 1AF. We've got lots of successful Booze Buster Alumni out in the world, so it's an inspiring place to be! Hang out here lots at MWO to help you through the early days. (and whatever rough days might lie ahead.) I like your screen name - Wobbly Pop.... I've had too much of the Wobbly Pop in my life - that's for sure.

      Louise, I have a HUGE plan for Sunday which involves doing next to NOTHING!!!! I'm going to lounge around with the Disc 1 DVD of Season 1 Desparate Housewives. I can't believe I didn't find that series much, much earlier!! But since I've never seen a single episode from season one (or many other seasons) that's my plan for some rest!

      Weeding is such a drag!!! I'm very sorry you have to spend time today doing that! I love what a nice garden looks like, but I sure hate the weeding part. (and I'm not much of a gardener for the good stuff either)

      Hope NOBODY ends up in the Fugly Green Suit's SO Fugly. Makes a persons eyeballs hurt just lookin' at it. And none of us look good in green anyway. Especially green polyester.

      It looks like we're going to get some CRAZY T-Storms with high winds this afternoon which I am not looking forward to. I hope no more trees come down and if they do, none on top of the house! I probably should go take my shower before the bad stuff really sets in.

      Happy Friday..

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

        Evenin' all,

        Louise: Do you have to drink a certain amount of the 'fruit of the vine' or can you get away with a "toast" so grape juice is bearable? I can see it must be difficult if your religion 'requires' alcohol to be involved. There was a post on another thread from someone concerned about taking communion wine. Can you get alcohol-free wine? I've never tried it because I've always assumed it just tastes like... grape juice, haha, but I've read a few people on here like it.

        Doggygirl: Waddya mean leftover Chinese food? I think I said CHEESE :H Although now you mention it, Chinese sounds like a good idea. Or maybe my local cheap n cheerful Vietnamese restaurant (which doesn't serve booze!). Hope the storms don't get too bad. And stay strong at your training day tomorrow. No green suits for anyone this weekend!

        Wobbly Pop: :welcome:

        Have a great BOOZE BUSTING weekend everyone.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

          Non-alcoholic wine = very expensive grape juice. No, no commandment to drink a certain amount. In fact, now that I think about it, there is no commandment to drink it at all! Just to give thanks for it being made! Thanks Marshy, problem solved. Enjoy the cheese, Chinese or Vietnamese! I made a great Vietnamese salad the other night. No inspiration at the moment for tonight - guess I'll go to the store and see what looks good.


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

            morning all
            well done bigmag on 60 days
            there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

              Hi ya fellow Booze Busters!

              This thread sounds so positive today, hooray!

              Well done, Big Mac on 60 days! You can look back on this time, and count yourself as another BoozeBusters alumni! And Kaddy! Wowsers!! Some day I will be at 90 too! Way to go!

              Well, sis and I went for supper and show tonight, as planned. We went to Tony Roma?s for supper, and when the waiter asked us what we wanted to drink, do you think I could recall what ?tonic? water was called? I was brain burping all over the place, so I just motioned for the waiter to take my sister?s order - and I was fully expecting her to order wine, and wonder how come I didn?t follow suit - but she ordered ice tea. And then the word ?tonic? popped back into my head, and I ordered tonic and lime. Boy, must be getting senile. Then we went to ?The Laugh Shop? - a stand up comedy club. First two comedians were hilarious, if a bit bawdy. The main act was a little less so, more subtle and cleaner humor. It was also sort of painful to watch, because this comedian has terminal cancer. And looked it. At first he seemed to be struggling to even get started, and I just ached for him - but then he got himself started, and it went well. The tickets cost a little more than normal, and I think some of the proceeds were going to cancer. My sister, who unfortunately knows about these things since her husband died last year from cancer, said she was pretty sure he was wearing a chemo vest under his jacket - this being a pump sort of thing that continually feeds the chemo into you. Sad.

              But, a nice outing, and no problem with Al. At the club, I had another tonic and lime, Sis had one beer then we both had a virgin ceasar. And she doesn?t know that I haven?t had a drink since the beginning of May, but she never knew that I had a problem, really, so it never occurred to her that this was anything different for me.

              DG - Curves ran out of those scanning tags, so they cancelled my appointment on me! They have to order some more tags in. Sheeeesh??

              Actually, I am a big fan of AF wines. When you haven?t had the real thing for a while, you grow to appreciate them just the way they are - an acquired taste, I suppose. And it?s nice to be able to take part in the ceremony of it all. My neighbour lady in my condo invited me to her place for a glass of wine last night, and I said, well, if I can bring my own?.and showed her my AF wine. She looked a bit surprised, but I knew she wasn?t going to ask - so I just told her my family has had some issues with alcohol, and I just stay away from it. I told her my brother died at 35 from his alcoholism (true). She seemed to understand completely, so I wonder if she has had some issues in her past herself.

              Hi Marshy, Louise (hey, Louise, hang in there with the AF wine - you will develop a taste for it), welcome Wobbly Pop. We all hang on to each other here for support, we don?t need seat belts!

              DG - Remember, you look nasty in green! I would suggest you go and buy yourself some AF beer, or mix up a huge batch of real ice tea or lemonade - none of that powdered stuff. Here - go stomp Al into little itty bitty bits! We are rootin' for you DG, if you feel tempted tomorrow, please think of us all sending you strength, and the determination that HELL YES I CAN DO THIS!!!!

              Hope you all have a Rockin' Stompin' Boozebustin' Weekend!
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                Happy Saturday all you BOOZE BUSTERS!!


                :award: :award:

                Oh Marshy. I must have been hungry the other day because I mixed up your Cheese fling with someone else?s Chinese fling. And now we have the possibility of a Vietnamese fling to confuse me even more!! So I will just say that I love cheese and Chinese, and have yet to experience Vietnamese but would like to. Happy AF day!

                Louise, I?m glad the wine problem is solved! I know it?s hard sometimes for others to understand why ?just a sip? can be a problem, or why you don?t want to even have cooking wine (yuk) in your house. I posted a question on a low carb board simply asking: What ideas do you have about substitutes for wine in recipes? I didn?t say why I was asking ? but a logical assumption considering it was a low carb discussion forum would be to sub for something with lower carbs. LOL ? the first person to respond wrote something like: ?The alcohol burns off ? what?s the problem?? I thought that was funny. Another poster sort of busted the first one by saying a) there are lower carb alternatives and maybe THAT?s the point and b) some people have their valid reasons for not wanting any alcohol in their house or their food ? without making it seem directed at me ? i.e. alcohol problem. Perceptions are funny. Anyway?..I hope everything went well last night for you!

                Hi kaddy!!!

                HannahB! Sounds like you had a wonderful evening out with sis last night. That is a sad story about the guy who was the main act who is also so sick. Sometimes we can do ?everything right? healthwise and still be an unlucky one in that regard. Then there are some of us who have clearly abused our bodies for years?.it?s scary to think what might be going on inside of me that I don?t know about?.. A good reminder to live life to the fullest each and every day. And I CANNOT live life with any quality at all with booze in it. It does sound very fun to get out to a live performance!! (note to self: check schedule at Rialto theatre, and add that to my summer list in Janice?s thread)

                I?m sorry Curves ran out of the little tags!! Well, enjoy the last of your pre-SMART workouts before that machine starts pushing you hard and kickin' your butt. :b&d:

                That is a nice story about AF wine with your neighbor. You are very tactful about finding ways to not drink, tell the truth about why, without having to say ?I?m a drunk? or anything like that. You should be a diplomat.

                Fresh lemonade is a GREAT idea and I actually have some lemons here. Will do that!

                Miraculously, the severe storms skirted around us yesterday. We had some moments of slightly strong winds and dark skies, but then the sun would come out again. We could see on the radar that the heavy stuff was just barely south of us. Whew!!

                I CANNOT believe Mr. Evil Scale who I should seriously think about renaming before he gets mad. Between AF and working out at a much more intense level than I ever have for years, and eating low carb, I have lost a total of 7 pounds since May 22 ? even confirmed that yesterday on the Curves scale. Some of that of course is bloat, but I?ll take ridding myself of bloat, fat, and whatever else can just GO. And this is with hormones out of whack too. WHEE!! Extra incentive to say no to the Beast.

                I will check back lots during dog training today! Happy Booze Bustin? day everyone!!

                AF Day 17
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                  Yo Doggy! You go girl!
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                    Hope all is well with everyone.
                    Have to be quick before the big mad rush comes in through the door!

                    DG... what is cilantro in your sea bass recipe is it a herb, could not get it so i got tarragon.
                    dance mat was going to download it, but cant find it, oh well. its a mat that has different colours that lights up and you step on the light that lights up you can connect it to the TV , good exercise for the legs. Its a bit like break dance moves.

                    Have a good weekend everyone.

                    55days Af
                    family is everything to me


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                      Hi everyone. Congrats to Big Mac on 60! Hey Wobbly, you still with us? Hannah, do tell brand names for good non-al wine. So far, whenever I have had it, it just makes me long for the real thing so seems better to just skip it. Last night I had some organic grape juice that did not have a lot of sugar mixed with some sparkling mineral water. It was not bad! So, I've made it to day 8 and do not have to wear green today. I rewarded myself with some bread and ice cream. Alas, even though I'm within my weight watchers plan total points for the week and have had no alcohol and have exercised, I lost no weight. :upset: I am so jealous of your 7lbs DG! The weeding was not bad and I got brownie points from DH for the yard looking nice when he came home yesterday. Plus, we spent a ton on xeriscaping the yard (Planting low water/desert plants with rocks, etc) and the poor new plants were being strangled. Maybe you will be lucky and no weeds will grow on your rooftop garden. Teardrop, cilantro is an herb that looks a lot like flat leaf parsley. The seeds are coriander. Maybe it is sold as coriander? It is used a lot in Mexican food and some in Spanish food. My husband does not like it so I have tried to find substitutes. The best I've come up with is parsley and basil. Hope your recipe worked out.


                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                        I MADE IT!!! And man I had to wear the Big Girl Pants today. Mr. Doggy now has what I had last weekend - the grunge cold from hell. Only I think he felt even worse today because he was up all hours last night with our handyman friend replacing our water heater that is very old and finally pooped out. Can't believe I forget to mention THAT this morning!! It was nice to stay calm through that .....

                        Anyway, I had to carry ALL of the responsibility today, including calling people to let them know Mr. Doggy wouldn't be to tracking, so asking someone else to take care of any new people, etc. Then prepping everything here at home - all the stuff I normally do, and all the stuff Mr. D normally does. It's not really THAT big of a deal, but I'm sure glad I wasn't trying to drink, hide my drinking, greet and "manage" 3 new people, keep everything organized AND do Mr. D's stuff.

                        LOL when our trainer and one other guy who trains here (both are pretty big drinkers and know I "am" (was) too) had a beer at 11AM. No problem - it's really hot out and especially our trainer NEVER drinks more than one until after all training is done. The other guy sneaks 'em and I know it. He also knows I sneak 'em. Can't con a con! I had no issues serving them a beer. I was drinking a bottle of water. They know I don't hide booze in a water bottle - always in a coffee travel cup.'s what other guy says... "So Beth, you're still not smoking?" LOL - he knows very well I haven't smoked in over a year and the subject hasn't come up in ...I don't know how long. I think he was REALLY wondering where my coffee cup was. So...I said "nope - no smoking and no drinking either." (they both knew I quit before and fell off the wagon.) They both did the "I should quit..." thing and made some light hearted comments. I said "my problem is that I don't want one drink - I want all of the drinks!" It was funny and they laughed and we moved on. I was pretty proud of that - being brave enough to put my committment to myself out there, but at the same time keeping it light.

                        I really do need to learn how to make a long story short!!

                        Hannah, THANK YOU for your wonderful support post!!! I'm so happy that I made it, and it wasn't even bad. Lesson - I couldn't afford to be a baby about it because I had so much to do. I need to stop being a baby about "wah!! Why can't I drink too!! Wah Wah Wah!!" ALL the time.

                        Teardrop, I agree with louise that Parsley is probably the closest thing to Cilantro. Cilantro has a little different and IMO slightly stronger taste. But Mr. Doggy doesn't really like cilantro either, so I always sub with Parsley just like louise mention. Break dancing is that type of dancing where if I tried it, I would definitely break something...right? CONGRATS ON 55 DAYS!! You better help us remember to hand over your trophey at 60!

                        Louise, congrats on Day 8! Your yard sounds very beautiful!!! I bet it was nice to hear hubby's compliments when he got home. Now...would you like to come to my house and help me with some weeding????? Pretty please??????

                        Gotta run and get dinner for Mr. Doggy out of the oven before it burns.

                        Thanks to all for your moral support!! Day 17 is almost done - and all danger has passed.

                        I hope everyone else is having a smooth AF Saturday, and that NO Booze Busters will be wearin' green when the weekend is over!!

                        I love you guys!! (mush mush)

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                          Big Mac: great job on 60 days AF.

                          DG: 17 and through a Sat. excellent. Hannah is wonderful support.

                          Teardrop: 55 is habit forming.

                          Louise: 8 days and I hope the toughest ones are behind you.

                          Hannah, Marshy, Kaddy have a wonderful AF weekend.


                          Day 317 AF


                            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2


                            I had to check in tonight and make sure you had a good day.

                            So glad you did.

                            The more Saturdays you get under your belt and change that routine, the easier it will get in time.

                            Night, everyone. I was AF today, too.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                              July - 48 days to one year! Wow! You managed to come on this site and quit immediately? (I'm assuming your name is your initial quit date, but I really don't know)

                              Thanks Cindi!


                                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 2

                                Louise: July 23 was the day I found this site and ordered the book and supps. I read threads a bunch the first couple days and took the AF plunge on July 26 w/out the supps arriving yet. I was ok but afraid. The first 4-7 days were extremely tough. But, the book arrived and supps. I found the support here to be the most important factor. I don't post that often but I read a lot. I was ready to quit and I knew it. I had tried mods and failed w/ that on my own for several years. I am thankful for MWO and all the wonderful people I first met last summer. I enjoy counting the AF days, like savoring a good meal. An AF day is time well spent, I've found.

                                Cindi: keep up the AF work.

                                July (late for me)

                                Day 318 AF (well it is past midnight)

