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Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

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    Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

    DG - May I?

    How many times have you poured your wine/booze/beer down the drain in a drunken fit of anger at yourself because you know if you don't you will drink the whole thing? And you tell yourself that is the last of it -

    Lie #4 - You will never buy any more booze.

    So, now that you have poured most of a newly opened 4 l box of wine (yeah, the good stuff) down the drain, (course, this is after you finished the last bit of the last box, so you are nicely NOT SOBER!) like about $35.00 worth, give or take, down the drain - and you tell yourself you are never buying anymore - and the next day you are stopping off at the store, but being carefull to rotate stores so they don't know just what a lush you are.....and you may or may not end up pouring the last 2 bottles of it down the drain tonight in the same drunken fit of anger at yourself?

    :bang Am I the only one who has done this? Repeatedly? No wonder the credit card statement almost gave me a heart attack each time I opened it!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

    Funny, I could never justify pouring the stuff down the drain so said, "I'll go AF once I've finished it all." Then had to finish it fast so I could go AF that much sooner. Yeah, that worked. Since coming to this site, it's the first time I remember pouring AL out. Last weekend, had half a beer and didn't really want the rest and decided it was stupid to drink it. Same with a glass of wine earlier.


      Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

      Hannah, THIS is another very true lie. (that sounds weird!) Yep. Been there poured it out, and shopped again the next day using some other lie for an excuse!! And LOL that yes, this tends to happen after having finished the previous box and being largely in the bag already.

      Maisie, I have also done something along the lines that you describe about 385639567 times which is say "I'm never buying any more after I finish this one!" But then timing doesn't work exactly right, so I end up buying more, waiting for that day when I EXACTLY run out when I just poured my last drink for the day - according to my Al desires - not last drink as in quitting.

      The games we play are truly amazing aren't they. If we can just learn to happily put the same amount of energy into enjoying life instead of putting all that energy into planning and justifying all that drinking......what a wonderul life we will have!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

        I always did my pouring down the drain the morning after, standing in my p.j.s, or if it was a really bad night, standing in the shirt that I'd worn the day before. My head pounding, stomach bubbling, conscience chastising me yet again for my despicable behavior the night before----I'd dump the stuff down the drain, gagging at the smell and thinking to myself, "this is going to be soooo easy because truth me told, I can't stand how this stuff smells and I NEVER want to feel like this again."

        And lo and behold, that very day, driving home from work, I'd stop at the store and buy more. Part of me would be screaming "NO NO NO," and the other part would be saying,' "After last night, there's no way you're going to overdo it. Tonight it will be just one............................."

        Yeah right.


          Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

          Been there done that many Dozens...If not 100s of times...For me it was part of the recovery process.You can never be a failure unless you stop day something in me just SNAPPED and I was able to stop.Now i truly believe in Miricles....This can happen for you,i know it can...Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

            I did this one every morning. It's probably cost me thousands and thousands of dollars.


              Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

              Good way to start the day is laughing! I'm afraid I was also one who "didn't want to waste it" so I would drink it up! ONLY time I have poured out anything was when active here. Even bad wine I would save for "cooking"!


                Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

                I have poured some down the drain, but more often down my gullet. I have said NEVER to buying any more & then went & bought more. Thanks for the reminder. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

                  Ditto to ALL of the above......Pour it down the drain????..nope..It was always..I will pace myself with this last bottle, wean myself off, and start anew.......Yeah, right!
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

                    Been there, done that. How many times can we continue lying to ourselves and ever find the faith to believe in ourselves again? I am getting so frustrated with myself. If I can't believe me, as in I am finished with AL, who will I ever be able to believe? This is sheer insanity, this ongoing battle with AL.
                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                      Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

                      Ready: Keep up the fight. You'll see AL is getting the wind knocked out of him. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Booze Beast Lie #4 - Pouring this out, and Never buying anymore!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.

