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Sunday 8 June

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    Sunday 8 June

    Good morning all,

    I hope everyone was able to keep up their resolutions.

    Have heaps of things running around my head this morning, driving me crazy. Which makes me appreciate all the quiet words of wisdom that I have received from this site, even if not originally directed at me. So.....

    Charlee, always there, always wise.
    Cindi, a constant inspiration.
    Janice, would I have made it through the first 30 days without you? I think not.
    DG, a sense of humour gives perspective.
    Reteacher, your struggle gave me focus and now your deep thoughs provoke, inner contemplation.
    Thankful, I haven't the words to thank you enough
    Beck, calm amongst the storm
    DT because there is life after all this, but I'll have to concentrate. I am still wrapping my brain around AA meetings on cruise liners.
    4theboys hope you are enjoying the trip, I might have read more than the first chapter by the time you are back.
    And the many, many others who post and share their thoughts and how their lives are going. I have learnt so much from you all.

    Ok the dawn (beautiful) has not has its usual effect on me. I am in soppy mode. A very soppy loppy but a sober one which is the main thing.

    So the start of day 39AF, anyone know when this raging emotions stage, dies down a bit?

    Have a great day everyone.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Sunday 8 June

    Morning Loppy!!! There's nothing wrong in being soppy Loppy!!!!!! What a lovely start to the thread Loppy, so thoughtful of you. Day 39 and you have done amazing!!! I really look forward to seeing your little bunny avatar at the start of the thread each day!!

    I'm up early as my husband has gone to pick my daughter up from Uni so I will have a full house this evening, as my son came home last weekend. Going to try and finish my painting (exciting - the loo door!) before they get back then hopefully get out into the garden.

    Dreamt I had a drink last night.....first time I've ever dreamt about taking that first drink. But, it wasn't just one was weird, there was bottles everywhere! Well, maybe not weird just realistic eh!! Was I glad when I woke up and still had my precious sobriety.

    Hope everyone is good and enjoys their Sunday........

    Much love

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Sunday 8 June

      Morning Janice, and Loppy! I'm actually on my way TO bed, still slightly before midnight here in Canada. Just stopping in to wish you all a good day!
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        Sunday 8 June

        Hi Loppy, Janice and Hannah!

        I LIKE Soppy Loppy! I think in so many ways AL squelches our real emotions. So letting them out is cool. And I find my AF time to really make me HAPPY!! HAPPY SAPPY!! Congrats on Day 39. What a nice post you made about the wonderful personalities and support system we have here.

        Janice I bet that dream was freaky. I haven't had much trouble with drinking dreams, but when I quit smoking I used to have some REALLY freaky smoking dreams. I would find myself (in the dream) with a lit cigarette in my hand, and no idea how it got there. Did you have cold cereals when you were a kid that would have little prizes in the box? LOL - one night I dreamed that I was at my kitchen counter opening a box of cereal and the "prize" in the box was a pack of my alternate brand of cigarettes and *two* (not one???) book of matches. A quit smoking guru said that if our brains are not successful getting a fix while we are awake and conscious, our brains resort to the subconscious and dream state to try to get us to give a fix. Weird. Have fun painting your loo door, and gardening and enjoying your family tonight!

        Hi again Hannah!!

        I'm going to go to the nursury Monday or Tuesday and buy up some plants and dirt and get some pots going on the roof top. I wouldn't mind starting today, but the nursury will be a mad house on Sunday. So...since I have the flexibility of being able to go daytime during the week...I will!

        Day 18 AF and feeling good. I hope everyone else has a GREAT AF day!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Sunday 8 June

          Good Morning,

          Well my plans for the morning have been scuttled by a sick kiddo - husb and kids went with my parents out on the boat. Will be fun for them - my girls don't get nearly enough Dad time. My 7 year old has been coughing and may be on her way to an asthma attack. Time will tell...

          Janice started this talk about dreams. I had some drinking dreams in the beginning - panicking b/c I could not drink when/as much as I wanted. But since I had that dream about driving on ice (and understanding that I cannot moderate), I have had a dream where I was alone and I poured my favorite drink in my favorite crystal whiskey glass and I just COULD NOT drink it. Ended up pouring it down the sink. And last night I had one where I was working for my old boss (a respected mentor) who for some work-related reason she said she was an alcoholic. With some difficulty I said that I was an alcoholic and have been sober for 5 months. Understand that in my RL I have never made that admission (not sure I've even referred to myself as an alcoholic on MWO) and my 5 month mark is in July!!! Sometimes I think my subconscious is willing me to be well and I'm just going along for the ride

          Loppy, nice start to my day. I love your summer list. and I also love "Thankful" -she has always helped me when I am faltering.

          Janice, love it when the subconscious intervenes. I think the first drink would take me out, too. Stay strong.

          Hello Hannah.

          DG, always fun. Glad I was never much of a smoker (only when drinking with smokers). I'm glad you got through your Saturday - I know it is your toughest day. 19 days in already. I'm not so wobbly about the move this week - even though root canal has just been added to my June. Damn.

          Have a good day everyone,

          Nice start to my day Loppy.

          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


            Sunday 8 June

            Morning Abers
            Loppy....awwwwwwww, what a nice way to start the Sunday thread...39 days!!..I too, always take something away from this thread sometimes a mental note to self, sometimes humor......we never stop learning and growing.
            Janice, those drinking dreams......they are starting to lessen for me, but isn't it great to wake up and know we are sober?...Scary for that first few seconds though!
            DG..Kudos to you on the cigarettes..don't know if I will ever be able to tackle that one!...No booze, no ciggs, no wonder you are happy, happy and sappy....
            Hannah, good to see you...
            Everyone to follow, have a great day..
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              Sunday 8 June

              Loppy, Thank you so much for the time you took to think of everyone. We are all so lucky to be together on this trip.

              Janice, Precious sobriety. Yes. It is extremely precious and we must guard it. I am so happy you are sounding better. Yay!! Enjoy the time with the kids.

              Hannah, Hope you ended up having a good night's sleep. You are doing really well and avoiding AL when he calls is great.

              DG, I wish I had sometime to do planting. My hubby and granddaughter planted up my back bed though, and it is gorgeous!!

              Beck, I hope your daughter avoids and asthma attack today. :l I love what you said about being along for the ride with your subconscious. Minds are an amazing thing.

              Charlee, As always, your presence here is comforting and inspiring.

              Mary, Just shouting out hi. Hope you have a nice day.

              It is my 33rd Anniversary. We are buying steaks for the crew and grilling out. I am splurging. Hubby and I decided it is more fun to have the whole kit and kaboodle here with us to celebrate than to go off to some romantic dinner alone.

              I actually agree. 33 years ago, it never occurred to me I would have so much joy from my children and their children. God has blessed my husband and myself.

              I hope all have a wonderful AF day!!

              AF April 9, 2016


                Sunday 8 June

                Happy Anniversary Cindi......Where does the time go????...Grilling steaks with the family is my idea of celebrating..Hope your not getting any of that nasty weather and you enjoy your day!!!

                Beck, missed ya before.....hope your little one can avoid an asthma bad you both had to miss the family boat ride......Daddy bonding time is always nice.
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  Sunday 8 June

                  Hello all,

                  Feeling mighty lazy today. After a few very active days, mostly kid-related. Today I'm all alone, with kids at friends' houses and hubby out of town. I had big plans for the garden (which has been completely neglected for years) and general clean-up around the house. But I slept late and have been lazing around, reading old newspapers, eating leftover chocolate cake for breakfast (geez, talk about indolence)-- where did all my motivation go? At least I'm not thinking (too) much about AL (although I'm sure I will mourn the cold beer I can't have after an hour of weeding in the garden!).

                  It's great to hear everyone so cheerful and positive. It rubs off on me and perks me up.
                  Happy Anniversary Cindi. Wow, 33 years! Here's to many more!

                  SO, off to the garden, then-- with ice tea waiting for me when I take a break.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Sunday 8 June

                    Need help counting.....

                    Morning All,My quit date is may 12 and May had 31 days,so far so good.....If I am counting right,june 10 will be 30 days for me.Am I right?????Thanks to you all and count me in for the next 30.......Evie
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Sunday 8 June

                      Hi folks! I am one of the newer people to this thread & I hope to get to know all of you better... I am on Day 13 & loving my AF life!

                      Loppy your post this morning was a great way to learn about some of the others .... a bit of a snapshot!

                      Cindi -- enjoy your day -- Happy Anniversary!!!!

                      DG-- glad you made it through your tough dog training day! Love Ferguson on the avatar!

                      Janice -- you doing OK?

                      I'll check back in later... should be 90 degrees where I am today... good thing I have access to a pool!


                        Sunday 8 June

                        Busy weekend of work, soccer and ball games and a few complications. Thomas the train does not flush down the toilet. Or more appropriately said, once in the toilet Thomas does not budge. Off to work now.

                        All the best to you all

                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                          Sunday 8 June

                          Happy sunday ABeroonies!!

                          "Happy soppy sober Loppy", thanks for the kickstart.

                          Cindi, huge congrats on 33 yrs anni. a rare thing these days. Dx and i celebrated 10 years on the cruise ship and they brought us a cake after dinner (just what we needed hahahaha) moooooooo!

                          I think the dream of having a drink in hand and not knowing how it got there is a snapshot of our awake state. It's common for the same thing to happen when we are awake since the alcoholic voice is tied into our subconscious. You just "find" yourself with drink in hand etc. sneaky rascal!

                          well, packing for another road trip.....taking off this afternoon for Califunny.

                          be well my friends
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Sunday 8 June

                            LOL On My Way! I guess you can be grateful Peercy and co. did not end up in there as well trying to rescue Thomas! Have a great Sunday everyone.


                              Sunday 8 June

                              I'm gonna go back to bed for more Desparate Housewives, but just wanted to touch the life line here one more time and say goodnight!

                              Beck, a day on a boat sure sounds good with the heat here lately - sorry you had to miss it. Hope your kiddo didn't have asthma attacks. It's great to hear that you are getting on with the packing and stress and able to stay AF!!

                              charlee, I'm sorta glad I quit smoking first. I REALLY admire the folks here who have somehow given up booze and stinkeroos at the same time. I would have lost whatever is left of my mind for sure. It feels good to be free, and breathing better, and NOT spending well over $40 per carton!

                              Cindy!! Happy anniversary!! Your plans to grill steaks with all of your family sound wonderful. Hope you are having a great time.

                              beatle, I'm right there with ya in the Feeling Lazy department today. Did you get out to the garden? Thanks again for your feedback about L-Tryptophan in the Holistic section. For me, that stuff feels like a miracle - or something that should be illegal LOL!

                              Congrats Evie on Day 28 with 30 right around the corner! What a great milestone.

                              Tiny - congrats on D. 13! I am PEA GREEN WITH ENVY over your pool access. Thanks fo the note about Ferguson. He is Mr. Doggy's special boy - that's the one he trains with so hard every week. Even though everybody else trained here yesterday, Mr. Doggy didn't because he felt like such crap with this cold. Poor Ferguson Wuz Robbed. He keeps running to his crate in the back of the truck (his cue for training time) with that WTF????? look on his face - even today.

                              OMW - I am just laughing about Thomas the train. I assume that's a kid toy that is not designed for use in toilet tanks???? I have no 2-leggeds myself, so must live vicariously through stories such as yours!

                              Deter - LOL at your trip to "Califunny." What kind of work do you do that has you on the road all the time? (I'm sure this has been discussed before but I don't recall.....) I bet Dx misses you just like I'm sure Mr. Cindi misses her. Don't know how you guys handle being such Road Warriers!

                              Hi again louise!!! Congrats again on your terrific AF weekend.

                              Well, off for more Desparate Housewives watching, and hopefully some sleep tonight. Since I napped, I have a feeling I might be back here at some unworldly hour before the sun is up!!


                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

