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Abbercise 9 - 15 June

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    Abbercise 9 - 15 June

    Welcome to another week!

    Thought for the week was something Caysea posted last week - here's to those of us who are struggling hard but putting in the effort anyway! The rewards will come!

    Thought of that heading to the gym this morning - last week was so busy that I think I only got there once. And I really wanted to stay in bed this morning. However, I got there - didn't exactly push myself! My t-shirt was only barely damp!! But better than nothing!

    And gee, all those dogs must be feeling really happy!!!

    have a good one everyone - I must start my working day before it runs away on me!!

    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Abbercise 9 - 15 June

    Hi Mame! You are so right that just getting started is the hard part, and any exercise is good exercise!! Good for you getting to the gym on your Monday!

    Where is everyone????

    I knew today would be a killer workout which is good in a way, and kicks my butt in another way! That's just the way it goes with that dang SMART computer after Sunday off. It is also really humid here today, and it just seems like I can't put out as much even though I'm working as hard as I can. BUT...musta done something right because Evil Smart Computer says I burned 530 calories today. :egad: I've never broken 500 before. I hope that means I can stay in the low 400's on my 80% days and get in the high 400s on my 100% days through Saturday. WHEE!! I definitely worked a lot of muscles to failure today. It feels so awesome.

    OH - and I'm sure you are all DYING to know how the Red Team is doing in the June contest! We are kickin' butt and takin' names. Everyone on our team except one person got all the possible workout points last week. And we won last weeks game of the week (Bingo). We got a good start today on this weeks game of bean bag toss. (Beck...come on now!! I know you secretly want to have this silly fun where you work out!! )

    The icing on the cake was winning 5 Curves Bucks in Spin the Wheel day today. I'm savin' up that funny money for a T-Shirt. 5 Bucks sounds like a lot, but the conversion rate sucks. T-shirts are like $125 Curves Bucks. So I have a long way to go for my "free" T-shirt.

    OK - that's more than enough to bore you all silly about my workout. I LIKE that Curves + AF + Low Carb = 7 pounds gone!!!

    Rock on Abbercisers!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Abbercise 9 - 15 June

      Hi all did an easy tennis workout on the ball machine yesterday.It was my day off but after watching the French open tennis match I felt like getting out and hitting the ball.Sunday would normally be a big binging day for me in my other life.Nice to become addicted to the positive outlets in life.Worked out with the pro today.He has commented the last 2 workouts that it looks like I am getting in better shape because it seems to him I have more energy.We know why, no need to tell him .In the past my exercise be it in the gym or on the tennis court was just a way to delude myself that I was staying in shape.As I have gotten older, the drinking has caught up with me ,and over took any benefits I was getting from working out.
      Dog girl It seems you have really jumped in and embraced your workouts .Great to hear the results you are getting.We can't even explain the mental benefits but it is a great feelling
      Aunt way to push yourself out the door.That is usually the hardest part of the workout.Way to go. I am finding the more I get in a routine of working out the less I am thinking about the al.
      Stay healthy and keep fighting
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      AF 5-16-08


        Abbercise 9 - 15 June


        I bought a new exercise DVD to use but ever since I bought it, I have had this stupid sinus whatever it is.

        I hope I get well soon. I just can't do much right now because almost everything sets off the neuralgia.

        As soon as possible, though, I am jumping onto this thread.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Abbercise 9 - 15 June

          You guys are fantastic! I keep thinking I'm going to get my rear end to the gym, but its just not happening. I have early conference calls at least 3 days a week(as early as 6:30am) which I take from home and then drive to the office and then by the time I get home from work I am soo exausted I just want to park it on the couch and don't move an inch...and have been kind of depressed and demotivated too (aghh) I'm better when I have someone to do this with, someone who would kick me of the couch or drug me out of bed in the morning! My husband unfortunately, could care less. He is no help at all ;(


            Abbercise 9 - 15 June

            Hello abbercisers!!

            Caysea, your enthusiasm for your tennis boosts my motivation!! You raise a good point that exercising while drinking heavily creates a delusion that we are somehow offsetting the bad with the good. Now it's ALL good. I bet you felt great when the pro made that comment about you getting in shape!

            Cindi you must be getting beyond frustrated with this lingering infection. I'm so glad you client stepped in on your behalf so at least you are not dealing with flying. Be well soon!! Can't wait to chase you around this thread with my :b&d: oops I mean encourage you to exercise every day, once you are well!

            How are you doing today Mame?

            HI MyChoice!! What do you MEAN you have no one to kick your fanny off the sofa and exercise????? What am *I*??? Chopped liver???? :b&d: Seriously...I do know what you mean about exercise after a long work day - I'm a morning person for most things myself. So how about a DVD for some exercise on those days where you have early conference calls and can't go to the gym? (I assume the gym is not open early enough????? *she says ever so sweetly??*) All kidding aside, I am really finding a GOOD workout is helping big time in the AL craving department. It's been worth it in so many ways. And now I'm hooked!!

            Well, I ended up working out BEFORE my leads group meeting at 8. I'm sure you are wondering how I could be so rude as to show up for a meeting after sweating for 35 minutes. The answer???? Right now in my life I am putting *me* first. If people don't like the way I smell they don't have to sit next to me. :egad: WHEE!!! Endorphins + no hangover = WILD and CRAZY DG at 8AM!!

            Even though today the computer only pushed me to 80% of my target (yesterday was 100%, so today was the light day) I still burned 470 calories according to that totally wonderful, awesome, LURVEly machine! I love looking at the graphs and stats after my workout to see how much stronger I'm getting - more and more reps put into the 30 seconds on each machine.

            AND...I'm sure you are all DYING to know how the Red Team is doing for the June Heat it up contest!! Well, we are in the lead after all of last weeks points were tallied. With no help from me on the Bingo contest. The game of the week this week is bean bag toss, and I've racked up 5 points for the good guys so far.

            Hope to see all the other abbercisers checking in!!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Abbercise 9 - 15 June

              What do you reckon abbercisers? Does this look like DG after Curves and before her presentations??! Looks cute enough for her doggies to eat!!

              (with thanks to Teardrop for instructions on how to do this!)

              Mychoice - I too have 6:30 conference calls .... mainly with people in London who are heading off for the day (and usually it seems to a wine bar!!). I get up at 6, get into my gym clothes, have a cup of tea, do a few yoga stretches to wake myself up, do the conference call, and then either do a shortened session at the gym or a 30 minute walk. I can still get to work by 8:15 or 8:30 that way ...... but then again my comute isn't much more than 15 minutes - if you have a long one that isn't always manageable.

              I'm doing okay thanks DG - got to gym this morning, have been planning on doing 2km runs as well as my circuit at least 3 times a week. Finding a discrepancy between what the treadmill syas and what my ipod+nike sports kit says, so I bumped my 12 minutes run up to 15 minutes this morning. Wasn't too bad and my knee is still not showing any signs of returning injury so I'm happy with that.

              Who was it that did 40 minutes on the elliptical???!!!! I did 15 minutes this morning (to many people on the weights machines) and it just about killed me!!!

              mame Attached files [img]/converted_files/531490=3483-attachment.jpg[/img]
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Abbercise 9 - 15 June

                WHEE the Energizer Bunny!! Thank you Mame! I will have that vision in my head at Curves this morning. I definitely have something in common - LOL, bunny doesn't have a waist (yet) either!

                40 minutes on an elliptical machine?????I can't imagine that!

                Mame, glad the workouts are going well and especially glad that your knee is holding up. I know your life is really stressful right now...hopefully some endorphins help a bit. Have a good day!!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Abbercise 9 - 15 June

                  45 minutes on the elliptical??? WOW, I am truly a distance runner and could not do 45 minutes on the elliptical Woo hoo!!. Caysea, glad you’re hitting the ball, not the bottle. I love smashing tennis balls!

                  Doggie, congrats on breaking the 500 mark.

                  My choice, I think you’ll find a little exercise will rev you up, only take a bit.

                  Cindi, once you feel better, hit the video, that sinus stuff really saps me.

                  Mame, hope your time allows you to make the gym today!

                  Going to try and work in a run later today when the urges hit me.

                  Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                    Abbercise 9 - 15 June

                    Hi OMW and all yet to come!! OMW if you run later, enjoy and relax!!

                    Just got back from Curves so chalk me up for another abbercise day! I didn't quite feel like the energizer bunny. Burned just over 400 calories today (according to the Kwazy Komputer) and I have a feeling that lack of sleep last night had an impact. But I worked as hard as I could go and that's all I can do!! It feels good to work out every day.

                    Hope everyone is having a great day!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Abbercise 9 - 15 June

                      DG ? I truly honestly say that you impress me! I?m so genuinely happy for you! Look, you don?t smoke, don?t drink, don?t eat junk food, you exercise (a lot!) and sooo motivated ? that is great!! Keep up the good work babe!

                      Caysea ? I love tennis too!!! I suck at it, but I love the game with all my heart! None of my friends play, and my husband doesn?t show interest in any kind of sports (at all ? sometimes I think WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM?), so all I left is to dream that some day I will have some one to learn to play with

                      OMW ? have a good run!!

                      Mame ? I?ll give it a try?higly doubt I could manage the con call, the work out, the shower, the make-up and the lunch packing before work?but as they say if there is a will there is a way

                      Thanks all for encouragement everyone!!!

                      Yes, I suppose I can try to do this all by myself, after all this is for ME right? Ok then, you twisted my arm ? I have a ?yoga-booty-ballet? DVD at home so will give it another change tomorrow morning, ?.or maybe even tonight after work! I used to own a treadmill a couple of years ago (as turned out later) for the purpose of collecting clothing in my bedroom ? pretty soon pile became so big you couldn?t see what was below all that pile!


                        Abbercise 9 - 15 June

                        HELLO! HEllo! Hello! hello!

                        Wow. There is an echo here in the locker room. Don't MAKE me come torture you all into exercising today!! :b&d: (my favorite smiley evah)

                        My Choice, from your comments about my clean livin' exercise, diet, no booze, no stinkeroos, GEEZ I need to get some sinnin' back in my life!!!! I want to hear more about this Yoga-Booty-Ballet thing. It sounds very interesting!! SO interesting in fact, that you would not be our good friend if you didn't share a video with us of you doing some Booze-Bustin'-Booty-Yoga-Ballet moves. You know, a training video for the rest of us.

                        Well, I could see on the computer just how tired I was at my workout yesterday of that night from hell of little sleep. Yesterday was a 100% of target day, and I really did push as hard as I could. Today was my 80% of target day, and I tried really hard to stay in the green, but not get FLASHING green which means you are working harder than your target. And I still showed more strength today than yesterday.

                        I'm finding that the muscles that are getting the most exhausted are the ones on the front of my thighs. (I'm just as bad in human physiology today as I was back in high school) So I guess the bigger muscles must tire fastest? Or at least for now in the early stages? Someone enlighten me!!

                        Highlights: Est. 450 calories burned. 3 points for the red team in the bean bag toss.

                        Hope everyone else is having a grand day not only in exercise, but in ALL ways. (Sleep is a mahvahlous thing!)

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Abbercise 9 - 15 June

                          Hey DG and all!

                          HA! Love reading your posts ? such a great sense of humor!
                          ...well, just like planned I was a good girl last night - came home and did my yoga-booty thing! The whole exercise is based on repetitive dance moves with some yoga stretches ? nothing crazy, but better then sit on the couch! I know I am not near the 400 or 500 mark of burning calories with my silly monkeing around in front of TV, but hey, I feel good today! I actually plan on stopping by the store later today to buy new yoga or pillates DVD?.I like on floor exercises better then running or any other kind of cardio related exercise. I don?t know what it is but since pre-school I hate to run.

                          Anywho, for all of you out there ? have a great workout!!!


                            Abbercise 9 - 15 June

                            hi all
                            Great to see the effort everyone is putting into the workouts .Yes it is harder than picking up a drink and getting lost but it feels so much better.
                            I was playing tennis against one of my friends last night.I seemed to be having a good night but didn't give it much thought.After the match my friend said he hasn't seen me that focused since we have started playing each other about 6 months ago.You don't even realize the haze you function in when involved with the drinking.That comment had more of an impact on me than he could realize.
                            Stay Healthy and keep fighting
                            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                            AF 5-16-08


                              Abbercise 9 - 15 June

                              Hello abbercisers!! My Choice, good for you doing that yoga-booty-ballet-we-want-a-video!!!!!!! I don't know about you, but the hardest part for me about exercise has always been getting started.

                              Caysea, I know what you mean, I think. We got so USED to hangovers it felt normal. Without the hangovers it's like having a new engine in the car! Good for you on your friend match!

                              Today's workout was only 378 calories. I think the price for working out 5 - 6 days per week is at least at this beginner stage, I run out of steam a bit as the week wears on. It will be interesting to see how the trends unfold as I continue to build some muscle. Well, I HOPE I'm building a little bit of muscle anyway. In better news....I had my best day yet in the bean bag toss - 4 points for the Red Team.

                              I'm pooped and am about to knock off early for the day, and just laze around with Desparate Housewives!

                              Where are all the abbercisers???? :b&d:

                              Caysea, you are gonna have to crack that whip!!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

