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Monday 9 June

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    Monday 9 June

    Morning all,

    Hannah, Reteacher, hope you are both fast asleep and getting loads of restorative zzs. Insomnia is the pits.

    Well the start of another week. In work mode mood today and feeling very hopeful for the week. At some point yesterday the emotions all calmed down and started behaving themselves.

    For those in the UK wasn't yesterday glorious? Our first proper scorcer of the year. I socialised yesterday!!! OK not big time... I went on what you might describe as a heritage trail in London with some friends and some strangers. Bailed at the end when it was time to hit the pub but at least I stopped hibernating. Little steps still get you there in the end.

    Cindi, 33 years! congratulations. I hope you had a great time.

    Sounds like everyone's gardens are coming along. Also sounds like many of you have a fair bit of land to cope with. Mine is only about 40ft by 20ft and I still can't keep on top of it. Admittedly it is straight up a hill. And hedges for privacy are great but they are the only thing I don't manage to kill and they grow out of control so quickly.

    Right off to work. Hope kids, animals and significant others (nice all embracing expression!), are all behaving themselves. And that everyone is as motivtaed as I am this morning. (no prizes for guessing what the weather is like)
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Monday 9 June

    top of the Monday ABanators!

    I'm cheating...posting the night before so i can get a jump start on my morning.

    at a hotel again in Sacramento this time....beautiful here with flower all over and they smell sooo nice.
    wish Dx was here with me to see them!

    i see on the boards a few folks are having a rough time trying to be AF. Maybe it's the slowing down after the fire of new years catching up to us....we have to be ever vigilent!

    I sat alone tonight in a sushi restaurant at the bar...the booze bottles all lined up just two feet away from me. I thought to myself: this is the situation I could really drink in. Alone in a dark empty restaurant....just my style. Then I "saw" that part of myself having that thought and it scared me into consciousness. Light your torches! gotta keep the dark shadows at bay.

    Hope you all have a loverly hangover-free monday

    be well
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Monday 9 June

      Morning all

      Lovely to read all your positive posts over the weekend as always.

      I didn't make it AF over this weekend (again!) but not gonna just beat myself up too much - just get back on the wagon and keep going! I think for me to be succesful I'm gonna have to face facts - there are some social situations I just can't handle yet so I'm gonna have to stay away.

      Well done to everyone who is notching up there AF days - be proud of yourselves xxxx

      Here's to a great week xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


        Monday 9 June

        Checking in on a cloudy dreary Monday. Another busy week ahead, mostly kid stuff (and trying to work out what to do with the rest of my life... nothing new there). I had an easy AF weekend, even though I was in an ideal situation for drinking. I found myself alone when my kids went to friends' homes and my husband was out of town. I hardly even thought about AL, though... well, I almost bought some beer while shopping, but convinced myself not to, and then the stores closed and it was too late, so no use thinking about it anymore.

        Onward and upward...

        A good sober week to everyone!
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Monday 9 June

          Morning everybody!:rays:

          Yes, Loppy, gorgeous weekend - it makes such a difference

          Interesting what you're all saying about identifying the social/alone situations that evoke AL memories/thoughts for you. Particularly since you've all seen the light! Loppy, well done on socialising and skipping that pub if you're not ready for it. STL, you've worked out where your safe zone is for now and Det - you sound like a pro! Just snapping your mind right back to where it needs to be.

          I've already started the countdown to 30 coming up this week with day 27 AF underway.

          Have to rush off now to a planning meeting with a crazy new boss, grrrr. But I'll try to detach and be civil.

          Have a great day all!


            Monday 9 June

            Good morning Absters and Happy Monday.

            Loppy, thank you for starting us off. Sounds like you had a glorious day yesterday in more ways than the weather! I take it the sun is out today too. I'm glad to hear you got out with friends, and then just skipped the pub. Was that a tour of the local sights or something? Sounds interesting - wish I could have gone too! (never been to the UK but would love to visit someday!)

            Deter, congratulations on chasing the dark shadows away in the restaurant.

            And same to you beatle for avoiding all temtation to drink alone. I'm still baffled trying to figure out exactly when in my AL history drinking went from being a "social" thing to a solo and lonely sport. Oh well - the important thing is building an AF future.

            STL, I'm sorry to hear about the fall, but good for you coming right back. We really do have to figure out if and when we are ready to handle certain situations AF.

            Pamina!!! Congratulations on Day 27!! "Crazy new boss." YUK. I'm glad to be done with corporate life aren't you mighty jeasous nanny nanny boo boo! Seriously...have a good day - I don't envy you dealing with Crazy Boss.

            It's AF Day 19 here and I'm feeling good after a lazy Sunday. I did manage to color my hair - I feel better without the grays sticking out. AND I'm glad I spent time yesterday perparing a proper presentation for my leads group meeting this morning, instead of going off the cuff. And I am especially glad to be going off to my Monday leads group meeting sans hangover!! WHEE!!! It's gonna be a good day...I can just feel it.

            Happy AF Monday to all who are yet to pop in!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Monday 9 June

              Good morning everyone!

              You all sound so well and upbeat. Pamina - I'll be the first to congratulate you on your 30 days (as I will be unplugged). You have done so well. Det, I will stay vigilant with you. It is so easy (and dangerous) to become complacent.

              Just a quick note this morning...then pulling the plug tonight.

              Today goes something like...
              kids to school followed by awards ceremony
              an hour or so packing
              pick kids up (damned half days)
              take sick kiddo for breathing treatment
              pack up rest of stuff

              Tomorrow is new house turnover day. It is exciting but will really need to be on guard. Can't let AL in. Please send some positive vibes my way...I will need all of them.

              Love to all,

              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                Monday 9 June

                Please send some positive vibes my way...I will need all of them.

                POSTIVIE VIBES TO BECK!!!!!

                Take this AL... :b&d: Leave Beck alone!!

                Sorry you are also dealing with a sick kiddo in the middle of all this!! Hope doc can fix you right up.

                Will be thinking of you all week!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Monday 9 June

                  Good morning all,

                  After reading this thread this morning don't you want to burst with smailes after reading DGs posts? What you did for Beck is just great!!!!!

                  I have a busy next few weeks as we are welcoming our first year students to campus and I am in charge ... I have a bit of a sun burn from yesterday but I am happy to report that today is DAY 14!!!! Everyone have a great MONDAY!


                    Monday 9 June

                    Hi Everyone: We had a very busy, social weekend: 2 parties. I stayed AF through both. I've found that after the first few minutes of the host pouring drinks & watching people take their first few sips, I was fine. At yesterday's party, there was a cooler full of water, selzer, & beer (not a big temptation for me). I was able to take my own bottle of flavored selzer & keep it w/me throughout the day.

                    Take care everyone. With the end of the school year, I'm finding myself very busy, but I'll keep checking in whenever I can.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Monday 9 June

                      Morning all
                      Sounds like everyone is hangin in day, new week..Knowing what situations to avoid early on is wise....I seem to anticipate a problem (the head thing), when invited to a social event, but have found for me, once the drinks are served I am ok....I drank in secret, at night, in the comfort of my own little house!!..I didn't drink to enjoy a nightly cocktail, I drank to blackout....

                      Beck - lots on your plate, can't let AL in, how would you ever accomplish all on that huge "to do" list?..I will keep sending you positive thoughts.

                      Off to work, hope everyone has a great day..
                      sobriety date 11-04-07


                        Monday 9 June

                        I just wanted to add that I brought my own selzer on Sat. night. When the host was pouring wine, I poured myself a tall selzer loaded w/ice.

                        During the summer, I've actually walked into parties w/an big open bottle of water or iced tea in my hand. It takes care of those first few minutes.

                        This coming weekend we have another party on Sat. night, but I'm prepared. Every time I do it, it gets a little easier. Also, I'm the designated driver lately, because my husb has a cataract & can't see as well as I can at night.

                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Monday 9 June

                          Good Morning, Everyone.

                          I had a horrible anniversary. Hubby ended up being angry over this and that all day long. I finally lost my temper. Not good.

                          He has apologized, though, and I did not drink in response, which is good.

                          He had a bad day and took it out on the family. Doesn't usually do that be he was very frustrated.

                          I, however, being sober, did not let him treat me like a doormat and stood up for myself and the family.

                          It ended up good, in a way...

                          Sucky anniversary, though.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Monday 9 June


                            Everyone having a decent Monday I see..............

                            STL, Hang in there, back on the horse, right!? Cindi, sorry your anniversary sucked this year, mine did too if that is any consolation.............? Beck you will be in my thoughts.

                            Everyone else sounds marvelous! You guys have a great Monday, I will try to do the same!

                            lots of love.:l:h:l:h

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Monday 9 June

                              Hi, Everyone.

                              I just wanted to post a big WOOOO WHOOOO!!

                              My client, who actually saw me last week just before I went to the ER, called my boss and asked them to let me work remotely.

                              He has set up an account for me and I can log in and work from home.

                              He doesn't want me to keep hurting myself by trying to fly with this stupid thing I have.

                              What a good guy.


                              AF April 9, 2016

