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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

    Thanks for info! I'll keep in touch. I appreciate all the posts and threads! Makes me feel like I can do this! :thanks:
    :heart:Hope, Faith and Love are just some of the things he gave us.:heart:


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

      I introduced myself on Tuesday, had a great day, but I gave in and drank on Wednesday..sooo I'm back to Day One. I'm mad at myself, but I'm dealing with it. I was hungover, crabby, hungry and tired today. It was so not worth it to drink. But I made it through today and I know I'll feel great tomorrow. In a way that scares me though - to feel good- b/c that's when I feel like it's ok to drink. It's just crazy. Well, I'm off to a peaceful, sober night's sleep. Hopefully the first of many


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

        Hello all you wonderful BB?s!

        Doggy - the pots look great! Isn?t it great to be sober and geared up about taking on projects? Which before we would just procrastinate about? I am missing my playing in the dirt somewhat - the extent of my garden these days is three window boxes hanging on the balcony railing! But used to be a very big gardener, HUGE veggie patch at one time, used to do pickles, canning, freezing?.

        And hey - that brings up another topic - procrastination. I find myself it is/was a huge trigger for me too - if I had some project that I had been putting off (think - finishing the painting) - it would niggle away and eat at me but make me all the less inclined to start it - would rather say to h*ll with it all and go have a glass?.

        Well, must say that having gotten the last of the painting done, I realized today, is like having a huge weight drop off my shoulders. Now why did I put it off for so long? (Maybe because I painted the entire old condo before we moved, and now I?ve painted this entire condo? But still?.) I have been just enjoying the feeling of being DONE! So much today. Wish I?d just bitten the bullet eons ago. I made a mini ceremony of throwing the brush, roller, and pan in the garbage - made my day!!! Of course, I am already stiff and sore, but that will pass.

        I went to my folks for supper tonight, and when I turned down a glass of wine they accepted that in good stride. And then, as I was sitting there watching a movie with them, I realized that I was watching the clock and gauging whether I would still make it to the store on time - to buy, get this, AF beer! Not a single craving for wine, but wanted to have my customary AF beer before bed! I?ll take that as a sign of progress!:H

        Well, want to add my to jls10 and jbphan - this is a great place to be, and I hope it will be as much help and inspiration for you as it has been for me. Looking forward to getting to know you.

        Hi to Cherbear (hope you are doing okay - hang in there), Pamina, Aunty Mame, Louise, Endgame, and anyone I missed. Tomorrow is TGIF day for most - hope everybody has a great day, and is planning their AF weekend!
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

          morning all and wecome to the new comers
          hope you all have a good weekend
          there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

            Heckity Heck!! Sooo much has gone on since I last posted. Will have to sit here and read pages just to catch up. Day 12 for me (yes Doggy, double digits at last!!)

            Sober since 30/06/10


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

              Hi ALL Boozer Busters,

              Hannnah.... just been over to pamina 30days thread....very nice made by morning. :blushing:
              good for you turning down that glass of wine.
              DG...Love your roof top gardan, need to get my fingers out and do some diggin in the garden. How do you get your picture that big? well done on 22days af you do sound strong.:thumbs:
              Cherbear....its does get better, hang in there i hate those triggers, the think is, it could be anything that set those triggers of. you can do this keep on saying to yourself i can do this! :l
     glad that you are thinking you can keep doing those af days. Keep going i did go through a stage where i thought when do i plan my next drink it felt like, when i use to plan my next sick time of work when i use to work so hard i felt i deserve time of.
              Endgame...the think is my kids keep asking for money ....Im sure they think money grows on trees. If i had a wish a money tree would be well done on 13days af. That reminds me i started on the date 13th. number.
              Amelia...its a good think we start a new thread once a week. sometimes i print thinks of if i dont get the time to read them. well done 12day af .
              :welcome: Jbphan, and jls10..there is so many times i have stop and started i use drink so much and make myself feel bad inside and say to my myself no more. I think the more AF days you get under your belt the more stronger we get and we learn from it. Yes i rememeber going throught that one it ok or it safe to drink and then before you know you back to your old ways. just keep on coming back and dont be hard on yourself no ones perfect.
              Kaddy.... your nearly at the 3 digits now. well done.

              Well today i do feel a lot better and stronger, its funny how those urge or craving can get you and dont seem to let you go. they can last for over a day and do seem to make you feel so low in yourself. Anyway going for a pub lunch today meeting up with old work friends i use to work with i have not seen over a year, looking forward to it and the meal a carvery just love my yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes with lots of gravy. Its one of the best pub meal i have been to for a carvery. my son wants me to take him to wales tomorrow for a skateboard competition i do like to support him, but it so far 3hour drive there and back i think. OMG i will be stiff. No wonder he keeps on saying thanks for all your support mum in the past and how good iam. He did do a demo yesterday for teenages cancer which i thought was really nice.
              Got to go if i miss anyone big hello and have a good af day.

              Take Care

              family is everything to me


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                Good Day Booze Busters!!!!


                jbphan - I'm so happy for you that you feel like "I can do this!" We all can. It's not easy, and we have to learn from our mistakes....but for me anyway, this is a far cry from the YEARS I spent - every single day waking up and hating myself and my drinking - only to do it all over again. Repeat repeat repeat. It's like living in a dark hole. Keeping up the pretense of life while slowing (or rapidly as the case may be) dying on the inside.

                JLS10 - just get RIGHT back on this wagon. The cycle of swearing we will quit at the height of the hangover, only to want to drink again the minute the hangover is gone is a place ALL of us have been. You CAN change this cycle - it will take determination. I'm trying to remember - are you taking the MWO supplements and/or using the CD's and/or any meds? I've never tried the meds, but the supplements and CD's are a big help at least for me. Don't make the mistake I have made several times which is fall off the wagon, then wait months to get back on. We're rooting for you! Hope Day 1 yesterday finished of fine, and that you are on to Day 2 and doing great. You DO have to spend an obligatory day wearing the Fugly Green Polyester Suit with High Water Pants. So get busy.

                HannahB!! I'm still fanning myself from the Special Guests you arranged for Pamina and Teardrop yesterday. Thank you for the nice comments on my pots. I was very lucky to find the Grrr-Ani-Plants lady. We are supposed to have severe storms today so I hope they don't get ruined before they've taken hold.

                Boy - booze is certainly the mother of all procrastination support tools, isn't it. What you describe is EXACTLY me. I'm amazed at how much I can get done these days - even while spending so much time here! I love the thought of your "Painting is Done" ceremony throwing away the brushes and other supplies!!!!! WHEE!!! Wish you had some pics to share! Good for you turning down the wine at Mom & Dad's and LOL - on the "can't wait to get to the store for AF beer!!" That IS a big corner turned for people like us!!

                Hi kaddy!! I love you stopping in every day to check in. You must be gettting excited about tripple digits as Teardrop mentioned!

                Hi Amelia!! Don't worry about catching up on every post. Just dive right on in. That is a big reason why we start a new thread weekly - so it doesn't get SO daunting!!! Congrats on Day 12 and Double Digits!! :cheering:

                Teardrop, LOL - I was worried that the rooftop picture was too BIG!! I've got a long way to go learning to use all the fancy schmancy computer tools for pictures. Wow that is cool about your son and his skateboarding!! How old is he? What a wonderful thing doing a demo for the kids with cancer. What exactly is a Carvery? Your pub lunch sounds good in any case...can I come too??? I bet it will be nice to meet with your old pals!

                Hey Mame!! You doing OK out there??? Where are you and yor muppets!

                It's Day 23 here and I still can't believe how quickly the time is passing. I feel so fortunate that it feels easier this time. I guess those false starts since The Fall late last summer got me frustrated enough to Just Do It. I really DO LOVE life AF. The evil voice still speaks to me at times, but I love being sober and just pray for the resolve to just say NO every time thoughts of drinking occur. They are only thoughts - they are not the Boogey Man.

                Today will be another busy one. I have my regular 7AM leads group meeting, then Curves and MANY errands. Tomorrow will be another very busy one at dog training - with more new people coming in addition to returning new people from last Saturday. So that makes my "hostess" job more demanding. That's good - less time to worry about drinking! Sunday we will be getting together with my Mom and Dad for Father's day. My Dad is really having a hard time with some health issues right now and my heart just breaks for him. Spring / summer / fall is *his* time of year for gardening and tending to his fruit trees. His knee went out and he can barely get out of the house. I know he is scared about his declining health, and frustrated and bored sitting around not being able to do the active things he loves to do. Geez - it's bringing tears to my time to change the subject.

                Sorry my messages get so long. I'm glad we have Booze Busters here who are able to keep it short and simple to offset my long babbling!! Have a great Booze Bustin' Friday everyone, and let's all make a solid AF plan for the weekend!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                  jls10: I know exactly how you feel! I am the same way. I would feel like crap from drinking, have a hard day at work and eat everything I could get my hands on. Then magically I would start to feel better and then want to drink again! It is a crazy cycle. I am on day 2! Of course it is early and it is Friday. But I have been inspired by all the wonderful people here and hopefully it will help you too! I know together we can do anything! Have a wonderful day! And keep posting! Rhonda
                  :heart:Hope, Faith and Love are just some of the things he gave us.:heart:


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!


                    Wow, so funny that you mentioned painting! We are remodeling our kitchen/foyer/entry way and I have been needing to paint for 2 weeks. But I do the procrastination thing! I come home from work and think, do I want to paint...or do I want to drink some wine? Geez, which one do you think sounded better at that moment?? However, last night I had a great night, went to bed at a descent hour without drinking and feel great this morning. Totally inspired by everyone on this thread and am looking forward to starting to paint today!:thumbs: I am so glad I found this sight. I think it might just be what pulls me through this time. Its nice to talk to someone who doesn't make you feel guilty or ashamed. Who understands.

                    My thanks to everyone! :h:happyheart:
                    :heart:Hope, Faith and Love are just some of the things he gave us.:heart:


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!


                      I appreciate your messages, no matter how long they are! The pictures of your pots are really nice too. I hope the storm didn't hurt them.

                      As for your dad, I hope his health gets better soon. It is so hard to watch a parent that is hurting. I lost my dad when I was 16 (that was a long time ago) so I guess all I can say is appreciate every moment you have with him. Hopefully your new found health and zest for the AF life will inspire him to get the most out of his life and appreciate what he does and your mom!
                      :heart:Hope, Faith and Love are just some of the things he gave us.:heart:


                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                        Hi Booze Busters

                        I would really like to join you. This is day 4 for me now and it's just about over. Thank you, god (and I'm not even religious)
                        Lack of sleep, the monster was really getting to me today but i didn't give in and stayed strong.
                        I really look forward to getting to know you all better.
                        My head is so tired it is hard to think of what to write.

                        Hope you all have a fantastic AF day. :fingers:



                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                          :goodjob: Way to go! Keep up the good work. One day at a time. That is all we can do.
                          :heart:Hope, Faith and Love are just some of the things he gave us.:heart:


                            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                            THANKS AGAIN!!

                            Good day BBs!!

                            Jbphan, JLS10 and Nomoretisit :welcome: Get stuck right in, you're in the right place!

                            Cherbear - come hang out on this site if you're on your own at loose ends. I've spent a lot of time reading posts and research material to arm my brain with arguments against AL, and it's still just a fraction of what's on here.

                            Louise and Amelia - well done on the first two weeks!

                            Kaddy - you're on ga-zillion weeks - amazing! Have a good weekend.

                            Endgame - training wheels are just fine! I went thru a period when I had AF beers and ciders all the time, less so now. I always have one in the house just in case, cause that liquor store is only a 2-minute walk away. I think you're very wise to be cautious about your drinking buddies. There's a group I haven't seen this month but was invited out with on Sunday. To a nice pub, apparently. Still not inclined to go.

                            Hannah - a job finally done must feel so good and is well worth celebrating!! As is passing up on that wine glass. I'm in awe, I still have a way to go with the procrastination habit. I'm afraid I'm in the DG 'pro' category as well, procrastinating as I sit here instead of tackling those tasks... But I have at least drawn up a to-do list...

                            Teardrop - the end of your 1-to-1. That's huge! No wonder you were feeling low. Glad to hear you're better today. That's so sweet about your son using his talent for the cancer kids - he must take after his mum!

                            Mame - LOL. Yes, I have been wondering about the utility of those flying underpants myself. How's things in your multiply mobile household? I know what you mean about being unsettled, that would definitely do my head in. BUT, you don't want to deal with all that in the fugly green suit!

                            DG - you're tackling that procrastination!! (Well, among other things). Your plants look gorgeous as do the woods behind. You must have a really nice place. Sorry to hear about your Dad. It takes time, doesn't it, to adjust to new phases in life. My Dad has slowly lost his mobility and been in a wheelchair since last fall. He's also always loved his garden. Now that he can't tend it himself any more, he's become very good at issuing orders (grrrr). The planting cycle etc still continues with a motley crew of (fairly unsatisfactory) helpers, and he still loves watching over the flowerbeds. He's even persuaded the council to build him a patio that allows him to wheel himself outside (there'd be stairs otherwise).

                            I'm still recovering from yesterday - man oh man, you guys sure know how to throw a party!! Those cheerleaders and their pom poms kept popping into my head as I was on my way home, and I just sat on that bus grinning like an idiot. :thanks:

                            And no, I did not turn into a pumpkin. :blinkylove: There is life after 30...


                              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                              Good Friday BBers!

                              I just want to quote a great book I read to send your weekend off with an explosive ABSTINANT motivation!!

                              " Addiction to alcohol or drugs is a devotion to pleasure produced by the substance, an ineffable self-indulgence that ultimately becomes a condition of chemically enhanced stupidity. Pleasure seeking, sometimes called "hedonism" is a natural human trait signigying health. Addiction, however, goes further than hedonism into a zone I call "hyperhedonism" a surpassing devotion to the specific pleasure given by certain substances. Because there is no "disease", there is no "treatment" and no "cure" in the medical sense of these words. but in the broader sense, there is a perfect, guaranteed, immediate cure available to any addicted person - planned, permanent abstinence. "

                              From the Book Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey

                              I read the book when I was about 4 mos. AF ~ and a shift came over me like no other in my commitment to be AF Forever!!

                              Just wanted to share with all the Abers and aber desire-ers :h

                              Here IS to a GREAT AB weekend. Tell the Beast to shut up!
                              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                              (from the Movie "Once")


                                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                                Hi jb!! You sound so chipper today and that's a wonderful thing!! Congrats on Day 2. Thank you for the compliments on the Grrr-ani-plants. I will pass on the compliment to that very nice lady at the nursery when I go back for more!!!! Have fun with your painting project!! Doesn't it feel good to be motivated to get stuff done? And it feels SO rewarding once a project is finished - WAY WAY more rewarding than....well...let's face it....a hangover.

                                No more, welcome to Booze Busters!! We can do ANYTHING for 30 days, right? We just gotta take it one day or even one minute at a time.

                                On the "it's Friday" thing. That's a big trigger day for so many people - the start of the weekend, maybe old habits like going out with co-workers to happy hour, or kicking the weekend off at home. Saturday has historically been my rough day as we host dog training here, and for several of the folks, dog training and beer go together. I used to drink all through the day, even though the "normal" people waited 'til training was over. Still a lot of stress. THIS time around. I'm trying not to get so worked up about it - especially ahead of time. I have a plan - I have plenty of suitable beverages that I like on hand. The only other important part of the plan is don't drink alcohol. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think *I* made Saturdays more stressful and difficult than they needed to be by obsessing over it. On some level, it's just another day that will have good things and maybe some triggers to be overcome, etc.

                                Anyhow...that's what I know about paper as the commercial goes!!

                                Glad you guys are booze busin' with us. Hello to all Booze Busters yet to come!!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

