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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

    3 more days...

    Hello Booze Busters! ... did I hear someone mention a party....?? Because I can't WAIT to party!! In fact, I'm so eager and ahead of myself I almost tripped myself up today. Party, party, party!!!!!!

    But not THAT kind of party. I've been doing well in my AF groove for the past two weeks. Tonight I joined my singing group for the first time in a long time, and we went to the pub as we always do. And the weather is perfect, summer, warm, lazy. And the people sitting outside with their cold ciders just looked SO contented. And I have my period, hadn't eaten properly all day, was exhausted, slightly dizzy and thought - oh that cold cider would SO hit the spot. It was like a wave of nostalgia for some supposedly carefree life I'm denying myself. I still had my juice, was just too tired to stay long and came home for dinner. But it surprises me that the wistfulness suddenly came out of nowhere.

    Anyway, we're still on track for a party. And Mame, I want you out of the fugly green suit by then. You have to be properly dressed. You'll be a guest of honour because it's thanks to you and Travis starting that 14-day thread whenever it was that I jumped onboard and am now 27 days AF!!!!!

    DG - Congrats on your presentation, I'm sure there was no snoozing. And well done with your training day - you're now 2/3 of the way to a ***PARTY***!!!


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

      Hi louise. Since you asked....

      Me and Mr. Doggy have our own business. He's a true computer geek, but with the added benefit of being able to speak plain English (not bits and bytes) to customers. He was fed up with his employer about 5 years back, and here we are - our 5 year anni will be on 9/1.

      Word of mouth has been the BEST way for us to get new clients. One of the "word of mouth" formats that has been good to us is these Business Referral Clubs. (I belong to 3 different ones). Only one type of business can be represented in a group. So only 1 computer person, mortgage person, insurance person, handyman, sign guy, auctioneer, etc. - whatever strange array of businesses we can muster. We meet once per week with the goal of getting to know each other, and what an optimal prospect is, so we can help each other find business leads. Everyone gets a "short commercial" each week to say something about their business, but every week there is a longer time frame (usually 20 minutes) for a featured speaker to get a little more in depth. Generally speaking, you only get a turn to be the featured speaker about once per quarter - so it's a good idea to make the most of it rather than be too buzzed to prep and too hungover to deliver. After my presentation one person approached me about a new web site, and another who is actually an existing customer approached me about a new business venture he wants to add to his site. It's always cool for a sales wench like me to get 2 GOOD leads in one meeting!

      Aren't you glad you asked????? :egad:

      On the diet thing, I don't think there is any one diet that works for everyone. As one example, many low fat type plans I've seen include quite a bit of grain type servings. Those are death to me - I have every reason to believe I have a wheat / gluten intolerance, and some things that don't agree with me. And we often crave the most what we are either allergic or sensitive to. For some people dairy is this kind of problem. Yeast can be a problem for some. etc. etc. If that particular program isn't working well for you, I'd explore some more. Personally I do best with a wide variety of meats and lots of veggies and eggs. Starches and sugars make me explode around the middle - which is what I'm trying to work on now after giving up AL.

      Anyway, I'd be happy to comment based on what I've learned through my own research if you want to post some sample menus or anything. And I am NOT a nutritionist by any stretch - just done a lot of reading and research - enough to be confused LOL!

      Well, I'm off to make myself a Spinach and Feta cheese omelette since Mr. Doggy will be working late. Have a great Booze Bustin' evening everyone!!

      Can't wait til tomorrow for day 20, just cuz.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

        PAMINA!! Congrats on 27 days, and also your wise decision making at the Pub!! Yep - I'm ready for an AF PARTY!!!!!! Is anyone hitting a 30 multiple tomorrow? Surely SOMEONE is.....

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

          Hey Booze Busters!

          Week 2 AF for me (9 days - all of June so far). Marshy, I know what you mean about the AF beer - thought what's the point myself - but I picked up some AF Beck's on the weekend and - wow - it's like a Jedi mind-trick - you think you're drinking a real beer. Definitely can see it being a useful crutch. Good luck to all - hope we can all make it to 30 days!!!


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

            One down...

            And several more to go for me!

            Reporting for duty!

            "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

              Starting the 10th here!!

              going to mod tonight and go full steam ahead with 30 days AF!! loving the threads on natural remedies for anxiety and looking forward to a new life!! i did 60 goal is to go 90 days now


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                Welcome Skootie and viking. Glad to see you both here.

                Clausthaler and Haake-Beck are both good non-Al beers also. My experience is the good ones are German, or at least European. Unfortunately, rarely available in restaurants or pubs.

                Yes DG it is nice to better understand what you are referring to. If I had to rely on sales for a living I'm afraid I might starve. Thanks for the offer of diet help. I also don't do well with lots of carbs - the diet is kind of like South Beach and I started it because I didn't want to have to think too hard and it had all your menus planned out. I was doing weight watchers but spending too much time menu planning (of course it would help if I did not have to think about whether my husband would eat it - he often does a lot of the cooking but likes to cook a bit fancier than a strict diet allows), which took away from time here!

                Congrats on 27 Pamina. Looks like there will be a party on Thurs. I will relyon Boose Buster alum to tell me party rules.

                Beck, hope your move is going ok.


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                  Hello everyone,

                  Great to see the high energy that this BB thread brings. In the useful crutch area I like the St. Pauli N.A. It is funny, my kids picked up on my AF commitment after a few months and they know the difference between an AF beer and alcohol beer. My eight year old has at times said, "is that an alcohol free beer?" when he has seen me unwind at night. I smile and tell him yes. It makes me wonder what these little sponge like minds soaked in when it was not AF beer. I am not opposed to drinking, for other people who can moderate, but I am for me. It does make me cringe to know that I was not as in control as I thought in my previous drinking life.

                  Nothing to do about the past; but much we can do about the present.

                  Good night friends,


                  Day 319 AF


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                    Hi everyone,
                    Though I might join this Booze Buster crowd, I'm day 3 AF! waiting for my 30. strong at present time
                    its late and I made it through the tough time.
                    I tried an AF wine and it tasted terrible to me, are there any good ones? I guess I'm alittle afraid to try a good one then I won't ever get that taste craving out of my brain which I so want to do.
                    May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                      Day 13 here

                      Well I felt like a drink tonight so I came here...Day 13 here

                      I think this is my first use of some sort of intervention other than calendar reminders tha tsay "no beer or wine" so maybe this can work.

                      Anyhow kids are driving me crazy, trying to work in house, and wife does not always support that because I'm sure she gets overwhelmed with the two boys [age 1&3]. After I out the kids to be felt like goin tog get a bottle of wine and "relaxing" and rewarding my grit. Problem is it will carry over to a bottle tomorrow, the next day, etc.

                      Any advice so the bottle of wine is not the first thought in my head after a long day where I need to check out and relax?



                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                        Welcome Cherbear and Eskil. Cherbear, if you go back to last week's booze buster thread Hannah had a couple suggestions for AF wine. Congrats on making it through 3. Eskil, I wish I had good advice about getting the thought of wine to relax out of your head other than saying no to it and thinking of something else to do - music, movie, book, etc. But I'm just on day 10m so you are ahead of me! I'm sure others will come allong and have some advice.


                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                          Hello Everyone,
                          Wow what a fantastic group of Abbers! You all sound really positive and strong - which is great!!
                          Day 9 for me and going strong (oh how the Antabuse helps!!!....takes away the 'shall I or shant I?' choice).
                          Going away for a couple of days for work (with my tablets of course). Will look forward to getting back and seeing how you are all doing.
                          Best of luck for the next few days (not that you guys sound like you need it) and I will catch up when I am back.

                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                            Yo Boozebusters!

                            Feeling a lot more like myself today, and realized a truth about myself today too?..what with being busy as heck last week, and then the headache thingee going on this weekend, I haven?t gone to Curves, haven?t golfed since last Tuesday, and the dog has gotten only token walks.

                            I am a person who needs to exercise, to release the tension, and for those lovely endorphins - DG - you said it - it?s a whole new addiction, but in a good way. Anyhooo?..have been missing my endorphins, and that led, I am sure, to my cravings on Saturday night, and I swear, when I was running errands today, I felt the temptation today too. And I can?t get to Curves again tomorrow (honestly, for a gal who actually doesn?t work, I seem to fill up my calendar these days!) BUT BY GUM AND BY GOLLY - I AM GETTING THERE ON WEDNESDAY!

                            Wow, lots of new faces here! Awesome! Looking forward to getting to know you all.:welcome:

                            Welcome to Amelia, hey, you are about to go double digits!

                            Eksil, good for you on day 13! For something to do I would suggest some sort of move your body activity - are you a walker, jogger, or runner? Do you like shooting hoops, bike riding, anything at all? If so, reboot your interest, if not, find something to be interested in. Physical activity goes a long way to keeping Al at bay!

                            Cherbear - welcome, and yay on day 3! If you have just tried an AF wine without any time lapse between drinking the real stuff, you ain?t gonna like it. Try it again about two weeks down the road. And try different brands, some are better than others. Experiment. Good luck!

                            Viking, welcome to you too. Congrats on the previous 60 day stretch - and good luck on the 90!

                            Jessie, you are on your way with day 5 under your belt. The worst days are over now, from here it?s a little easier. Welcome.

                            FoxyPoxy - Welcome - this is a good place to start your new journey. Good luck to you.

                            Howdy Louise, July, Teardrop, Marshy, Mary, and the main doggy herself!

                            Doggy, sounds like you are cooking with gas, girlie. About to bust into your 20?s, and it?s gonna be no time at all before we are celebrating your big three - Ohh! Hmmmm??.where is the male cheerleading squad? :H We seem to be down a few?..

                            Mame - You absolutely have to stick around, and keep on trying. Most of us falter, stumble, and teeter, but eventually we get there. Just keep on keeping on, you?ll do this, and we will all help as much as we can. But you gotta keep logging on and talking to us! Okay?

                            July - Doesn?t it make you feel good to be able to say ?yes, it?s AF beer? - and aren?t you glad your kids care enough to ask? Lucky you, lucky them. Do they know how very wise their father is?

                            Well, technically it?s well into Tuesday now, and I am still running on Monday, so best be off to bed. Hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                              Wow! A whole host of new Booze Busters! Welcome Foxypoxy, Amelia, Jessie, Pamina, Skootiemom, Endgame, Viking1975, Cherbear, Eksil.

                              Hi July & Louise & Teardrop & Mame!

                              Hannah: exercise is so important isn't it? I don't have a set routine (I need to work one out!) but I always feel good when I'm out on my bike or walking.
                              Doggygirl: excellent news about your work. Another great reason to be AF!

                              Another hot day here: bring it on! As the sun makes an appearance, so do the crowds of people sitting outside bars with their cold beers, but now that I don't drink (!) I notice how many other people don't drink either. I always assumed everyone was trying to throw alcohol down their throats as fast as I was but lots of people do spend the evening drinking soft drinks and having FUN, and feel good the next day. It's a revelation!
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                                Big Hello To Everyone!!!!!!!!!!

                                Hi All Boozer Buster,
                                Amelia, viking skootie cherbear and eksil:welcome: hope ive not miss no one out it great to have you all here.x
                                DG...Taking my dog to the dog grooming today she will be smelling and looking her best not sure how long that will last for.
                                Mashy... you sure right about dirinking soft drink make you feel good the next day.
                                Cherbear... not found a really good af wine but you do get use to it, it takes me a lot longer to drink the bottle.
                                Eksil...i found going to bed early help me stop thinking of AL or a hot bath also a form of exercise is very good.

                                I Did go for a jog yesterday late in the evening it was nice to see the sunset and no cars or people about my hubby and kids got a bit worry because i was out for nearly 1hour and i felt really good, could not believe it Never could of done this if i was drinking...Drinking AL just drained all my energy away from me.

                                To ALL Boozer Busters that i have not mention big hello from me.
                                Take it easy everyone and enjoy your day.x


                                58days af
                                family is everything to me

