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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

    with mates like this!!!

    hey - just want to say thanks for all the support and love .... it means a lot! and it got me through today AF again. :thanks: Have worked about 11 hours straight today ..... 30 June is end of the financial year for many orgs that I do work for, so guess when all final reports are due in!! And lots of house changes and office changes coinciding ........

    Pamina - promise I will be there for your 30days .... naked and without the green suit!!

    and I have wondered how Travis is too - he got me so motivated!

    You are all keeping me hanging on at the moment - if I'm not posting you can be sure that I'm reading and not very far away!!

    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

      LURVE the Booze Bustin' Energy Here Today!!!

      WHEE!!! It was so cool to come to our Booze Busters Thread today and see so many new faces (well, avatars!!) and all this great energy. We'll be collecting lots of 30 Day :award: trophies this summer!

      endgame, Congrats on Day 2!! Doesn't it feel good to just get started on an AF stretch? Glad the AF beer works for you as a nice substitute!

      skootiemom!! Congrats to you also on Day 2!! If I've got your days right, you and endgame are quit twins and might want to buddy up for support! Be careful about saying "reporting for duty." I'll be inviting you over to help me clean closets and paint the deck or something!!

      Viking - from your post I believe today is Day 1 for you, right? That is exciting. It probably won't be easy but keep coming here. 60 days was my longest prior AF stretch too. And while I want to be AF for life, that 90 sure is going to feel like something extra special for me too! So I hear ya with that goal. Glad you have you Booze Bustin' with us!

      louise - congrats on Day 10 - or actually I think it's now Day 11, right? Hmmm - not sure what to suggest about the diet thing from here. I hope you figure out why you're following but not seeing the results you think you should. I know how frustrating that is - especially after giving up the booze calories - logically I expected weight to start coming off fairly easily. I've been losing, but I'm tracking my carbs and calories too very closely, and working out like a maniac. I'm also in the midst of having my hormones tested - maybe that is a part? Not sure if you are around "that time of life" yet. Frustrating though, I know. Keep the faith, and keep doing that outdoor water aerobics which I still want to come visit you and go with you!!!!

      Oh and louise - about the PARTY rules. There is only one rule. NO BOOZE. Other than that, the sky is the limit. Like Hannah, I too was thinking of last summer when Satori would lead the male cheerleading squad for any of the ladies who were celebrating 30 days. July - you remember that?????? HINT HINT GUYS!!!!

      Hi July!!! Happy Day 319. You are my AF idol!

      Welcome Cherbear and happy AF day 3!!! Yep - check last week's thread as someone else already mentioned for Hannah's suggestions. Or PM her - I know she will be happy to make recommendations. We're glad you and all the other new Booze Busters are here with us!!

      Welcome eksil!! Congrats on Day 13 - you are almost half way to your first :award:!! Good for you coming here instead of caving for a drink yesterday evening. What to do instead of drink at your witching hour is a very good question. I was a day drinker, so my witching hour is right after I get my morning routine done - any meetings, shopping, other errands. Exercising in the morning REALLY helps take it off my mind. (in addition to spending lots of time here.) Towards the end of the day, eating dinner was basically my "stop" signal. (believe me, I had already had plenty of AL by that time). So these days, I actually get dinner going a little earlier than normal which puts my subconscious "stop drinking" mechanism in place sooner. Those are my strategies anyway. But the topic of "what I do instead of drinking" might be a good separate thread for us to start for more ideas! You might want to start by making a list of things you either used to, or currently like doing without AL, or things you always wanted to do but AL got in the way.

      Amelia, congrats on Day 9!!! Almost a double digit girl!!! That's great to hear that Antabuse is working for you. We will be thinking of you while you are away on your business trip. Here's to a successful business adventure Booze Bustin' it the whole time!!

      Hannah Banana!! (sorry, couldn't help myself) I'm so glad to see you here and feeling more chipper. Good for you figuring out that exercise is a link to you feeling good. Have fun on your busy day today!! Let me know when you go to Curves tomorrow if they got more of the scanner card thingys. I can't wait 'til I'm not alone around here in having the Curves Smart computer kickin' my a$$!! LOL - on your mention of the all male cheerleading squads. Further proof that dirty oops I mean great minds think alike!!

      Marshy - I'm glad you Londoners are getting some awesome weather these days!! What a great observation that there are many more people than we might imagine enjoying those outdoor patio / pub areas without Booze. Lots and lots of people enjoy life, get through problems in life, etc. without AL. So can we!!!

      Teardrop, a good smelling dog is a wonderful thing!! Does yours like to get bathed and groomed or fight it? Mine just look all forlorn when bath day comes. We do it outside with the hose. I end up wetter than they do I think. Hey - your hour jog in the evening sounds very peaceful and wonderful. WAY better than getting lost in the bottle! HAPPY DAY 58!!! NOTE TO ALL BOOZE BUSTERS...TEARDROP WILL BE DESERVIN' A PARTY ON THURSDAY AND SHE DOESN'T SHOUT HER STATS VERY LOUD. FIRST ONE HERE ON THURSDAY START A THREAD!!! Of course same goes for ALL who reach 30 day or multiple thereof milestones!!

      Mame - Don't MAKE me come lookin' for you!!!! :b&d: I know you are hiding because the Fugly Green Suit is, well, so Fugly. Come on out here and just get it over with!! WE CAN DO THIS MAME!!!!! Keep fighting and trying.

      Also, we need to send good Booze Bustin' vibes to Beck, who is moving and will not have internet access for at least a week. She is worried about the temptation to drink so let's try to send positive AF vibes.

      Well, I'm pretty darn excited because it's Day 20 AF here. My second longest AF stretch in over 30 years. A new decade - going from the "10's" to the "20's." Guys, start getting your skimpy outfits and pom poms together for my party, OK? I'm not going to mess up now. Today will be my usual AF tuesday. A leads group meeting at 8, then to Curves, then a couple of errands, then back home.

      I've got so much I'm behind on here that I'm not sure which project to tackle first. I've got 2 Saturdays worth of digital pictures from dog training that I need to go through - about 1500 pictures in all. (yikes!!) I really need to do that because we have had a lot of new people lately, and they really like to see pics of them and their dogs at work. I truly AM getting so much more accomplished each day than when I was drunk all the time - despite spending a lot of time here. And I'm STILL behind. How in the heck did anything get done before???? Well, it didn't - that's the answer. And I didn't care or really notice through the haze of Booze. Well, all THAT is more about life at the Dog House than you wanted to know!!

      ONWARD AND FORWARD BOOZE BUSTERS!!! :alf: doesn't stand a change today.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

        BTW - Teardrop, thanks for the instructions for downloading attachments. Still cant get it to work but uncle mame says it is about file type ...... feeling to impatient tonight to work it out but will do so at some point!

        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

          No where to run, nowhere to hide .......

          .... DG will always come looking!!!

          Bless you for that!!:thumbs:
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

            Hey Mame!! We were cross posting it seems. I'm THRILLED to see you check in!! Do you have your own business doing accounting or financial type work for clients? If it is something along those lines then I totally understand the stress as lots of companies in the US have their fiscal year ends on June 30 in addition to the BIG one on December 31. KEEP HANGIN' ON GIRL!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

              morning all,, and welcome to all the new ones
              hope you all have a good day
              there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                Halfway to 30

                Hi Everyone
                it's been a while since I checked in - last week was hellish in many respects culminating in a truly horrible viral infection. There were probs around certain people close to me early in the week and then by Thurs I just had to succumb to the virus and lie low until it passed. Funny thing, no matter how low I got (and I was virtually horizontal low for too many days) I never allowed myself to think of drink as a way out. I am convinced that the longer the AF and the more frequent, the better we get at defeating the urge, breaking the habit, changing the pattern. Some familiar triggers were present, but hey triggers will always be around-let them come, then watch them go! If we give them a bit of time and space, we can see them off. Sometimes ignoring problems (and people!) works wonders.

                So! This week is a new week and it has started off really well! I went to the Open Air Theatre in Regent's Park last night and saw a hugely enjoyable Romeo and Juliet. Marshy, I know what you mean about outdoor drinking. Seems like it's everywhere in the city right now, what with the good weather and all. Quite a lot of people had brought bottles of wine and jugs of Pimms into the actual performance and do you know it didn't bother me at all! I had a coffee and a brownie in the interval and did not feel at all deprived. (Okay, this place is about truth. I had two brownies because they were the best ever.)

                As my neighbour said recently about (her) drinking, the upside is noticeably shortlived.

                Another side effect of not drinking which pleases me is the savings I am making! When I started AF 15 days ago, I decided to have a special money bag, into which I put ?5 for every day I am AF. Which means guys that as of yesterday, I have now got ?70 to put towards something I would otherwise not have bought for myself.
                I haven't decided what that is yet, but 30 days AF would mean ?150 worth of a treat! Think you should all do this! Maybe start a list of dream treats?

                Have been reading and noticing our numbers growing-sure it's all down to the excellent leadership qualities and sheer friendliness shown by our very own DG. Those AF numbers just keep growin and growin and to hell with the odd slip, Mame-as part of a wonderfully determined group we all know where we are going, as in AF - forward march!

                thinking of you all
                Being a good-time girl, I too am looking forward to all the parties - bring them on!
                Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                  hi all, it must be over a week since ive been here, sry! i have not been well, i had the flu and also i have been so bz and the time is flying by me. i hope everyone is doing well, i will be trying to get back on more again. so hi to old and new xx

                  day 101 af


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                    Hi all. Don't have time to greet everyone this morning but hope everyone is doing well. Glad to see you back Mame. Wow, isn't flu season supposed to be over? So many sick people. Glad you are feeling better barebones and Londoner.

                    Yes, DG - I'm afraid lack of hormones does have something to do with it. I will just keep plugging away.
                    Meanwhile, Yahoo!! Starting day 11. Longest AF in about 10 years. (Did 10 couple times last summer, then went mods to back to too much) Feels good.


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                      Hope everyone is doing great!!

                      Day 1 feeling great today!! Only had three beers last night and starting my next AF period starting today! I got some supplements to help with cravings and with my anxiety. Maybe it's mental but I feel calm today and my mind isn't racing. Maybe not drinking in excess had something to do with that.

                      hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!!


                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                        *waving to kaddy!*

                        Anna, I'm sorry to hear you have been battling sick. We were about to send out the search party! Glad you are feeling better now. Congrats on 15 days!! The open air theatre and R&J sounds wonderful. We won't tell anyone it was more than one brownie. I LOVE your idea about a piggy bank of sorts to physically put the money in each day. I sort of keep track in my head, but I think the reinforcement of having more $$ to spend on GOOD stuff would be more prounced if done with physical coin. Great idea!!

                        barebones - :cheering: for Day 101!!! Have we given you a party lately???? That is awesome. I hope you will share how you feel i.e. have the cravings changed much? etc. Something started feeling a WHOLE lot easier when I reached 100 days nicotine free. I think that roughly coincides with some time frames re: developing new habits, or some such. Just wondering if the same might be true when giving up the booze.

                        louise, :cheering: for Day 11, especially since it is a new milestone for you!! That ROCKS. Onward and forward - WE CAN DO THIS. ps - mean time I'll let you know in a few weeks if I get any hormone relief through this new doc I'm seeing.....because menopause totally sucks the big one!!

                        Viking, congratulations on a successful Day 1 AF!!! The first step on the path to freedom. Glad you limited yourself last night - I'm sure that makes for a clearer head today. Make sure in these early days, you post some thoughts in the "What I love about my AF life" thread, and maybe even the "What I Hate, Loath, etc. about Drinking" thread so if (when) you are tempted, you can remind yourself of these things! (I go back and read those threads lots for my own thoughts, and also everyone elses! A little extra ammo..)

                        I had a rather long wish list of things to accomplish today. At least I got about half of them done!! **note to self. Learn to make shorter lists.** My Day 20 MWO time is quickly drawing to a close today. I'm off to feed the dogs (usually Mr. Doggy does this but he's at a client late!) then make some human dinner. Then I will try to stay awake for at least one more episode of Desparate Housewives Season 1!! I really do WANT to stay awake later so I won't be up at 3AM....but at least on whole I'm getting more sleep than I did last time at this stage. I :h L-Tryptophan!! And I also :h a midnight dose of Valerian root if needed!

                        Have a GREAT rest of the AF day Booze Busters!!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                          Have a grad party for my daughter's high school grad today and it WILL be AF.
                          I'm pretty busy, but I'm workin on day 4 and staying strong.
                          will catch up with you guys tomorrow.
                          May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


                            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                            hi all!

                            Morning to everyone - Wednesday here, and it was a beautiful sight watching the sun come up over the hills this morning ......

                            Anna - I am very jealous of your being at open air theatre at Regents PArk. I lived very close to there when I was in London and loved the summer theatre. I used to treat Regents Park as my back yard and ran there every morning right about the same time that the elephant at the zoo was coming out for its early morning walk. When I left it felt like I was leaving my pet behind!

                            Well done everyone on those AF days and DG on Day 20!!

                            Maybe we could do some recruitment for boy cheerleaders on other threads???!!!

                            Another AF day planned today, but I'm still struggling ... was thinking this morning about why this is and think it is a combination of being under a bit of work stress ( and no, I'm not a mid-wife or an accountant! Just a researcher, but this is the first year of a new business, and I'm in the process of building up enough capital to employ some admin support and research assistance) and feeling unsettled with all the moving going on around me. (Ex-foster daughter has finally moved her stuff out, flatmate due to move out sometime in the next 6 weeks, partner and I consolidating our seperate households as we effectively live in only one .... but this involves also closing down his office (of the business he used to own with his ex-wife!) and working out excess furniture from both his office and his flat and deciding what to do with it. Oh, and I'm moving offices as well .....!! ) I'm not good at being unsettled - I like lots of planning and routine and predictability!!! The moves are also associated with the end bits of my partner's divorce - something which he has put off for many years as it was inevitably going to be messy and difficult and financially crippling. We've actually done pretty well at looking after each other through it, and usually only one of us is down at a time. But I think that one of the things that has happened over the past week or so is that both of us are feeling a bit blue. I know we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other ..... but sometimes I just dont want to have to face it!

                            I was going to end on a positive note, but I just had an unexpected visitor and now have to rush off to a meeting. Hope all to come have a good day

                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe


                              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                              Cherbear, It's great you are sounding so strong and positive here on Day 4!! Some say that Days 4/5 can be the toughest - so just think - some of the most difficult days are soon to be in the rear view mirror! Have fun celebrating your daughter's HS graduation!! Tell us some fun stories tomorrow.

                              AUNTY MAME. YOU HOLD ON JUST ONE MINUTE HERE.

                              My heart goes out to you for all that stress you are dealing with right now - all the moving of people and furniture, and crunch time on the job. I sure know how these stressful times can make us crave alcohol more. BUT I WANT YOU TO STOP AND THINK ABOUT THIS. Get a piece of paper and a pen. OK? Let me know when you are ready.....


                              OK, you are ready now?

                              Down the left side of the page, put the number 1, then 2, then 3.

                              Now next to each number, write a way that drinking will help get your work done more effectively and with less stress, and/or make the moving in and out of people and furniture less stressful. I guarantee you that a hangover will add to the stress and you know this too. We're experienced at this crap!!!

                              :b&d: Alcohol will NEVER EVER make life's problems easier, or make them go away. Alcohol makes things worse. I know we all know this, but somehow AL has a way of trying to make us forget the facts when we are most vulnerable.

                              I love ya Mame! Try to make the right decision, OK? I KNOW you can do this. Reach out and touch the life line. Take a hot bath instead of a cold cocktail. And whatever happens, please keep posting!!!!!!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                                Just checking in briefly to say I'm on day 10, so I'm into double digits now. Longest I've been AF in years. It feels weird though. I still feel like drinking for no apparent reason. This feels like a "hump" period that I need to get through. Any words of support/advice would be much appreciated. I really want to make it to 30 days. I can't think beyond that for now but I really want to get there. Will check in again later - thanks...

