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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!


    10 days is a hump for many people. You have made the initial break from alcohol and you have done the hard work. Now it feels like a time to reward yourself. That is a pattern with many of us, but it is a pattern with a problem. After the reward, you know that you probably will regret the choice. Or, you might not want to think of it at all for a few days or weeks and then one day you will pick yourself up and ask, why did I lose the AF motivation. And, the cycle continues.

    Ask yourself why you came here and why you chose to particpate. Give yourself honest answers to these questions and be guided by them. It is hard work at times. 10 days or 100, there will be patches that seem difficult. But if you are determined you will find the days get easier and the urges weaker, over time.

    Louise: great streak of AF days.

    Mame: please go back and read last week's posts (your own words) before you follow these impulses.

    Hello BB friends DG, Hannah, Cherbear, Viking, Londoner: looking forward to your 30 days, Kaddy, and great job barebones on tripple digit 101 AF days.

    Good night,


    Day 320 AF


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

      Thanks everyone again!!

      Everyones kind words are soo appreciated..brings a smile to my face with the love and support. I remember the first few days of the 60 day run and how hard it was...this time I prepared myself with L-trypotphan and valrian to help me out. Went and did some jogging and watched tv without beer for the first time in a week. Starting a new job tommorrow and ready to give it all I have and being clean from AL will help a ton. Looking forward to talking to the doctor on Thursday about anxiety...but just drinking less and waking up with a clear mind did tons already. Very hopeful today and for tommorrow. Peace and love to this fine loving group of people!!


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

        Good going Viking! Hope your new job goes well. Cherbear, you are off to a great start. I hope you start being able to sleep better DG. Mame that does sound hectic! Deep breaths, just think how nice it will be when it is all done. Yeah for 320 days for JULY!!! Endgame, I think some of it is habit. It is just what we are used to doing. And I think it is easy to forget the hangovers, etc. We forget how awful we felt. I think that is where going back and reading booze buster lies or things I like about being sober, etc. are helpful. Someone posted a You Tube video of Craig Ferguson talking about his alcoholism on here. I've watched it several times as he talks about having a 'thinking' problem. It happened to me today. I was researching about different diets and came across one called "The red wine diet". I immediately thought "oh that one looks interesting." Hang in there with me until at least 30 - we are just 1 day apart.


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!


          Hannah and DG thanks... made it through that day 13 place... my time is at night at dinner, then through dinner until bedtime, so I can try to divert but I typically don't exercise this late. I play soccer and bike a few times a week, and that does relieve some stress. I generally cook dinner and put the kids to bed then either work more [self employed] or decompress with some tv shows or something. I can't really bail and go to a night class or anything since it's kid and family time. The good news is I made it through...

          And it relates to July and endgames point - as far as reward - my drinking is totally reward based, so I really connected with what July had to say >

          "10 days is a hump for many people. You have made the initial break from alcohol and you have done the hard work. Now it feels like a time to reward yourself. That is a pattern with many of us, but it is a pattern with a problem."

          So I try to reward myself with a root beer float or something that isn't quite as abysmal as a bottle of wine.

          Thanks All!


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

            Good Day Booze Busters!!!

            The topic of rewards seems very timely as Mr. Doggy and I talked about that very thing yesterday late morning. July, thank you for your terrific insights as always. And you have such a GREAT way of putting things in writing!

            My witching hour is morning - or right after the driving related "must dos" are comlete. (and in the old days, I would naturally become a grump if that time frame extended much past noon...pathetic!). Yesterday when I got home from my leads group meeting, workout and other errands, Mr. Doggy wanted to chat some in the kitchen about stuff not related to our business...politics, etc. I found myself getting REALLY impatient and just couln't stand still for that conversation. In thinking / talking it through, I came to the conclusion that I was subconsciously looking for my old "reward" (and we used that word exactly!) after accomplishing so much already in the day. I came right back here and all was well - but it was interesting making the direct connection between the emotions of the moment, and the fact that my Beast wanted his reward.


            Mame, I hope you are hanging in there today. And also thinking of Beck too with the move going on, and no internet access. And of course sending positive vibes to ALL Booze Busters who might be struggling today.

            eksil, congratulations on getting through Day 13!!! I can't imagine how challenging it must be to focus on "self" as a priority in order to get sober, but having to balance that with the needs of your children, who obviously have to remain a high priority. (LOL - husbands can take the back burner for awhile IMO...sorry to all husbands.....but we will be better wives on down this road a piece!) A root beer float instead of Booze sounds like a fabulous reward! Onward and forward - Day 14. You are almost 1/2 way to 30!! No looking back now.

            louise, I really related to that Craig Ferguson video too. He is so funny while speaking the ABSOLUTE truth of this booze problem we all face. Since I've got some time on my hands until sun up, I think I'll dig it up and re-post it in this thread in case some of our new Booze Busters missed it. I can totally relate to coming across the "red - wine diet" in the midst of 3759375937 other diets on a list...and my own mind latching on to it! Glad you got through that moment. It seems like you are doing a LOT of really positive introspection about this AF journey. Thank you for sharing all the insights you are picking up along the way!

            VIKING!!! You sound really, really good. I'm so glad to hear that the AF days, the L-Trypt and Valerian in some combo seem to also be helping a tad with the anxiety. I'm sure the doc appointment will be very helpful too. You sound excited about the new job!! It really is refreshing and fun to attack new things WITH vigor, and WITHOUT hangover. I hope your first day goes really, really well and that you come back and tell us all about it this evening! (while NOT "rewarding yourself" with a beer!!)

            endgame, congratulations on reaching double digits yesterday, and I hope your Day 11 AF gets off to a great start!! Never forget that our brains are chemically addicted to booze, and therefore our brains WANT A FIX. I really think that's why there are so many different kinds of weird thoughts in the beginning - the subconscious mind is desparate. We must fight back!! Don't give in. WE CAN!!

            Well, last night was a little rough in the sleep department. The sleep I got was sound, but only about 3 hours of it - finally just got up. In good news, I've already done two loads of laundry, a census survey about our business for the Fed Gov, and a few things accounting that I always do at the start of the business day. And of course I love coming and spending time with everyone I'm not whinin'!

            Today's plans include a trip to Curves - it's 100% day so I'm sure the computer will kick my a$$ good. Then I'm FINALLY going to the Nursery to gets some plants and flowers to put in pots on the roof top balcony. We've had a lot of intermittent storms and stuff over the last couple weeks making it hard to plan outdoor activities. But today is supposed to be a good day for getting my hands dirty!!

            It's Day 21 and I'm happy to be a Booze Buster!!

            Hey...if anyone is still reading this far down another of my too long posts....Do you think we should ask RJ / the site admins if we could "sticky" the "What I Love...", "What I Hate..." and maybe the "Booze Beast Lie#X" threads at the top of this Monthly Abs section? I've been hesitant to sugges this, lest anyone think I'm doing that because I started a few of those threads. But they are truly ALL of our threads with so many terrific contributions, and I'm thinking having some or all of them always at the top might be helpful for new people to MWO to read as well as all of us...when we have one of the MOMENTS where AL comes knockin'. Let me know what you think, if you have an opinion one way or the other, and if there is interst I will be happy to ask about doing that.

            GO BOOZE BUSTERS!!!!!!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

              Here is another link to the video referenced upstream about the "thinkin'" part of this. IMO it's worth the time to watch it!! Truth and humor collide.

              Thanks to Hippie for originally sharing this in one of the Booze Beast Lies threads!

              [ame= ]Craig Ferguson Video Clip[/ame]

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                Good morning everyone- I've been lurking, posted few times months back, but I'm back again and committed to 30 days AF. Yesterday was day one, it was difficult, but I was on these boards reading ALOT, I allowed myself to eat (healthy) when I was hungry, took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon (one of the benefits of being a teacher- summers off!), and forgave myself for getting irritable with my kids. I need to beat this, get alcohol off my mind and my routine, it has affected my life way too much and I can't let it go any further. Even with as much as I drank, I feel GOOD after one AF free day, amazing actually. No withdrawal symptoms- but lots of cravings and excuses in my mind why its ok to drink. I definately have a problem, there isn't a doubt in my mind. I am at the point where if I can't do this on my own (with MWO and the support here), I think I may need some type of rehab situation. So, I'm off to begin my day 2, I hope you'll allow me in your 30 day club, I really need all the help I can get, especially this first week, I haven't gotten past a week in 6 years. yuck.


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                  :colorwelcome: jls10!! You are welcome to join us in our quest for 30 days of Booze Bustin'. I can totally relate to your being "over it" with AL. It sounds like you are taking a great approach - putting your sobriety first and being good to yourself. WE CAN DO THIS!! Congratulations on completing AF Day 1, and best wishes for a smooth Day 2.

                  Lot's of people have gotten sober here who went WAY longer than 6 years without a full AF week. So there is every reason to believe that you CAN. We all deserve a GOOD life which for folks like many of us, just isn't possible with AL in it.

                  Have a great day!! Welcome again.


                  PS - Booze Buster whine warning!!! I feel like crap today after so little sleep last night. And sleep was going relatively well! WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE!!! I think I'm going to take a page from your book jls and take a nap!! Please pass the cheese to go with my whine.
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                    Doggygirl;344770 wrote: Please pass the cheese to go with my whine.
                    Did someone say CHEESE? I've got a slice of cheesecake on the go with a cup of tea. It doesn't get much better than that.
                    Just a flying visit (at work they pay me to work and not post on internet forums - so unreasonable :H)

                    :welcome: jls10. How nice to have the summer off! Also, if you feel you need to go into rehab I guess you've got the time available off work to do it?

                    Mame: did they walk the elephant in Regents Park? That would be cool. (They moved the elephants out of the zoo to somewhere outside of London a few years ago after one went bonkers and killed a keeper - but that's another story).

                    Have a great day BOOZE BUSTERS.
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                      Big Hello to all Booze Buster,
             dog has a bath in the bathroom she is only small and yes i do get more wet then the Pick the dog up yesterday she has a skin head looks like a right hard nut. Take that nap hope you feel better afterwards. herbal tea helps me at night time.
                      welcome jis10, there is lots of support here. keep reading and posting.good luck you can do this.
                      sorry short post today need to catch up on reading....hope everyone is doing fine Love u ALL.x

                      Take Care ALL


                      family is everything to me


                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                        Yessirree bob, I'm back for more whinin'!! And Marshy, thank you for the cheese(cake). PERFECT combination. Teardrop, I need to remember to drink nice hot tea more often. I'm sure that would help.

                        My apologies for being a craptacular grump today. But....NO DRINKING!! (hell, I don't even have thoughts of drinking.........not today. I have thoughts of a NAP. NAP NAP NAP.)

                        I have to stay up for several more hours to man the phones. But no kidding - I'm hittin' the hay at 5PM.

                        Thank you for listening to my ranting.

                        Go Booze Busters!!!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                          HI everybody,
                          I survived day 4 ! even with the grad party for my daughter, I made a decision to not offer AL , esp.since there were lots of teenage grads there. Good modeling is what I need to do.
                          The graduation was freezing cold but they managed to finish fairly quickly.

                          DG thanks for starting this thread and all you put in it!! I can relate to no sleep, I had a hard time last night and I woke up with a headache, and not from AL hopefully tonight will be better. I feel stronger this time about quitting than ever before and believe me I've tried way too many times to count.
                          I think it is because I got involved here.:thanks

                          welcome Jls20, I can SOO relate to your wanting to get alcohol off your mind, I loved what someone sent as a link from chief I think that said "Its easier to quit drinking than to keep quitting." AMEN to that.

                          to everyone else.. hang in there.
                          May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


                            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                            Cherbear congrats on Day 4 Survival!! Sounds like you hosted a nice graduation party. You are doing great!!!! I intend to make this one stick too. I'm SICK of fiddle farting around and starting over blah blah. Just pushing on through and not drinking even when it's really hard has GOT to be easier on some level than all this starting over!! Now...gotta put my $$ where my big mouth is LOL!

                            I'm beat. Just wanted to say nighty night all - have fun wrapping up your AF day and we'll see ya tomorrow!! Off to update Drink Tracker and snuggle up in the bed.

                            GO BOOZE BUSTERS!!!

                            Can't believe it's been three whole weeks already!!!! WHEE!!
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                              Just want to say thanks for all the helpful comments on my post yesterday. I'm surviving, day 11, it's a nice warm summer evening here and I'd normally be out on a patio drinking. Instead, I'm rewarding myself with these AF beers. They seem to help with my "thinking" problem. Or maybe they're just like training wheels while I deal with my drinking problem. I'll deal with the thinking problem when I can think more clearly. Wish I was less self-absorbed right now, I can only offer congratulations to all who have made it past these humps. My mood is a little better than yesterday, though, probably due to exercise - I went to the gym after work, always feel pretty good after a workout. Not depressed right now, just confused, having trouble finding my focus. AL is telling me I'd think more clearly if I just had a few drinks. He's not that loud, just in the background, kind of an annoying voice that won't shut up. He should know better - I told him I'm not even going talk to him until the 30 days are up (secretly I'm seriously considering never talking to him again, but he doesn't know this yet)...

                              Anyways, congrats to everyone on all the AL free days and thanks again for the support!


                                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                                endgame, good for you and nothing wrong being self absorbed at times. As it has been remarked, Thomas Jefferson's most insightful conversations were at breakfast when he dined alone.

                                BBers keep on keeping on.


                                Day 321 AF

