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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

    Cross posts!

    Pamina, glad to know you survived those special party guests and that there IS life after 30!!! Can't wait!!! One more week!!!

    Liv, that is an awesome quote. I bought and read that book years ago - knew I had the problem but was still wrestling around with it. I should go back and read it again - as you mentioned (though I'm not as far along) I bet it would REALLY hit home with a bit of AF under my belt, and also the knowledge that AF is the way I must remain.

    Off to do some grocery shopping!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

      Hello everyone! yes, I made it through Day 1 and I'm on day 2. Yesterday was moderately easy since I was hungover. Today will be more of a challenge. I woke up feeling great! I was eager about the day, read the paper, went on the treadmill and cleaned up the house. Someone once said on here that they wish they could bottle that feeling of waking up without a hangover to remind us when we're tempted- I agree! It's amazing to me that it's become an issue to me.."normal" people wake up without a hangover every day of their life without even thinking about it...
      Doggy--yes, I do have the supps..but not the l-glut or the kudzu from MWO so I'm thinking they aren't as effective. I take the supps but not the exact regime RJ discusses in her book. I'm just not that structured. Today I had l-glut, kudzu, mag, b50 & ePo & all one powder in juice. So, I'm on the right track.
      jbphan-- we are both on day 2, I want to be here tomorrow saying we're both on day 3, let's do it! It's so weird how I don't trust myself, I hate that.

      Ok, here's truth. I bought a bottle of wine today while shopping at walmart. I don't know why. I was hungry, I feel "scared" when I don't have it in the house, I just did it on impulse. But I'm home, I've stashed it away and I'm just going to forget about it. I've had lunch and I'm on my way out to do some gardening with my girls. I have a great meal planned for myself and my family tonight so I'm looking forward to cooking and watching Oprah I read -on this board I believe- someone feels some strange comfort having AL in the house, I guess I kind of feel that way too. But it goes against all logic and it's dangerous.

      The encouragement and inspiration that I get from all of you on here is just what I need (except for that magic pill that takes away all addictions and cravings and makes you super happy :)
      Hope everyone has a great day!


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

        Hey jls! Congrats on Day 2!! Everyone is different in terms of what is necessary for success on lots of fronts - booze in the house being one of them. For me, it doesn't matter if there is stuff that I don't like to drink here. Beer, and pretty much any hard liquor except Vodka. Wine and Vodka would be too much for me I think. BUT...that said....lot's of people stop drinking when they have a spouse/significant other in the house that still drinks. So all by itself, I don't think the presence of a favored poison will make or break success. What will make or break success is choosing to drink or not. That's the bottom line.

        I hope you and jbphan can motivate each other! It's fun having a quit twin.

        Oh...on the bottling of the positive feelings...I suggest writing those down someplace!! Either privately at home, or someplace such as the "What I love about my AF life" thread here. The act of writing it down will help solidify it, and also the ability to go back and read it later during tempting moments will help. I like the thread here because it has the input from SO many different people and perspectives. Every time I read that thread it just solidifies my commitment to say NO! to AL.

        Well, this afternoon is interesting. I got to be a complete bitch while also being in a really terrific mood. THAT didn't happen when I was drinking!! A really annoying person is trying to weasle her way into our Saturday dog training group. She doesn't *really* want to train, she wants to "hold court" on the side lines and distract everyone with her stories of how great she is with her dogs - while of course never getting the field to SHOW anyone exactly how great she is. Please like that are my biggest source of trouble around here, and I've learned the hard way that it's better to just shut it down immediately than to let the person come in, and try to manage the problem I know they will become. my own special borderline rude way, I just told her that she and our training group are not a good fit for each other. And I'm smiling!!!! WHEE!! That felt good. In the old days I'd be 2/3 in the bag by now, and would be STEAMING around here, and wasted all afternoon being pissy, and probably let the woman come here tomorrow anyway. Life without AL is a good life indeed!!

        Later all you Booze Busters!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

          Welcome jbphan and jls10 and no more! Yes you can do this! Jls, you are right, it is dangerous to have al in the house. We still have it because my husband, who does not have a problem with it, still has 1 or 2 drinks a couple times a week (but politely not in front of me lately). So it can be done, but you may want to consider taking it back. The first 5 days is the hardest.

          DJ the pots look great. Can you cover them some way to protect from the storms? I rember when I was a kid standing in the back doorway crying as the hail destroyed a summer of hard work the week before the 4-H fair. Hmmmm, no wonder I don?t like gargening. Sorry to hear about your dad. I saw these planters about 3 feet tall for ?raised bed? gardening for those in wheelchairs. Don?t know if this would work or be of interest but if you want me to I will try to track it down.
          Gee Hannah and DG, did you have to bring up procrastination? I?m not ready to tackle that yet. Maybe tomorrow.

          Hi Kaddy and Amelia. Kaddy please share some of your stategies, you are one of our leaders here in time AF. Congrats on 12 Amelia.
          I?m so glad you are feeling stronger Teardrop. Have fun with your son; that is sweet that he tell you thanks all the time. Pamina, glad to hear there is no let dpwn feeling (or pumpkin) after 30 as you move on to 31.

          Livingfree, thanks for the quote. ?Chemically enhanced stupidity? ? will chant that during dinner tonight to avoid wine. Fridays are the hardest, downhill coasting after that.

          Hi to Mame and Endgame and Cherbear and anyone else still to check in for the day. Sorry if I missed anyone!


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

            JLS10: We sound soooo much alike! I am on day 2 and I have thought about it a couple of times already! I cant believe it, yesterday was awesome. woke up great this morning and have thought a beer sounds great more than once today. I am being strong but it is still in the back of my mind. I haven't received my cd's or supps yet so I bought some L-glutamine and milk thistle etc from Wal-Mart but I bet they aren't as good as the stuff from MWO! Lets be strong together! I want to get to day 3 as I know you do! I was at Wal-Mart today and easily could of bought some wine, but really I didn't even think about it but I am sure that is because there is beer in the frig! I am trying to find things to do around the house, although I am only somewhat motivated to do them because there are plenty of things to do! LOL. Keep up the good work and lets make sure we are both here in the morning ready to tackle day 3 AF!
            :heart:Hope, Faith and Love are just some of the things he gave us.:heart:


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

              Hey guys,

              Made it to day 13, it's Friday evening. Instead of going into auto-drink mode like I normally would at this time I went for a workout after work. Feel pretty good. There's a street festival right outside my place right now. I'm going to go check it out. I normally drink at these things, so it's a bit of a risk but I feel strong. This post is a bit of extra insurance. DG, the plants look great and what a nice forest backdrop! Hello to the newcomers. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                just a quickie!

                Hi all,

                still here, still reading, still AF (4 days) .... but very time limited at the moment, and to be honest, being a bit of a dry drunk. Very ...... I put in the "my mood" thing that I am grumpy, but not so much that as just being a bit impatient with people who cant get their act together (myself included!!). This is very much about the whole moving thing - as a control freak I am not very good with people who want to leave things to the last moment or who expect the cleaning fairy to be on hand for free! I'm still sending good vibes to Beck every day in the hope that they will come back to me!!

                However I am coming here at the end of each day (apart from last night when I didn't have my laptop with me) and picking up thoughts to go to sleep with! And one good thing is that I am so tired that I am sleeping pretty soundly! It is Sat today and I managed to sleep in before a little run. Spent the rest of the day working, now I'm planning on an early dinner, a couple of MASH episodes and bed by 9pm.

                Made a list of things that I was going to comment on in people's posts but my oven timer is pinging (slow cooked lamb shanks!).

                go well all!

                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                  Yum Aunty Mame.....slow cooked lamb shanks!!! Ahhhh you have just blasted me right back to Auckland my dear. (Im a bloody Kiwi too! - Although my dad says I am an honorary Brit now cause I have been over here for sooooo long).

                  Endgame - congrats on your 13 days (I am one day behind you and rearing to go!!) Hope your resolve stayed strong during the street party.

                  Hi Jbphan and JLS10! You guys are nearly over the rough days now....I think you start feeling much better day 4-5 and onwards....keep it up.....

                  Doggygirl, yes I am trying to write down all the positives that go with the AF life. There are many, many reasons to stay AF. Hangover free mornings are the biggest for remembering what I did before going to bed.....etc. Not long to go honey to the big 30!

                  Louise, it is great that your partner is sensitive enough not to drink in front of you.
                  My partner ‘enjoyed’ a bottle of red last night and although it didn’t really worry me, sometime I got a whiff of it just reminds me of drinking that’s all.

                  Teardrop, you are sounding fantastic. Yes, I can imagine that the longer we are AF, the stronger we become. I have only ever achieved 30 days before.....but I want more now!!!!!!

                  Cherbear, are you on your day 6 now? Yes I know the cravings can be really strong during the first week...experiened the same thing. Does get better...slowly. Being on my own would not be good for me at all. Luckily my boyfriend works from home (as I do – so there is no way I can drink).

                  Kaddy, my are nearly at 100 days. That is an amazing achievement. Heck, you have set the benchmark......Congratulations.

                  Pamina, belated congratulations on your 30days. (I am only now sitting down to read through the last couple of days of posts.) Onwards and upwards! Looking forward to congratulting you on 60 days!

                  It’s a cool Saturday morning here. 15mins ago I watched 2 hot air balloons floating up and over my kitchen window. We have a launch park not far from where we live. I waved to all the people in the basket and got a wave back (that’s how close they are).

                  Right, I gotta go now and do some work- Day 13 for me.

                  Wishing you all a good weekend.

                  Sober since 30/06/10


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                    Hope everyone had a great AF Friday night, rolling into a fantabulous AF weekend!

                    Aunty Mame ? Good for you on getting those 4 days AF under your belt. You have proved to yourself that you can just hop back on the Booze Bustin? train and keep on going down the track! From one control freak to another, - I hear you! There is nothing worse than having yourself organized, only to have everyone around you being blissfully Unorganized, and quite happy about it! My biggest issue is clutter, and I can?t stand a messy house. Doesn?t help that my hubby is almost the complete opposite to me, and drives me somewhat bonkers - he does try to be tidy but his standards are much lower than mine!

                    Endgame ? Hope you had a good, but sober, time at the festival. You sounded like you had a plan, so hope it all worked out for you.

                    Jbphan, jls10 (Geez, you guys even SOUND alike!) Hope your 2nd day AF went smoothly. As time goes on, you will be amazed at how truly wonderful you feel, and look, and your energy level will be up??it?s worth it, it really, really is, to tough out the first few weeks. Wishing you both the best of luck.

                    Jbphan, did you get started on the painting? What color(s) are you using? Mine is a color called ?beachcomber? ? it?s really a cool color, sort of the color of beach sand (makes sense, ey?), and can appear to change hues according to light and angle ? sometimes with a hint of green, other times grey, but usually a really nice warm sort of ? well ? beach sand color. Very calm and soothing, but also a very ?in? look. Love it. The whole condo is painted that color, except the bathrooms and spare bedroom, which are sage green.

                    Hi Louise. I have to admire anyone who can be AF with alcohol in the house. I don?t think I could do it. I have a strategy for having company now, I buy the very least amount of alcohol that I think I can get away with to serve to guests, making sure I have my own AF options available. Right after they leave, the rest gets poured down the sink. I know this is my only option, because I am also an insomniac, and when I can?t sleep, I would be much too tempted to have a little something to help me sleep?.probably what got me into trouble with Al in the first place.

                    Doggygirl ? Well, by definition, isn?t a ?Doggy? ?Girl? a ?Bitch??????
                    (Kidding! Just kidding!) Laughing at your diplomatic ?kiss off? to the prima donna lady??hey, life is too short to put up with people like that.
                    Sorry to hear about your Dad. Must be driving him crazy not to be able to get out and garden, etc?. I blew a tendon on my right ankle two summers ago (in May, digging in the garden ? word to the wise ? don?t be digging with a shovel, wearing flip flops. As the Dr told me, the human instep is not designed for that kind of abuse. End result was that I couldn?t walk, garden or golf for the entire summer, even had to stay off work for a while. Ruined the whole summer for me.

                    There are a few supply co?s out there that sell all sorts of things that you can use to put together raised garden beds. I recommend Lee Valley Tools, google them and Raised Beds - Lee Valley Tools - Woodworking Tools, Gardening Tools, Hardware Supplies . You?ll also find oodles of good stuff for yourself ? beware, way too easy to spend way too much $$!

                    Well, DG, I went to my last scheduled day at the High School today. And I made a decision, finally ? no way in h*ll am I going back there. Like I told my hubby, it?s like walking voluntarily into a buzz saw. Why would I do that? Nuts, this place is. And had been just long enough from the last day I worked there to forget all the ins and outs of the switchboard, etc. Plus, teachers and principal not telling me they are leaving, and me chasing all over h*ll?s creation, trying to connect callers, who phone me back when they can?t get through, so I send them to voice mail, which is full because these guys also don?t check their emails nearly often enough, so then trying to page ? all of this while the other lines are ringing, with the same sort of stuff going on with those lines too?.pure insanity. And parents phoning in reporting their little darlings sick, or whatever, or asking me ridiculous questions that I wouldn?t have a clue about, and have no time to go ask anyone about, assuming I knew who to ask that is. Nope, not worth it. So next time I get a call, I will have found ?other work?. But I gave it enough time to be sure, and damn, I as so sure!

                    Pamina, Kaddy, Hope you are rested up from your parties! Cause we have a few more coming up soon, yeeehaaa! It?s so great that you have opted to keep on going. How very wise of you, it?s a much more safe option, for sure.

                    Liv, I?ve never heard that quote before, but more wiser words were never spoken. Thanks for sharing that.

                    Welcome, Nomoretisit! It?s awesome that you have gotten to day 4! Those early days are the hardest, it will start to get easier soon. You have proven that you have the determination! Best of luck to you, you have come to an awesome place.

                    Well, BBer's, off to bed for this tired puppy. Have a great Saturday!
                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                      Sorry I missed you in my post Hannah...I thought I had noted down everyones names that had posted just lately. (Sorry to anyone else I mistakenly missed too)

                      Geez the switchboard does sound like pure insanity....stressful pure insanity!! Sounds like you really did give it a go. Does anyone working there enjoy it?????

                      Have a great weekend too.

                      Sober since 30/06/10


                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                        Happy Saturday Booze Busters (well, maybe Sunday already for Mame!). I love the fact that people from all over the world are partners in Bustin' this Beast!

                        Thanks to everyone who has sent some positive vibes along for my Dad. He's been struggling with complications related to diabetes for several years now. It seems like we will just get him stabilized over the latest thing, then something else happens. This time it's not diabetes related (I don't think anyway) but he blew out his knee. One thing after another. We will be seeing him tomorrow for Father's Day, so hopefully will get the full scoop on what the doctors are saying about treatment, etc. Him and Mom are going to have to face some tough decisions and it won't be easy for them. They live in the country with several acres of land - Mom has a barn for her ponies and miniature horses an they have TONS of flower gardens, a huge vegetable garden, and my Dad's beloved fruit trees. The house is a split level though - can't get in or out without taking SOME stairs. So if my Dad develops any longer term mobility issues, that's not good. And my Mom will never ever ever ever want to leave there, even if it becomes totally impractical for my Dad. Not a pleasant thought. As Mr. Doggy keeps reminding me - they have to work it out. I can only listen and try to be supportive whatever happens. Hopefully this knee thing can be fixed and Dad can be mobile again, and we will dodge the bullet about the practicality of the house once again!

                        Louise, my cousins were all big 4-H'ers as kids and I know how hard they worked every year getting their stuff ready for the fair. I bet you were devastated. LOL on your comments about procrastination - deal with it tomorrow! Hope you made it through Friday night OK!

                        jb & JLS - hope you are both doing well on Day 3! (or is it 4 now...?)

                        endgame, congrats on Day 14 today!! Good for you working out instead of drinking on Friday. Endorphins are our friend! Tell us more about the street festival. What was the celebration about?

                        Mame, congrats on Day 4!! LOL on the "Cleaning Fairy." Mr. Doggy and I joke about all kinds of fairies. He seems to think there is an Ice Cube Making Fairy, a Take the Garbage Out Fairy, a Dirty Socks & Underwear Fairy, etc. Like a Disney Special of Fairies going on in our house! (you'd think after 10 years he would be better trained!)

                        Amelia congrats on Day 12!! Good for you making it through your partner drinking the red wine!! Your talk of hot air balloons and Louise's avatar remind me that I want to take a ride sometime before I die!! Those balloons must be beautiful to watch in person.

                        Hannah - LOL I have a Dog T-Shirt that says "My Best Friend Is A Bitch." Your sandy paint color sounds very pretty! I wish I had taste in decorating, but I don't. (What am I good for anyway???? I should figure that out someday LOL!!). Sounds like that HS job was NUTS and I sure wouldn't put up with that either!! Thakns for the link to all the gardening stuff. I'll try not to melt my credit card!!

                        It's Day 24 here, and I don't care how big the triggers get today, I'm NOT tossing 24 days of sobriety under the bus. NO F'ing WAY. I'm armed with my camera (battery charged and ready) and my Diet Green Tea with Citrus (artificial sweetener poisons be damned). And when Curves opens I get my fix of endorphins and be ready for anything!!!!!!

                        Have a GREAT Booze Bustin' Saturday everyone!! I know I'll be here to touch the life line when needed!! I'll do whatever I have to do to make it AF. My wish is the same for all of you!!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                          Hi All
                          Been reading for about an hour, sounds like everyone is doing just fine. Haven't been around as a virus knocked me off course for well over a week but looks like things are returning to normal. Managed to get out to the Open Air theatre in Regent's Park again last night and miraculously it did not rain.

                          I wonder how many AF days we BBs have chalked up between us this month/this year/ since starting out AF?

                          I commited to my first uninterupted stretch of AF in August 2007 and managed 104 days in total for 2007. So far for 2008, I have collected 66 days AF, not altogether, spread out. I found it really useful to mark them in a calendar year format-seeing it like that made me proud of what I have achieved so far and more determined to see lots more AF days circled in the months to come, preferably strung together, but I will also be happy with AF days wherever they occur. I am not rushing back to alcohol. I am happy as I am and intend to protect my health and happiness. This resolve helps me over the hard times, like being sick recently.

                          Keep up the good work my friends. Every AF day is a good day.

                          Anna, fast approaching Day 20 AF :h
                          IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                          Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                            Hi To everyone from me.xxxxxxxxxxx

                            DG... sorry your dad is having a hard time. Its sound like he is a very indepandent man. I work with old people and its nice to see that they have an interested in something, and i know some of my clients they dont like sitting about. They put me to shame!!!!!!
                            I hope they can do something with his knee, im sure they can. Have a nice happy father day with your dad.x:l
                            Oh a carvery is when they cut meat of the bone e.g turkey, beef, pork, and gammon, and you just help yourself to veg potatoes yorkshire pudding, stuffing and if your like me you put everything on your plate.:

                            Everyone, boozer buster big hello love u all.:l

                            Take Care. love
                            family is everything to me


                              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                              Good morning (afternoon? Evening?) Booze Bustin? Buddies!

                              Amelia, you weren?t ignoring me ? we cross posted. Boy, it must be cool to see the hot air balloons all the time! Have you ever gone on a ride yourself?

                              Re the switchboard job ? I suppose the gal whose job is actually is might enjoy it ? remember, she knows the switchboard like the back of her hand, and she sort of rules the place with an iron fist ? believe me, the principal and teachers would have heard about it, leaving without telling her! But, I will never get enough hours to get into the comfort zone, being as I am only casual and might only work once a month or so.

                              DG ? So hard to watch our folks get older. My own Mom, especially, has aged enormously in the last few years. And I notice they are both more forgetfull, etc. But at least they are already in a condo, and have looked after that end of things. I hope your folks don?t have to move just yet, although as you say, the time will come. Not a nice prospect from any point of view. Hope your Saturday is going well, and like you say, artificial sweeteners are the lesser evil! Anyways, I firmly believe you have got what it takes, and you be just fine. And as for what you are good for anyway? Well ? you run one h*ll of a great thread here! (And I know you have many more talents too!).

                              Hi Londoner! Glad to hear you are feeling better. You really do have an impressive collection of AF days ? good for you! As you say, any AF day is a good day!

                              Teardrop ? We are going out for supper tonight too, not to a carvery, but to a very interesting looking place, called the Riverhouse Grill, which is in a huge old Victorian style mansion. Apparently it is very ?ritzy? ? not sure they will let us in! Ha! Hubby wants to take some clients there next week, so we are doing an ?investigative? visit!

                              I really wish some of these places would stock some AF wine. Most places do have AF beer, but not the wine, for some reason. So I don?t know what I will order tonight, I am actually tempted to phone ahead and ask if they have any AF wine, and if not, I will ask if I bring my own, would they serve it to me. You suppose this would work? Or would they just be totally appalled? I don?t know if I have the nerve. So I may just, when asked, say I am not drinking alcohol tonight, is there anything festive that you would recommend? And see what happens.

                              Will report tomorrow! Have a good night all, and don?t let Al out of the closet!
                              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                                Hello again!! I made it!! Today did not really feel difficult. There were a couple moments where the thought of a drink crossed my mind, but nothing over the top crazy. Now if the last of these people would decide to leave, I'm STARVING and can't wait to cook dinner! All in all a good and fun AF day!! WHEE!!

                                Hannah!! I would absolutely call the restaurant and if they don't have AF wine, ask if you could bring a bottle. What's the worse thing that can happen? They will either say yes or no, and that's that. Want me to call 'em?? I will!!! (that sort of stuff I can be good at LOL!!) What a cool plan - out to dinner for "investigative purposes." (let them know you are considering that place for future client entertainment when you ask about that BYO AF wine business!) Thank you for your kind thoughts about my folks - and Teardrop too and everyone else. You are right, it's difficult to see them growing old before my eyes.

                                Teardrop - I wanna come visit you and go to a Carvery!! That sounds awesome. What's gammon? (MWO is so educational for me!! I probably should know that answer...and it does sound familiar...but so much easier to just ask than search. I'm good at being lazy too!)

                                Hi Anna!! I'm so sorry to hear that the virus had you for over a week!! Glad you are feeling better and got to go to the outdoor theatre....I am now officially pea green with envy...same color as the Fugly Suit. I think it would be way cool to find some sort of way to keep a running tally of AF days. Let's all think on that and figure a way to start a thread for that! Mean time, congrats on almost day 20!! Awesome job.

                       addition to dog training, one of the Brother In Laws came over with his kids today - they were "building a fort" down by the creek that runs through our property. At one point I broke away from the dog training group and trudged through the woods to find them and take pictures. LOL - my little niece (4 years old I think??) is a TOTAL girly girl. Pink tennis shoes, sparkly bling on her shirt, even for this Deep Woods adventure. She fell and got a little scrape on her knee and OH BOY did she throw a fit!! I took the two older brothers and Dad - all three of them to hold her just to get a bandaid on it. I suspect she might not be joining them for too many fort building adventures in the future!!

                                Well, I can hear that the group finally I'm gonna go tend to dinner before I eat my camera or a chair or something!

                                Hope all Booze Busters the world over are having a good AF weekend!!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

