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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

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    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

    hi all and dg
    am not sure how l done it,, but l so glad,,
    have you ever looked at your life and said things are going to good,,, thats what l did a few weeks ago,
    l was sure somthing was going to go wrong,, but then l loked at some pf my post,,, and seen there have been some bad days,,, shop fire b,friend split up,,money stopped,, and l seen l was able to hadle this a lot better.. l told mysekf at the begening l can drinlk when l done 90 days af,,, up to now l do not want to lose what l have,, am so happy with my life for that,,not sure if l can mod,,, have to wiat and see,,,, l can not take the meds on here gos of the cancer,, but l take st johns wort,, l swer by them,,, but when l do get a bad cravin l l go for a long walk
    hope you all have a good day
    there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

      Well, DG - you had to know I wouldn't be able to resist....

      I too think "planned" relapses can happen. I came so very close last night, and I know in my own mind I was almost planning, and savoring, that one glass of wine hours ahead of time. My mind was working overtime on the idea that I could have just one glass. AND I KNOW I CAN"T! So what's up with that?

      I also think there is a very vulnerable period of time, when a person has been AF for a while, and the newness wears off, and you begin to fool yourself that you have a even a tiny smidgen of control.....and the "nostalgia" of sitting there, feeling elegant, with my glass of wine in hand, and getting slightly buzzed with my hubby, almost seduced me. Thank God it didn't.

      But, I also ordered something to drink that wasn't proven for me - an ice tea. I like REAL ice tea, such as you can get in the US, but not Canada - up here all you can get is that sweetened drink mix stuff. And I didn't like it. What I should have done then is ordered my old standby, a tonic and lime. Next time I will. Instead I sat there feeling very uncomfy and craving. And although the meal was lovely, I didn't start to relax until we ordered our tea/coffee and dessert. I guess also because there is something comforting about wrapping your hand around a warm cuppa - again, the comfort factor.

      It will be interesting to see how the restaurant responds to our email. But I know when I go back with hubby's business associates, I am ready, and will not have a problem next time.

      I remember when hubby and I did our ten year stint sober, and an AF drink that we used to make quite a bit was pink grapefruit juice with a bit of grenadine in it. Very pretty, sort of sweet - we can't do that now, because hubby is diabetic now, but something for you others to try.

      Morning Kaddy - (Toasting you in AF wine, of course!) You are such an inspiration - you have done SO well even with all the cr*p going on in your life, and it's good that you realize that you handled it so much better sober. All Al does is make us feel defeated, and hungover.

      Hi Cindi - Geez, you still having problems with that infection? :l Hope it turns around real soon. Like DG, I can't imagine sleeping 10 hours straight - that sounds like heaven to me, but not, of course, if you are sick.

      Hi Marshy, Pamina, Mame...and all to come. Have a rockin' booze bustin' Father's Day!
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!


        I know that feeling. Romanticizing the drink. It sucks.

        I just tell myself, "What will it REALLY do for me?" That does seem to help.

        Yep, 10 hours is waaaay longer than I ever sleep, even with sleeping pills, of which I took none last night. My eye was also more swollen than it has ever been this last 4 weeks. The pain is better, though. I am kind of getting scared and just praying it is resistant strep, like the doc is hoping, and the Augmentin will help. If not it is something else and the things she postulated were not anything I want to deal with.

        I have to fly out tomorrow, too. I have missed way too much work from this illness. Damn, I am stressing about that, too.

        Oh well. This too shall pass.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

          HI, all. Glad everyone is having a great weekend. Congratulations to KADDY! 100 days is amazing. Can't wait till we all can say that. Haven't been on much this weeknd, but still comitted to the challenge. It is still hard, but I know I need to do it. Hopefully I will get my CD's soon.
          :heart:Hope, Faith and Love are just some of the things he gave us.:heart:


            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

            Just a brief check-in from me today. I'm on day 15 now - half-way. All I can say is week 2seemed to be actually harder than week 1 for me. But the last 3 days it's been getting progressively less difficult. Hopefully week 3 will be much better.
            Welcome Spanky!:welcome: This thread is great for doing the 30 day purge. No one wants to wear the fugly green suit!
            Hannah, great job on making it through dinner AF! I'm the opposite - I like the fake iced tea better! I gotta try the tonic and lime though - when I'm drinking I like G&Ts, so that sounds like a good substitute.
            Kaddy, congrats on your 100 days!:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
            That's all from me, hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend!


              Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

              Oh my gosh DG! How embarrassing. No, I just put that because I live more than a mile above sea level. I had never heard of the club. I'm old and out of it. Well, I'll have to think of something else. Day 16 here. Feeling ok physically, kind of blah mentally. Going to the neighborhood pub later for music and veggieburgers. Planning to have iced tea.

              Congratulations on 100 days Kaddy!!! That is fabulous. And thanks for the tip to go for a long walk. Makes perfect sense but not something I would spontaneously think of in the midst of craving.

              Glad you made it through yesterday Endgame and jbphan. Cindi, I hope this new antibiotic and your extra rest works. I worry about you getting on a plane again until this is cleared up. Hannah, I also hate sweet iced tea. Hopefully the restaurant will let you bring AF wine. Some will for a corkage fee. 4 1/2 months and everything is done on your new place? Boy now, I really feel like a slug. We moved almost 2 years ago and are just finishing unpacking the last boxes (well, we did have to remodel the kitchen before there was room for the china and we downsized a lot so figuring out what can stay and what has to go has been huge).

              DG, hope the time with your dad was good. You sound really busy today! Hi Pamina, Marshy, Mame and all still to check in for the day.

              I do like the idea of a AF good drink thread. I kind of like this: 1 quart water (1/2 regular, 1/2 sparkling) with 1/2 tsp grated fres ginger, several slices of lemon, and 6-8 fresh mint leaves. Mix up and refrigerate for several hours.


                Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                AF drinks

                this thread is great-- the whole site is so huge you can stay a stranger and not see the same people. The drink recipes are great. I need them. Without alchohol, I am a Diet Coke addict. The amount is ridiculous. If there is any truth behind possible dangers in it, my brain will be fried.
                OK- day 2. Congrats to Kaddy and all of you with so much AF time in. Still, I am pleased with my day 2 as I was with people all day who had a few drinks and it was a warm sunny Sunday also.
                Besides-- I am learning about the world! I had no idea Canada didn't have iced tea like we do in the states. :H
                Peace to all-- Spanky


                  Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                  Glad to see that it looks like you will make it to day 3 Spanky. It gets easier in a couple days!


                    Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                    What a great weekend. Beautiful weather, great company, good food and no slips! Everyone sounds great!! Way to go BBers.

                    I've got to be up with the chickens in the am - so better call it a day. Love to all
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                      Hi ALL Booze Busters,

                      Spanky Welcome, well done on 3days af ...
             what a nice view form your window. have you seen the photo gallery thread there is a photo of lots of air balloons great picture.
                      mama....your fruit drinks sound nice im sure there was a thread on soft drinks. when i go tesco super market i buy crush mexican lime juice it is realy nice.
                      Engame....wish we had street festival like that where i live. Good on you for drinking water and moving on. my kids love my lasagne that i make they say it better then the resturants. Love the latin music very calm and relaxing. my brother into latin jazz.
                      Louise... Did not go on the trip in the end my son should of entered two months ago.
                      Well done on your af days
                      Hannah...well done staying af throught your dinner. you sound like a handy woman at puting things together. i hated when i get home and put something together and there is always that last thing missing. hannan like to ask you after 10years Af if you dont mind what made you pick that first drink up?
                      Kaddy...:goodjob: on 100days af... it funny how you said about plan that drink because i was thinking the samething said to myself when i get to 40days af got to 40days and just said no i will not i think i was going to be weak and say yes but the more af days the more stronger we say no to how selfs. Im glad the john wort works for you.
                      DG...Gammon taste like becon. I like the saying i deserve to be sober. The answer to your question i think we do plan to take that drink, but dont realize it . its like we use it as an excuse. its a bit like when i plan to take sick time of work and i was not really sick but i say i deserve that time of because i work so hard. if that makes sense.

                      I did my garden on sunday, could not believe i did not cut everything in site, like i did last time at the end there was nothing lift to cut. I must be getting better.

                      Keep well to all boozer busters.

                      family is everything to me


                        Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                        hi all .....

                        ... just a quick check in today ... am about to head off to ed after a really long day - but got a few work things out of the way so I dont have them sitting on my shoulder like they usually are!!

                        Seemed to come out of my recent black mood today. Everything still chaotic with moves at home and work, but there is a bit of a sense of moving forward. Got to see my new office today - it is still part of a construction site (quite literally!) but looks like it will be quite light and airy. A relief since I signed up for it prior to refurbishment when it had been part of a large communal squat, with grafitti'ed walls and some unpleasant smells which I decided not to try to identify. Now it is in the process of refurbishment, it is going to be everything that I was hoping for .... and enough room for us to expand the business if we get to be fabulously successful!!

                        Also got a call from a hypnotherapist guy that had been recommended to me as having lots of success in working with people with addiction problems..... I decided that I might give this a go to try and deal with some of the messages in my head that keep me struggling. I dont know that I see myself as someone who believes in hypnotherapy .... but I decided to try and have an open mind about it. Anyway, I have an appointment for tomorrow and the best news is that he has one of those absolutely wonderful Scottish accents .......... even without the hypnotherapy, I'm susceptible to any suggestions made in a scottish accent!!! :H:H:H

                        have a good day everyone!!
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                          HI BOOZE BUSTERS and Happy Monday!!

                          There is a new Booze Busters thread for the week of 6/16!! Please go there to carry on!!
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of JUNE 9!

                            Good Morning BBer?s

                            Well, it?s looking like a nice, sunny day here ? for the moment. The weather here seems to be as changeable as the wind?.

                            Teardrop ? No, I don?t mind you asking. The first time hubby and I went AF, for that ten year stretch, it wasn?t totally because we thought WE had a drinking PROBLEM, although we knew we drank a fair bit ? but we knew darn well my mother did, and we had a four year old son to consider. He was already making a game out of sticking his finger into Gramma?s wine glass, sticking it in his mouth, and giggling, because he knew there was something ?forebidden? about that. And it made us think about how often we had glasses sitting at our own elbows at home, although only after he was in bed for the night. My brother was an alcoholic, and it killed him at 35, my mother is, my grandfather was, and we made the decision that if we were not going to have our son grow up to carry on the tradition. So we went AF, and it wasn?t hard, except that it changed our social circle somewhat. After ten years, we were on holiday once and my hubby suggested that we might be able to have one glass of wine with supper at night? And we seduced ourselves into thinking that. And I must say, for about another 4 ? 5 years, we were pretty responsible, and set a good example, I think, for our son. Then our circumstances changed, we had a lot of stressful things happen in our families, our work?and we started to lean on Al a bit more for stress relief. And it gradually got worse, mostly for me. Hubby is not, I would say, an alcoholic, but can be a heavy drinker, drinks faster than I, actually, but knows when to stop. I don?t. Meanwhile, our son has grown up with a healthy and responsible attitude towards drinking, and I am glad to say he has no problems with it. So we accomplished what we set out to do, for which I am very proud and grateful. He also doesn?t know the extent of my own problem, and I hope he never does. I have been thinking for the last few years that I needed to stop again, and was googling ?alcoholism? when I found this site. It?s been a lifesaver. I did go AF for 60 + days last year, but had a profound family loss last fall, and caved during the week of the funeral. Again, I fooled myself into thinking I could mod. WRONG!
                            It?s taken me since then till the beginning of May to summon up the courage to go AF again, and this time it is for life. I think I have finally and totally accepted that I can?t drink ? at all ? ever. I am on day 47 now, and not looking back.

                            Sorry for the long post. Hope everyone has a totally awesome AF Monday!
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

