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Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

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    Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

    Hi everyone! Some of you know who i am in this wonderful community. I did something I told myself I would not do but I started drinking again a week ago after going two months AF. My past anxiety issues were rearing there ugly head again and I turned to AL to steady my nerves. Well this morning after waking up hungover dehydrated and feeling soul-less again I decided this ugliness needs to halt. I finally made the decision to seek medical help for my anxiety issues. I also suffer from anxiety attacks at times. I have known for a long time my AL is a result from my anxiety issues. This morning was the bottom of the rock for me. I had to call into work today from feeling too lousy. But I know I have to get this anxiety issue taken care of before the AL does me in first. Thanks for listening everyone. I feel better know that I have let my soul out here a little bit. Doctor appointment is for Thursday and I will go AF again starting Tuesday. I will have a few beers tonight to calm my nerves but nothing in excess tonight. hope everyone is doing great and thanks for listening!!

    Peace and love to all!

    Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

    Hi Viking and welcome back. Congratulations on making the decision to work at this again, and also for figuring out that you tend to use AL to "medicate" another problem. And for taking steps to address the anxiety head on. That decision rocks.

    Keep coming here to remind yourself why you like to be AF after that hangover passes, OK?

    I can relate - I make it 60 days last summer, then for totally silly reasons fell off the wagon. I took WAY too much time away and then fiddle farted around before finally getting serious in May. Lots of us go through this.

    Hope you will come join the Booze Busters for 30 days AF starting next Tuesday!! And keep us posted in the mean time about how your doc appointment goes, etc.

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

      Welcome back. Glad you got the dr. appt. Hope he is able to help. Anxiety is so frustrating. A counselor once suggested to me that I schedule 20 min a day to worry. The rest of the day, if I started to worry, I was to remind myself of the time to do it. Sounds silly, but it did help.


        Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

        Doggygirl;343350 wrote: Hi Viking and welcome back. Congratulations on making the decision to work at this again, and also for figuring out that you tend to use AL to "medicate" another problem. And for taking steps to address the anxiety head on. That decision rocks.

        Keep coming here to remind yourself why you like to be AF after that hangover passes, OK?

        I can relate - I make it 60 days last summer, then for totally silly reasons fell off the wagon. I took WAY too much time away and then fiddle farted around before finally getting serious in May. Lots of us go through this.

        Hope you will come join the Booze Busters for 30 days AF starting next Tuesday!! And keep us posted in the mean time about how your doc appointment goes, etc.

        WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

        Hi DG!! Thanks for the kind words! I just got off the phone with my mom where I cried for the first time since I was a kid about this anxiety issue that has been haunting my life since I was 19 years old. It was painful to have to tell a family memeber when your a male that you suffer from a mental disorder. For some reason there is still this perception that it's weak to talk about this type of thing. But I felt better and relieved that I told my mother this. The combonitation of AL and anxiety are hell cycle for anybody who goes threw the same but getting help with the anxiety will be the only way I can stay AF!! So here we go maybe the light bulb finally went on in this brain of mine

        Thanks DG! I will keep everyone updated with my progress!

        Peace :h


          Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

          louise;343353 wrote: Welcome back. Glad you got the dr. appt. Hope he is able to help. Anxiety is so frustrating. A counselor once suggested to me that I schedule 20 min a day to worry. The rest of the day, if I started to worry, I was to remind myself of the time to do it. Sounds silly, but it did help.
          Thank you!! I will try that. I also will exercise everday and make some plans to do some deep breathing exercies and bio feed back that I have been reading about today.


            Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

            Viking: I've had my lapses & slips even after many, many AF days. I've come to see them as learning experiences. In the one year + that I've been here at MWO, I've had an enormous amount of success & am really trying not to let the slips/lapses define my progress. Right now, I'm taking my sobriety one day at a time. I'm keeping track of the days I've been sober but don't want to jinx myself by announcing a number. For me, the daily work of staying sober is what I'm concentrating on. Do whatever you have to do in order to stay sober & keep your anxiety under control. Good luck, Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

              A update!! The doctor appointment went AWESOME!! He is going to put me on a low dose of ativan for a week as i'm going threw possible AL withdrawls and than go into a anxiety group at home here to focus on bio feedback and cognitive mind exercises..I am very happy and i feel the page turning!!!


                Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

                Viking, that is great news!! It's wonderful that you now have a path to follow and a doctor who sounds wise about these matters. Good for you!!!! I'm happy for you.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

                  Viking, good for you. Yes, I also get the feeling that you have now turned a very crucial corner and from now on you are headed in the direction of being in control of your life.
                  make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                    Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

                    Viking, Thanks for update. I found cognitive behavioral therapy (7 week intensive group, 12 hours per week) very helpful. Keep posting and reporting. I know it seems like the alcohol helps but it actually can cause anxiety.


                      Fell-off for a week...ready to start again

                      Yes Viking I remember you! Welcome back! You can do it again .... NOW! You can check in here .... no matter if you are having good or bad days!
                      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                      (from the Movie "Once")

