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June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

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    June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

    Everyone: I'm starting this thread. I wonder if someone else is while I'm typing this. Anyhow, I'm up extra early, & I guess the folks "across the pond" are doing other things. I'm doing well today & will stay sober. It's dangerously hot here, & I won't be taking the g-sons on any of their activities. I think I'm going to just do my own thing today. Generally I'm nervous about unstructured time, but not today. I'll be fine. I hope everyone is doing well.

    I'll check back later. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

    Morning everyone!

    Where are all you early birds???? Loppy must have taken one look at the weather and rolled back under her duvet. But Loppy, you must get up, I have so many pressing questions for you!!

    Cindi - well done you!! So sorry it had to happen on your anniversary, but great for standing up for yourself and not jumping in the bottle afterwards. That is a remarkable achievement. And being able to work from home - well, Det said it all, can't top that.

    Janice - where are you? Hope you're well.

    Beck - sending good vibes your way for the rest of the week.

    It's great to read you Abbers sounding so positive and determined!

    Thanks, Retteacher, for starting this thread. I was indeed already typing this, but would not be the best person to start today. You see, my brain went AWOL yesterday. I've read about that happening to other people on this site, and that makes me feel a little bit better. It all started with me forgetting my keys in the house, sitting thru a long meeting with Crazy New Boss with just a few sandwiches and then, having picked up keys from flatmate, rushing off to choir practice without dinner. By the time we went to a pub afterwards, I was starving and started fantasizing about having a cold cider outside. Luckily I was too tired to wrestle the guy next to me for his pint. As I was so whacked, I went to bed early but my brain wasn't there to tell my body to fall asleep. I guess this abstinence thing has just been too much for the brain and it's checked out for a vacation in the Bahamas. So I lay awake wondering what happens on day 30. I know I'll see the faces of all past Abbers whose pictures will be hanging in the National Portrait Gallery. Then there will be the visit to Buckingham Palace. Made a mental note to ask Loppy how that all works. Do you shake hands with the Queen or just curtsy? One's got to know these things. And does she hand you the user manual for day 31 and beyond?

    The most urgent question is whether the UK has an extradition treaty with the Bahamas. I need my brain back!!

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.

    xx Pamina on day 28 in search of her brain...


      June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread


      Thank you for starting the thread today. A little "down" time can be restorative. I imagine you might use it to do something you have been wanting to do (not needing to do) and treat yourself.


      :H:H Hubby and I were talking about the absent brains the other day. He doesn't and has not ever drank, so it isn't always about the drink. We stood outside the other day, I was trying to tell him I had found his extension cords in a storage box. I could not think of the words "storage box" to save my mind. He laughed when I finally got it out. Then he told me, "Oh, those are the ones used for umm, ummmm.." I burst out laughing. He had put them in there when the danger of frost was over, he used them to keep the sprinkler manifolds from freezing.

      I hope you can get your brain back from the Bahamas. Or better yet, maybe go to the Bahamas and meet up with it there.

      Everyone else to come, please have a wonderful AF day.

      AF April 9, 2016


        June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

        Good morning both and good morning all who will make to this tread today!
        I just have to tell you that it feels really good to be back here from such a long time away. I missed posting! I read once in a while, but was too lazy or too tired to post. I must say all of you are fantastic, you are funny and strong and so real. With real lives and problems and happiness. I love that about you guys. You give me hope!

        P - when you see your brain check if mine is there....I know for sure it is not here. Bastard! Bahamas! ..without me!

        Weather in MAss is hotter then ever these past few days. Good thing I have an office to cool my behind off. For all of you who has to work outside (that includs my husband) - stay hydrated and don't forget to put some sunscreen on!!

        ..will check with you guys later, have to jump in the shower and get ready for work.



          June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

          Morning all
          Mary thank you for starting today's thread. Dangerously hot here too, my day off..will run a few early errands, then who knows..kinda just take it as it comes.
          My brain has been AWOL also, not sure if it is juggling to much, age, or fried from years of booze!!...In any case I will have to deal with it and hopefully it will return home!

          Pamina, no words of wisdom on day 31 and after....I will always be a ODAT 1 or 101, however it is a milestone and you should feel very proud of yourself.

          Cindi, good to hear from you, as always.

          I hope Beck is taking it easy and staying positive, I know there is lots on her plate this week.

          And Janice, where are ya???......Thinking of you, I hope all is well.

          All to follow, a wish for a great day!!!
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

            Gosh! I thought the AWOL brain was an age thing. By the way, the searching for a word is called aphasia. I know this from my SPED background.

            I do feel OK about the unstructured time & will use it for what I want to do. I can be a real activity junkie but am trying to learn how to relax a little. BTW, I see I passed down that trait to my daughter who totally maxes herself out from time to time. Thank God (so far) I don't see the drinking problem. However, whatever the addiction is (food, activity, AL, drugs, shopping, etc.), it's all about mood-altering & not wanting to deal w/myself (emotions, thoughts, etc.) &/or others.

            W/the help of MWO, I'm learning to relax & not want to constantly alter myself, others, &/or my surroundings. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Tonight is our dog class "graduation." Buddy is (supposedly) going to go through his paces & do a trick (find the correct toy & bring it). We'll bring the g-sons. It ought to be fun.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

              Hi I'm here and alls well, just haven't had any time this week to give MWO some "quality" time. Haven't even had time to work out what day I'm on!!!!

              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

                Happy Tuesday ABeroooos!

                just a quick howdy. Off to the exercise room at the hotel and then back to the grind.
                Thanks for thekick start Mary.
                Mychoice, nice to see you back.

                zoom zoom

                be well friends and all to come
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

                  Quick post as I have a busy week of work! I am on day 14 and feeling fine... I am a bit frustrated as I have not lost any weight and I have increased my exercise ... hoping I can kicked it up a notch ... more later but wated to Good Morning to all!


                    June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

                    Hi everyone

                    just a quick hello - my hubby has gone to pick the kids up so all hell will break loose soon!! Glad to see everyone in a good mood today - me included

                    bye for now xx


                      June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

                      hi all looking forward to another AF day [on day 24 ] feeling great.Hey tiny I have increased my exercise also with no wt drooped .I think I am eating a lot better>I am looking at the health benefits and not worrying about the wt. Do not let the frustration enter the picture look at the positives that are going on right now.Other areas can be attacked with more concentrated effort in time .hard to fight two all out battles at the same time.
                      Stay Healthy and keep fighting
                      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                      AF 5-16-08


                        June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

                        Hi Everyone, Haven't posted in awhile but have been reading everyone's posts most days.
                        Just got real busy for awhile and went through a bit of a rough patch and took a little time off. I am actually on day 102 and feeling very good at this point. I think this is the longest stretch I have ever put together. Maybe this will be of some help to others but I finally started exercising and it really made a tremendous difference in my state of mind. Maybe it is also the passage of time but I think the hard core aerobic exercise somehow can really
                        kind of "reboot" your brain a bit. I have put myself in a kind of self imposed boot camp and have lost 15 pounds. I have found that instead of constantly thinking about not drinking the thoughts have changed to dwelling on the diet and exercise. Maybe it is trading one addiction for another but at least it is healthier and giving my brain more time to heal and readjust. Tiny and Casea- it actually took me awhile to start losing pounds. I was pretty frustrated , but they do start coming off if you stick with it. Mary- It is good to see you doing well. I know you were going through a bit of a struggle. I spent the whole past year going AF time and time again between many slips. But I always felt that still I was making progress and moving in the right direction. I think sometimes we forget that it is not all about willpower. Our brains need actual time to heal and over time this can happen and we can reach our goals in a more stable permanent way. Keep up the great progress!
                        Be Well Everyone and Stay Strong! Aquamarine
                        AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                          June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

                          Mary -- your evening tonight sounds wonderful! Just think, if you were drinking would it happen? I have blown off too many life events becuase I have been drunk, hung over, or too anxious and needed to drink... sad...


                            June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

                            Evening all,

                            Had a very early start this morning. Yes I know most people call my usual 5.30 early... but this was especially so.

                            Am in pretty good form at the moment. Moods being reasonably well behaved for a change, although I am having to work really hard at suffering fools gladly, a problem in my line of work!!!!

                            Pamina, pretty sure there is no extradition treaty with the Bahamas, suggest a trip out there to kidnap brain and bring it home.

                            Day 30 and beyond! Well for me it was wonderful, there was a shout out on the board that made me so happy, I cried. I also got a congratulations card from my baby sis which made me so happy I cried... bit of a theme going here!

                            Day 31 onwards, I still post here and occasionally in the 1-30 days because a) I like it here and b) there are so many boards and threads where would you begin?

                            For me moderation is not a realistic option so I shall keep going. Just coming to the end of day 41 and today feeling good.

                            Somehow force fed myself during the first 30 days and put on 12 pounds on top of the spare 15 I was already carrying. So I dutifully toddled off to weightwatchers last Wednesday. I'm not really a dieter, but knowing I'll have to get on the scales tomorrow has kept me from stuffing my face this week. I mean to increase the exercise but time is not on my side this month. Shouldn't take on too much at one time, at the moment I am just proud of my AF days.

                            I am very conscious that I have not been socialising to avoid alcohol and also so that I don't inflict my ever changing moods on my friends. I shall be very careful not to become complacent around AL, although as I have said before, the antabuse is a wonderful disincentive to drink. I am out tomorrow with one of the friends who accidentally was instrumental in making me face up to my problem. We are going for an early dinner and then to the musical Hairspray so it should all be lighthearted fun.

                            Aquamarine 102 days wow!!! and 15 pounds lighter!!

                            Cindi sorry to hear about the anniversary but good for you.

                            Mary, I can relate to your comments about mood altering. Which is why on my summer list I think I have something along the lines of just sitting. Often I feel that I'd do anything not to feel "that" way. Hence the food last month, a pedometer this month. ( skipping rope on top on the fridge has yet to be used but that is another story) A very detailed and itemised daily to do list. Anything so that I don't have to just sit and be me. But this will change. I promise myself.

                            Hope Buddy graduated with flying colours!

                            Hope everyones day went as they hoped. Catch you all tomorrow.
                            Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                            AF 8 June 2012


                              June 10 - Tues. - Daily Thread

                              A quick hello and goodnight. I forgot to check in earlier today. Maybe it has something to do with my forgetting to think about AL today (well, not quite, but less than usual).

                              Everyone sounds good. I'm feeling good too.

                              I'll try to check in earlier tomorrow and hopefully have something to say.

                              Have a great night everyone.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

