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June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

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    June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone:

    I'm awake late at night & thought I'd start this thread. I hope all is well. I'm doing fine doing what I know I have to do in order to stay sober:
    -Push AL thoughts out of my head.
    -See where they came from & how to resolve the underlying issue.
    -Not give in to denial (see the new Booze Beast Lie #5 thread).
    -Look at how messed up I was before I found MWO.

    I know I won't always have to be so vigilant. Maybe in about 10 years or so, I can begin to relax. I actually know from experience that the thoughts do subside, but I won't relax my vigilance.

    Take care & I'll check in after a good night's sleep.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

    Morning Mary and all to come. Again, its a quick post today, have got a school trip with the little ones, off to a farm, so that should be fun! Its a lovely day for it anyway! Mary, those thoughts are in and out of my head at the you say, we've just got to push them away and not give in to them. I think the weather has had a big effect on know, thoughts of sitting on the patio with that glass late afternoon.

    Sorry I've not had time to address everyone lately but I'm dead chuffed Aqua's back and also if she "pops" in here today....welcome back Aduggan, a good friend from last year!

    Must dash, I've got a pack-up to make................

    love to you all

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

      Hi Mary and Janice and all to come,

      Janice - you sound like you've got a lovely day to come - lucky you! Just a quickie from me today as I must go get ready for work soon.

      Just thought I'd share with you all that there is nothing quite like waking up without a headache, dry throat and feeling dizzy is there. Wish I could bottle this feeling and get some out when I was feeling tempted.

      Bye for now xxxx have a geat day xxx


        June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

        Hello all, good morning (or afternoon or whatever it is where you are),

        It's sunny and cool and windy today. Makes me want to go on a long hike in the woods, but don't think I'll find the time.

        Janice, just wondering, what does "dead chuffed" mean? I'm guessing it's something like "very pleased". In which case, I'm dead chuffed that people are doing so good, feeling so good (and that You, Janice, made it through that rough patch so quickly!)

        Mary, thanks for your thoughts. Hope you got a good night's sleep. And remember, even if you don't sleep much sober, it's better than many hours drunk.

        Seen the light, I also wish I could bottle all the times (and there are SO many these days) when I just feel so good, and so GLAD I am sober.

        Have a great day all!

        p.s. Cindi, when you get here, what was up with your typing last night? Was it really the excitement about the turtle? You had me worried you had slipped, tho I know you can't do that.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

          Good morning (well, LOL middle of the night here!) all Absters. Mary, thank you for starting us off today with wonderful food for thought. I've got that sleep thing going on. Tonight I only slept for about 3 hours (actually, that's less than usual so not as bad this go 'rond as last summer). But I felt wide awake so got up and actually accomplished some stuff already!

          Beatle - you are so right that a small amount of good, sober sleep beats the ever livin' SNOT out of 8 hours of being passed out drunk. Your mention of desires for a nice cool walk in the woods brought a beautiful vision to my mind! Wish we could all do that together today!

          Janice, your outing to the farm with the kids sounds fun too. Like beatle, I am curious about the meaning of "dead chuffed." I like learning phrases from other countries. Gob Smacked is one I really like LOL!

          STL...all I can say is A-M-E-N to waking up without the hangover crapola!

          It's Day 21 AF here. Other than very little sleep last night, life is pretty good. I plan to (finally!) go to the Nursury today to buy some plants and flowers to get the roof top patio going garden going. After hearing the news yesterday about the salmonella disaster with the tomato crop in Florida, I'm definitely going to try growing some tomatoes in pots up here!!

          Happy AF day to you all, and all yet to come.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

            Good Morning Everyone,

            I had a really bad day yesterday. I was given a script for Baclofen to deal with my neuropathy and it did not sit well with me. OMG. I am so tired of being one of those people who react weird to meds. Anybody else ever take it and have a bad reaction? I am still kind of weak and having a hard time typing this. Was loopy as hell from it.

            I really need something to help with this pain but that is not an option!!!

            Mary and Janice, I agree in about 10 years those thoughts may fade away. Until then, I just push back on them and redirect.

            Seen, isn't it funny how we "forget" how bad it was when we start romanticizing the drink? Like you, I love waking up without a hangover and full of energy. I also love having time to do the things I need to. When drinking, so much time is wasted.

            DG, I didn't sleep well last night either. Not sure if it was the medication and my reaction or if I am just having insomnia.

            Well, hope all have a good day today and wish me luck. I need to go back to doctor and deal with this again.

            AF April 9, 2016


              June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

              Sorry to hear that Cindi (but at least that explains the typing, lol, and better that than AL). Hope this is a better day for you. How's the turtle?

              Hey, all you sleepless people, I've been through it and it sucks. It is enough to drive you back to the bottle (and it has, many times in my case). But-- I KNOW that a lot of the natural stuff works (without making you groggy the next day)-- just pump yourself full of valerian, calms forte, melatonin, lithium orotate... whatever it takes. I don't lose sleep anymore. Why should you?

              And DG, I don't want to see you back here one more time saying you are going to start your garden -- just get your butt to the nursery and tell us when you've done it, ok? (lol).
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                Morning all
                Seems alot of us had a bit of trouble with sleep last night. I normally sleep pretty well, however our AC decided to quit in this 100 degree weather, and too did not sleep well...Oh well, (my sucks for me rule!), at least I woke up sober!!!
                Booze thoughts..10 years!!!...I have thoughts everyday and acknowledge and dismiss, just as we need to..... I log into MWO at least twice a day, and on my day off I am always logged on. I have to wonder.... why this site has become yet another addiction (one I can live with) and if I were not here as often, would I think about AL less?......MWO is the place that has set me free, and I rationalize it as my "therapy".....Hmmmm........Just thinking.....Hope everyone has a great day..
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                  Hi Everyone, Another really hot day today.
                  Cindi- Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Any of those drugs that work on your nervous system can really throw you for a loop if you don't react to them well. I have tried several in the past when dealing with Lyme Disease and I couldn't tolerate any of them. Hope you feel better soon.
                  The problem of keeping up your vigilance I find can be tough. Once you get far enough along like clockwork you it is so easy to drop that vigilant attitude. It has done me in in the past more that once. I really feel pretty strong right now but I know it would be a huge mistake to let my gaurd down. I just think it is so hard to truly admit and embrace the fact that no I am not like other people in regards to alcohol , that I never will be and that is just reality .
                  Hope everyone has a good day and isn't struggling too much. Be Strong. Aquamarine
                  AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                    June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                    Good morning everyone!!

                    2 days w/o internet, tough. We lost it and some other amenities from the storms that rolled through. Were otherwise intact so no complaining.

                    A double AMEN on the sober sleep, nothing bets it. Feels great to wake up with a clear head?.even if your little ones woke you up multiples of times during the night.

                    Cindi, hope the sinus infection is better. Did not know you had neuropathy, my Dad has it. Doesn?t have diabetes, and has always had good health otherwise. It?s strange how that works. I know he had tried some alternative meds, I will ask him about them. He seems to have problems with numbness and balance, have not heard him talk about much pain, guess he is lucky.

                    I have really missed ready everyone?s posts the last two days. It?s an important part of my day and pivotal to me achieving sobriety.

                    Hope you can all get some sleep tonight!

                    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                      June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                      Hi Everyone: Regarding vigilance: In AA there's a saying: "The farther you are from your last drink, the closer you are to your next drink." I too have slipped after thinking I was "cured." I fooled myself into thinking I could drink just one or two. That kind of thinking led me to binges. Therefore, I must keep telling myself that I cannot & will not drink, no matter what! Have a great day everyone. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                        Hi Cindy...sorry bout your pain. Have you tried Lyrica? My dad has recently been diagnosed with Ramsays Hunt syndrome and has had severe facial pain for the last year. Lyrica has helped, but not made it go away entirely. He is having a nerve block done next week. He is 82 and I wish the best for him...this has really been difficult on him. I hope you feel better soon.
                        Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                          June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                          Hi All, I had a rough night last night -- on my way into the gym I realized that locked my keys in my car!!!! I had some very nice people at the gym help call for help and in the back of my mind I was saying to myself that I would not work out -- I would have a glass of wine instead. In comes my trainer!!!! He said while you wait we have time for your workout... by the time the workout was over I was in no mood for wine ... I am happy to report 15 days AF!!!!!

                          Hope all have a great day!


                            June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread


                            No, I haven't tried that. I sure hope this goes away.

                            I am making another doctor's appt today. Thank you for the advice.


                            YAY!!! Good for you. Boy, it sure does show that exercise is a big help with quitting, doesn't it?

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                              Tiny: Great story! I find that if I think about drinking & put it off (even for a few minutes) & busy myself w/other things, the craving goes away. This is one case where procrastination is a good thing. Mary
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

