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June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

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    June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

    Tiny - well done on your 15 days. Keep plugging away!

    Cindi - I don't know if this is relevant, but I was in an accident some years ago and hurt my arm. The pain was horrendous. Apparently the neurons didn't understand the trauma was over but kept firing. None of the pain meds did anything. The only thing that helped was acupuncture.


      June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread


      Thank you. It does seem that that is what is going on. The nerve is just so darned painful!!

      I have a doc appt again in the morning. I have read Gabapentin can help with this and it is non-narcotic. Not sure why she tried the Baclofen instead of the Gabapentin. Oh well.

      I may check out accupuncture, too. That is a great idea.


      AF April 9, 2016


        June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

        Hello everyone!
        Tiny ? great job, congrats!

        Cindi ? hope you feel better. How?s the turtle?

        Char ? I soo agree with you. I am addicted to this site too. By far the only addiction I don?t regret about!!

        I too didn?t have a restful night?.took me forever to fall asleep, feel a bit tired today. Had to start my day with 6:30 conference call, jump in to the shower, got into office, more calls and meetings ? feel like a hamster on the weel.
        Let me ask you guys something. I have never had alcohol withdrawals (or at least I think I didn?t), how soon will a body react to AL withdrawal?. I mean today is day 3 for me (I know, nothing compared to you guys, but still an achievement! And all of you ? my inspiration!) and for some reason today once in a while I get dizzy, or kind of wall moving motion for a split second ? is this ?normal??.or maybe it is because didn?t get rest?


          June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

          Happy Wednesday ABeroonies!

          Mychoice, at day 3 you are ok withdrawals set in from approx 4 to 15 hours after your last drink.

          Cindi, so glad you are going back to the doc to get this dialed in. Hope you get some relief dear!

          well, not to rub it in but not only did I sleep like a prehistoric fossilized garlic clove....but I actually slept in!

          another day AF is a day in paradise.

          be well my friends
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

            Signing in- Day 3...

            Not a goodnight sleep for me either!Gonna be a long day, but I am up for it... Diet Coke in hand.

            Thanks for having me,

            "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


              June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread


              Day 3 is awesome. By the time day 4 and 5 are over, I bet you'll be sleeping much better. Hang in there!

              AF April 9, 2016


                June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                My Choice,
                Drink lots of water. Dizziness/vertigo can occur from lack of hydration and/or heat -- it has been hot in the east and midwest over the last week or so. It's an inner ear/balance thing. Rest (or lack thereof) can have a lot to do with it too. I would get worse dizzy spells if I was hungover, but since that's not the case for you at this point, the other factors could apply. Stress can figure in there too. If the walls are moving, sit down for 15 minutes. Maybe have something to eat, too.


                  June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                  MyChoice - for me it's a blood sugar thing. I get dizzy if I don't eat at regular intervals. Fatigue makes it worse.

                  I'll have to take my own advice there. I'm hiding at the end of this thread as it's been a really off day today. DG - ' craptacular grump' - great expression, that's exactly how I've felt for most of the day. A partial explanation is the vitamin B, though. I don't take it in the morning but at lunch time and I don't always remember. It's happened twice this week and it seems to make a huge difference.

                  Thanks for your comforting words, Loppy, about life after day 30. I'm not sure why my mind is doing this tap dance. I've also joined Weightwatchers and had put on 1lb this week - blah! However, I did make it through day 29 and tomorrow will be another, perfectly normal, day.


                    June 11 - Wed. - Daily Thread

                    beatle;344579 wrote: And DG, I don't want to see you back here one more time saying you are going to start your garden -- just get your butt to the nursery and tell us when you've done it, ok? (lol).
                    Hee hee. You've sure got MY number!! I put the "Pro" in Pro-crastination. And flowers or tomato plants on the roof top yet but I'm not mentioning that again until I can take a picture of some life form at this level other than bees.

                    Boy....yesterday sure at a lousy sleep theme to it except for Deter who of course had to rub it in!!! I slept better last night (good for this phase of getting booze free) and I hope everyone else did too! I hate spending days as a craptacular grump due to lack of sleep! Today is much brighter.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

