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June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

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    June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone: It's pretty late in the AM, but nobody opened this, so I thought I would. The daily thread is a mainstay for me. I'm doing well. I'm keeping busy & doing well. I hope the same for everyone here. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

    Hi, Mary,

    Glad to hear you are doing well and AF.

    I go to doc in an hour. I am nervous. Hopefully will have good news about how to deal with this facial pain.

    Hope all to come have a wonderful AF day.

    AF April 9, 2016


      June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

      Morning Mary, Cindi, all to follow:
      Mary thanks for starting the thread this a.m., I too m happy you are doing well.
      Cindi, hoping you get some relief todayplease let us know how you make out...

      I had a person stumble into my place of employment yesterday, plop at my desk with his bottle of "coke", started crying, saying he just wanted to go home. He was rambling on about giving me all his millions if I would just bring him home, proceeded to start banging his head with his hands, telling the demons to leave him alone. He was drooling, fell off the chair once....he had no clue where he was, just wanted to go home. Bottom line, we called the police (ambulance arrived too), and they took the poor dude away. He left his coke behind, the officer opened it, took a wiff, and his eyes actually teared from the smell. My co-workers had fun with this all day...the drunk, the loser, the guy should rot...all I could do was feel his pain, and my heart went out to him. He clearly had problems, as the officers knew him by name. All I could think of was how this poor soul would feel when he finally sobered up.....Both customers and co-workers had a good laugh..I did not see the humor...Although I have never been drunk in public (tipsy, yes)....that could of been me...
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread


        One of the positives of being "us" is that we have learned empathy for others.

        My hackles go up when I hear people make fun of others in distress. Be it drugs, alcohol, homelessness, mental disease, whatever.

        We are all children of the universe.

        AF April 9, 2016


          June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread


          I know what your talking about. I can't stand it when others make fun of drunks or tell drunken stories, laughing. Like there is anything funny about the antics of a person under the influence. To think that was me at one time, laughing at being drunk. It is not so funny anymore.

          Yesterday, we had to lay off an employee. I was later told that he and his wife have alcohol/drug issues. I said how sad for him. He is going to have to find a way to help himself because no one else can do it for him. I was told how I didn't "understand" what it is like to be addicted (she knows because her brother had addicitions). I had to bite my tongue not to belt out that I am addicted to alcohol, so I know "firsthand" only to well how difficult this is to overcome. But of course, I didn't, because I am too embarrassed and ashamed to admit that I have a problem. No one see's me that way. I too, could be that guy you described someday, unless I "choose" to get this under control.
          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


            June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

            Day 16 for me all -- I really cannot believe it! I finally am seeing results on the scale I lost 3 pounds!!!! At work ths week I need to be in by 7AM so I have been going to bed early but I find I have time in the evening and because I used to spend that time drinkng that now I want to snack... I have incorporated exercise but I need to close my kitchen after dinner... I need to get this 20 pounds (or now 17 pounds) off of me!!!

            I had extra keys made fr my car yesterday and had an oil change -- NEVER would have done that during my days of wine...

            Hope all have a great day!


              June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

              Hi to All
              Sorry that I have not been posting here in quite sometime, but I want you all to know that I have been reading and am so happy to see so many doing well. Today is day 45 AF for me and looking back to the beginning of this year I never would have thought I could say that.
              It is so nice to log on here and hear everyone doing well. And Tiny 3 pounds is awesome.


                June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

                Time2Change Yay for day 45 -- that trumps my 3 pounds for sure!


                  June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

                  Doesn't it feel like a huge accomplishment to get something as simple as an oil change and extra keys made?....Sometimes I reflect on my days accomplishments and just think WOW! (whoda thunk!)
                  I need to close my kitchen after dinner also....managed to gain 5 lbs, but with no bloat I feel and look slimmer than before!!
                  16 days...whoo hoo.....and Time 45 days for you......those days sure add up!!..Congratulations!!!
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

                    Hi Absters!!

                    Day 22 here and feeling good after getting some sleep last night!! I still woke up several times (especially when Mr. Doggy and the entire doggy pack decended, and not quietly either, at midnight!) but probalby got 6 hours all in all - I can deal with that!

                    Mary, I love the determination you show on every post since I wised up and got my rear back to MWO. You sound very busy and I bet you get lots of satisfaction about all of your summer activities!

                    cindi - let us know how that doc appointment goes! I can understand why you are nervous. To your later post - I love your saying that we are all children of the universe!! How true!!

                    Char, that is such a sad story about the guy who was in your office and how the workers made such fun of him. Someday when I get more AF time under my belt - just enough time to be credible - I swear I'm going to get on a very public :soapbox: in an effort to help educate the public about alcohol problems, and try to make even a little progress toward making the discussion of alcohol problems more socially acceptable. There are so many of us who are or have suffered in silence - not getting help we could otherwise be getting - due to the ignorant stigma. So sad.

                    Tiny!!! WHEE Day 16 AF and 3 pounds down!!! And getting things done!! That ROCKS!! :band2: You sound so happy and I am very happy for you!!! (and your tiffin pug!!)

                    Time2change, congrats on your 45 Days!! I want to be where you are!! That is awesome.

                    Happy AF day to all yet to come. No drinking AL for me today, that's for sure.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread


                      Hey, y'all,

                      Day 10 (double digits!!) for me, a miracle! Keeping fingers crossed that my topa refill will get here by today or tomorrow or Saturday - my supply runs out at midday tomorrow. It left NY on the 10th, so I'm hopeful. Trying to convince myself that if it doesn't get here, I'm still going to make it through until it does - I couldn't ever do it before, but now I've got 10 days of practice, right? And lots of great support.

                      I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and realized I dreamed all of this. 10 days - me - yeah, right!


                        June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

                        Larisa in double digits!! YOU ROCK!

                        Char & DG thanks keeping my up!!!!


                          June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread


                          Do not let the topa lapse. Go to a doc and say you are taking it for migraines and your script lapsed.

                          Not kidding here. Topa is not to be taken lightly. You must not just "quit" because you could have a seizure from it.

                          Oh yeah. Here I am. I went to doc today. I am blessed with an incredible GP. She took one look at me and decided I had been drinking again. OMG Swollen red eye, in pain, hurting.

                          I explained the whole "sinusitis, doc in the box while she was on vacation, ER in another city" and she wrote it all down, wrote down the scripts I had taken, the meds I was one, everything. (What a wonderful doctor.)

                          She gave me a NON NARCOTIC pain med to help. (One of the reasons we "own up" to our docs) she gave me antibiotics I have not been on "in case it is bacterial but if not, quit taking it" and I am scheduled for a CT Scan tomorrow to see if there is maybe something else going on. I love this GP. She cares, she spends too much time with every patient so we have to wait that extra hour of our day, but only because she does not want anyone to be left out or not taken care of, truly.

                          I wrote a friend today in a pm. I am blessed. I have dear friends here, a loving husband, loving parents (84 omg!!), and a great doctor.

                          I am blessed. Period..

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

                            Yikes - already did the migraine thing, already been through the scrip and the refill. Neither the doc nor the insurance co. is going to let me have any more so soon. But the topa I ordered online will surely be here today or tomorrow - mail doesn't take more than 3 days to get to TN from NY - and I'm praying hard nothing will delay! If I have to, I'll string my last dose out to 25 mg/day so it won't be so sudden a stop. Yeesh. It sure would be nice if we could just say, hey, doc, want to help me get sober??

                            Topamax, the party drug.


                              June 12 - Thurs. - Daily Thread

                              Everyone sounds very determined & motivated which is great. Today, I had an actual drinking thought. I was in the car on my way home from my morning b-sitting. I actually had my blinker on to turn toward the liquor store. Through sheer grit, I redirected myself & went home.

                              Why? I wanted a break from dealing w/life (see the new thread Booze Beast Lie #7). Of course, I'm so grateful I didn't give in & hopefully next time I won't come so close (if there is a next time). All desire for it has left me now. I have noticed that at the end of the morning when I'm a little tired & very hungry is when the feeling has hit.

                              Once I'm in a liquor store, there isn't any way I can turn back. It's over before I get to the cashier. Thank God I didn't get that far.

                              One of the biggest deterrants to drinking for me is not wanting to come to MWO & confess. Thank you all for being here.

                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

