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June 15th

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    June 15th

    no way.... moi...starting a day? must be something wrong here. Perhaps i'm in a parallel universe. That must be it.

    at any rate had a great shoot yesterday. I'ts amazing how small a target looks at 400 yards! Reeeeely small. Precision shooting is a very Zen-like discipline that requires a lot of patience, thought, and steadiness. (three things that I had none of when I was wasted). it also requires that you don't sleep in! lol

    well, day 130 and just reflecting on this great year. I have to keep days on a calendar as I'm not counting in my head. I guess that's a good sign?

    hope you are all well wherever you are!!!!

    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    June 15th

    I can relate - this is the best year of my life. And it's been the worst!!!:H I was just thinking this morning that what keeps me from even being tempted to spinning backwards is the HORROR of thinking about ever ever ever going through the first months of abstinence ever ever again. Do you feel my Ever Ever Ever????? :H Not good memories, but necessary. So - I'm with you Det ~ I feel so awesome now I have to PINCH myself!

    Gotta go - hubbies pick for the day - the motercycle is ready to ride!!

    Living Free in every way!!! :h
    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

    (from the Movie "Once")


      June 15th

      Morning, Det, Liv, - I am looking forward to being in the place you both are in! I know I can do it this time, somehow this time feels different. I did ten years once, and those were ten very good years.

      Have a great day everyone!
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        June 15th

        What Hannah said!! I wanna be where you are Deter and Liv. Liv - I can totally relate to what you are saying about AL and the never wanting to go through it again - I'm that way about cigarettes - NOTHING could make me light one - I mean NOTHING because I won't re-live those early months again. I'm hoping life just keeps getting better and better AF until I feel exactly the same way about AL!!

        Deter, what kind of targets are you shooting at? LOL - Mr. Doggy doesn't go to the range much any more, but around the time right before he quit his corporate job to start our business, he went and shot at the man sillouette (sp). That thing is still hanging in our garage with ex-bosses name on it!! I think it is a good sign when you have to look at the calendar to figure out your days. I think I started having to look at my quit smoking days to remember somewhere around where you are. It was over 100 - I know that. Congratulations on getting to that place!!

        Happy Sunday!! Just checkin' in before we leave for the Father's Day cookout.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          June 15th

          Me too, me too!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            June 15th

            never ever indeed! enough pain for one lifetime eh?

            Doggy, I shoot at paper silhouettes, steel plates and classic bullseyes...depends on the particular shoot I'm doing. next shoot we are going for an egg at 300 yards. Thats not really hunting is it? LOL

            be well friends
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              June 15th

              Hi Det you early bird you. Beautiful morning here, got a bit cloudy later on but sun is out again now (it is early evening). Had a nice day all in all, step daughter called round with her new-ish boyfriend, she is 15 he is 16 aaaaahhhh, they were sitting on the couch holding hands aaaaahhhhh........ sigh. Lovely that she still visits me as me and her dad are divorcing, so I kinda felt good inside that she even gave me a thought, think she was quite chuffed showing off her lovely boyfriend.

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                June 15th

                HI everyone! Here's to another day AF! It is hard these first few days and I am sure it will be for awhile, but hopefully I will be able to say that I wont EVER EVER drink again because it took so much effort these first days, weeks, months (hopefully)!

                It is raining here again today and it sucks! The floods have been so bad that 83 of the 99 counties in Iowa are now considered disaster areas! The rivers were receeding but now with the rain again they will probably go back up, hopefully not enough to reflood areas that are dry We do not need anymore rain!

                Well, hope eveyrone is doing good and keeps up the challenge. I hope I can stay on track. I love these threads and I think they are really helping! Thanks to those that respond and keep me in the loop. Especially Doggygirl! Your messages rock! :thumbs:

                Have a great Sunday/Father's Day!
                :heart:Hope, Faith and Love are just some of the things he gave us.:heart:


                  June 15th

                  Hello everyone and good night. (It's after 11pm here).

                  Got through the weekend without any major problems. Still haven't had to face a social event where I CAN drink, but choose not to. Next weekend is a big annual mid-summer-night's party at our friends' home, but I will be driving, so not a chance of caving in then. I did it last year (was designated driver for the same party), and had a a horribly lousy time. Out of 50 people, only one other person wasn't drinking, and she was 8 months pregnant and had to leave the party early.

                  So my challenge is: To have a better time this year.

                  I really don't see the resisting temptation as so difficult (when you are the designated driver, it's just not an option), but having a good time, or just not having a miserable time, is another story.

                  Well, I'm off to snuggle in bed and read for about an hour before drifting off into a nice sober sleep. I look forward to waking up refreshed tomorrow morning, and remembering what I read the night before. This is one of the biggest rewards and pleasures of life without AL.

                  "See" you all tomorrow...
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    June 15th

                    I just wanted to add my 2 cents to this thread. I can't seem to get through a day wo/at least looking in on it. We had a nice Father's Day w/hubs & SIL...both great, great guys. We had a AF luncheon...just good clean fun. Now, we're in for the evening & enjoying some down time. I feel very grateful that I'm sober one day at a time. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      June 15th

                      Hi everyone....not been on for a couple of days. Been up to the north-east, to see mam. She's still in hospital, physically they have got her stable but she's not good dementia-wise. Also had some time at the cemetry - Father's Day.

                      I'm okay, just feel "rinsed out", emotionally I mean - terrible to see mam like that.

                      Not had a drink but I have had AF beer. Felt stressed and like I say, I'll do what it takes.

                      love to all,

                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        June 15th

                        Hi all,
                        Well I had to start over, had 1 glass of wine on Friday. But staying sober again. I don't think it triggered anything ie: increased cravings, in fact I was drinking it thinking this is so STUPID, I think I was meant to have that glass to realize that it isn't something I really need!!!! I feel so much better now. started AF June 7th with only 1 glass.

                        hope everyone is having a great Father's day.
                        May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


                          June 15th

                          Hey Renegade,
                          What is Lucy's hometown, that sounds like a blast, I'm a frustrated actress anyway and I LOVE LUCY... lol. Hope you are doing ok.
                          May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise

