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BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

    Happy middle of the week end to all. As HF as everyone here--- yaaaay
    Does anyone know if we can "subscribe" to just this thread? So I don't have to look for it?? You are all the best--- positive and strong.. I thank everyone who contributes.


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

      Good Day Booze Busters!

      Spanky, yes - the way you subscribe to a thread is to go to the very top of the thread - page one post one. There is a menu bar above post #1. One of the choices is "Thread Tools" There is a "Subscribe" option when you pull down the "Thread Tools" menu.

      We start a new thread every Monday, so you will have to keep an eye out for that one.

      While I will not yet proclaim that my issues and temptations with Saturday Dog Training Day are behind me, I DO think my new attitude about it is helping - this is the second Saturday in a row where I don't feel like I was fighting the Beast all day long. I'm just NOT working my mental state up into a frenzy on Thursday or Friday leading up to it, nor am I spending Saturday morning thinkin' of drinkin'. I'm just going about my business and doing my best to treat Saturday like any other day. I was able to serve beer to the guys without it being a big deal, or any deal at all, really.(beer is not my personal poison - just an AL reminder) I had my water and Diet White Tea With Rasberry and Killer Artificial Sweetener . I retired early from the after glow, but that's because I was tired (still waking up at 3AM and the like). Not because I was hiding from AL and fighting cravings. It felt really good.

      On the non-booze related front, Mr. Doggy and Ferguson looked AWESOME in their obedience yesterday which is good, because they are going to trial next Sunday. This will be Mr. Doggy's first time ever dong the BH in front of a judge. It is a traffic and obedience test of the dog. It is the pre-requisite for all other trialing Mr. Doggy and Fergie might want to do. The good news is that Fergie is ready!! If they don't pass (which happens!) it will be because Mr. Doggy gets nervous and goofs up. But it's a lot easier to stay calm when you know your dog is ready than if you're worried about it!! 3 other teams from our Training Group are trialing too - two other BH's and one guy for his Schutzhund 1. Any Europeans here participate in Schutzhund training, or know about it? (or other countries too - just that the roots of Schutzhund are in Europe...)

      Today Mr. Doggy is once again doing the Sunday trek to our trainer's place to practice on the actual trial field. I will be here enjoying my Hangover Free liesure time!! If Mr. Doggy has time I will have him show me how to use his ancient carpet shampooer so I can give that a go in the newly painted office. I'm looking forward to getting a "fresh start" in there - all more remnants from the smoking days (the top of the ceiling fan was beyond disgusting!) or the drinking days.

      If that doesn't work out, I'm going to clean out some drawers in the bedroom - I'm wanting to get some stuff organized!! LOL - it will be like Christmas. Finding stuff I haven't seen in so long it will seem brand new.

      Hope everyone has a great plan for an AF day!!! Keep Bustin' it!!!

      Celebrating 32 Days HF!!
      :award:+ **
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

        Please continue posting in the new Booze Busters Hangover Free thread for the week of 6/23!
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

          day 27 today !!!! - a miracle


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

            Hi Red-Wine and welcome to Booze Busters! Congrats on 27 days AF - that is awesome.

            We start a new thread every week so it doesn't get so long and tedious!! Feel free to join us in the new weekly thread for the week of June 23.

            Mean time.....ain't Hangover Free life grand!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.

