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BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

    Happy Wednesday, all you BBer?s!!!!

    Has anybody got some sunshine? Seems all of Canada is forecast for rain today! I only made it to the sixth hole on the golf course yesterday, and then we ran for cover ? starting to thunder and lightening, and parts of the city had golf ball size hail. I phone hubby from the clubhouse to tell him I was inside, and he was very glad to hear from me. Said the rain was just coming down in sheets at our place. When I drove home, I couldn?t go my usual route because the road was closed because of flooding? cars up to the axels in the middle of the road. Wow, the weather is strange everywhere this year.

    DG ? So glad your friend went back and got the puppy. I know it will have a good and loving home now, bet in the end he ends up keeping it! Countin? down the days till your big celebration! Whoeeee, it?s gonna be a dandy, I just know it!

    My Curves ordered in more of the scan tags, and they got the wrong kind! Apparently there is more than one kind of ?torture? system out there ? who knew? So still waiting ? meanwhile, torturing myself the old fashioned way!:H

    Evielou ? Welcome! How did you make out with the pillar on the front porch? Wow, I?d love to see your place ? I love old Victorian houses! Congrats on 37 days! Good to have you here!

    Jbphan ? Boy, I admire you on kicking the caffeine. Think I would have a hard time with that one. One vice at a time?.maybe that will be the next one I tackle! I love most any kind of dog, and cats too, although my hubby is allergic to them. That?s why we have a bichon (that?s her in my avator) ? my 11 ? year old sweetie.

    Hiya Cherbear! Good to see you!

    Igk ? Welcome to you! Day 1 is a very good day because that?s the first day of the rest of your life! Hang out here with us, and we?ll all kick :alf:'s hiney together!

    Endgame ? Truckin? on! 17 and awesome! Poetry reading sounds like fun! Yup, it would be nice if there was more selection out there, but there are the old standbys in a pinch ? even just plain old water in a glass still gives you something to hang on to, and sip. Hopefully in time restaurants, etc., will become more with it.

    And more on that ? my hubby contacted the restaurant to make his reservations for Thursday night, and they said, Oh, we got an email by someone of the same name? Asking about stocking non-alcoholic wines? And they went on to ask him questions about where to buy AF wines, which ones were good, etc?.and seemed very receptive to the idea. Wow! He said they already stocked AF beer, but had just never realized there were AF wines out there ? and our request was the second one he?d received in the past two weeks! So ? don?t be shy, folks ? speak up! Ask your favorite eating places to cater more to you!

    Spanky ? I?m sorry your best friend doesn?t see the dangers in her drinking. I?ll bet in here subconscious she is aware ? just in denial. Maybe the time will come when you can be a shoulder to lean on when she decides to get healthy herself. Meanwhile, we are happy you are here, friend.

    Hello Louise! Funny how one little task can snowball into a whole series of tasks!

    Anna ? I love garden tours, it?s so neat to go see what other people have done with their yards, and get ideas for your own. Except that I only have a balcony! But I am fortunate to live across from a Botanic Garden, open to the public ? so I go there when I need a ?fix?. The roses and iris are just beautiful right now! I?m hoping the storms we got today didn?t do too much damage.

    Hi Amelia! Yup, we are counting the days till DG?s celebration ? Gonna be a gooder!

    Well, gotta run. As usual, burning the midnight oil and it?s technically still my Tuesday because haven?t been to bed yet?..later....
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

      Good Day Booze Busters!!

      Happy Wednesday, or Thursday (near that??) for Mame and our NZ friends. I was thinking a lot yesterday about something Caysea said in the Abbercise thread. He mentioned that his tennis pro works a lot with him on the mental side of the game - not just the physical side. That got me thinking about our battle with the beast. The battlefield really is in our brains. On the physical side, we are addicted and that involves all kinds of physical brain chemistry. Then there is the mental side of things - making the decision to say "no" to AL each time the thought comes along - whatever strategies we find work best individually for that.

      One of the things that really works for me is constantly reminding myself of What I LOVE About My AF Life. One of the most basic things I love is waking up early, excited about the day (even a day that only holds prospects for the mundane, believe it or not!). WITHOUT A HANGOVER. I AM one who likes to count my AF days - it's my record of success towards my goal of an AF life. (counting is not for everyone, and that's OK!) But I think I am going to shift my terminology to Hangover Free Days as that is a stonger positive phrase for me than Alcohol Free. Does that make sense? (sometimes I hate when my brain tries to work over time thinking on something!!)

      endgame, congrats on now Day 18!! Tell us more about the poetry reading. Is this something you are really into - i.e reading and/or writing a lot of poetry? Did they have any good AF drinks? If this is a place you go to regularly, I hope so!! Or maybe you can turn them on to some like Hannah did!

      igk - good for you hanging in there last evening and spending your time here keeping hands busy, and mind focused on your goal of getting rid of :alf:. Putting your sobriety first and spending lots of time here during the witching hours is a great strategy. Do you actually live "in" the mountains as in up there with a gorgeous mountain view????? WE WANT PICTURES!!!! Welcome to Day 2. HANG IN THERE. Your life is going to get better and better from here.

      Spanky - I almost spit coffee on my keyboard when I read about putting a dust ball under the pillow in hopes the cleaning fairy would come. LOL!!! I wonder if I put some garbage under Mr. Doggy's pillow if the Take The Garbage To The Curb Every Friday - It's The Same Every Single Week Fairy would come???? I too am sorry to hear about your friend - 1.5 bottles per night sounds like a lot. The problem with daily drinking (well, besides denial - I'm all to familiar with that as well...) is that you don't even know how hung over you are, and how booze really is taking you down several notches. You just "think" you're as functional as can be because it's consistent every day. But you can only decide about AL for yourself. I love your notion to Be Your Own Best Friend!! YES!!

      Louise - you are putting me to shame with your file cleaning!! That Thai food reward would be worth it though. I'll have to consider that! Hey - your older dog has GREAT taste in friends. I love Beagles too. "mommy's boy" here is a beagle named Buck. You are right though - loud loud loud! I'm sorry to hear you have hip problems. OUCH. What sort of problem is it?

      Mame, I love that quote from your hypno dude about self esteem. Yep - you need to get rid of that tape about waiting to fail and beating yourself up. Failure is the easy way out. But we are all good strong people - capable of the hard work that success requires in the jouney. AND deserving of the rewards in life that success in this AF journey will bring. WE DESERVE TO BE SOBER. (quote beatle)

      Amelia congrats on Day 17!!! You are rockin' it!!

      Hannah those storms sound REALLY scary. The weather for the last few years seems like it's been very turbulent in many places. Hail and flooding - wow. I'm glad you got off the golf course to safety in time - then made it home without getting stuck in the flooded streets. What's the weather like today? I hope it dries out a little. That is cool about the restaurant working with you to bring on some AF wines!!

      Well, HF (hangover free) is the new AF for me. So it's Day 28 HF and the visions of half naked young buff men with pom poms is just so much better than thoughts of :alf: or the Fugly Green Suit. No hangover for me tomorrow! If I want to be hangover free tomorrow, no drinking today.

      OH - we already have two nibbles on the little Rottie pup from the training group e-mail list. I'm so happy too because all of these people really do understand more about what these working / guarding type breeds are like than many first time dog owners. I'm sure we will get him into a good home.

      Well, time to go take my supplements!! Have a great Booze Bustin' day everyone!

      Day 28 HF
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

        Hannah, I'm so sorry about your golf game and no sun. Reading about everybody else's weather I feel so blessed to live where I live (actually, I feel blessed to live here almost everyday, even when others have great weather). We could use some rain though.

        DG, I like the concept of HF days, puts it in a positive light instead of feeling deprived. So glad there is interest in the puppy. Your Beagle is very cute!

        Well, it is a busy day here with laundry, packing for a trip to CO to see family tomorrow, water aerobics and a physical therapy appt. (I have some arthritis in my hip and am prone to tendonitis/bursitis. I had a bad case of it, then didn't get enough exercise because of it and now have weakness to deal with as well. The water aerobics is about the only exercise I can do right now, but it is helping!)

        So hi the all to come - hope you all have a great day!


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

          Hi everyone!

          Aunty mame...Hypnotherapist sounds really good, please keep us updated. You dont think he will join mwo?
          DG...When i got my dog i did look up on all different breeds to get the right one. i have a king charles cavalier spanial. she is a bit barking mad at times only because the kids playing with her, there is a picture of her on the test bed. WOW 28days af well done nearly hitting the big Three 0 (party time here we come) you must be busy having over a 100 people on your dog training list.
          Londoner... like the sound of open gardens, i could do with some ideas. Not save no money yet but i should even if it just a pound a day. HMMMMM could do with a pay rise!
 long does it take to go round the golf course. sorry to hear about the bad weather. the weather here cannot make its mind up and where at the end of june before i know it, it will be time to turn the clocks Then it will be dark again.:upset: Hannah that was me that rang the restaurant . i wonder if it was someone you know that use your name and did not want to use there really name.
 should be proud of yourself having that 1glasss and not the whole bottle well done for coming back you do sound committed good on you.
          Endgame... let us know how your friend did in the poetry reading last night hope they did the af drinks as well and well done today is 18days af .
          Louise... how was that thai food makes me hungry just thinking about thai food. Fire! i have had 2 in my kitchen little ones i think! ive only got to put the toasta on and the fire alarm goes of.:H
          Evielou...welcome to the boozer busters, well done on 37days af or is it?you hummus and tabul pita wrap is also making me hungry.
          Igk... well done 1day af. keep with us.
          Amelis 17days af well done you do sound strong its a good feeling.

          Big Hello to ALL of yous, take care!

          family is everything to me


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

            hi everyone hope you are all well
            sorry not been on for a few days,, been at hospital have some more test done
            find out next week if the terment worked,,,

            103 days af
            there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

              Right now not even a day yet, ummmmm let see, 13 hours, I HOPE and PRAY I can make it. Reading all your posts is truely inspiring! Usually if I can get past day 3 it gets easier but day 3 has ALWAYS been my downfall. I'm going to try though, I'm SICK and TIRED of living this way.
              Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                Warm welcome Spanky, Eksil, Igk and Cuddles! :welcome: DG runs a great thread here! When I joined MWO, I found the website just too big to try to post in different places. It takes a while to get to know people, and having a 'home thread' makes it easier. There are lots of level-headed people and good advice in the Monthly Abstinence section, if abs is what you've chosen.

                And Evielou, welcome as well - we're more or less at the same point - day 36 AF for me.

                Now sorry about the :hijacked: but I had a few AF drinks comments. First, Louise, your mint-lemon-ginger concoction is chilling in the fridge. I can't wait to try it out! And Teardrop, I tried to look for the Mexican lime squash/crush thingy at Tesco's but couldn't find it. Is it their own brand or someone else's? You're absolutely right about the food prices. Even with discounts or 2-for-1 offers on fruit, they've shot right up.

                This is a quick diversion as I'm still working. Have been a really good girl today. But took a break to make Louise's drink recipe and actually threw some extra mint at the chicken while I was at it. It's been experimental food/drink day.

                Mame, your hypno stuff sounds really good, but that's a separate post. I'll be back later.

                Have a good day all!


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                  This is one busy thread!
                  I thought I'd do a quick check in as I wanted an early night, but it takes a while to read through, then I got engrossed in a documentary on TV, now it's 11pm here!

                  Well, I fell off the food detox wagon. I lasted about half a day without tea and two days without cheese. But I haven't had any sugary stuff, so that's something. I might try again tomorrow (although now there's cheese in the fridge...)

                  Mame: I had a hypno session last year with an addiction specialist and it really helped kickstart my first AF stint. It was also an amazing experience. I wish I had a tape of it but this guy didn't do that, but I still remember some of the things he said.

                  Teardrop: yum! fresh figs! I love them, but once had four in a row and had to - ahem - get to the loo a bit sharpish! *Is there a "lowering the tone" emoticon?*

                  Hello to everyone else! Welcome to the newbs! Friday night party night, DG?
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                    Hi everyone!

                    Well today is day 18 and it's been a bit of a bummer. Work was fairly stressful and I was looking forward to my weekly workout with my personal trainer after work. Well, about 10
                    minutes into the workout I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. It didn't go away and the workout turned into damage control for my strained back. My trainer advised me not to do any more training until I see him next week. Which really sux because I have been exercising more often since I've been on this AF stint. Was one of the benefits I was enjoying about being AF. Well, I'll try not to dwell on it and stay focused on the positives. I'd rather go to work with a sore back than a bad hangover.
                    The poetry reading last night was cool. I go and support my friend every so often. Wasn't a poetry slam per se but they had a number of readers and an open mic at the end. I don't write or read poetry myself but I do write songs and play guitar and I find I sometimes get inspiration from these things. My friend introduced a great new poem of his about bee extinction. Apparently it's a big problem they face due to mite infestation.
                    I had a couple of de-alcoolized beers (0.5% percent or less). I prefer to buy 0.0% alcohol beers but that's all they had at this place. It's funny, when my friend offered to buy me a round I told him what I was drinking. He just nodded and got me the drink without even asking about me being on the wagon or something. The subject never came up at all. It's funny, I think we sometimes think it's going to be more of an embarrasing ordeal than it really is. Reminds me that this is really my problem, not anyone else's.
                    Well, I'm going to pop some painkillers for my back and relax - may check in again later. Keep on keepin' on!:danthin:


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                      Hey there!
                      Hi endgame, I'm a PT and your trainer was right to tell you to cool it for now. walking is good until the pain goes away and stretch those hamstrings!!
                      I'm doing pretty good, still wondering... why the 30 day mark?? what is magical of 30 days. when do you know that you have to be totally AF and not mod???
                      I started BB's then 1 week later had 1 glass of wine but didn't have any trouble quitting there.. but I feel so bad about it. I know when I started out I said I just hate the fight in my head and here it goes again.
                      May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                        CherBear, please do not feel bad about 1 measly glass of wine. I don't think there is anything magical about 30 days. It is what is recommended before you try to moderate, probably because it takes that long to start feeling comfortable not having a drink so it helps to break the habit. It also probably has something to do with the body adjusting too. You will know if you can moderate by your own past behavior as well as what happens after the 30 days. If you are obsessing all the time and can't take or leave it you are probably not ready. Many people here tried to moderate and after a number of attempts decided it was best just to quit. So I guess the answer is you will know if you have to be AF if you keep failing at moderating or can moderate but only with a great deal of obsessing.
                        Sorry about your back endgame.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                          Hi all! Just a quick checkin, lot a lot to time tonight....

                          CherBear, I'd suggest you go back and read the first post of this thread - the guidelines, per se. No, nothing really magical about 30 days, except it gives the body enough time to clear out all the toxins, enough time for you to "establish the habit", and is recommended by RJ as a minimum time for anyone with a drinking problem to use as a bit of a training ground before you think about whether you can mod, or need to go AF. And no one can decided but yourself whether you can mod or not. What Louise said is very true, sometimes it is much easier, and wiser, to go for the AF secenaro, if mods is going to be just a absolute mindgame that doesn't let you relax, and that eventually falls out of sight.

                          And, as I said, nothing says you have to go 30 days, although this thread is structured for, and invites, those folks who want to do 30 days, and have the support and companionship of all the others here who are aiming for that milestone.

                          Good luck in whatever you decide.
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                            Cherbear and Louise, thanks! The pain has subsided mainly due to the painkillers I think. We'll see what it's like tomorrow. I'll try to stretch out my legs as you suggest, Cherbear. Regarding your mini-slip with the one glass of wine...for me the point of the 30 days is that it should be enough time get out of the haze of alcohol, re-gain some control and get a feel for what AF life is like. If you can make it to 30 days with just the one glass of wine, I think for all intents and purposes you've accomplished that goal. Plus you'll only be one week away from a true 30 days AF if you want to be a purist about it. As far as the bigger question of whether you can moderate long-term or need to be permanently AF, I think the beauty of the 30 day commitment is that you can enjoy some AF time without having to make that big decision right away. I mean, that question is certainly bouncing around in my mind, but I like the fact that I'm making progress without having to come up with an answer right now, and that keeps me focused on my initial commitment. Just my :cents, I'm new at this so what do I know. Well, I know that I haven't had a hangover in 18 days and I like that fact. Bottom line: don't let that one glass discourage you. Thanks again for the training advice and best of luck!:thumbs:


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                              Hi all booze busters

                              Cherbear, all i know is when i did 30days af my body and mind did get stronger. hang in there.
                              Endgame sorry to here about your back...excercise played a big part for me doing af, hope your feeling better soon if you do get a crave a long walk does help.
                              pamina mexcian lime is a tesco brand but they seem not to have it at my tesco i notice, i will ask next time to find out.
                              Kaddy i hope the treatment works for you.
                              DG...early start for me to day so i will catch up with you alll later take care everyone.

                              family is everything to me


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of June 16!

                                Happy Thursday going on Friday Booze Busters!!!

                                Lots' to catch up on since yesterday, which turned out to be a hectic (but overall good) day here.

                                Cuddles - how are you doing?? Hopefully you are now on Day 2 AF. The early days can be really hard, but WE CAN DO THIS. Just get tough and keep saying NO every time those thoughts of drinking come around. It WILL get easier if you just muscle through this early part.

                                louise - I'm so sorry about your battles with joint pain. I hope the water aerobics helps. I have a knee and a hip that give me trouble - never really had a formal diagnosis so I assume arthritis. Since getting back to exercise my knee is WAY better - I assume strenthening the supporting muscles helps? (Cherbear, I bet you would know...) Have fun on your trip to CO!! Will you be able to check in with us? How long will you be gone?

                                Teardrop, Trixie is ADOREABLE!! So cute in that hat. Hey...when is the Bon Jovi concert again? (I feel really forgetful these days - a bit of Nopa Dopa I guess...)

                                kaddy - congrats on 103 days AF. I'm really thinking about you lots and your health concerns. How did the tests go - do you have results yet? Please keep us posted and we will keep sending you positive vibes.

                                Pamina - HEY!! AF drink discussion are not a thread hijack!!! I'm planning to make the Louise Special for Saturday if we ever get both of our vehicles back from the shop so I can get to the store for ingredients!! (just regular maintenance + a propane injection system for the big Diesel truck to save on fuel.....) Congrats on Day 36!!!

                                Marshy - Life without cheese - even for a couple of weeks - is just NO kind of life. I can completely understand the challenge of the detox. Yes, Friday will be a party but I'm a daytime girl!! (LOL my regular wake up time is settling into 3:45 or 4:00AM so no late night parties for me, not even MWO style!!)

                                endgame - welcome to Day 19!! You are doing great. I'm so sorry to hear about your back. I always cringe as I had back surgery a few years ago. Hope it's noting serious!! Could I get a copy of your friend's poem about the bees? Mr. Doggy recently built a honey bee hive and started our first colony here. It is true about the dwindling honey bee population and potential impact on our food supply. Ag chemicals are also a huge part of the problem. My understanding is that in some of the wine country areas of France, they literally have to set up fresh bee populations every year or the grape crop would be severely impacted. Bayer company (same as the aspirin people - they also make Ag chemicals) are under some sort of official scrutiny in Europe over this I think...maybe some of our European friends have heard about this??? Mr. Doggy would love to see the poem!

                                Cherbear, I can totally relate to the thought process about AF v. Mods, 30 days - what's the significance, when do you know if you can mod, etc. I think louise, Hannah, endgame and Teardrop have offered great insights. It really is a personal decision. I guess what really hit home to me in terms of facing the fact that I need to be AF was the mental battle I was ALWAYS fighting with about AL. Mr. Doggy is truly a non-drinker. He never gave a thought to AL or not. If he was in a group (like training group Saturdays) where several people have a beer, he'd have a beer. One. It was very rare that he would open a second. If nobody had a beer, he would not even think about it, much less crave one. If I could come even close to that mentality, I could moderate. But one drink leads me to the mental battle, so it's not worth it to even try any more. (and I was abysmally unsucessful anyway).... So that's the thought process I went through FWIW.

                                29 Hangover Free Days!!!!!! And today is me and Mr. Doggy's 10th wedding anniversary. We don't do much to celebrate this sort of stuff - we have a good life every day. I DID tell him that he can put my 3 carat diamond on layaway though...and pay for it a little at a time. It's Curves, then chaos today. In addition to regular Thursday stuff, the lawn people are FINALLY coming to do the "early spring" weed treatment in the landscape beds. (I'm furious with them but that's a nother story..). Also the handyman is coming to work on finishing up my office where we replaced the window with the door to the new roof top porch where the bees are (and my new plants!). Mr. Doggy has a busy client day and at some point the big truck will need to be picked up. So...GO GO GO!! No time for thoughts of AL...that's for sure!!

                                Have a great AF and HF day everyone!!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

