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June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

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    June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone:

    I just got back from dog-walking & found this thread had not been started. I reread yesterday's thread all the way through. One of the questions asked was how forthright we are about going AF.

    I kept the extent of my drinking hidden, so I haven't made any big declarations. I have said at times that I've stopped drinking for various reasons (headaches, hot flashes, assorted health reasons). The only place I've admitted to being an alcoholic is here at MWO.

    The longer I am AF, the more comfortable I am saying I'm a non-drinker. It feels good to be able to go through social events completely sober.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

    Hi Mary & to those that follow ... kind of a lazy Sunday mirning for me... but AF!!!

    I like to view my transformation as a lifestyle change -- including the elimination of alcohol... but I have an increased emphasis on nutrition, exercise and balance. It is hard to break old habits ... I have spent many a Sunday drinking wine so trying to develop a new routine is hard... but I am hanging in there!!!!!


      June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

      Well today we finally got a break from the heat! Yippee...4 days of over 100 and no airconditioning was taking its toll to say the least.

      Mary, I have never had to hide my drinking. Most people think I have it under control and would be suprised if I told them the problem I have. So I don't. I just keep waiting for the magical day when I have finally had it with this monkey on my back and am rid of it once and for all. It will happen. I am being patient.

      To all to come, hope you have a super Sunday.

      Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


        June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

        R2C: Good for you. You're getting there. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

          Good afternoon all.

          It's raining here AGAIN so all the kids are inside and the place is pretty loud. I did run earlier so I feel in good mind and spirit. The day in falling together nicely, not too worried about AL, too many things to keep me busy. It has been crazy here with the kids out of school, but we are enjoying our summer together and have a lot of little trips planned.
          It is nice to see some getting comfortable with the idea of being AF. Sure makes for a lot less to worry about, not worried about supply, or the where and when. Simple stuff is nice. Well, I'm off for a hula hoop contest on the wii fit, kids vs mom.

          The best to you all!!

          on my way
          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

            Happy Sunday ABlanders!

            interesting. I'm comfortable with being AF but not comfortable about talking about it with "normies" due to all the ignorance and stigma attached to the subject. Sad but true. But no matter what I've got to be healthy dang it!

            everyone I know pretty much knows I don't get along with al. public stumbling, slurred speech, barfing on myself...subtle clues hahahahaha.

            hula hoop on Wii? Onemyway, I've gotta get a Wii some day....I've heard great things.

            Dx and I have started to ride bicycle everyday and we are just LOVING it. fun fun!

            be well friends,
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

              Hello all, I am 48 days AF today after drinking since high school, 1984 and even heavier since my divorce 10 years ago. I am happily remarried 7 years now but keep the awful habit for any of my other triggers. I am so grateful for this site and you folks. It has taken over a year to make it stick and I can say with confidence Abstinence is where I want to be. I told my therapist among the many other reasons I will remain alcohol free is I could think of many more reasons not to drink than I could to drink. And belive me like some of you I had many excuses. Life is so much better for me AF. Best to you all and thank you.


                June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                Kat that is GREAT NEWS 48 days!!!!!! you are an inspiration!!!!!


                  June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                  Determinator, Was posting at the same time you were. Funny you should mention, one of my least fondest memories of AL is barfing.


                    June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                    Kat, well done!!! (on AF, not barfing)

                    nothing says "ive got a problem" like running to the bathroom at a party, heaving your guts out, then walking out and calmly pouring yourself another drink.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                      Yeah Kat what to go, 11 days AF for me. Determinator you cracked me up with the "normies and then
                      subtle clues" LOL



                        June 22 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                        They really don't get much as they may love you.

                        amen to that
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

