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June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

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    June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone:

    It's one of those sleepless nights, so I'm writing this in the wee hours. I'll be tired tomorrow but not hungover. I have a feeling of pride in myself that I'm getting through life's difficulties sober. A sleepless night was an great excuse for me to drink & fall into bed semi-conscious.

    As the days since my last drink have built up, I'm finding that the old triggers are losing their power over me. I think it's because I've learned to give myself a reality check.
    -Trigger: the cold glass of white wine - Reality: one would never be enough.
    -Trigger: sipping drinks at a party - Reality: obssessing about when I could have my next one.
    -Trigger: destressing w/a drink - Reality: drinking the whole bottle.

    Since I've been a member of MWO, I've had slips & lapses, but I haven't returned to the type of drinking I did pre-MWO. The longer I stay away from that kind of drinking, the stronger I feel in the AF lifestyle. It's OK for me. I don't have to drink to have fun & feel comfortable. The final years of my drinking weren't fun or comfortable for me. It was pure shame & paranoia. It's times like this that I just feel that well-up of gratitude that I found MWO & was able to make this change in my life. I haven't done it perfectly, but my life is different today than it was a year ago.

    Thank you is all I can say, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

    Mary, howdy from another wee hours MWO'er

    I really like your post and can relate vividly. Drinking became NONE of the things we wanted it to be in the first place. I too am utterly grateful for what you all have done for me as well. We are in it together, and we are not perfect.

    Sleep well you fellow late nighters.....catch you in a few hours
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

      Count me into the club! Although only 12:37 here, and not nearly bedtime for me yet!

      One thing that I have noticed around the boards lately is that a lot of the "old timers" are getting it right this time around - i.e., those that have struggled with their sobriety, and slipped back into old habits, are managing to beat the beast this time around. Just shows what perseverance, determination, and the support of a lot of good friends can do.

      Have a good day, Mary, Det, and all to come.
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

        Count me in as another late nighter. It is 11:55 on the West Coast as I write this.
        I too am thankful for this site and all who have been so kind to help me.
        Hope everyone has a great Monday.



          June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

          Hi late nighters! For once I was NOT tossing and turning as you guys were posting this good stuff.

          Mary I can relate to everything you say about life being so much different & better today than one year ago, despite the lousy decisions I have made that are mixed in with the good ones. And Deter - you are so right that drinking ended up being something horribly different than we intended (hoped, whatever) it to be.

          Hannah, for myself anyway, I've been wondering if time of year has anything to do with it. I did pretty well with 60 days AF last summer, and this last 30 has felt pretty smooth too. In the winter months when I made efforts, I failed quickly. Hmmm...just food for thought. And MY thought is that if the shorter days / weather have anything to do with my mind set / motivation to succeed, then I better take advantage of these summer and early fall months to shore up my sobriety in preparation for next winter! (if that makes any sense and it probably doesn't at 5:30AM!)

          Like you and the others biscuit, I'm SO very grateful for this site and everyone here.

          Happy HF Monday!!

          :award: + ***
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

            Morning all
            I am finding I am sleeping like a rock, and if anyone had told me I could do this without my nightly sedatives...I wouldn't of believed them..I am very greatful for this....

            Mary, I think you hit on a very important key, and for me, has been one of the key factors in remaining AF. I am really OK with this life style. The decision was mine, and I know going forward I do have choices. I have and will have plenty of opportunity this summer to drink. I will never say never...Never overwhelmes me....I made the decision, I will make the choice on a daily basis.....I guess I will always be a ODAT'er. Bottom line I am ok with this lifestyle...I have to be!!!
            Hope everyone has a good day!!
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

              Hi all,
              I didn't sleep either. You are right, Mary - it is an 'excuse' to drink. I am going to make me some coffee but wanted to say goodmorning to all. THis is my new day 2.


                June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread


                If abs is what you want, do keep trying. Most of us have had rocky starts as you can read above. The important thing is not to give up. Keep your goal in mind even if you've slipped.


                Many thanks for your great responses. Let's remember that drinking doesn't do what we want it to do anymore. For me, a long time ago, I went beyond stage of drinking giving me fun, comfort, confidence, liveliness, etc. As a problem drinker, I became obsessed, paranoid, & ashamed. I don't need that in my life now.

                Take care & have a great day.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

                  Good Morning Abbers!!

                  There is no place I'd rather be than here with my fellow Abbers. I find inspiration here everyday in how we all share the same struggles and successes. I just know I would not be where I am today and so free of the binds AL once had on me without the support of MWO and especially my fellow Abbers!

                  Keep it going everyone and have a super great AF day today!
                  Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                  Watch this and find out....


                    June 23 - Mon. - Daily Thread

                    Good Evening My Abbers Friends,

                    I, too, am eternally grateful to be here and have my wonderful friends.

                    I haven't posted in a bit, I have been really busy and continue to be so.

                    Please know that I am doing fine and I keep all of you in my thoughts.

                    Thank you all for being here!!

                    AF April 9, 2016

