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BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

    Hi Everyone:

    I skimmed through this thread & feel the need to come in & say Hi. I'm going through some feelings (all those things I numbed out for years), & it's been difficult. Today, I had a serious discussion w/my husb about some things I needed to air. It was fine. That's the benefit of being sober & being able to think coherently.

    As I mentioned in the daily thread, we're going on vacation the first week of July. I know I'll stay sober, because we're visiting my brother & SIL neither of whom drink at all.

    I hope all is well w/everyone here. I use drinktracker & also a calculator. I've been trying not to do the counting thing this time around however. For now, I'm sober today & plan on being sober tomorrow.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

      Thank you all for the kind words. I am so glad that I decided to come out of the shadows. I feel the love.


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

        Update - Gelgit just posted on the subscriber forum that she is being evacuated as the winds are blowing the fire toward her house. Hold positive thoughts for her!


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

          Hello BB friends,

          I wanted to say hello and welcome to sothankful & aqua: you have joined a wonderful work in progress.

          To everyone else; I'll catch up with you in about ten days as I'm headed to the beach with the family. Tennessee goes to the Atlantic: high energy around our house as we pack up. watch out!

          I have really enjoyed the posts this past month with all the energy and commitment, I'm going to miss that. Keep it going.

          As I write this it occurs to me that is the first sober vacation I have taken in probably 20 years, certainly more than 15. And, having arrived at a place where I clearly see myself as a person who does not drink, I'm really excited about the time that will be focused on all the good things that life has to offer.

          Without playing down how hard it is to set the glass down, I want all who are struggling with their 30 day goals to know that I was in the place where your are now, just last year. Today, I am in a much more positive confident place.

          I would not have thought it possible 336 days ago, but I'm headed to a beach house that will be loaded with cold beer and friends and family drinking from noon til midnight and I know as sure as I breathe that I am over the drinking chapter of my life. I'll be the one in the water playing with the kids. The grown-up who is up early to cook breakfast and the sober adult who is there to talk to or ignore (there will be teenagers present). I'm not bashing those who will be drinking, let them. I am rejoicing in the knowledge that I know I will not be and that I know I have reached a place where I understand I simply don't drink.

          Good night friends and I'll see you when I get back.


          Day 335 AF


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

            Hello People!

            How?s it going tonight? Gelgit, hope you are okay, and you get to go home soon. I have been evacuated once myself, and I remember it as being way too scary. Take care.

            Endgame - You are coming into the home stretch now. Doesn?t it feel good?

            Mame, :l I am so sorry about your friend. What a horrendous weekend. How's the hypnosis going? Do you notice any changes in yourself?

            Aquaholic - Welcome!!!! Your very first post, I see - we are honored as a bunch that you chose to join the Booze Busters. We are a slightly whacky, but very supportive group. Hang around, and get sober with us!

            And also to Spedtech - I think we could learn a thing or two from you - Welcome to the club!!! If you 60 days is NEXT Monday, then I am one day behind you.

            DG - Hey DG - how?s the hair? Maybe we should start a sub club of Red Haired Booze Bustin? Mama?s?

            No, this isn?t me - but the color is right on. Think short and curly, with red streaks ALL over it - and you got it. Thank G*d I managed to subdue it a bit! Now it?s still streaked, but more subtle and not ?hit you in the face? ish. Mame, just HOW red are you thinking of going? Just a word to the wise - be very, very sure what your hairdresser has in mind before she picks up that dye pot!

            DG - So what kind of organic meat you cooking tonight? Hubby and I did bison meat smokies the other night, and they were really good. Aren?t you just loving your new space? Yes, it really is amazing how much more productive we are when we are sober! And being ready for telephone conferences, unexpected visitors, you name it! I wanna see the raspberry pics, pretty please.

            Louise, it?s actually pretty common for dogs to get warts as they get older - this was something I never knew before either, because I?ve never had a dog that was 11 ? years old before. I can actually see myself that Misty had better have her teeth cleaned. She is on a special diet, which unfortunately before now I couldn?t get in dry form, it was canned. So she always tended to get some tartar, we did get her teeth cleaned about two years ago, so it surprised me how bad they have become, and I think from a health standpoint we should. She is a sweetie, and I want her remaining years to be good ones.

            And then maybe I will sell her a pretty new lipstick? I am taking that big step and ordering myself some Mary Kay inventory. Wish me luck. It was pretty hilarious, me trying to get changed into my pantyhose, skirt and blouse at the golf clubhouse yesterday, because we didn?t have time to go home?..I was hot and sweaty, and wished I could have a shower, and here I was in the tiny little dark and dingy bathroom struggling to get that @$#%$# pantyhose on, and of course I didn?t have a comb in my purse or anything?geez?..and the only black skirt I own is a mini with a slit up the thigh?spent most of the meeting trying to pull the hem down?. Also, I noticed other reps wearing longer skirts & skipping the pantyhose? definitely will be shopping for one!

            Welcome So Thankful! WE are so thankful you are with us! It is so great when your hubby goes AF with you, it?s a huge help. My hubby isn?t completely AF, (but almost) and we don?t keep alcohol in the house at all. If you are on day 3, (now 4) you have done so well!! And are over some of the worst bits. I have found the L-glutamine and the Kudzu to be great for cravings, don?t take it all the time, but sure handy for those ?trigger? times. Hang in there, and good luck!

            Boy, this week is going to be a busy one - lots of parties coming up, but I guess that makes sense since it?s nearing the end of June - and just a note to everyone ?turning 30? - give some serious thought to doing another 30. 30 days is a wonderful accomplishment, but it doesn?t mean it has to be an end point. Stick around, the more the merrier!

            Well, sorry this turned into a chapter. As DG would say, hope you had a snack!

            Take care all, and have a good night.
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

              Good Day Booze Busters!!!! I'm so happy to be here on Day 36 AFHF (Absolutely Fabulous Hangover Free!! in case any Prospective Booze Busters are reading today!!)

              I hope all of us take a moment to send some positive vibes gelgit's way hoping for safety, and maybe even no property damage with the fires. Louise thank you for posting the news that you noticed elsewhere - hopefully everyone can keep an eye out for more news and repeat it here. Positive thoughts to ALL Booze Busters who may be struggling today with the crazy weather, or hurting friends or family, or with the Booze Beast or anything else.

              Aquaholic and all other new Booze Busters - I hope you are still here with us!! Please check in and let us know how you are doing and if we can help you.

              Red-Wine are you still here?? I have a note that you might be reaching 30 Days AFHF today!

              louise - this farm was really cool. I got several cuts of beef from steaks to a roast to hamburgers and hot dogs. I also got a pork roast and some bacon (she said that smoked bacon is to die for!) and a big ham steak. Oh and some regular sausage and some italian sausage. And freshly laid eggs!! I'm having an omlette for lunch today. Hope you are doing OK!! You sound so good with your AF life. How many days is it now? Don't even THING we're gonna skip YOUR party!!

              Mame - I think with all going on in your life, it IS a good thing that your office move is pushed back a bit - even though I'm sure you are ready to have that over with. Glad to hear you were able to relax last night. I hope the hypnosis is helping in ways you might not even realize. Positive thoughts to your friend and her family and you.

              sothankful - that is great about joining the gym!! I hope you will let us know how your first workout goes this morning. Have you check out the Abbercisers thread here in the Monthly Abs section? Poster Caysea has some really good words of wisdom about how exercise and giving up the booze go together as part of a whole lifestyle change. I have found that reading to be very motivational!! Best wishes to you for an AWESOME AF day.

              Hi Mary! It's great to see you pop in for a little Booze Bustin'!! You are doing so great. You share so much of the positive and also "learning experiences" of your journey. You are a wonderful part of MWO!

              July, your beach vacation and role as the "sober adult" sounds wonderful. I have a vision of you playing in the pool like a big kid among the little kids. That sounds like a LOT more fun that getting smashed actually. What's for breakfast? You are making my mouth water thinking about an early AM walk on the beach and then breakfast!! Have fun and we can't wait to hear the STORIES when you get back.

              Hannah, no rasberries yet (ripe ones anyway) but I need to start checking every day. Last year I seem to recall they started getting edible around the 4th of July. I am TOTALLY LAUGHING over your story of the panty hose (double yuk) and mini skirt!! I just have a vision of a hot lady with red streaks in her hair pulling and tugging at the hem of the mini skirt in the midst of the dowager ladies or something. :H The Mary Kay lady in my Monday business referrals group is a Regional Director, and I'm about 99.9% sure that she always wears slacks. I'll pay closer attention in the future. She was the featured speaker on Monday and passed out some great materials that she said she uses when training new consultants. It was sort of like a Gr-animals make up chart so that you know which colors go with which skin tones and eye colors. I wonder if that's standard material? If not, I should make a copy and send it to you!! It seemed pretty handy.

              I like the Red Haired Booze Bustin' Hot Babes club idea.

              I should be able to make some major progress in the office today. I'm going to Curves and then to drop off the big truck to get the work finished that they couldn't finish last week due to a missing part. So...we will be with only one vehicle today which of course Mr. Doggy needs for client work. Since I will be stuck here all day there will be no reason for loafing around!!

              Have a great Hangover Free Day everyone who has already checked in and those yet to come!! Booze Busting ROCKS!! :band2:

              :award: + ******
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                Hi Everyone:

                July23, have a great vacation. You are the inspiration I need to keep going. I'm going on vacation next week as well but won't be challenged the way you will be. There will be no booze where I'm brother & SIL don't drink. However, I too have the committment to stay sober come what may. I know now that nothing is solved when I drink. Whatever issues might be lurking, do not get resolved. It's only when I give issues SOBER consideration that I know what I must do or say. It's so simple that I'm chagrined that I didn't get it sooner. I feel closer to my family & friends as a sober person, because I know in my heart that I can express myself completely.

                Everyone else: Have a wonderful day.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                  Mary wrote: "It's so simple that I'm chagrined that I didn't get it sooner."
                  Yikes! I know that feeling. I deal with it every day. Thanks for putting it into words.
                  Love and Peace,
                  Love and Peace,

                  Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                    Hi all Booze busters,

                    Today will be 1day AF for me again. The good thing having those 67days af under my belt makes me realize what life is like without AL. So im back and ready to do this again, i can only learn from my slip.
                    DG... I will let you know how my concert goes on saturday cant wait.

                    Everyone take good care of yourself's

                    family is everything to me


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                      Ditto Mary and cpn, I am chagrinned too. It is so simple. It is insanity to do the same awful thing to yourself, by drinking, over and over again.
                      gelgit, thinkin about you. Have you been evacuated? Fires here in NM too but like fellow New Mexican, Louise said, nothin like CA. Can't we pipe some of that Midwest water out west.
                      Keep pluggin away Mame. This month has seemed awfully long to me.
                      Hannah, I'm on my way to get my hair cut. Will think of you and hope my hairdresser doesn't have any tricks up her sleeve.
                      July, your vacation sounds wonderful. Your sobriety sounds solid.
                      DG, thanks for always being there for folks.
                      I leave for Denver today, triathlon in 3 days.
                      Believe me anyone who aspires to be physically fit, I could not have trained for this event if I had been drinking. Day 63 for me!!!
                      Am taking my laptop with me, so will send messages from the road.
                      I am so excited!


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                        Hi Teardrop. DANG I'm sorry to hear that it's Day 1 again. It IS good though that we can appreciate what being AF is like. For a daily drinker like me, even that was a big step forward from around 30 years of pretty much daily drinking - had no CLUE what a few days or even a week without the poison felt like.

                        OK Teardrop. I know it's fugly....but you gotta wear The Green Polyester Suit today. Sorry nobody had time to clean it recently. (YUK!!!!!) Teardrop, I'm glad you are right back in the saddle instead of taking a LONG detour like I have done several times. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!

                        And I can't wait to hear about the concert this weekend!!!

                        :award: + ******
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                          Hope our new members Aqua and So thankful are doing well.

                          Teardrop, I was reading last night on another site that having slips is almost a given for most of us as we learn how to live a new way. That it is just part of the ups and downs (or cycle actually as they described it) of learning as long as you get right back up again, which you have. So be proud of those 60+ days and what you learned. I wore the green suit a few weeks back and it was not too bad!!

                          Mame, listening to audio books sounds good. Also if you have the hypno cds there is a suggestion that you can just turn it off before you come out and go to sleep. I haven?t tried it recently but did last summer and it seemed to help. Dang paper pile ups! I got almost done with all my personal ones but the work related ones are mountainous (and mostly still in boxes in the garage from moving almost 2 years ago!).

                          July and Mary ? have a great time on your respective vacations. Sounds like lots of fun!
                          Mary, I loved the ?my dog ate my hearing aid? on the ?What I hate? thread! Not funny really, but I have a dog like that so it made me smile. Mine eats paper of all kinds (I once had to ask the school district for a new certificate of attendance at a workshop because my dog ate it). He also eats chess pieces, shoes, socks, bathrobes, sandpaper and sticks. This is probably why he does not need teeth cleaning very often!

                          Hannah, paying for the teethcleaning is probably better than paying for an infection. Plus, it is probably cheaper in the long run than all the things I get for our dog to chew on! I?m sure your hair looks very cute now with its underlying streaks. Would have loved to see it before you fixed it! I hate when hairdressers do things without really asking first. She could have shown you a sample! Good luck with the MaryKay. They do have nice products. I know someone who used to do that part time and made about $1000 a month.

                          DG, sending you special cleaning vibes to get that office done! I figure if you get yours done I will be shamed into finishing mine! Do take breaks to reward yourself with tea and good music. And of course to plan meals with all the good stuff from the farm! I love fresh eggs. Our neighbors have chickens and sometimes give us some.

                          HI CPN! Hope all is going well for you. SpEd, have a good drive to Denver (or flight) and best of luck in the triathalon.

                          Gelgit, hope you, family, animals and house are safe.

                          Well my time on the parking meter is up so I have to run (the housekeeper comes every other Thurs. I don?t really need her in June and July since I am home, but I don?t want to lose her for the rest of the year when I really do, so I go out to breakfast those days to get out of her way).

                          Hi to anyone I missed, hope everyone is having a lovely summer day (with rain for those who need it and sun for all others)


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                            OMG! I didn't know the green suit was polyester??? no wonder it feels so awful.

                            THAK YOU everyone for all your thoughts... it worked. Yesterday was so bad, as I hauled stuff into the car and piled the rest ready to wheelbarrow into an open space in the vegetable garden: head pounding, eyes streaming and my thoughts filled with total disbelief. We got a dog kennel to load the chickens and were completely ready to flee and leave it all up to fate and then the wind died.

                            It's completely still this morning. The smoke is sitting thickly behind the hill just to the East so we can't tell what the fire is doing other than still burning. There are no helicopters this morning. It's so unsettling to have the forest be so quiet... no birds. I'm quite certain that we are going to be spared, but others are not so lucky. News is still sparse.

                            Anyhow, feeling secure enough to haul the computer out of the jumble in the car and log in! A few more lines and then I'll start the Most Ass Busting House Cleaning ever attempted. OMG! the stuff behind the pictures when we took them off the wall.

                            I thought it a good joke on me when DH asked me to please save space in my car for a couple of cases of his wine collection.

                            Thank you again. I can sit here, close my eyes and feel the energy and loving concern that we hold for one another and feel the connections we hold as a communities of friends. xxx g.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                              That polyester suit sure makes you sweat buckets. lol
                              NO but really My emotions are all over the place sorry cant seem to get it under control. feels like i mess everything up. wish i could understand my emotions dont want to shut myself away, already did that today....... going for a bike ride hoping it will help.

                              Love to you all.x
                              family is everything to me


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                                Hi all,

                                was going to post this morning, but there is so much I want to say from all thoe other posts (and so much work to get through today!!) that I'll leave it until tomorrow - Uncle Mame out of town for his son's 10th birthday, and I'm really looking forward to a quiet day all on my own!! So will send a missive then!

                                Teardrop - sending you lots of love. I been slippin' and a slidin' all month and have got weary of it. Having achieved all that you did, I can imagine how disappointed you must be feeling. But I'm so pleased you are still here as you add a lot of wisdom to this and other threads.

                                TGIF - have a good one everyone

                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

