Wow, this thread is hard to keep up with! I'm pretty busy right now but I'll try to make more substantial posts as we get into the weekend. I just want to say to Teardrop that she should be really proud of her 67 days AF. That is more than twice than I have been able to manage (I'm on day 26). Try to stay away from the self-deprecating thoughts, that is just playing right into AL's hands. Exercise is a great idea, I just got back into training yesterday after suffering from a bad back. This morning I woke up with a great feeling that I can only attribute to a combination of the exercise and the absence of AL. The weekend beckons and I'm feeling optimistic. L8er, BBers!!!
No announcement yet.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
Wow, this thread is hard to keep up with! I'm pretty busy right now but I'll try to make more substantial posts as we get into the weekend. I just want to say to Teardrop that she should be really proud of her 67 days AF. That is more than twice than I have been able to manage (I'm on day 26). Try to stay away from the self-deprecating thoughts, that is just playing right into AL's hands. Exercise is a great idea, I just got back into training yesterday after suffering from a bad back. This morning I woke up with a great feeling that I can only attribute to a combination of the exercise and the absence of AL. The weekend beckons and I'm feeling optimistic. L8er, BBers!!!
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
Hello to everyone, Thank you for all your posts. It has already help me today. The weekend is coming and the Al Beast started to really yank my Chan today. I started to feel that I may lose it and use I got right on line and there you all were with your posts and words of warmth and wisdom. So thank you for that. I decide that I better keep myself busy and that is just what I did today. the weekend is the hardest time. My husband has been great I feel very blessed for that. I met him for lunch and just had a melt down he listen and was very supportive.
DG, I wanted to let you know I did go to my first workout today. That was a big deal for me.
I will go again tomorrow. I will also check into the other thread you talked about. I use to walk 5 miles a day. My weight has always been up and down because of Al. But now it is just up and I can't take it anymore. So I will start slow. They also have swim classes. I am going tomorrow morning. I have to find a swim suit tonight.
I am happy to get to know everyone here. This is new for me and i hope to post to each one of you.
Thank you so much I made it through today. one at a time. God Bless
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
LOUISE!! What do you MEAN the Fugly Green Suit made of Polyester, that has never been cleaned is not so bad???????? Come on girl, I KNOW you have more fashion sense than THAT!!Kidding aside - it's nice that you treat yourself to cleaning help even in the summer AND a nice breakfast out! I had a spinach and feta cheese omlette for lunch with those fresh eggs! I also got through most of my files today. I've only had about 5 years for $hit to accumulate in this office, so it wasn't SO bad. I dont' want to think about the basement!! Thank you for sending those cleaning vibes!!! (eh time send the cleaning fairy pretty please????
Gelgit - I'm SO glad you didn't end up having to evacuate although it sounds like you really had a scare. (and still do) I didn't realize you have chickens - oh my. My worst fear in a fire is for my animals. We'll try to find that dang cleaning fairy and send it your way for your big project. I hope it RAINS soon for you and the fires go out.
Teardrop, now we're not having any of this "I mess everything up" crapola. That's NOT true. If it was, you would be directly and personally responsible for my fat rear end, and I do NOT believe you had anything to do with messing that up.I'm GLAD you are not shutting yourself away later in the day. Back to AFHF we go. WE CAN DO THIS.
Mame, I am mighty jealous that you get to have TGIF so long before I do!!! WAH!!!! Can I have some cheese to go with my whine????
endgame, I totally agree with you about the exercise piece of this. I really think getting that blood flowing enhances the positive feelings about being AF. Congrats on Day 26!!!!!
sothankful...CONGRATULATIONS ON DAY 4!!!!!! That ROCKS. We all know how difficult these early days just gotta hang in there and keep up the great work on the NO NO NO NO NO to any thoughts of AL. It sounds like you had a great time at the gym, and swimming will be good too. I've got another 45 pounds to lose, so don't feel alone in your struggles with AL weight. WE CAN DO THAT TOO!!!! Keep coming here just like you did and read post read post read post when AL comes knockin'. Your hubby sounds terrific!!
My hormones in a bottle are on their way!! I'm very anxious to see how they work. My 40's pretty well sucked as I had my head very deep in the bottle for most of it. But the 50's might just be rockin' with freedom from AL, a good exercise routine that I look forward too, and some anti-agin' help from the doc. Life is good.
Nighty night everyone. I'm off to watch Tivo'd stuff - gotta see who made the US gymnastics team for the Olympics. (I know I could look it up on the net, but I want to watch the trials!!) Anyone else into the Olympics? What sports are your favorites?
Happy Booze Bustin'!!!!!
Happy to be
Hangover free
:award:+ ******Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
Hello Busters
May I please join? I am finding that I need to start taking this more seriously- so before I begin I understand there may be a suit I need to put on? I drank yesterday- 4 beers. So mad at myself. And so pointless... I was moderating nicely and then -poof. FOR NO APPARENT REASON. besides it was Wednesday. which is no apparent reason.
Anyway- I think I will be fine for the next few days. I want to AF for 30 days starting today. My big hurdle is Sunday. I am having a party at my house which stresses me to no end and I don;t see getting through it without the Beast.. I want to though.. Any suggestions?
I appreciate all of your stories- I read daily and admire all of you for putting it out there.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
Evening, BB?ers!Sheepish, welcome aboard.*** Yes, there is a lovely little green number called the fugly green suit that you get to wear for a day?..I don?t have the magic to make it work, but just go to the beginning post of the thread (where it explains all the rules ) and page down to where they explain that lovely little tradition ? and click on the link.* Stylish, No?** Guaranteed to make you hop back on the bandwagon PDQ!So hop right on, and let?s tackle the most immediate problem ? your party on Saturday.* Are you a beer drinker?* If so, I would recommend you pick up some AF beer, it?s a pretty good substitute, and poured into a glass, can?t tell it from the real thing.* Also, tell yourself that you may eat as much junk food as you want ? just for this occasion, of course.* Have you ordered or bought any supplements?* The kudzu sold on this site is top notch, and great for quelching those nasty little cravings, but I realize that you can?t have that by Sunday.* I would go to your nearest pharmacy, and pick up a bottle of L-glutamine, it?s sold in the supplements section.* It helps a lot with cravings too.* You may be able to find Kudzu too, but it can be hard to find, and the quality may not be top notch.* Other than that, just arm yourself with a whole lotta determination, and check in here if you just can?t stand it ? the Need Help ASAP section, or this thread, or go into chat -** and remember, YOU CAN DO THIS!*The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
Teardrop: I can't tell you how many day 1's I've had before & after MWO. However, after MWO there haven't been nearly as many day 1's within a one week period. Don't ever stop coming to MWO. That's tantemount to beginning the slide down that slippery slope.
Right now I'm not counting. I'm doing well, but I feel like the counting is a jinx for me in some ways. For me the ODAT approach is working, so I'm not tampering w/a good thing.
I'm sober now & plan on being sober tomorrow.
MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
sheepish - along with the cranberry and soda, have a couple of toothpicks with slices of lemon/lime/ cherries/pineapple and maybe some of those little paper cocktail umbrellas - a friend of mine (who has my best interests at heart!) brought some along to a party I was at last week where I knew there was going to be limited AF options. It was so kind of her! This was in the context of a party where there were "birthday specials". I stuck them in my sparkling water, coloured with something blue to go along with the other birthday specials! (I have no idea what that was, but I was assured it was safe!!) and everyone wanted an umbrella too!!
off to the gym at the end of the day ......... yay its the weekend!!!! (sorry DG, you have to wait a few more hours yet!!!)
mNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
July ? Hope you have a great holiday ? sounds like a thoroughly wonderful, deeply relaxing get away. I?m sure there will be many times you will pause in what you are doing, and take a big breathe of that fresh air, and just smile at how your life has changed. You deserve it, my friend.
Mary ? Ditto ? hope your holiday is fabulous. And with no Al around you can just relax, and not have to think about strategies to avoid drinking ? and just enjoy.
Teardrop ? Glad you are done with the fugly green suit. It gets seriously itchy if you wear it for too long! Hope you are feeling more settled. I know when I blew my AF stretch last year ? roughly about the same days as you had ? I felt pretty bad about it. I guess because I had been so proud of it ? is that what?s going on with you? Because, really, it?s not so much about how many days you have, as the things you have learned, and the changes that you made. Instead of feeling bad, feel proud about how much better off you are now than you were say, 70 days ago. No comparison, right? Enjoy your concert ? I am fugly green with envy!
Spedtech, GOOD LUCK in the triathlon!!!!! Be sure to keep us up to date!!!!!:goodluck:
Louise ? Gee, I think it is cheaper to get my dog?s teeth cleaned than the assortment of goodies your dog cleans his teeth on!!!! :H The only thing she chews (eats, actually) are lypsyl and Kleenex or toilet paper. I have seen her go through purses that guests have innocently left on the floor, and artfully steal their Kleenex, or go through their coat pockets if they leave them hanging on the back of a chair or something. And we don?t have toilet paper ON the roll anywhere, it has to sit up on the back of the tank, out of reach! But doesn?t seem to keep her teeth clean! And thanks for the comments on the hairdo ? it?s actually okay now, but I don?t recommend the process! Hmmmmm?..eating breakfast in a restaurant while someone cleans my house??I could go for that!
Gelgit ? Oh so glad you didn?t have to leave! I am sending up prayers to the big guy for rain ( but no lightening!) for you! Sure wish we could ship you some of ours ? lots of people around here had their cars written off last week, because of the flooding. Life is so often about extremes. Take care, and hope you stay safe.
Hi Mame! Enjoy your quiet time tomorrow with hubby away.
Endgame ? So glad your back is feeling better, and you are able to exercise again. Makes such a difference, doesn?t it?
Hiya DG! I just got a message on my phone that the Curves has some of the proper tags in now. So will be booking my appointment on the computerized torture circuit! Actually, I have been guilty this week of not even getting there, just have had something come up every day that sorta pushed it aside ? and I hate that! Usually I go in the afternoon, because I am so not a morning person, but I think I may have to start forcing myself to get up and go, because as my life gets busier, just seems there is no time later on. Hope your hormones in a bottle are all you are hoping they will be! (Now, that sounds funny!).
Well, talk at ya tomorrow ? have a good night, everybody.The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
Thank you so much for your replies Hannah, Aunty Mame and So Thankful- I will try them all! Have the L Glut and I like what you said Hannah about the determination part. I think for me that is a huge component. I need to make the decision and stick to it-
Ooooo- and that suit is not my color. Must avoid at all costs.
Off to bed now. Night all.
See you tomorrow
- Sheep
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
Wow, there's lots happening on the thread. I'll have to come back and update myself. This is a quick hi before I plunge into computer land. My anti-virus programme has expired, and I'm paranoid all the hackers will find me today. But the new security programme requires updates to other programmes first that it would otherwise interfere with. I have a feeling this is going to be a long story, and I'm not a geek! Otherwise I'm doing good, day 45 AF. Welcome to all new BBs - we can do this!
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
bouncing back!!
Hi all,
Just like to say thank you all... you are all so wonderful people.
Hannah... i think the way i feel is low i know AL dont agree with me in the way it makes me feel about myself. maybe to tell you the truth if im honest with myself i think im suffring with a bit of depression, it wired you know it there even after 60days af i thought it would change. Anyway going to get st john wart today....kaddy did mention that she swear they work. no arm in trying. your dog so cute.... Now i dont want to be the blame of your back side now, ok i take that back!
to everyone please have a good friday.:l
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23
Good Day Booze Busters!!!!
:colorwelcome: sheepish!!! Even if mods is your longer term goal, RJ strongly recommends 30 days AF in any case, so YOU have ARRIVED at the right place!! Boy I can relate to weekend parties at your home. Mr. Doggy and I host dog training every Saturday, which for many of the people just wouldn't be dog training without beer afterwards. I used to "sneak" drinks (ya right - nobody knew...uh huh...) all day long. I used to get SO worked up and nervous about Saturdays that I think I was destined to fail just because of giving AL so much "power" over me in my head. Now I truly just try to take it like any other day - it's gonna be AF - and have my tools on hand for support:
1) AF beverages that I like!! (I will try to find the AF beverage thread in the General Conversation area and bump it up - check out the Louise Special ginger / mint drink!) I LOVE Mame's idea of having some fruits and sticks and umbrellas and festive stuff available! I bet that would be fun as a "decorate your drink" buffet - regardless of whether the drinks have AL or not. (I'm a kid at heart!!)
2) I leave my computer on in my home office so I can sneak off to MWO and "touch the life line" once in awhile if needed - to remind myself why AF is so important to me.
3) Take the supplements that work for you!!! L-Glut, Kudzu, and some GABA used to be my tools (I really liked the slight mood lift of GABA). Now I take L-Tryptophan instead of all three of those. Each person seems to be different - so use whatever works!!
YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You will be SO proud of yourself when you get through Sunday AF. And we will be right here to celebrate with you!!
sothankful, good to see your post!! Keep hangin' in there.
Mary, it's great to see you posting here more too!!
Mame - you just HAVE to rub it in that it's already weekend for you!!! :nutso: Hope you had a good workout at the gym. Bet you are ramping up your training now too for the duathlon.
Hannah, that's why I have to work out in the AM's - if I try to do it later in the just doesn't happen. I can't wait until I'm not the only Abberciser being tortured at Curves by a dang computer!!!!
Pamina, congrats on 45 days - WOO HOO!!! I feel your pain having to enter the world of geekdom to update your anti-virus and all that. Personally, I am living proof that you can spend your whole adult career selling computer stuff knowing nothing about it.(Mr. Doggy on the other hand.....) Best wishes for SMOOTH updating.
Teardrop!!!! I'm so happy to see you here today with "bouncing back" as the title of your message!!! Wow - TOMORROW is Bon Jovi, right?? I would so be throwing myself at his feet making a fool of myself!!! Are you bringing your camera? We want pictures!!! I hope you have LOTS of fun tomorrow.
Well, it's day 37 Absolutely Fabulous Hangover Free. The hormones came last night in the mail and I took my first dose about an hour ago. We shall see how the day goes!! I'm so aggravated with having several days out of the last 2 weeks without one of our vehicles. They were both in on different days to have regular maintenance, then we are adding a propane injection system to the big truck which should improve fuel utilization among other things. First one of the parts didn't come in, then the standard brackets didn't fit, etc. etc. so a one day job has turned into a 3.5 day job. HOPEFULLY we will be picking it up this morning and be back to having both vehicles again. I WANT MY FREEDOM BACK!! I can't believe I spent years as a prisoner in my own home because my head was in the bottle. Now a few days being a prisoner with no wheels is driving me nuts. MY how life changes when you dump AL!!!!
I'll be off soon to my 7AM friday meeting. See you all later!! Plan for a great AF HF weekend!!!!
Celebrating 37 Hangover Free Days
:award: + *******Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.